Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 109: Dawn of Rain

   is back again, the land of rain...

   Chiaki, like Nagato, dislikes the weather in this country.

   Rainy days are very depressing, especially after the cat gets wet with water, the body becomes heavy, and it runs as heavy as the limbs are filled with lead, and it is not as fast and smooth as usual.

   In addition, the rain will wash away the smell and affect its tracking and reconnaissance, which always makes the cat feel less safe than usual.

  So after entering the country of rain, Qianming basically hid in Lin's raincoat.

  It's not because of its color, but because Lin has a small body, and the inside of the raincoat is a little looser. If the raincoat is covered with soil, there may be no room for movement at all, and Lin has a small nest for the medical box.

   After entering the country of rain, there was no trouble along the way.

   All the way to the border area, everyone slowed down.

   "Teacher, what should I do next?"

   Kakashi looked at Namikaze Minato.

   Further ahead is a hill without rain. It is the junction of the Three Kingdoms. There must be a lot of ninjas lurking, and among those people, there must be perception ninjas who are good at reconnaissance.

   "I remember how many small ninja dogs you have? You channel them all, and then I will mark them one by one, and then you and Qianming will lead the team to sneak over there. Remember, you must ensure safety."

   Wave Wind Minato said solemnly.


   Kakashi nodded, then looked at Chiaki who was hiding in Nohara Rin's raincoat.

   "Meow~ Minato-sensei, if there is an enemy, don't take a step further. When Kakashi and I are sliced ​​up and you come back, it will be a big loss."

   Qianming jumped under Kakashi's raincoat, trying his best to keep his hair from getting wet, and seeing Minato Nakamo couldn't help but complain.

  Obito and Nohara Rin both wiped the sweat for the black cat after hearing this, that is, Minato-sensei has a good temper, and if he listened to another bad tempered Junin, he might have to slice the dead cat.

   "Uh... how could it be, Kakashi, you should also take a kunai."

After listening to   Namifeng Minato, he took out a unique kunai from his pocket.

   "Let's go."

   Kakashi picked it up, and then quickly went to the edge of the rain country. After the raindrops on his head decreased, Qianming jumped out of his raincoat, and Kakashi channeled two small ninja dogs.

   One is Chiaki's old friend Parker, and the other is Yasuke.

  Yasuke is also a small dog. He can also speak human words. His reconnaissance ability should be worse than that of Parker, but his strength is much higher.

  Kakashi is about to give orders, at this time...

   "Meow~ Meow... Meow?"


   Qianming barked a few times, and then the two silly dogs nodded fiercely to show their understanding.

  The dog can understand the cat meow, what kind of operation is this...

   Then, Qianming used the transformation technique to change the coat color to a camouflage color that suits this mountain forest. The two dogs glanced at them and ran to Kakashi and wagged their tails.

   Although he did not speak, the meaning is self-evident.

   Kakashi was stunned for a moment, and then the Chakra, who controlled them, used the transformation technique for them, and then he used the transformation technique to change the whole body into the same color as Qianming.

  The camouflage cat nodded heavily, then ran into the forest and walked along the jungle towards the mountain forest.

   "Kakashi is becoming more and more like a normal ninja."

   Namikaze Minato sighed slightly.

   When he first saw Kakashi's profile, he felt that he was a problem child. Although he was talented, he was quite a fatal link to the team.

   I thought this class was not easy to lead, but after forming the class, it was unexpectedly reliable, completely beyond his expectations.

   "That's because of Qianming, Kakashi found that his talent is not as good as that of cats, and he was occasionally rescued by cats and us, so he was not as arrogant at the beginning."

   Obito tilted his head and pouted, disdain for Kakashi's change.

  Namikaze Minato and Nohara Rin laughed at the same time. After that, Minato looked forward and made a gesture to follow. Kakashi and the others had already walked some distance.

   "Go ahead and the country of rain will emerge."


   Qianming responded to Kakashi's sentence, and then drilled forward cautiously. After the country of rain is the territory of Sand Ninja and Iwanin, and it is also the area that they are currently monitoring.

  Cats and dogs can burrow through the jungle, and Kakashi gently jumps from above, which is not difficult for him.

   came all the way, it was calm.

   However, not long afterward, Qianming and the other two dogs stopped at the same time.

  The smell of people!


   Parker sniffed carefully, then raised his paw.

   "Can you track it?"

   "The orientation is different."

   Qianming explained that although the smell is very light, judging from their condition, the other party should have split up and walked to both sides, which is very unfavorable for tracking.

   Kakashi squatted down, feeling worried for a while.

   It is efficient to do it separately, but there is only one Namikaze Minato. If there is a problem on both sides, he can't be saved. After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go here, you go there, if you encounter danger..."


  The cat's paw slapped it directly on the head, and both Parker and Yasuke were taken aback for a moment - dare to punch Kakashi like this, society, cat brother!

  Qianming glanced at both sides, then pointed to the side with the stronger smell and said, "What is the danger? All go this way."


   Kakashi wanted to refute, but seeing Qianming's eyes staring at him, he held back for a long time and finally nodded.

  I can't help it, I can't beat it if I'm restrained.

