Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 58: Tricky find

Under the leadership of Shengshu, a few people found a decent hotel and stayed in. After all, several days of investigation also made them a little tired.

After Uchiha Tatsun told Mizumon that they had a good rest, they slipped out quietly.

Of course, when he slipped out, he didn't want to go out alone. As a successor to Naruto, Uchiha Tatsuno has always performed well in ideological education.

But it would be hard to say if it was Sannin who came to perform the task. As a trio of pornography, gambling and drugs, the first thing Jilaida came to was probably to go straight to a certain red light district to inquire about information. If it is Tsunade, he has already started investigations in several casinos. As for Dashemaru, he said that child trafficking is more attractive to him.

Therefore, it is really hard to find a captain like Uchiha Tatsumi who is working hard to search for intelligence in a serious and responsible attitude.

But Uchiha Tatsuno said he didn't want this either. Although this task is only Grade B difficulty, it lacks intelligence and involves a wide range of areas, so he can only investigate it himself.

As for the three teammates, they may be very good in the future, but now...they are all cured chickens.

After going out, Uchiha Tatsuno realized that there were very few pedestrians at night. But this is also inseparable from the ongoing war. So he waited a long time before he found a pedestrian passing by.

After easily controlling the opponent with illusion, Uchiha Tatsuo simply asked the address of a large chamber of commerce in the capital from the opponent's mouth.

During the investigation, the monogram of a chamber of commerce has been determined, so other large chambers of commerce must know this chamber of commerce. This is Uchiha's plan.

After Uchiha Tatsu unlocked the illusion, the pedestrian continued to hurried forward as if nothing had happened.

It’s already late, and he has to rush home to sleep. Now in the capital city, ordinary people like him may seem to be rich in people outside, but it is undeniable that in this kind of city, he Still belong to the ruled and oppressed class.

After this person left, Uchiha Tatsuno walked out of the dark corner. Now that he knew the detailed address, he was confident that he could learn more information from the population in charge of this chamber of commerce.

Jumping from the roof without grandiose, Uchiha Tatsumi followed the most basic secrets of the ninja, basically walking in the dark alleys in the capital. The specific route was just told when the pedestrian was controlled by the illusion. .

So in a short period of time, he had already approached this chamber of commerce.

By the time this chamber of commerce was reached, it was already more than ten o'clock in the evening. At the time when this ordinary merchant had closed for rest, the chamber was still in a brightly lit state.

It's very simple to sneak in from somewhere on the third floor with windows open. Because of the lights on, sneaking in such a wooden house also loses its due role.

The generous Uchiha Tatsu opened the door of the room directly from the inside. Anyway, under the influence of the brilliant infrared perception, the actions of a large range of people could not escape his perception.

He quickly inspected the three floors of the attic completely, and did not find a living person, even a little useful information.

Are they all below?

With this thought, he quickly went down to the second floor.

Sure enough, just as he thought, the sound of people moving came from the deepest part of the second floor.

And in the corridors, many samurai and wandering ninjas were placed as guards.

After Uchiha Tatsumi appeared, the guards gathered like a tide and surrounded him at a very fast speed.

There are a lot of people, but they are ordinary people with relatively strong bodies, and there are many ninjas in them, but their strength is not very good.

These ninjas do not have the shelter of the Ninja Village or the Ninja, and basically use their own strength to accept tasks in the underground trading market or accept the employment of ordinary people in order to earn commissions to support themselves.

Since they have not received the orthodox ninja training and teaching, they also have no access to advanced ninjutsu as ninjas with low qualifications. Generally speaking, their strength is either miserable or particularly miserable.

Of course, for ordinary people, their strength can be said to be very powerful, even more powerful than most samurai.

But in front of the ninjas who came out of the regular village, they were not enough to see, let alone the existence of Uchiha Tatsumi's strength.

Therefore, Uchiha Tatsun only used an illusion to put these people down easily.

After letting everyone go, Uchiha Tatsuno also swaggered to the door, then broke in with ease, and directly controlled the three chambers of commerce chairpersons sitting at the table with illusion.

So the writing wheel eye is really easy to use. Although Uchiha Tatsumi said that he has a hundred ways to torture, but the efficiency will be much worse.

And those who had won the illusion of writing round eyes, they were basically in a state of obedience to Uchiha Tatsu's orders.

After getting the required information, Uchiha Tatsun suddenly felt a little tricky. Fortunately, he came to investigate in advance. If he performed the mission directly, he might suffer a big loss.

He didn't expect this incident to involve the Guardian Ninja Twelve Shi. The Twelve Shouninshi are the twelve elite ninjas responsible for protecting the daimyo of the country of fire, and are the daimyo's private, independent and direct troops. This is already a huge force.

He wasn't afraid of a few people, but if twelve people played together, Uchiha Tatsuno would not be an opponent.

Preparing to leave Uchiha Tatsuno didn't mean to solve these three people. If they are all killed, they will be discovered tomorrow, which will have a great impact on the mission. And when they wake up, they will forget what just happened.

Uchiha Tatsuo quickly left the chamber of commerce from the window, and he was at full speed, and he returned to where he lived in just a minute.

"came back?"

It was already close to twelve o'clock, and Mizumon, who had not yet slept, greeted Uchiha Tatsumi when he came back.

Not only that, but even the rope tree was waiting for him to come back without sleeping.

Uchiha Tatsuno, who jumped from the window, nodded and glanced at them strangely.

"Didn't you have a good rest today? Why do you stay up so late again."

"How can the captain go out to perform the task, the team members are lying in the room to sleep." Rope Tree rolled his eyes.

Hey~www.readwn.com~ What is the look in your eyes? How old am I, will I be the one to visit the red light district? Uchiha Tatsu was unable to complain.

"I just went out to collect the necessary information." Uchiha Tatsun explained quickly.

If Yushuo "accidentally" or "inadvertently" said something in front of Mikoto tomorrow, Uchiha Tatsuno should not think about it.

"Anything to find?" Watergate asked quickly.

"I found that there are some. Tomorrow I will tell you the details of some tasks." Uchiha Tatsuno nodded.

"Then talk about it tomorrow." Seeing Uchiha Tatsun's words, Mizumon also lay down on the bed.

It's just that the rope tree is still sighing, obviously obsessed with the little sister of Daming Mansion.

This made Uchiha Tatsuo a little puzzled. Wasn't the rope tree only seven years old the last time he came, was he already so mature in this respect at that time?


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