Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 78: Curse from Tsunade Hime

The night is dim and charming.

The two shadows were drawn long under the illumination of the street lamps. The two on the road continued to walk silently, as if they did not know each other.

"Tsunade-sensei, why don't you change back. I'm not used to you like this."

Uchiha Tatsun finally couldn't bear this awkward atmosphere.

Tsunade shook his head and said, "If you change back, you will come to me for an autograph in five minutes. As a hero, I also need a little personal space."

Uchiha Tatsun rolled his eyes when he heard this, and it was the first time he heard how fresh and refined it was.

It’s just that you have to admit that what people are telling is the truth. Both are heroes, why is the gap so big? Tsunade had to sign and give gifts wherever he went, and the dishes for a day's walk were all complete. But as for him, not many people seem to know what it looks like.

It seems that Konoha's publicity is not in place, and the relevant departments are not doing well.

While thinking wildly, Uchiha Tatsumi secretly observed Tsunade's face. She seems to be particularly interested today, otherwise she wouldn't take a leisurely stroll here, and she will transform into a ten-year-old appearance.

Although the atmosphere is a bit embarrassing, as long as Tsunade is not angry. Pretending to be an adult, and being arrested by the other party, it is impossible for Uchiha Tatsuno to say that he is not afraid. After all, the reputation of the "Violence Gang" is outside. Just look at the violence that Jilaiya has suffered over the years and you will understand it all.

"What do you think of the team now?"

Tsunade turned around abruptly, and caught a falling leaf with his soft palm.

Uchiha Tatsun thought for a while and said, "It's good, the players are all excellent."

Is it because you want to be the shopkeeper and hand over the members of your team to him? Uchiha Tatsuno had to guard against this move, after all, Kusina had said this more than once.

"I'm asking if your current team is still short of people?"


Uchiha Tatsuno sighed, and then quickly waved his hand to indicate that there is no shortage. Three people are enough for him, and if there are three more, he will be ready to go home and eat dirt.

"But as far as I know, when your team members are performing tasks, they get injured a lot."


Tsunade's words made him a little confused.

"Chen, don't you think there is still a medical ninja missing in your team? Every mission will be injured, but there is no medical ninja who can treat it in time. Would it be more convenient if there is a medical ninja?"

Uchiha Tatsuno was taken aback. He remembered that in the original work, Tsunade proposed that all teams should have a medical ninja after the death of Rope Tree to reduce the casualties of the ninja during the mission.

But now Noeki is not dead, why did Tsunade still mention this reform? This is unscientific. Could it be that other relatives of her died?

"Teacher, has something happened?"

"No." Tsunade shook his head, "I just saw you and your contemporaneous ninjas today.

Tsunade looked in the direction of the tavern, and said, "When I became Shimonin at the same time, I once had dinner together like you."

"It's only now that more than ten years have passed. Most of them... are already dead." Tsunade was a little sad.

"So, don't you think that reform is already imperative?"

In fact, she didn't want to talk about it. I told Da She Wan before, but Da She Wan gave her a negative answer. Tsunade also understands that in this kind of war, it is impossible for the three generations of Hokage to agree to such a proposal. So she could only let this idea go for a while.

Just seeing these young ninjas today, Tsunade remembered his lost youth again.

Why did she learn medical ninjutsu? In the beginning, it was the shock caused by the death of Grandpa Senjujuma. Since then, she has been thinking about learning medical ninjutsu and saving all the people she knows.

It's just that the shock of reality is huge. Parents and relatives are constantly dying, and the family has turned from prosperity to decline and now there are only three or two kittens. She has already recognized the reality. Now it is her goal to rescue more ninjas, but not many people support it.

It would be great if Ji Lai also had that idiot, he would definitely support himself.

Tsunade sighed. The wanton breath around him reminded Uchiha Tatsu of the scene when Uzumaki Mito was drinking. He really didn't want to say that vulgar adjective, but at this moment he still felt Tsunade...a little lonely.

"So what does the teacher want me to do?"

Tsunade took him out for a walk, naturally he didn't want him to comfort him. If you want to think like this, and give a ten-year-old Tsunade a kill, then you are not far from death.

"Next time I go to the Shinobu meeting, I hope you can take the initiative to propose this plan." Tsunade smiled treacherously.

If the rope tree dies, Tsunade will naturally desperately present this plan at the Shangnin meeting. But the situation is different now. As a result of the butterfly effect, she is going to find someone to try the water for herself~www.readwn.com~ to see everyone's attitude. If the water is too hot or too deep, she can't go down temporarily.

"...Why me?" Uchiha Tatsumi finally suffocated such a sentence.

"You have the right to speak. If the rope tree is Shangren, I will find him, but unfortunately he is not. And the other Shangren have no direct relationship with me. You are my disciple, so it is just right." I spread my hands.

She wanted to find Jilaiya, but Jilaiya was still drinking rainwater in the country of rain.

"...In other words, I'm the only one to ask?"

"It's not a request, you did it voluntarily. And once you do it, everyone will definitely support you."

Flicker, then flicker.

Uchiha Tatsuno still remembers that in the original work, it seemed that Kato Tan was the only one supporting Tsunade, and even Osha Maru did not support her.

Keng disciple, he decided to find a reason to tactfully refuse Tsunade.

Thinking of this, Tsunade, who was holding sake in his left hand, suddenly approached, and while Uchiha Tatsu was still staying, he lightly touched his forehead.

"Think of it as a thank you gift, kid."

Tsunade smiled, and then left alone along the mottled street.

Uchiha Tatsuno's face quickly turned red. Of course he knew that Tsunade didn't mean anything else, it was the same as Naruto's forehead, but he simply regarded him as a younger brother...

....and many more!

The person Tsunade kissed his forehead didn't seem to have a good end. The rope tree was blown to death by the detonating talisman, and Kato Den also died. If Naruto had not had the protagonist's halo, he would have died hundreds of times...

In other words, is it a curse from Tsunade? Uchiha Tatsuno only felt his forehead chill.


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