Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 245: Don't worry, I will take you to eat Konoha



The cat panicked again, and could only flick its tail.

At this time, it couldn't figure out what it wanted to do with its tail flicking, only that it was very frightened, and it had a sense of being about to be slaughtered.


Why didn't I hit that black cat hard before?

It's alright now, can't beat it at all.

The cat also called regret in his heart.

"Relax, I'm very easy to get along with. I'm actually training you these two days. Do you think you're stronger?"

Tsunade stroked the cat's head and said that he had good intentions.


The cat froze again.

It seems that the previous self is definitely not as fast and powerful as it is now.

But take a closer look...

its not right!

I don't need to hide and run around. I can enjoy the same treatment as a king in the Ninja Castle every day. Every now and then, Qianming will come to deliver cat food, and my life is like a fairy.

On Tsunade's side?

Being driven to run every day, it doubts whether it is a cat or a dog.

With emotion, life still has to live the same, and the first look at the bottom of it agrees with Tsunade.

"Right, go back and invite you to a big meal."

Tsunade is very proud.

However, Qian Ming, who came over, heard the word "big meal" and immediately felt a little bad.

Although Tsunade had just received a large sum of money, she had used all that money to pay off her debts, and would soon become penniless again.

Gamblers are just that.

If you follow the gambling dog, there will not be a few good days in a year. With Qianming, he doesn't believe a single word of what Tsunade said, and the cat obviously believes one or two points.

too young.

Qianming originally planned to approach, but when he heard Tsunade say a big meal over there, he hid again.

Minato Namikaze didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, and chatted with Tsunade without a word, Kushina walked over and squatted down curiously: "Why are you hiding here?"

"Meow~ I'll wait."

Qianming was lying on the grass without any intention of approaching.

Kushina was confused.

But soon she knew why.

"I heard that Kushina has been keeping Yukito locked up. It's better to let her out and walk around. It's not good to keep her locked all day."

By wooden people?

Kushina didn't understand at first, but quickly understood the reason with Qianming's prompt.

This is to slaughter the Yumu people.


"Does Yukito have money?"

In case Yumu Ren had no money, and let her go out to the end, he would still have to treat her to Minato or Qianming, then Jiuxinnai felt that she would lose a lot of money.

"Meow~ Yes, the three generations of Raikage gave a lot."

When Yunyin Village sent compensation materials, they specially sent some money over, some of which were used by the three generations of Raikage to thank Tsunade for treating the hand injury, and the other part was given to Yukito.

She is not only rich, but also a rich woman.

"it is good."

Kushina walked up immediately, smiled at Tsunade calmly, and said, "Lord Tsunade, I just think Ren Zhuli is too dangerous, so I confined her to the house, if you think it's a problem, it doesn't matter if you let it out. "

"Let's go and let her out for a big dinner."

Tsunade was in high spirits.

Kushina excitedly followed, but after a few seconds, she wondered, what way are we going as a shadow clone.

"Tsunade-sama, I'll lead her out first."

She released the shadow clone and returned to her original body.

People from Kengyunyin Village, then she can come to the spirit.

Watergate wiped away his sweat.

"Tsunade-sama, this is not good."

"Meow~ She lives in Konoha, we protect her safety, can't we pay some protection fee?"

"That's right, let's go!"

A good person couldn't stop the two bullies, and both of them were very strong, so Minato Minato had to wipe the sweat on his forehead and hurriedly followed.

After a few minutes, everyone returned to Konoha.

At this time, Kushina had already "spoofed" Yumu.

To say it was a lie, in fact, Kushina went out by herself, and then "accidentally forgot" that no one at home was looking at Yuki. Not long after Kushina left, Yuki observed by the window.

She's not stupid, and it's strange for Kushina to leave at this time.

But after observing it, she didn't find Kushina or the others around, Yuki hesitated for a while, but in the end, she was more curious about the outside world than she was cautious in her heart, so she came out of the window.

