Walking on the way home, Ye Fan glanced at Inuzuka Kiba who was following him.

"How do you feel now?"

Ye Fan's voice revealed concern.

"It's getting better."

While Inuzuka Kiba was speaking, he stared fiercely at Ye Fan:

"Brother Ye Fan, that kind of' Recovery Potion'Is there any more?"

Ye Fan's footsteps were slightly paused, and he guessed what the younger brother was thinking, and said:

"Not anymore, but you If necessary, I can configure some more next time."

Although Ye Fan has already started training "Five Spirits Golden Exploration Art" and can configure some ordinary medicines, it is difficult to find medicine ingredients that cannot stand.

Furthermore, the bottle of "Recovery Potion" that Inuzuka Kiba drank was just a new test version.

Because of this, Ye Fan has no more on hand.

"Need need!"

Inuzuka Kiba said eagerly.

He who has experienced personally, naturally knows the magic of this "Recovery Potion".

Drink into the abdomen, like a stream of sweet spring, moisturizing the whole body cells.

Although it cannot recover the consumed chakra, it can make the body much easier.

"If you are not in a particularly hurry, you can wait a while, after all, the newly formulated'recovery potion' is not very good."

Ye Fan looks thoughtful appearance.

"Recovery Potion" may be magical in Inuzuka Kiba's eyes, but in Ye Fan's eyes, it is no different from garbage potion.

The lowest level that can satisfy him is to be able to restore chakra.

Otherwise, it would go against his original intention of distributing this medicine.

The current Ye Fan is very short of money, so he wants to formulate some medicines to sell, and the "recovery medicine" is the first attempt.

Because of the limited medicine ingredient found and the inability to leave the village, the "recovery potion" configured for the first time would be so undesirable.

while speaking, the two have returned home.

At home, Inuzuka Kiba couldn't wait to ask about the test.

He didn't even want to understand on the way, how did he get caught?

"Do you know why I forbid you to use that kind of battle method?"

Ye Fan's expression suddenly became serious.

Inuzuka Kiba shaking one's head, staring straight at Ye Fan, he felt a little nervous.

He is really afraid that the battle method has irreparable drawbacks.

If that is the case,

He has not learned a new Taijutsu,

he has lost one.

"The battle method is still not perfect for you now. If you encounter the opponent of rich experience, you will suffer in the end."

Ye Fan said.

"Can't control it perfectly yet?"

Inuzuka Kiba looked confused.

Ye Fan didn’t want to go around the circle anymore, and said directly:

"Although you have increased your sense of smell by tens of thousands of times by condensing chakra, but at the same time, sense of The danger of smell has also increased."

In order to make Inuzuka Kiba understand, Ye Fan took out a small wooden box and placed it on the table in front of Inuzuka Kiba.

Inuzuka Kiba's sight was immediately attracted by this small wooden box.

Without waiting for him to ask a question, Ye Fan said:

"The medicine powder inside was the reason why you fell on the ground."

After that, stretch out your hand to open the small wooden box, revealing the medicine powder in the light azure inside.

"This...Is this poison?"

Inuzuka Kiba subconsciously held down Akamaru, who had his head out of the collar, lest Akamaru sneezed out.

"No, this is not a poison."

Ye Fan's mouth is slightly raised:

"To be precise, this is a medicine covering the smell. powder."

"For an ordinary person, it is tasteless, but for a person or animal with a particularly sensitive sense of smell, it is extremely stimulating."

"It is this irritation that made you lose the ability to move."

It can be seen that the moment the box was opened, the Akamaru in the collar of Inuzuka Kiba suddenly became agitated.

Akamaru immediately retracted his head, and kept twisting his body, making an uncomfortable sound in his mouth.

"Akamaru, what's wrong with you?"

Inuzuka Kiba lowered his head and asked.

"I think Akamaru should have smelled the smell of this medicine powder."

Ye Fan said while covering the box.

Sure enough, after the small wooden box was re-covered, the restless Akamaru gradually calmed down.

Inuzuka Kiba lifts the head, incredibly looked Ye Fan.

Who would have thought that this small box of medicine powder would become Ninken’s nemesis?


Why is Shadow on the side okay?

At this time, Inuzuka Kiba discovered that the little Ninken Shadow lying at Ye Fan’s feet was not affected by the medicine powder in the box.

"Ye Fan, why is Shadow all right?"

Inuzuka Kiba looked surprised.

"This is what I want to tell you next."

Ye Fan paused for a moment with a very mysterious look, then continued:

"As long as you have mastered the special skills, you can ignore the irritation of the smell, and Shadow will be fine, precisely because of this."

"Special skills?"

"Yes, this is what I plan to focus on guiding you in the next step."

Ye Fan's expression began to become serious, and he continued:

"Once you master this This technique can not only improve your sense of smell, but also directly affect your five senses, and then let you master Sixth Sense’s Secret Art."

Although Inuzuka Kiba still didn’t listen Understand too much.

However, he has been curiosity dangled, and asked with some light in his eyes:

"Ye Fan, what is'Sixth Sense's Secret Art'? very difficult to Deal with?"

"How can I explain this to you?"

Ye Fan put on a thoughtful look. After a little while, he suddenly lifts the head:

"Hyuga Clan's Kekkei Genkai, you should be aware of it?"

Inuzuka Kiba nodded, Hyuga Clan's "Byakugan", it is brilliant and well-known, plus Hyuga Hinata is with him It’s hard to think about it clearly in a group.

"I said'Sixth Sense's Secret Art', you can understand it as the ability not to lose to'Byakugan'."

Ye Fan looking thoughtfully said.


Inuzuka Kiba was surprised and stood up directly from his seat.

Be aware,

"Kekkei Genkai", that can only be owned by clan bloodline inheritance.

"The ability of'Byakugan' should be perspective, which is mostly used for detection, while'Sixth Sense's Secret Art' is similar to a sense.

From this point of view, it does not Will be weaker than'Byakugan'.

Even, it will increase as your strength grows."

Ye Fan said with a smile, what he wants is to cause Inuzuka Kiba attach great importance to.

"I want to learn, teach me!"

Inuzuka Kiba is already in a hurry.

He originally just wanted a kind of Taijutsu.


Ye Fan gave him an existence similar to "Kekkei Genkai".


In the understanding and trust of Ye Fan.

Inuzuka Kiba's heart is full of expectations.

I feel the blood all over my body is starting to burn.

"You have to be mentally prepared.'Sixth Sense's Secret Art' is not so easy to master. Without enough perseverance, you will only give up halfway."

Ye Fan eyes slightly narrowed .

In his mind, he already has a set of preliminary training methods.

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