Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 126: Can Naruto kill you?

Under Qianming's order, Zhili turned her hair into pink, not because she likes the color, but at the moment she can only do it so far, and she needs further exercise and mastery to change into more colors.

Pink is not so eye-catching in the ninja world. As long as she is not seen through the transformation technique, she doesn't have to worry about being caught.

However, the transformation technique is not a high-end camouflage technique, it is just the foundation of the basics.

Ori was very clear that she was not safe.

She would not be truly safe until the black cat came back and fulfilled its promise to send her to a paradise full of cats. Before that, she had to shrink her body to avoid being seen.

In order to prevent anyone from doubting, Qianming asked her to take off her turban, and then walked with her in various garbage dumps for a while, and even went to shake in front of the few grass ninja villagers, so that they could see the pink hair under the turban.

After a series of operations, it feels like it should be fine.

As long as Zhili doesn't commit suicide, there is basically no possibility of being caught, but if she wants to commit suicide, who is to blame, even Qianming won't dare to help her anymore.

After leaving Zhili, the black cat circled the town again.

It found that there were one or two more ninjas in the town. Although they were all just shinobi, they looked more powerful. Two of them were new arrivals. Qianming followed them and found that they had returned to their home.

Originally, it was going to leave because it was doing some unsightly things, but then the Kusanagi mentioned something to his wife.

"Didn't you take the mission?"

"Coming back is a task, so you don't need to ask more."

Although it is not a secret, Qian Ming thinks this sentence is very useful.

Back to the mission?

What other tasks can we have here? The tasks in the border area of ​​the Fire Country are basically under the control of Konoha, and the Grass Country has no ability to interfere.

This town is the first town to be passed through by the best way from the land of fire to the land of grass, so the so-called "mission" is obviously related to the land of fire.

However, the scale of the ninja dispatch is not large...

Only part of you want to deal with Konoha?

Qian Ming pondered for a while, and then decided to throw this problem to Naoki Moonlight to worry about. It would be fine if he was responsible for bringing the news. After that, he followed another ninja who had just returned home.

This one was rough. When he saw a cat stalking him, he turned his head angrily to frighten it.

Qian Ming had to pretend to be frightened and fled in a panic, and turned to secretly tracking.

But this guy didn't reveal anything, because he was a bachelor, and when he got home, he just drank. Other than that, he didn't do anything or say anything. Qianming cat waited for a while and wanted to wait for him to talk in his sleep, but found that this guy was drunk. no nonsense...

What should I do?

After thinking about it for a while, it turned into the one who was walking with him through the transformation technique, barely stood upright behind him, and then patted his shoulder.


The drunkard turned his head, his eyes were hazy, and he could only vaguely see someone standing behind, and this person looked familiar.

"You can't drink alcohol during the mission."

"Uh... it's the captain, me, I didn't drink, I didn't get drunk... Ren... isn't the mission, haven't the above been decided yet?"

He was talking in a confused way, many words were vague, and Qianming almost didn't understand.

But "not yet decided" it heard clearly.

"Even if you haven't decided, you can't drink. If the boss decides to attack, it's not an exaggeration to cut you in this state."

"Yes, yes... I, I'm going out to sober up. On the way, I saw a woman, a female beggar... She looks quite... uh!"

He was still talking nonsense, but Qianming walked over to face him, and then used the technique of Naraku to let him enter the illusion.

Originally drunk, plus it mentioned "attack" and "punishment", this ninja immediately fell into the illusion of being punished and beheaded.

Qian Ming was expressionless in front of him.

It stared at the other party for a long time, wandering in his heart between "kill" and "not killing for the time being", and finally decided to just throw a Naraku Seeing Technique and prepare to leave.

This guy is screaming, I'm afraid someone is coming.

The black cat was jumping out of the house, when he saw several figures rushing over quickly, looking at the appearance of a few Genin and the "captain" here.

The "captain" with an angry look on his face was obviously startled by the screams and rushed over in a hurry.

"Sir, he seems to..."

"Let me see."

The captain arrived, probed his nose, and then kicked the alcoholic angrily, but the alcoholic didn't even move.


Qian Ming was surprised, it just threw a trick of narcissism, can that thing also kill people!

Are you scared to death?

It was suspicious in its heart, and was afraid of what the other party would see, but after thinking about it, not every village has the secret techniques of the mountain family. possible.

After thinking for a while, the black cat left quickly.

