Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 4: Shameless cat, little bully

"Are you waving at me?"

Kurenai Yuhi was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't believe it—she felt that the cat seemed to know that she mentioned it just now.


Qianming jumped over, and Yuhi Hong hugged it.

Asma's eyes widened.

Although everyone has no gaps in their chests these days, thanks to family knowledge, Asma seems to be quite precocious, so she fell in love with Yuhika very early.

He is very precocious, but also very cowardly. In the original plot, he didn't confess until later.

If Shikamaru was ten years earlier, Asma probably wouldn't have anything to do with Shikamaru's mouth.

Therefore, seeing Qianming rubbing against Yuhihong's arms, Asma, a cowardly idiot, has nothing but envy, and contributed some points by the way.

Taking your wife and earning your points, what tricks do you have for me?

Thinking of this, Qian Ming rubbed it blatantly again.

Of course, Asma doesn't think of cats as rivals in love, but hatred is certain. After all, this dead black cat has tricked him several times, and the hatred between one person and one cat is more than a little bit.

"Don't underestimate it, it's probably a ninja cat...well, the natural kind."

The ninja dog that Inuzuka Hana pressed her shoulders.

It felt threatened, so it moved around a little uneasy - this state was not there in the class just now.

Inuzuka Hana felt a little strange in her heart but didn't think much about it. She just thought that the cat was far away before, so it didn't stimulate the "regional awareness" of the ninja dog, and the ninja dog's reaction made her more sure that the kitten was a ninja cat.

"Forbearance...forbearance of cats?"

Obito's eyes widened, staring at the little black cat with a look of surprise.

Cats and dogs are not uncommon, but ninja cats and ninja dogs are rare.

"We Konoha don't have a natural ninja cat, it must have run away from somewhere."

Inuzuka Hana said.

She has a basis for doing so. First of all, Konoha is very powerful, and wild ninjas will avoid them on their own. Second...

Which cat doesn't have long eyes, and stalks the ninja dog?

Obito thought of something after hearing this, and suddenly exclaimed, "Did it come from there!"

As a member of the Uchiha clan, he knew that the cat mother-in-law that Uchiha knew had signed contracts with many ninja cats. Could it be that this little black cat came from there?

"Obito, do you know its origin?"

"Poor cat, it's so small..."

The girls' sympathy exploded.

There is no distinction between men and women.

Even Mitarai Red Bean, who originally planned to find a chance to take revenge on Qianming, wiped away tears at this time, very sympathetic to its "tragic experience", and forgot about the two **** that were taken away earlier.

Even, I want to invite the kitten to eat.

But she didn't know that cats couldn't taste sweetness, so Qian Ming wasn't really keen on meatballs, she just didn't want the red beans to eat them.

From Red Bean's point of view, this cat is so bad.

"I'm not sure, I only know that there are many ninja cats in this place."

With a blushing face.

It was the first time he was surrounded by so many girls, sadly... they were all for a cat.

A half-year-old kitten who blocked the road today and caused him to be late.

For some reason, he felt sad in his heart.

Xiaoxi Rihong likes cats very much, and she can't put it down holding Qianming, and she can't wait to bring it home - it can be seen that she is not like this because Qianming is a cat.

She really likes it.

It's a pity that there is a strict father in the family. No matter how she likes it, she can only hug and breathe here. If she takes it home, she is afraid that Qianming will be controlled by illusion and run away from home the next day.

Seeing this scene, Asma didn't find it unpleasant anymore.

He clearly realized that he made a big mistake today - how can a man be better than a cat?

No matter how mischievous the cat is, it is only naughty in the eyes of the girl.

We are different.

Thinking of this, Asma couldn't help feeling depressed, and finally left the venue sadly.

Qian Ming didn't feel any guilt, but felt that he should have a lot of merit in saving a boy who was in a puppy love.

Another is.

Asma worked hard and exercised herself when she was a child, maybe she could go further in the future...

I am such a good person!

it thought narcissistically.

But now, he is facing another crisis.

Qianming stared at Obito, he knew where this guy was talking.

The Uchiha family has been on good terms with a person called Granny Cat, who signed a contract with a group of ninja cats. The most powerful of the ninja cats is called the two-tailed cat, which may not be on a par with the powerful ninjas, but they crush it. Qianming is correct.

Cats are very territorial creatures.

I went there by myself, not to mention being a bully, I would probably be beaten by a group of strange ninja cats if I made a prank.

Something must be done!

Its front paws restlessly clawed at Kurenai Yuhi's hand, while preventing its sharp claws from scratching the little girl.

"You're right, um, you can ask."

Inuzuka Hana knew something, but she couldn't be too specific in front of so many people, so she nodded and comforted her dog, and said apologetically, "Shimaru is a little uncomfortable with Shinobu, I'll first If you have any questions, you can ask me in class tomorrow."

"Thank you, Miss Hua."

Nohara Rin respectfully saluted.

Inuzuka Hana is a little older than them, and she is a well-known talented girl in the Inuzuka clan. She usually helps a lot in class, and everyone respects her very much.


Inuzuka Hana nodded lightly, and then left Shiimaru.

"Let's leave school first."

Nohara Rin suggested.

"This... well, um, Xiao Lin, hold the cat for you, my father doesn't agree with me to keep a cat."

Kurenai Yuhi reluctantly handed over the black cat who had been picking on her hands.

"Only the clan knows about that place. I'll go back and ask, if..."

Obito was about to speak, but the little black cat jumped out of Lin's arms and slapped him on the head.

Of course, Qian Ming didn't use too much force, so as not to hurt him.

But this scene looked a bit funny, UU read www.uukanshu.com and expressed his dissatisfaction at the right time.


Obito covered his head, very hurt.

Obviously he is so eager to help, why is this black cat not appreciative and want to beat himself, it is too unreasonable.

Before he had a seizure, the black cat jumped back into Nohara Rin's arms.

Many girls have weird expressions on their faces. This cat is cute and cute, but it's just a little bully and a bit lawless.

Only Rin Nohara said thoughtfully, "Could it be the place that doesn't agree with what you said?"


Obito was at a loss. Could it be that his guess was wrong?

"Maybe it really is, look at it..."

Xiao Hongdou pointed at the little black cat - after Lin said that, the little black cat rubbed against Lin's chest affectionately, as if agreeing with what she said before.

"So, it didn't come out of the place you mentioned, Obito, it might really be a pure and natural ninja cat."

Hong Yuhi couldn't help but be overjoyed.

If the little black cat really came from the place that the native said, maybe it will be sent back, and I will never see it again.

That's okay, at least there is a chance to see it and hug it.


Thinking of this, she was more and more reluctant to let Obito take Qianming away.

"This... it's also possible."

Obito is also not sure, he is just a scumbag, and usually he can't get in touch with the cat village in the clan, so he doesn't know much about it, and most of it is the result of his own guesses.

"But, who can keep it, and if you keep a cat, you should report it to the village?"

A girl from a mountain clan whispered.

"Registration, testing, and then deciding who will raise it is really not feasible... My family can do it too."

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