Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 57: ??New hatred and old hatred count from 1

This cat is so disgusting!

The two-tailed cat was unable to buy cat food, and finally returned in disappointment. In fact, it didn't really want to leave, but considering that he was the boss of the Ninja Castle's Tianshou Pavilion, the other party obviously didn't sell it, but he still came here with a shameless face, it seemed a little shameless... …

It hesitated for a while, and finally walked away arrogantly and disdainfully, as if it didn't like the cat food that Qianming fed, but in fact, who doesn't know who?

Obviously want to buy it and die, but die to save face.

Qian Ming secretly complained in his heart.

All in all, the two cats looked at each other unhappy, and they broke up with each other, but the black cat was obviously more confident. Although it was a pity that the deal could not be concluded, it was harmless.

Anyway, the points are all there.

As for the two or three cat food just now...

It doesn't matter, the points are all collected from others, even if they are given back to old customers.

Qianming thought very openly, the points are in hand, I have the world, money is gratifying, but it doesn't matter if you don't have it, anyway, seeing that stupid cat's enthusiasm for chasing Konoha, sooner or later, he will be fooled.

After it eats cat food, it sleeps at home.

During this period of time, I have been exercising and running, and I have never found time to take a good rest.

Rin Nohara basically went to the hospital when she returned to Konoha.

She is a medical ninja. For her, Konoha Hospital is the best place to practice. She has learned how to practice needles and Jizo, so she doesn't need to think about her self-protection ability for the time being.

But this time I came back not only to learn medical ninjutsu, but also some knowledge of poisons.

You don't have to learn how to make drugs, but you must understand and understand.

Konoha's ninjas are very busy.

The next day, the Watergate class assembled again to start the mission. Originally, the mission required the arrival of all personnel before starting the mission, but their class was quite special. In addition to a captain and three team members, there was also a cat...

Therefore, Rin Nohara was amnesty and continued to study in the hospital, and Kakashi took Obito and the little black cat to do the usual tasks. The tasks were not complicated, they were all about finding cats, dogs or fetching water. ——And it’s all around Konoha, so they don’t accept the cat and dog missions in Kyoto at all.

Squeeze the labor force!

Fortunately, it doesn't need Qianming to carry water. All it needs to do is to track down cats and dogs and other creatures, and to help out when dealing with some simple tasks. The remuneration and task data are not much.

Of course, as a ninja, the remuneration is his, but the task data are all from Nohara Rin, Qian Ming is a hard worker.

It is worth mentioning that the little black cat has secretly put on the Ninja coat given by the mission.

The gift coat has a custom function.

It can be transformed into any style Qianming wants, and the size can be changed with the size of the body. Generally speaking, it is very good. There is only one problem - if it is broken, it is broken.

It is not a small pity that it cannot be repaired by itself.

In addition, Qianming's natural energy has been digested to a certain extent during this time, and his stomach only has a slight bulge, and it will take a few days at most to fully digest it.

Through the mirror comparison, it can confirm that it is a circle bigger.

The current size is bigger than many one-year-old ninja cats, and he has the strength to play the iron ball given by the lottery, but it is not too far.

Qianming tried it during the mission.

At most, it can smash a distance of about ten meters, and the head will drop sharply when it is ten meters away. The iron ball will automatically return to the object space after flying out and landing one second later.

If it hits people, the power is not small.

But if you want to hit the enemy, the little black cat will have to grow up for a while. With its current strength, this thing is really worth the loss.

This kind of trivial task lasted for ten days. During this period, the two-tailed cat came quietly a few times, but unfortunately, Qianming was not seen leaving in anger, leaving only the familiar smell.

Qianming felt that he had completely digested it and was about to eat another luxurious cat food when Minato Minato Minato took time out of his busy schedule to take on an A-level mission - patrolling the border of the Fire Nation.

This task needs to go to the east of the Fire Country, and the team is responsible for the patrol task of the border area between the Water Country and Yunyin Village.

Yunyin Village, Wuyin Village and Konoha are still in a peaceful state for the time being, and are only responsible for daily security reconnaissance, so the task is not too difficult.

Qian Ming is reluctant to go. Going to the border of Yunyin Village and Wuyin Village is almost equivalent to traversing half the country of fire. God knows how far it will be in the middle!

However, for the safety of the team, it had to keep up with it - relying on psychics alone, Nohara Rin would need a lot of chakra to psychic it at the border, and there is a time limit for psychics that are too far away.

At noon, a forest outside Kyoto.

Qianming and the others passed by and stopped here for a while.

Obito took out the rice **** and started eating. He has many friends in the clan, such as women and mothers-in-law, so he can always have a lot of portable food when he is on a mission. Qian Ming originally planned to go up and grab one, but after moving his nose and sniffing the smell, his eyes widened. Bright--

The taste of food.

Someone is cooking in the woods!

It took a few steps to the source of the smell, and smelled another smell, it was the smell of cats and people.


Qian Ming called out, seeing everyone looking over, and then quickly started running.

"Huh? Wait!"

Nohara Rin was going to eat the military ration pills, but when she saw her Ninja cat running away, she had to catch up immediately. Minato Minato and Kakashi raised their brows and followed.

After a battle on the battlefield, everyone is familiar with each other and knows that although this cat is mischievous, it is usually very stable and will never do anything too inexplicable during the mission.

It ran over there, something must have attracted it, and there was no danger.

After chasing for a while, everyone saw four ninjas, they were sitting in the woods around a simple pot. In the pot, fish, wild vegetables, mushrooms and bird eggs were boiled and it was very delicious~www.readwn.com~Qianming He rushed to this side and quickly jumped down from the tree.

"what's the situation?"

The four ninjas were startled and immediately stood up and waited.

But next, four figures came one after another - Minato Namikaze, Kakashi, Rin Nohara, and Obito who arrived at the end with rice **** in his hand.

The two jounin greeted each other politely, then went to the side to chat, leaving the six of them and one cat to chat here.

"Big Brother Akai, Genma, and Ebisu... I didn't expect it to be you!"

When Obito saw this scene, he immediately threw the rice ball away.

When Ebisu saw this scene, he couldn't help but straighten his glasses - these people are rubbish!

Matekai's eyes lit up instantly, but he ignored Obito, but rushed to Kakashi and shouted: "Kakashi, I didn't expect to meet you here, let's have a duel!"

"No, in addition... Friendly reminder, your food."

Kakashi's tone was cold.

The three of them turned their heads and saw that the cat grabbed the spoon in a weird way, and then struggled to pry out a small fish from it. Seeing the others look over, they quickly climbed up the tree with a swoosh.

"This cat..."

Ebisu frowned, and then thought of something not very good.

It's that **** ninja cat!

Shiranui Genma held a toothpick in his mouth, glanced up, and then quickly jumped up to kill the black cat, apparently intending to retaliate both old and new, and the black cat was swiftly fleeing.

"no problem?"

"No problem, it's very reliable."

Minato Namikaze smiled slightly, then continued to chat with his former subordinates.


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