"Did you really not stare?"

The wooden man looked around, then quickly moved over from under the eaves, reached the edge of the fence, and quietly turned over from the fence.

The wall of Minato's house is not high, Yumu's body is good, and he can get out without chakra.

After she turned out, Kushina followed.

"Yun Ren's body skills are really good, even a child is very good."

She followed quickly.

After the wooden man escaped, he also took off his forehead guard and put it in his clothes pocket. Although his accent was a little different, at least he wouldn't immediately be seen as someone from Yunyin Village when he walked on the street.

Konoha and Yunyin Village are not so friendly.

'Konoha is really prosperous, there are many more people on the street than Yunyin Village, and there is a lot of food. ’

Yumu ran over excitedly and paid for a few skewers to eat.

So fragrant!

She nearly burst into tears.

In the past two days, Minato was not there, and Kushina was always cooking. That smell...

Eating sad, smelling tears.


She devoured it and ate a handful shortly after.

Yukito didn't stay in this store, there were too many Konoha food stores, and it was a loss to stop in front of a store. She ran a few steps to a sushi restaurant, looked up and rushed in immediately.

"Boss, serve me all kinds of sushi here."

"Hey, can the little girl finish eating?"

"No problem, I've been hungry for days."

The wooden man answered without hesitation.

She was about to turn around and sit down, but...

"Boss, give me a copy of what she said."

Tsunade's voice came from behind Yukito.

"Meow~ I don't need fish sushi rice balls, just bring me a fish."

"Meow! Me too, fish!"

"I also want……"

"Uh, I... I don't have to."

Minato is still thin-skinned, eating something from a twelve-year-old girl, he really can't hold his face.

The wooden man turned his head, looked at Tsunade, and then looked at the black and white cats, his expressions were full of confusion and confusion—what's the situation now?

The boss was stunned.

Why are there so many customers all at once, but after looking up and seeing who the customers are...

"Tsunate-sama, Minato-sama! Please take a seat, please take a seat, I have invited you to this meal today."

"Meow~ No need, this beauty invited me for today's meal."

Qianming's paws pointed at Yumu Ren.

Tsunade and Kushina nodded, then pulled the dumbfounded Yuki to sit down at the dining table. They seemed to have a good relationship, but when they got closer, they could hear something different—

"Report if you don't invite guests."

"Inviting guests to dinner, you can go out for a walk every day in the future."

"Please don't..."

It's nothing but a threat.

After saying hello to the boss, Qian Ming jumped to his seat.

Yumu understood.

He still got caught, what was the negligence, Kushina did it on purpose.

This woman looks at her wallet...

Konoha's people are too cunning!

Yuki wanted to cry, but thinking that these people in front of her were all Konoha's cubs, she just held back her grief and planned to turn grief and anger into appetite.

Isn't it just a treat?

I am invited!

As long as you can come out for a walk in the future, this money will be used as a protection fee.

Namikaze Minato was very embarrassed to sit next to Qianming. He didn't agree to do this, but he couldn't hold the other three or four in unison, so he could only follow.

Watergate is also well-intentioned.

He thought that he could quietly help pay some, so that Yuki would not lose too much money, but when the sushi came up...

"Well, Pratunam is your favorite food. This restaurant is delicious."

"This one is delicious too."



You guys want to eat your own~www.readwn.com~Why grab my plate!

Yumu wanted to cry but had no tears. These people were too much. She clearly ordered everything, but in the end there were only half of them left.

Happiness is shared in half, is that still happiness?

No, just full of sadness.

"Don't worry, you will be a guest when you arrive at Konoha. We will take you to all the best restaurants and let you enjoy the most delicious food meow."

Qian Ming has a kind-hearted look.

If it wasn't for knowing that he had to treat a guest, Yukito might have been really moved.

A shop that eats all over Konoha?

Yumu started to worry about his wallet.

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