Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 94: ?8 dogs are afraid of 1 cat?

"Leaving Konoha, the big dog of the third generation can't continue to collect points, but..."

It's better to scare less of the moonlight and the wind.

Uyue Xiyan was so frightened at the time that the two of them really felt that disaster was imminent, and they even had the consciousness of sacrificing each other at that time.

Fortunately, neither of the two took the initiative to give up the other, otherwise it would be embarrassing to look back.

Qian Ming couldn't help but feel a little happy and regretful.

Fortunately, I didn't cause too bad consequences, and unfortunately this is exactly the same.

It can only be said that the psychology of human beings is indeed the coexistence of angels and demons, and it is difficult to judge by good and evil.

it thought to himself.

In the past, Obito or Kakashi took the medical kit and Qianming with him to save Nohara Rin's physical strength, but this time Rin intended to exercise her physical skills and did not give them to them.

Fortunately, all the caravans brought iron weapons such as kunai and shuriken, so they didn't walk fast, and their physical strength was not severe. Of course, the speed was also very slow. town.

They didn't settle here.

Although it will take a long time to get to the next town after passing through this town, they are all ninjas, samurai or businessmen who can endure hardships, and it is common for them to eat and sleep in the wild.

Ninja weapons like this will be delivered as soon as possible, and no one will be able to sleep peacefully in the hotel until the country of grass is handed over.

Rather than that, it is better to continue on the road.

Qian Ming has no opinion on this.

It eats and drinks as well as in the wild. From time to time, it uses the technique of messing up the lion's hair to tease and get some points, and a special cat food may be available.

The only problem is that you have to be very careful when you eat it.

Things like the packaging bag must not be seen by others, so Qianming is very careful when handling cat food.

In addition to cat food, it can also enjoy special dried fish from the Land of Eddy.

This is out of print!

The speed and efficiency of such a hurry are also extremely high. Except for the time for the horses to rest, everyone basically insisted on hurrying without much rest. It took five days to rush from Konoha to the town on the border of the country of fire.

This is still far from the real border, but there is no supply point further ahead. People don't matter, but horses are no better than people. They need a lot of feed and food to pull goods every day.

On the other hand, the closer to the border, the higher the danger, so it is imperative to supply supplies here overnight.

The degree of danger here is not high, and only one person is required to be on duty at night.

In order to ensure that the team has the best state, the first team of Qianming decided that Kakashi, Qianming and Obito "three people" would take turns on duty, so that the teacher Namifeng Minato could get enough rest.

The night was safe and sound.

The next day, everyone set off to follow the old road through the border to the country of grass. Because the grass ninja village has an excellent relationship with Konoha, they have always been allies, so the caravan between the country of fire and the country of grass is very frequent.

What they are going on is the trade route that most of the businessmen of the two countries take.

But recently, the merchants all know that the border is not peaceful, and gradually there are no caravans traveling between the two countries. For example, their caravans basically did not encounter other teams along the way.

"Qianming, go to the border later to explore the road to see the situation, pay attention to cover yourself, if you encounter an enemy and can't handle it, run away, everything is mainly to save your life and warn you, understand?"


The black cat barked, then licked its paws, looking ready to go.

With his current strength, as long as he doesn't encounter a Jōnin, he can basically do it. Even if he encounters a Jōnin, it doesn't matter.

There is the first of the eight Dunjia. Its speed can reach a level that is beyond the reach of ordinary people in a short period of time, and it is not a big problem to get out of the warning.

Of course, another reason why it agreed is that if it encounters an enemy ninja, it can tease and frighten it well and get some points.

Nearly 6,000 points is a lot, but compared to the ninjutsu, blood-based limits, and special abilities that he wants to acquire, it's not worth mentioning at all.

"Lord Watergate, the frontier is the frontier of the business road."

Uehara Kazuhiro walked over to the Namikaze Minato and whispered.

"I see, everyone should stand according to the formation..."


Nohara Rin and Obito walked at the back of the caravan, while Kakashi and Minato Minato were standing in front to prevent the enemy from sneaking in from the dark.

Needless to say, Qianming sneaked into the woods at a certain corner early, and at this time, he had already crossed the caravan and dived through the less dense woods to the area where there might be an ambush ahead.

There is no enemy, but it does not rule out the possibility that the opponent has a hidden aura.

Iwanin is good at earth escape. For example, the technique of hiding the earth dragon is a ninjutsu that escapes and strikes by hiding in the ground. The place where this ninjutsu passes will not leave any smell.

Qian Ming was very careful, using the transformation technique to change his hair color to a green color similar to the forest, and carefully inspected the surroundings.

This forest has no enemies.

However, in the mountain forest ahead, there is a rock that looks suspicious - it is not that it is so strange, but that this rock vaguely radiates the feeling of chakra.

Yes, feeling.

A bit like a cat's intuition, but a little more reliable than intuition...

Perhaps it was his awakened perception ability?

Qian Ming guessed in his heart, and then cautiously approached a rock, but after a few steps, it stopped.

The chakra fluctuations disappeared.

'It seems that the other party has the ability to perceive, and yes, without the ability to perceive, it is impossible to know the dynamics of the above, but it is certain that they are hiding around here and preparing to hijack, and this kind of ninjutsu must be the ninja from the rock ninja. ...'

Qian Ming pondered for a while, then withdrew from the forest to the caravan.

"How about it?"

"Meow~ There are ninjas in ambush, and the opponent will move and shift positions in the soil, so it is impossible to accurately target the target, but this cat can conclude that there are chakra fluctuations~www.readwn.com~ Qianming barked, and then glanced at Kakashi. , indicating that he has exerted his strength.

Kakashi has developed the second type of chakra change, mastering both Thunder and Tudun ninjutsu, and his eight ninja dogs have the ability to cooperate with Tudun. In the soil, Kakashi and his dog is professional.

"Kakashi, please."

Namikaze Minato looked over.

Kakashi nodded, and immediately prepared for a psychic spell.

Eight dogs were channeled out.

But the painting style of these eight dogs is a bit strange. Either they are wet or they are wearing bath towels. It looks like where should they be enjoying life.

"Kakashi, you don't know... Huh, eh? That violent cat!"

Parker wanted to complain at first, but when he saw the situation in front of him, he immediately hid behind his brothers to seek shelter, but except for the biggest dog, everyone else was afraid of Qianming——

The last time Qianming became bigger and slapped the **** dog of the Inuzuka clan, it really impressed them deeply.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

The eight dogs barked together, as if they regarded Qianming as an enemy.

Qianming was silent for a moment, and then suddenly doubled in size: "Meow! Find out the situation, idiot, now it's on a mission!"


Parker and the other seven dogs stepped back subconsciously, then turned to look at Kakashi.


Kakashi didn't know what to say. Eight dogs are afraid of a cat. You've lost all the face of the dog clan. If you knew that a dog was so shy, it would be better to have a cat.

Forget it, yesterday the bunch of dogs were afraid of this cat...

Besides, there is nothing to worry about with dogs.

He sighed helplessly, then without a word, he took out the only Thunder Fang dagger and rushed forward.

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