Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 202: Bloody duel? Climb for Grandpa!

"The situation is very simple. The village asked me to take Kai's class. At first, I was temporarily replaced. Now there is a tendency for me to do it for a long time. So you understand meow?"

Qianming returned to its original size.

"I've been your teammate for so long. I don't know what your virtues are. I'm not asking this. What is the situation of the ninjutsu you mentioned? I've been thinking about how to integrate it recently, but I don't have any thoughts."

Kakashi put the two knives down in front of him.

good guy...

Qian Ming glanced down at the two knives.

The work has not started yet, so you should reach out for the benefit first. You are also one of the six batches.


Now Kakashi deserves praise for his credibility, at least he won't turn his back on something, and the good self-esteem left by White Fang makes him unable to do such a thing.

This is only done by talents like Jiraiya and Black Cat, so Black Cat traveled all the way to the north to urge the draft fee a while ago. Who knew that the draft fee would fall into Tsunade's pocket...

Sad thing, not to mention.

The black cat sighed inwardly, his eyes refocused on Kakashi, and after thinking for a long time, he said, "Meow~ I said the technique is divided into two steps. First of all, you have to realize the change in the nature of chakra, and condense the lightning into such a state..."

Saying that, Qian Ming stretched out his hand.

Naturally, it doesn't have a thunderbolt, but it's no problem to simulate the state of the thunderbolt with the ice tunnel. After a few seconds, ice strips that exploded like thunder light condensed on its claws.

"Well, I barely understand."

Kakashi had a picture in his mind.

"The next step, meow, is to incorporate this technique into the sword and become like this..."

Qianming also demonstrated the chidori blade, the ice blade, and the curved "arc". The picture is a little abstract, but it still feels a little bit.

Kakashi narrowed his eyes, and finally nodded thoughtfully.

He has the Thunder Sabre Teeth in his hand, and even without using the Chidori Blade, he can show the effect of Thunder Escape, but with the Chidori Blade, the power will definitely be multiplied, and he can even use two knives to achieve various effects.

Qian Ming went with him thinking about it.

In the original work, Kakashi's "Leiqie · Double Piercing Light" can be done with the Thunder Blade Teeth as long as he can complete the Chidori Blade, as well as the Chidori sharp spear...

There is a lot to do.

The brighter Kakashi's eyes are, the more inspiration he has, the more inspiration he has. Even if the inspiration came from Qianming at first, it is now his brain.


"Don't worry, I won't break my promise, let's go."

Kakashi got up, looked at the black cat, and went to see Kai and the others together.

Qian Ming did not want to go.

But considering that today is the first day, it is better to lead the way and let everyone get to know each other. In addition, this seems to be a good opportunity to collect points.

Qian Ming got up, jumped out of the small courtyard, and followed the breath of Matekai and the others to find someone.

Matekai they are easy to find.

Without Qianming's help to think of new countermeasures, they would take on water-carrying tasks desperately. Recently, almost all of the water-carrying tasks in the village were carried out by the Matekai team.

"What are they doing?"

Kakashi followed along.

This area is the most desolate suburb of Konoha. There are basically no people. Why do you come here?

He was a little puzzled.

"Meow~ you hide first."

The black cat waved its paw.

Kakashi didn't quite understand it, but he knew that his teammates' magical wicked taste was on the rise again, so he had no choice but to make a seal.

As it turns out, he's also quite capable of mischief.

Too bad there is no system.

Qianming slandered in his heart, and then saw three figures in the distance running over with large buckets in both hands. Akai's bucket was the largest, and Ebisu's was the smallest.

However, according to their respective circumstances, it is almost the limit weight.

"Lord Qianming."

The three stood still, thinking that Qianming had something to explain.

"Considering my situation and yours, the village has sent another person to help you train. You have to treat him like me, meow?"

When Qian Ming finished speaking, he glanced at the three of them.

"Is there a new teacher? I'm really looking forward to it."

"There's something not very good..."

"Ow, my blood, don't worry Qianming, I will respect him as much as the teacher."

Shiranui Genma was about to say that he had a "not very good premonition", but was interrupted by Matekai's **** howl, he opened his mouth, his eyes touched the black cat's eyes again, and he finally closed his mouth helplessly.

Forget it, don't kill yourself.

Even if the result is unsatisfactory, it will not be more unacceptable than when Qian Ming first arrived.

Then, Genma's eyes began to pay attention to the surroundings.

He felt that there were people around him, but he didn't know exactly where, because the other party's ability to hide his breath was very clever. Let's take a look at the two teammates who committed the second...

I didn't notice it.

Teaming up with a partner like this is really stressful.

Xuanjian secretly complained in his heart.

"Meow~ it's good to be respectful, then I'll let him out."

Qianming smiled.

Without its call, the underground Kakashi released the earth escape and slowly emerged from the earth.

When the silver hair appeared, Xuan Jian's heart sank.

When it's all out...

"Ah, Kakashi, my eternal enemy, come to a **** duel with me!"

Mattkay recognized it at once.

Ebisu pushed up his glasses - he never expected that the helper in Qianming's mouth turned out to be Kakashi.

But if you think about it, it seems normal.

If there were other people in the village, how could Qianming lead the team? The only one who can spare the time now is Chunin, and in Chunin, Kakashi is one of the few acquaintances of Qianming.

So, why did you expect it just now?

"Hi, everyone, I'm Kakashi, the ninja leader of half of you. Forget about this kind of etiquette, Kai, if you have the energy, why don't you go and pour the water first."

Kakashi said with a smirk.

"Uh, lead the team? You?"

Kai was so shocked that he almost threw away the bucket, and looked at Qian Ming with his mouth open, as if he wanted to get confirmation from Qian Ming again.

The black cat nodded relentlessly.

"Ugh...it shouldn't be like this~www.readwn.com~It shouldn't be like this, Kakashi is my eternal enemy, how did he become my leader..."

Matekai cried bitterly, how could he duel well in the future.

"Kai, you run first, go and pour the water, and then come back and continue to carry after pouring."

Kakashi repeated what he said before.


Metkay ran away crying.

From now on, I can no longer have a happy duel with Kakashi, so what is the meaning of life like this.

Shiranui Genma sighed softly.

Sure enough, his intuition was right, how could the black cat really bring a reliable teacher to everyone, and even such a person wouldn't be able to lead the team.

"Okay, let's all run."

Kakashi waved his knife.

Hurry up!

A bunch of people who get in the way, don't interfere with my research on ninjutsu.

Shiranui Genma and Ebisu had no choice but to start running together, watching them leave, Kakashi felt inexplicably happy in his heart.

In the past, he had to think about how to deal with this hot-blooded sophomore when he met Maitkay, but now he doesn't have to think about it. In the future, Maitkay will fight again and just give him a new exercise program.


"How is it meow, isn't it cool?"

"Umm... No, no, I'm thinking of them, ahem, continue to study ninjutsu."

Kakashi responded with two sentences and found that it was wrong, and immediately denied it.

Qianming didn't care either.

Anyway, the strategy of pulling Kakashi over has been successful. Looking at Kakashi's appearance, he is reluctant, but his body is still very honest to help train Matekai and the others.

The matter is settled, I only need to help Kakashi in the future, and Kakashi will take care of Matekai and the others...

The perfect throwaway shopkeeper.

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