Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 164: Guerrilla Strategy in Hidden Mist Village

"Tell me, what's the situation?"

Tsunade sat down first, then pointed around the table, signaling everyone to sit down at will.

On the four sides of the table, Minato Namikaze, Fuyue and Qianming were just sitting on the other three sides, and sitting opposite Tsunade was naturally the leader Uchiha Fuyake.

But sitting at a table with a cat always feels that something is wrong.

"A lot of people have been dispatched from Wuyin Village. They are good at Wuyin's assassination technique. They attacked all over the coast without confronting us at all. Although we dispatched a lot of people after we got here, very few of them were caught. "

Fuyue said slowly.

"Guerrilla War Meow~"

Qian Ming couldn't help answering the question, but after speaking, he felt that what he said was inappropriate...

Who knows about guerrilla warfare these days.

"What is guerrilla warfare?"

Tsunade wanted to answer, but he was stunned when he heard what he said.

"Meow~ When our cats encounter a powerful enemy, they will deal with each other through trees and mountains. If they can beat them, they will climb trees and run away. This is guerrilla fighting."

Qian Ming adapted those theories and incorporated feline capturing skills.

"That said, it's really like the guerrilla warfare you said."

Everyone listened and nodded slightly after thinking about it for a second or two.

It really means that.

Wuyin Village uses guerrilla attacks and assassinations to contain Konoha's forces, but Konoha lacks overall planning, and the strength of the various clans cannot be integrated. This is the current predicament.

Tsunade thought for a few seconds, then slapped his hand and said, "Forget it, Minato, go and inform Hizu and Zhihe that we are going to hold a meeting and mix the three camps. If the location... ."

There happened to be a map inside the tent, and she pointed to a certain location on the map.

This location is in the center of the eastern part of the country of fire. It is very convenient for both the geographical location and the surrounding transportation, which is conducive to the transportation of important consumables such as ninja tools and military food pills.

That location is the base camp.


Watergate took orders to leave, without any hesitation.

Fuyue and Qianming looked at Tsunade, waiting for the next order.

"The Hidden Mist Village must have a stronghold near the sea. Our current first task is to find the stronghold and destroy it. However, your Uchiha has strong fighting ability, but is slightly insufficient in reconnaissance. We will make the next plan after mixing it up. For now..."

Tsunade thought for a while, then looked at Qianming.

At this time, Kakashi will still be used, but she will not send Kakashi out immediately.

After thinking for a while, she said, "Qianming, go out and take a look first."


Qian Ming waved his claws weakly, then got up and left.

Fuyue hesitated for a moment, then asked worriedly, "Sir, don't you need to send someone with Qianming?"

"one is enough."

Tsunade shook his head.

If there is only Qianming alone, no matter if Fei Lei Shen is returned by the psychic technique, the crisis can be resolved, and multiple Fei Lei Shen will be exposed properly.

This kind of killer is completely unnecessary during the reconnaissance period.

Fuyue nodded and didn't speak again, but in his heart he was guessing what abilities the cat had.

If there is only strange power, Tsunade can't be so relieved to let him go out to check the situation. This is something that many Jōnin are very taboo about.

The only explanation is that it has its own way of escape.

Space Ninjutsu?

Or, it can be faster than before.

Uchiha Fuyue secretly guessed in his heart, but after thinking about it for a while, he put the matter of the black cat aside. Although the black cat, like Minato, is the "strong aid" mentioned by Tsunade, there is no need to worry about it all the time.

He also had to arrange for Uchiha's clansmen.

After Qianming left the tent, Kakashi and Obito came over immediately when they saw it. Among them, Kakashi was the most active. He came over with a knife and asked, "Are you going on a mission?"

"You guys stay here, I'll go out on patrol first. Meow~ Lin, if you see me bringing something back, use psychics immediately."


Nohara Rin nodded lightly.

After saying hello, the black cat jumped away from the camp.

Uchiha Inari took away more than a dozen people, and there are currently seven or eight Uchiha clansmen in the camp, but Kirin is unlikely to attack the camp here.

Because although the remaining seven or eight are small in number, they are all elites among the elites, and they are a very hard bone to crack.

Qian Ming left the camp and wandered around following his breath.

Kirin is proficient in assassination, and it is basically impossible to leave a breath, so the purpose of its wandering here is not to find Kirin, but to just wander around and see how Uchiha's people patrol.

Uchiha left in two batches.

One group went up, patrolling close to the defense line of the Iron Country, while the other group went down along the coastline, which used to border the patrol area of ​​the Hinata clan.

Judging by the number of people, there are still more Uchiha clan patrolling up, so Qianming strolled down the coast.

It's not fast, it stops and goes.

There is Namikaze Minato passing by here, but the degree of danger is not high, mainly to come over to recognize the way.

Along the way, Qianming saw a few Uchiha clan people who were patrolling back. These people were relatively unfamiliar. They were not the people from the 20-odd li in the camp before, but they should have just returned from a shift.

It didn't care, and continued to run for a while, and met three or four Uchiha people who were in the camp before. Qianming glanced at it and continued to walk forward.

After running a long way past them, Qian Ming planned to go back, but at this time, he saw a few figures.

Uchiha's people?

A little familiar.

Qianming couldn't remember where he had met him for a while, but he felt that the other party was familiar, so he glanced at it several times, and the first group of Uchiha people he saw when he ran over just now flashed in his mind...

those people?

No, it's from Wuyin Village.

It immediately reacted. The opponent has been in this area for a long time and has already figured out the Uchiha clan's defense switching time, so when this group of people returned to defense, they disguised themselves as the Uchiha clan.

However, this method is not very useful to the Hyuga clan, right?

White eyes can see through the flow of chakra, and the transformation technique can't hide from them, unless the other party is too stupid to scout with white eyes, but the probability is too small.

"Continue patrolling~www.readwn.com~Uchiha" imitated the voice and then walked down.

It seems that he has not been discovered.

Qian Ming observed it and quietly followed the group of people.

They continued to "patrol" along the coast, not very fast, and seemed to be waiting for some message.

After following a section of the road, Qianming found that the atmosphere belonging to the Uchiha clan had disappeared. According to the situation, this should be the edge of the Uchiha camp.

Going forward, it is the territory under the jurisdiction of the Hinata clan.

Are they still going forward?

Qianming hid in the dark, while observing and thinking about whether to go out and slap them a few times - after learning the strange power, it really swelled a bit, and really wanted to try his own strength.

But there are four Kirigakushi ninjas here.

This is a reorganized team, and there is at least one Kirigakushi Jōnin in it, and the other ninjas are definitely not ordinary Genin, otherwise they are not qualified to fight against Uchiha and Hinata.

Elite Assassination Squad...

If you don't use Fei Lei Shen, let's go first and see what the other party wants to do.

Qian Ming secretly said in his heart, crawled on the ground without moving, and continued to observe the opponent's actions.

The next second, the team stepped out of this area.

At this time, they suddenly ran to the sea and accelerated forward, very fast.

Qian Ming didn't dare to chase immediately. After they ran for a while, he ran along the forest. After chasing for a while, he heard the sound of battle with the cat's keen hearing.

It's up!



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