Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 188: Redeem fairy mode

"Celebrate Qianming's rise to Shangnin, cheers!"




Noharasawa was beaten to the point of being so weak that he didn't even drink much in nature. If this happened every day, Nohara Megumi felt that the family could save a lot of money.


In addition, Qianming started earning money when he became a jounin. This is a good thing, isn't it?


The Nohara family doesn't ask the cat for money, but if it can make money, many cats can pay for their own living expenses, such as if they want toys or a separate house...


Well, the income of the Shangin is very high, which is enough to do it.


Besides, Qianming is just like their children. Nohara Megumi, who is not a ninja, is of course very happy to see the children become famous. This mentality is completely different from that of Noharasawa.


After eating a meal, Qianming put the plate in his own nest, ready to exchange for the immortal mode.


Do you want to take a shower first?


Before the big event, take a shower and change clothes, get it!


The black cat went to the bathroom to take a shower by himself, and Noharazawa came over to take a look vigilantly, seeing that he was taking a bath and not doing anything else before he went back to read with confidence.


After taking a shower, it came out and lay in the nest, changing to the fairy mode.


9,000 points is not a lot compared to the current net worth, but it has too many things to exchange. Even if there are 17,000 points left after exchanging for the immortal mode, it cannot be satisfied.


The points are still too few.


However, the effect is outstanding. After the exchange, a bunch of memories flooded into my mind, many of which are similar to the research of Senju Tobirama, but some are quite different.


It's no wonder that Sento Tobirama didn't research the immortal model. It turned out that there were some errors in details, which led to problems in the final derivation results...


Qian Ming secretly said in his heart.


This nine thousand is not a loss.


If you follow the old toad and the others' cultivating immortal mode, the risk is not generally high, and the system version is the least dangerous.


But the cost is not small...


Qian Ming hesitated for a moment, and finally exchanged a package of luxury cat food.


That's right, according to the knowledge points given by the system, luxury cat food is the key to cultivating the immortal mode. It is equivalent to the toad oil used by toads to perceive natural energy. The purpose is to allow the body to perceive the natural energy of the outside world.


That's right, Qianming's usage was wrong before.


But it doesn't come with an instruction manual!


This system is so unintelligent that it doesn't even have a prompt sound, unlike other systems that will "ding" a friendly prompt...


The system is risky, and the exchange needs to be cautious.




The black cat complained about the system in his heart.


Before eating the cat food, according to the method given by the system, it smoked the futon in the nest and lay down directly on the ground, so that it could get in touch with the earth and nature to the greatest extent possible.


Next, eat cat food.


A natural energy pours into the body, and then it uses this energy to open the channel between the body and the outside world, and perceives the surrounding natural energy.


It's very simple!


Qianming's consciousness was still awake, and he soon sensed the natural energy infiltrating from the earth, and then used a systematic method to slowly guide it into his body...


Different from before.


Before eating cat food, most of it relied on its own integration into the body for digestion. Qianming did not participate in the refining, but this time, to extract the fairy chakra and enter the fairy mode, it must also participate in it.


This is the most difficult part, like Jirai also fell here, so I need the help of the immortals Fukasaku and Shima.


After a while, it felt that its body had entered a strange state - its body was more flexible and stronger, and its perception ability was much stronger.


For example, now, it can sense that an immortal is using a crystal ball in Naruto's office.




Staying up all night hurts the body, the third Hokage.


Qianming continued to sense other places, and found that Tsunade went to the casino again, while Danzo and his Gen team were not sensed in the village. It seemed that something had happened.


I don't know if my body has changed...


It climbed out of the house, and then tried it, and found one thing-it can stand on its hind legs and perform more difficult movements.


Thomas' slalom isn't enough, but upright running is fine.


Of course, running upright is not as fast as four feet. This side effect is rather tasteless, but it is a little comfort to Qian Ming.


It saw that Noharasawa was still reading, and quickly ran to the bathroom.


'The speed is much faster than the usual opening state, and the control power is higher. It is easy to do high-speed cornering and jumping. ’


Qianming secretly calculated.


Running to the mirror, it saw what it looked like now.


What to say...


There was basically no change, it was still the same black and autumn appearance, but there were slight changes in the corners of the eyes, and in the fairy mode, the black hair on the body was more shiny.


Other than that, nothing else is different.


Very good, no change is the best change.


As a qualified traveler of the new era, Qianming understands the truth of making a fortune in silence. Others can't be surprised if they can't see if they have the immortal mode.


As coquettish as some people's immortal mode, the enemy knows you have a big move at a glance, so why not be careful to hide?


Next, it tried to store the immortal chakra in the body, but after trying it, it could only make part of it into the body.


After the immortal mode is released, the rest of the magic chakra will be transformed into chakra and natural energy will dissipate.


However, the small part left alone is enough to cover the effect of half a bag of cat food.


This part of the fairy chakra can be used to open the channel to absorb natural energy in the next fairy mode, so there is no need to eat cat food next time.


In addition, Qian Ming could feel that his body became stronger again.


This nine thousand is really worth it.


It is very satisfied.


Originally, Qian Ming expected that he might have a good night's sleep after eating cat food, but now he has no sleepiness at all. Instead, he is full of energy and does not want to sleep.


Anyway, if you can't sleep, why don't you go to the cat and walk around there.


"Hey, where's Qianming?"


"Probably went out to play, hey, how could such a playful village let it become a ninja, hey..."


"Don't be jealous, go take a shower!"


Megumi Nohara chatted with Nohara Sawa for a few words, and then began to mopping the floor every day.


Ninja Castle.


The cat is sleeping again. Since the last visit of Qianming to determine the next development policy of Ninja Castle, it no longer has to worry about whether it will be seized.


Because it has no power.


Now that there is ninjutsu, and occasionally cat food, what's not to be satisfied with?


But the only thing I'm not satisfied with is—


"Meow! Can you teleport from another location, every time you fly over, it's on my head!"


"No way, meow, I brought some test papers. You can ask a few reliable people to come and test your attributes. If it's appropriate, I'll pass you a few ninjutsu techniques."


Qian Ming handed it the chakra test strip, then jumped off the top of his head and looked around.


There is a big change here.


It used to be very large and looked very empty~www.readwn.com~ but now it has become much narrower, a bit like the compartment in the previous hall, what's the situation?


It stared at it for a few seconds, then walked out of the house.


"Hey, have you moved?"




This is the question.


The cat doesn't know if it is intentional or not. You have become the chief of the castle. Can you keep the main hall for you?


By the way, it made Zhili live there too. Every day, the cleaning of the main hall was handed over to Uzumaki Zhili. The girl was happier than when she had nothing to do before.


The human mind is completely incomprehensible.


"I'm going to find my subordinates!"


The cat got smaller again in a bad mood, and went out from the door.



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