   Facts have proved that the big fist has the right to speak.

   They tracked in this direction. Since they were well hidden, no one found them on the road, but after tracking them through their breath, Qianming felt a chill in his heart.

   There are two people in front.

   This is not important, the important thing is that one of them has red hair and the other has blue hair. Although he didn't see his face, Qian Ming could already feel a coolness coming from his back and under his body.

   Nagato, Konan!

   A certain black and white must not be hiding somewhere to peek, right?

   Of course, the absolute yin returns to the yin, but it is not a threat to them, but Nagato has the eye of reincarnation, and has the blood of the vortex family, so the perception ability is definitely not much worse.

   was definitely discovered!

  Qianming didn't dare to speak, so he turned his head and ran away.

   Kakashi was stunned for a while, and just wanted to keep up, but Yasuke next to him suddenly flew away...

   The next second, the two people standing over there turned into a pile of paper and flew towards them.

   is all clones.

   At this point, Kakashi understood in seconds - they were exposed.


   He quickly canceled the psychic effects of Yasuke and Parker, and then directly turned on the state of Thunder Chakra to escape.

   This kind of ability to take the target away in the air is definitely not something they can deal with.

   But next second.

   The pile of paper flew in front of them, and before Kakashi could understand what was going on, he saw Qianming immediately changed his direction and ran to the other side.

   Fortunately, at this time, Namikaze Minato arrives.

The    sheets of paper overlapped and merged, and finally turned into a blue-haired woman, while on the other side, Nagato with a killer long bangs appeared behind a big tree not far away.

   "Ninja of Konoha?"

   Xiaonan frowned and stopped attacking.

   They learned a lot of ninjutsu from Jiraiya's teaching, and Konoha and Yuyin Village are allies, so they naturally have a feeling for Konoha now.

   Qianming was very happy at first when he saw Minato Namikaze, but quickly hurriedly said, "There is one more."


   Namikaze Minato's expression changed, and Qianming disappeared directly from his eyes in the next second.


the other side.

When   Qianming was channeled, he saw that the cat had already taken away a few ninjas from Yuyin Village. Nohara Rin had just finished using the psychic technique, and was about to use the technique of messy lion hair to help Obito and Maomau.

   The worst thing is Obito. He faced off against the leader of the opponent, and after a short fight, he was already on the cards, and the opponent was Akatsuki's leader Yahiko!


  Qianming screamed angrily, his body suddenly grew larger, and the hairs all over his body stretched out one by one, with a faint blue light on the tips of the hairs.

   This is a combination ninjutsu of the lion hair technique and cat hair needle.

   At the same time, Lin's hair was hidden in the cat's fur and quietly swept away towards Yahiko.


Seeing this technique, Yahiko's face suddenly changed. After a loud shout, a group of ninjas quickly retreated, forming a seal while retreating. After retreating two or three steps, a barrier composed of water blocked Obito's Huo Dun and Lin's. hair.

   But Qianming's cat hair was not blocked.

The piercing effect of   Wind Tun made it pass through the water wall without any hindrance. The rain ninjas quickly blocked it with umbrella weapons, but at this moment, the umbrellas were all pierced.

   At this time, the cat hair also reached the end of the force, and was instantly canceled by Qianming, but the huge water column wrapped in the wind chakra and instantly blasted them towards them.

   A bunch of rain forbearance scattered, Yahiko bearing the brunt, almost failed to dodge.

After the   Ichi fight, both sides understood each other's strengths, but what surprised Yahiko most was the ninjutsu technique of Nohara Rin, which made hair grow and bind the enemy.

   "What's your relationship with Teacher Jiraiya?"

   Teacher Jiraiya?

   A hint of surprise flashed in Nohara Rin's eyes, and she immediately grabbed Obito who wanted to cooperate with Qianming to continue the attack~www.readwn.com~ After thinking about it, she felt that she could not relax her vigilance.

   Jiraiya is also well-known in the ninja world. There are not a few people who recognize his signature ninjutsu. Who can guarantee that this is not a way for the enemy to let them relax their vigilance?

   She couldn't take risks, so she pulled Obito and slowly retreated.

  Qianming and the cat guarded the intersection again from left to right. These two big guys were here, and Yahiko didn't dare to let the rainyin below chase after them.

  For the time being, the situation is deadlocked.

   After retreating to a safer position, Lin just opened her mouth to answer the question just now: "My teacher is a disciple of Lord Jiraiya."

   "So, what are you doing here?"

  Yahiko thought that Nagato and Konan were sent to the other side by him to scout the situation in Sandyin Village, and Konoha's Joinin and the other boy didn't seem to have returned, so he frowned slightly and couldn't help worrying.

   Nagato's ability is not worried, but Xiaonan...

   Yahiko clenched his fists, and then put his hands behind him, as if he was going to chat with Nohara Rin and Obito, but in fact those two hands had already been secretly sealed.

   No matter whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend, in order to ensure the safety of teammates, you must capture one or two first, so that you can turn around and replace the hostages - although Qianming and Mao are difficult to deal with, but it is no problem to bypass them and grab the injured Obito.

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