Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 66: Cold sweat all over the body on a hot day

Too little attention to this cat!

Qian Ming was very angry.

Normal people find that the cat is gone, at least look for it. Why does this guy only give one or two hundred points?

Thinking about it carefully, its heart is refreshing.

He also has the imprint of Flying Thunder God on his body, and it was arranged clearly from the beginning. The other two hundred is probably not given by Minato Namikaze, but Uzumaki Kushina was a little worried when he found out that he was lost.

That's right, she definitely wasn't too worried, otherwise, it would depend on her Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli's ability...

I'm depreesed!

Qianming was lying on the small stool, using the techniques he refined after arriving in Kyoto to make him understand what a great technician in hot Kyoto is.

Of course, after watching it once, it understood that the reason why Dou can become popular in Kyoto is not only because of his skills, but also because he pretends to be cute and well-behaved. Although he does not show off his body, it does not prevent those ladies from coming over and letting him chat with him.

"Pu, this scroll..."

"You keep it for now. If I want to see it someday, it's not too late to find you."

The pharmacist Tou smiled ruthlessly.

Ye Naiyu was stunned for a moment, then nodded silently, put the scroll away and entered the back room. When she left, he bent down and asked, "Xiao Qianming, did you recognize that person just now?"

"I don't know meow~"

Don't ask, you just don't know.

This ninja world is too dangerous. If you want to survive, you have to fight steadily.

"You don't know either..."

Dou's movements were obviously different, and he obviously didn't believe it in his heart.

He knew that the black cat recognized the "woman" - the ninja who made the Dean feel terrified.

This boy is too smart.

At this moment, it feels that the various classic sentences in the previous life are really all the insights of the ancients. What does it mean that the more you know, the faster you die?

This is!

The little black cat originally wanted to come over and play with the pocket, but never wanted to meet again. This boy has been crawling around in the circle of noble ladies in Kyoto for a while, and his scheming has reached a very high level.

With only a few dozen points, this point is not enough for me to run errands all the way to Kyoto - of course, Dou's skills are still as good as ever.

It pondered for a while, and before leaving, it still said something to Dou: "Have you been doing the task of catching cats recently?"

"Ah? No, some nobles often come to us and say that their cat is lost. Let us help you find it, and I'll look for it by the way."

Pocket explained.

After a few seconds, he realized that this mysterious ninja would come over because he had grabbed too many cat-catching tasks?

"Go away, meow."

Qian Ming waved his claws.

Xiaozheng has grown up and has gradually become a black-bellied man. It is not as easy to score points as before.

Although Dou has become a lot darker, he is still a good boy with superb skills, but the old Orochimaru has added Dou to the watch list, and there are probably not many Anichi children on Dou and Ye Naiyu's side.

Of course, from another point of view, the previous pocket was deeply rooted, and he began to travel around the country as a spy since he was a child. Now it is not so miserable, but he is only concerned by Orochimaru.

Besides, the orphanage made a lot of money from it.

When it went to the orphanage some time ago, the children's clothes were much better. They used to farm every day to support themselves, but now they have hired a teacher to teach them to read and write.

It can be seen that at least Ye Naiyu no longer needs to be coerced by Danzo to return to the root team for money. With the relationship circle on the Kyoto side, Danzo can only achieve his goals in a more gentle way.

Even if the pocket is kidnapped in the future, Ye Naiyu can still come...

Hehe, the pet industry is expected to flourish.

It's a pity that I'm just a cat, otherwise I'm afraid I won't have money to use?

Tou nodded, then suddenly stopped him and said, "Wait!"

He ran to the back of the cabinet, took out a small box from it, and opened it in front of Qianming.

Inside are some coins.

"This is?"

Qian Ming was puzzled.

"The idea of ​​doing this business was made by your master, and it was your idea to come to Kyoto. The dean and I both felt that we would give you some dividends, so please don't refuse the money."

Pocket handed the box up.

"Meow~ Then I'm welcome."

Qianming rolled his eyes and didn't refuse. He slapped the money with his claws, and the words 25,000 taels appeared in the item space.

It's not too much, but if you just eat and drink, this amount of money is not too little.

It is very satisfied.

"Space Ninjutsu?"

"No, it's just a use of spiritism. If it's okay, I'll leave..."

Qian Ming didn't explain it in detail. After getting the money, he was ready to leave.

"Okay, be careful along the way."

Dou knew that this cat looked small but actually had a lot of tricks and was strong. As long as it didn't meet the inexplicable ninja before, it wouldn't be a big deal.

As for the way home...

Ninja cat is not an ordinary stupid cat. Although it is still wild, it is not difficult for him to find his own way home with a high level of intelligence.

Qianming originally planned to look for Minato Minato, but after going out, he looked around and found that Minato Minato and Uzumaki Kushina were giving out dog food on the street. Just looking at it from behind was quite disturbing. I'm afraid it will be more difficult.

Let's eat something, and then leave.


Uzumaki Kushina turned her head and looked at the place where Qianming was just now~www.readwn.com~ What happened? Are you worried about Qianming? You really don't need it. It's very smart, and I left the imprint of the God of Thunder on it, so it'll be fine. "

Namikaze Minato explained immediately.

"Really? Hey, there are a lot of people over there, let's go take a look."

"it is good."

The two held each other's hands tenderly, and went to the theater group not far away. Minato Minato quietly turned his head and gave a thumbs up to one wall.

Over there, a black cat climbed up weakly and waved its paws at him.

Heh, a dog and a man and a woman in love...

I just like lemons!

Qianming jumped off the wall sourly, and bought some food with the money he got from his pocket, causing a crowd of people to be amazed and onlookers. Running out of sight.

There's no point in staying here, it's ready to go home.

The encounter with Orochimaru this time made his slightly slack heart tense again. He came and pressed it, and he ate the food. Sleeping pills to get some sleep.

After it went out, it prepared to return to Konoha on the same path.

However, it didn't take long for Qianminghui to go to Konoha's side, and it smelled a strange smell. Not long after, a man with a cold face appeared on the side of the road.

One of the three dignified ninjas, actually squatting in the grass like Galen?

Qianming's mentality collapsed. If he knew earlier, he would stay with Minato Minato, and eat dog food for nothing. It would be better than being targeted by this Konoha mad scientist.

In case this guy has some kind of perverted idea...

It only felt that the whole body was in a cold sweat on this hot day. Could this ninja world be better? Tears almost flowed down!

"Little guy, we meet again."


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