Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 52: The art of killing

   "Big brother, the captain was killed."

   "Second brother, the captain was killed by someone."

   The death of Captain Sand Shinobu caused some commotion among the enemies who attacked the supplies. However, it soon sank like a stone into the sea. It is possible for anyone to die on the battlefield, and everyone can only turn grief and anger into strength.

   Of course, it is more likely to turn grief and anger into escape. After all, even the captain is dead, what do you want?

   And Uchiha Tatsu, who was the instigator, did not pay attention to all this at all at this time, he had already rushed to the enemy's flank.

   No one can stop his killing at this time.

   Uchiha Tatsun was running, and then he hooked his right hand in the Ninja bag beside his leg, and he held several shurikens in his hands.

   His running speed didn't even stop, and he didn't exert any force in his hands. The cutting power under the speed bonus instantly cut the necks of several unfortunate enemy ninjas accurately.

  The Konoha Ninja who was fighting with him, without even noticing it, saw the enemy falling down softly.

   "Is this...Is it because I awakened the super **** boundary?" He stared at his hand and was shocked.


   It seems that there are a lot of talents in the Ninja world. There are not only missionaries, rappers, and shemales, but now there is an abstract paranoid.

   Uchiha Tatsuno did not talk to him either. In this kind of chaos, you must not stay in the same place, you must keep moving. In his previous life, Uchiha Tatsuro also fought gang fights and tore up, he understood the truth.

   So after killing the opponent, he didn't even stop, so he rushed straight to the other enemies.

   This is a sturdy sand ninja. From the first impression, you can know that he is a ninja who is good at power.

   The other party also didn't pay attention to Uchiha Tatsu's performance at all. After noticing that the ninja kid came at him, he showed a cruel smile. Then the long sword in his hand slashed hard at Uchiha Tatsu.

   Uchiha Tatsun slightly changed direction to avoid the enemy's long sword, and then raised the right hand Kunai to block the enemy's attack.


   The enemy's long sword suddenly stagnated.

   Taking advantage of this moment, Uchiha Tatsu's left **** curled slightly, and then quickly flicked on the back of the knife. Nasha Shinobu was full of horror, because he couldn't hold the long knife over there!

   Uchiha Chen held the back of the knife with his left hand, strode forward, and then he took the entire knife with ease.

   Naza Shinobu turned around when he saw this situation and backed away.

   But a ninja with this size and good at power can generally be judged as not good at speed. After all, the entire Ninja World is as strong and fast as Raikage, how many more can there be?

   This sand hidden ninja is obviously not such an almighty existence. He belongs to the general category, and speed is indeed his weakness. When playing against him, speed became Uchiha Tatsu's domain.

   As Uchihatatsu's arm rose, the long knife in his hand was slammed into Sand Shinobu's chest. Blood ran down from the opponent's chest and mouth without money.

   Uchiha Tatsu who drew his long sword formed a chidori on his right hand. Immediately, Uchiha Tatsu's illusion attack struck, and a grinning spirit penetrated through his chest without the slightest effort. Then he thrust his arm forward against the enemy's corpse at a speed of about ten meters!

  His body shrank behind the enemy's corpse, and the shurikens and Kumai flying on the battlefield did not cause any damage to him.

   Relying on the dynamic vision of the writing wheel eye, Uchiha Tatsuno quickly selected the second target. The advancing ability that Lei Dun gave him caused the second enemy to be pierced by the Thousand Birds without any response.

   Uchiha Tatsuro, like a bulldozer, penetrated three ninjas in succession on the battlefield.

   After a series of sudden attacks on his companions, the fourth enemy has already reacted. The long sword in his hand, ignoring the two undead companions, directly penetrated their bodies and pierced the Uchiha Tatsu who was hiding behind!

   Uchiha Tatsu squatted quickly with his head tilted, and at the same time the long knife in his hand passed through the corpse.

   The two long knives collided in the corpse, making a muffled noise.

   "The Thousand Birds Sharp Gun."

   Lei Dun followed the two long knives and shot directly at the sand. The man opposite made a muffled snort.

"Puff puff!"

   At this time, three soft sounds suddenly came out.

   The three kunai hit the three corpses of Uchiha Tatsumi as a shield, but this time Uchiha Tatsumi did not turn a deaf ear to Kunai's attack, but immediately jerked his hands and moved away.

   After all, the bitter smell of gunpowder and flashing smoke are not just for fun.

   Sure enough, on the rings behind these kunai, there is a thin wire tied to a detonation talisman. If you are bombed by this thing, you will be seriously injured if you don't die.

   It seems that Sand Shinobu doesn't care about his companion's body, just to kill him. This is the war between ninjas!


   After a loud noise, the blood rain spilt on Uchiha Tatsun's side and stuck to his clothes, but he didn't care.

Uchiha Tatsu’s body was thrown away by the blast of air, and when he drew a small arc in the air~www.readwn.com~ When it emerged from the smoke and dust of the explosion, the three Sand Shinobu rushed into the air at the same time. he.

   "Wind escape·Vacuum jade."

   Uchiha Tatsuno ejected several high-pressure wind **** from his mouth to attack the enemy. At the same time, because of the wind escape, his body quickly drifted farther, avoiding the enemy's ninjutsu against him.

   The three Sand Shinobu who attempted to attack him, just jumped up, they were hit by the vacuum jade directly in the air.

  Uchihasatsu, who had dealt with his opponent, pulled out several shurikens on his arms and legs.

   Although the detonation talisman just did not cause him substantial damage, it threw him into the air, and when in the air, it was difficult to avoid all the shuriken things.

   Uchiha Tatsu looks around. At this time some tricky ninjas have been solved by him. So he is going to leave here.

   After all, Water Gate is not the kind of inexperienced rookie, whether it is cooperation or ninjutsu, they have surpassed the ninja of the same level too much. Those tricky ninjas have been solved, and the rest is enough to hone them.

   Behind the army at this time, Shumo was entangled with several elites while protecting the wounded Konoha.

   "I'll go over there and support Master Shumo." Uchiha Tatsuno yelled and left quickly.



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