Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 72: posing poss? It's you!

"Do you look down on us too much?"

Asma couldn't help complaining in a low voice, then touched Feiyan behind him, her eyes sharpened instantly.

This chakra knife is not necessarily affordable for ordinary ninjas in his entire life, but he got it from the clan after graduation.

Seeing that saucy bag's actions, Qian Ming decided to beat up Asma after taking care of the two stupid dogs.

Krypton gold players are too annoying.


Asma held the flying swallow in her hand, looking like she was ready to go.

"come on."

After Kane Yuhi finished speaking, she jumped back quickly, her hands quickly forming a seal - Obito had already rushed towards her, and she had to predict the attack in advance.

The news of Obito's opening eyes has spread in the same graduating class, and the wheel-shattering eye can restrain illusion, so her goal is not Obito but Matekai.

Qian Ming glanced at it, and then he was too lazy to birdie those two second-hands.

With Obito's current ability, even if Akai is controlled by illusion, he can open the writing wheel and deal with it in a short period of time, so he is not worried at all.

As for the Inuzuka flower.


Haimaru and another ninja dog barked for a while, and then rushed towards him fiercely. They didn't see him for two or three months. It grew a lot bigger, which gave it a lot of confidence.

However, when they jumped in front of them and wanted to bite the black cat...



He jumped up quickly with two claws, and the first one, Hui Wan, was slapped to the ground, and the other ninja dog was instantly stunned. After landing, he braked suddenly and jumped back, looking at this side with vigilance and horror.


Inuzuka Hana called its name in worry and panic.

Shimimaru was still struggling, but the strength of the two slaps made his brain hurt and confused, and he couldn't stand up for a while. Qianming glanced at it, walked over and pressed the soles of his feet against its face.

Then the silly dog ​​shivered, lying on the ground and pretending to be dead.

Pure physical strength, Qian Ming is of course not so strong, but after blessing Chakra, it is not a problem to slap the not yet strong Hui Wan to the ground with his current strength.

After getting one, the other timidly returned to the Inuzuka lace.

"Sister Hua, it's fine."

Nohara Rin checked and knew that Haimaru was pretending to be dead, but she didn't say it, she just dragged it aside to avoid being hurt.

"Thank you, but the next step is my real strength, you have to be careful."

Inuzuka Hana breathed a sigh of relief.

She really didn't expect that Qian Ming would overturn her pet dog with two slaps. Fortunately, there is another...

Beast Ninja · Orc clone!

Qian Ming tilted his head and glanced at Akai and the others, then said, "Lin, I'll do it. Go and support Kai, that silly hat is under control."

"Uh, good."

Nohara Rin didn't hesitate, she turned and ran towards Akai.


Inuzuka Hana felt neglected.

A ninja cat.

A ninja cat under one year old, still trying to entangle me and my ninja dog?

All I need is a ninja dog...


As soon as his thoughts reached this point, he saw that the orc avatar who rushed to beat the little black cat was entangled in black cat hair, and then was slapped to the ground with a roar of "meow" and turned into a prototype.

The next second, the black cat hair quickly grew towards her.

Under the animal ninja technique, her speed is very fast, but no matter how fast she is, it can't be faster than a cat. The cat's explosion speed is faster and more terrifying than that of a dog. Besides, under the cultivation of the immortal chakra, Qianming's body has grown tremendously...

For a second, the black cat jumped on her back.

Then, a pile of hair wrapped around her body and neck, and at the same time sharp claws pressed against her neck.

"Meow~ I can't move."

Qian Ming said something in a low voice, then stomped her back and jumped forward, while the entangled cat hairs were instantly retracted.

Inuzuka Hana knew what the cat meant.

If the other party is willing, she can definitely bite her throat with claws or sharp teeth just now. On the battlefield, she is already dead.

Looking at Hui Wan who was jumping up and down for a moment and another stupid dog in a dazed state, she couldn't help sighing softly. It was a shame to lose to a cat in three fights.

Forget it, anyway, my name as a talented girl is not for fighting...

She comforted herself like this, but the more she thought about it, the more depressed she became. She couldn't help but almost cried angrily—if Inuzuka Hana had strong self-control, maybe she would actually cry.

After all, she was very annoyed, and these two silly dogs came over and smirked. For the first time, she thought these dogs were disgusting.

Qianming didn't pay much attention to Inuzuka Hana's thoughts, at this moment it was killing Asma.

"Be careful!"

Hong Yuhi glanced out of the corner of the eye and saw the shadow rushing over quickly, and immediately reminded her teammates.

But the black cat is very fast.

Asma prepared the countermeasures, and a strong gust of wind spewed out of her mouth.

Wind escape, a big breakthrough.

A big breakthrough is not very powerful, but it can disrupt and contain the enemy.

However, Qian Ming stretched out his hands very swiftly, lowered his body and moved forward quickly against the strong wind, and arrived in front of Asma in just a few seconds.

The young boy has the heart to express himself in front of the beautiful woman, holding a flying swallow in his hand and shouting bravely: "It's good, look at me..."


Qian Ming originally only intended to let him lose, but when he saw that he was so arrogant, he had to poss to say such a middle-class line, and immediately changed his mind.

The art of messy lion hair!

The cat hair flew out, gathered and divided into three strands, two strands wrapped around Asma's hands, and the remaining strand slapped Asma's neck under the control of Chakra.


Taking advantage of the leap, he jumped onto Asma's head, and bowed from left to right.

"Ah, my face!"

"Don't hit, don't hit, it'll be a waste to hit your face again."

Asma didn't have so many beards when he was a child, but he was still a handsome boy. In addition, as the son of the third generation, he had his own temperament, which made him look handsome.

But now being slapped in the face by a cat, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not really cool.

Obito and Yuhi Koren were both stupid, and the two who were still fighting stopped together and looked over.

"Qianming, stop quickly and stop fighting."

Nohara Rin blushed, this cat is too disrespectful, slapping her face like this... Isn't it a public revenge!

"Stop it."

Namikaze Minato came over immediately and called to stop, lest Asma become angry - although it was useless to become angry, but he was a child of three generations, so he had to save some face.

"Meow~ Are you admitting defeat?"

Qian Ming didn't let go, and asked this question deliberately, lest others think that it deliberately punched Asma in the face.

Besides, it didn't use any claws, otherwise Asma wouldn't be as simple as humiliating. With the sharpness of its claws, I'm afraid it could easily tear a piece of meat off his face.

"I admit defeat, I admit defeat."

Asma was very humiliated, but he found that these cat hairs were entangled like hemp rope, and they couldn't break free if they couldn't tie a seal with ninjutsu or cut them off with flying swallows.

If you fight again, it will only make you more humiliated.

The six of them were separated according to their dealings. Hana Inuzuka and Asma couldn't hang their faces. Both of them were defeated by the little black cat, and there was no glory at all.

It stands to reason that the other person should also be ashamed. After all, he was controlled by illusion as soon as he went up, and when he was finally rescued by Lin, the battle was over, but this forced him to feel no self-awareness at all. Instead, he was triumphant and very happy as a winner.

Qian Ming complained silently in his heart, and glanced at the scoreboard at the same time.


It was a bumper harvest, and it rose by seven or eight hundred in one breath. It was impossible to tell how much of it was given by Asma, but there must have been quite a few. It was secretly happy.

If you save a little more, you can exchange for the multiplication technique.


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