Because it found that he had spent a lot of time at the drunkard's house, and it was late when he came out. If he didn't go to the moonlight and straight trees, he would have to wait until he got angry.

The "Fujii Restaurant" mentioned by Naoki Yueguang is very easy to find, because this one is on the side of the avenue, and there are many people who go there. Qianming saw it when he turned around for the first time.

After arriving here, it followed the smell to find it.

At first, Qian Ming thought that Naoki Yueguang might be waiting in the restaurant, but after searching for a long time, he found him in the back kitchen of the restaurant.

After sneaking in through the window, it stayed for a while.

What is Moonlight Zhishu doing?

Chop meat?

Is this what Jounin should do?

It got closer and was about to listen to what he was talking about, but Yueguang Zhishu turned around and said, "You're here."

"Meow~ what are you doing?"

"Chop the spices. I'm going to eat cat meat tonight. Now that it's all ready, just wait for the cat to come and cook."

Naoki Moonlight said expressionlessly.

Hehehe...you have to have this ability too.

Qian Ming didn't say anything, but the expression alone was enough to stimulate people. Naoki Yueguang almost swung a knife, but thinking of the task here, he sighed lightly and said, "Come with me."

Going out from the back kitchen, there is an underground wine cellar, and Naoki Yueguang brought Qianming to the wine cellar.

Obviously, the Fujii Restaurant is a hidden stake of Konoha.

"Two new ninjas arrived in the afternoon, and the other ninjas were also transferred recently. There were no ninjas stationed here before."

After Yueguang Naoki finished speaking, he stared at Qianming.

The meaning is obvious.

"Just these meows?"

Qian Ming shook his head and said, "They have a mission here. One of them was the captain today, but there was a small accident..."

It told Naoki Yueguang that it had transformed itself into an alcoholic and asked for information, including the fact that he used illusions to frighten him and accidentally scared the other party to death.

Of course, during the period, I naturally ignored the female beggars and Naraku's art of seeing, and only said that he had a special illusion.

Moonlight Naoki listened thoughtfully.

These messages are enough to prove that there is indeed a faction in Kusanagi Village that is against Iwanin, but the two factions are still arguing. If Konoha operates properly, this alliance will not necessarily be lost.

The news must be uploaded immediately!

But here comes the problem, he has no way to quickly send back the news. To do this, he can only send the shadow clone back, but the shadow clone consumes a lot of chakra, and it takes a lot of time to go back and forth...

"I can deliver the message, I have a psychic contract with Lin, and I can deliver the message meow~"

Qianming said slowly.


Naoki Yueguang was silent for a long time, and he really regretted why he came out with this cat.

Because of a comparison, he found that this cat was absolutely right before, it was indeed very versatile-except that it did not master medical ninjutsu, it could do almost everything a ninja could do, and it could do better.

Like this time.

He worked hard for a long time only to find out that the other party has a ninja transfer, but the black cat even has one of the other party's captains, and the above information has not been decided yet.

Is there something wrong with my ability~www.readwn.com~ or is there something wrong with it?

Yueguang Naoki couldn't help but doubt himself in his heart, but after a few seconds, he decided to write down the information first and let Qianming pass it back before thinking about other things.

Special scrolls are used for information transmission. He came out to do stealth and intelligence work. Naturally, there will be no shortage of these things.

Not long after, a piece of information was written down by him using Jiraiya's code. Qianming couldn't understand it at all, but he pretended to understand and nodded his approval on the side—

This special Joinin from the Moonlight family wanted to compare with it, so he must not let him see that he didn't understand this.

After a few minutes, he handed the scroll to the black cat.

Qian Ming pressed it under his claws, then took out the psychic blood contract and started to pretend. After a few seconds, it passed the scroll to Lin with the technique of flying thunder gods.

"Meow~ It's done!"

There is a seal on the intelligence scroll, so you don't have to worry about others peeking at it. After Rin gets it, she will definitely give it to Minato Namikaze, and then Minato will pass it to Jiraiya.

Yueguang Naoki didn't understand this operation, because Yueguang's family didn't have psychic beasts. To prevent exposing his ignorance, he nodded and said indifferently and coldly, "Let's go, go to the next place."


When he came out to do the task, Qian Ming didn't expect to be able to stay in one place to rest well, and this time he found the key information, and the credit was definitely not small.

As for the person in front of him, he is a professional escort. As long as he leads the way, there will still be soup.

Taking advantage of the night, they left the town and shrank even smaller in Zhili hiding not far from a garbage dump. She didn't know that she had escaped...


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