Konoha's Destiny Twins

Two hundred and ninety - another kaleidoscope

Qing Shui stared blankly as the three clones were killed in the blink of an eye.

The "water droplet" that flashed away just now, with a speed even comparable to a bullet, was the water escape ninjutsu released by the Sandaime Mizukage!

To be precise, they were just three oval water balls shaped like water droplets and smaller than the size of a fist.

This is a water cannon!

How could the Sandaime Mizukage know such a perverted killing move? !

And isn't the water iron cannon technique a secret ninjutsu passed down from generation to generation by the Oniden clan? !

Also, those were three water-iron cannons fired almost at the same time just now.

An upgraded version of the Water Iron Cannon Jutsu? !

Soon, the last memory of the shadow clone and water clone before dissipating was transmitted back to the main body.

All three of them were killed almost simultaneously without any defense.

Although the clone's strength will decrease relative to the main body's strength, that is only a limitation on the amount of chakra. The clone's reaction, strength and speed will not be attenuated in any way.

Therefore, if he had not paid more attention at that time and cast his water body immediately before the attack and continued to hide under the water to observe the situation, then his April Qingshui would be a dead man now.

Faced with this unexpected and instantaneous outbreak of terror, he had no reaction or any countermeasures.

For the first time, I experienced the feeling of being killed instantly.

A chill instantly ran through my body.

At that time, the Sandaime Raikage who was killed by his sneak attack would also have felt this powerless...if he was still conscious at the moment before his death.

In fact, in Naruto's world, ninjas are a group of low-blooded mages with high attack and low defense. Being attacked unprepared often means death.

As strong as Six Paths Madara, wouldn't he still be killed instantly by Black Jue's palm?

If you are careless, you will lose. Only by preventing high blood and thick blood will it not be in vain.

Qing Shui silently wrote down the shortcomings that needed improvement, and then continued to hide under the water, watching every move of the Sandaime Mizukage.

However, the other party did not take any further action?

Maybe it's because that technique consumes a lot of money?

Or are you wary of Uchiha Fugaku?

That silent water-iron cannon really put a lot of pressure on him.

But instead of waiting here for fantasy, it would be more practical to send another water avatar to explore the way - suddenly there were waves on the lake again.

In the blink of an eye, Qing Shui's figure jumped out, slashing towards the Sandaime Mizukage with a bolt of lightning.

Then the opponent's chest was penetrated by Qingshui...

"?" Isn't this too simple?

"..." The blood instantly stained my left hand red...

"!!!" The Sandaime Mizukage's body slammed into the lake. He couldn't die any more! ! !

At this moment, Qing Shui felt an indescribable strange feeling in his heart...

Where is the shadow-level powerhouse you promised? Where is the trump card that was promised?

Is the gap too big now? !

He subconsciously glanced at Uchiha Fugaku, who had just faced off with the Sandaime Mizukage for a few breaths.

What happened during the brief time he was underwater? Now looking at the tired look on the other person's face, it seems that he has spent a lot of money?

"It's still too reluctant... to use this kind of power." Uchiha Fugaku spoke, his voice a little tired.

After the clone dissipated, Qingshui's true body had already brought the body of the third generation Mizukage to Uchiha Fugaku: "Sharingan's illusion?"

It is natural to have such a guess. Qingshui carefully observed the injuries on the corpse, and there were no wounds caused by Uchiha Fugaku.

After much deliberation, the only explanation is genjutsu, and it is a genjutsu that consumes a lot of energy, Sharingan genjutsu!

"Yes... but I haven't mastered it yet." Uchiha Fugaku said modestly, "It's thanks to you, Qingshui, that you consumed his chakra and made him careless. Otherwise, I wouldn't have had this chance at all."

But what kind of illusion can actually hit a shadow-level powerhouse and affect his actions? !

The Three Magatama Sharingan is indeed very strong, but the previous battle of the Sandaime Mizukage can show that,

He obviously has a lot of experience fighting the enemy's Sharingan.

As for the general meaning of what Uchiha Fugaku said...

At this time, Qing Shui had already realized that the opportunity he thought before was nothing more than a trap set by the other party to lure him into taking action.

How could a strong man of that level make a mistake? !

"Before I took action, he was actually dead, right?"

Uchiha Fugaku was stunned, his expression slightly unnatural: "Didn't you and I kill him together?"

Qing Shui closed his eyes and carefully reviewed the scene of the last blow...

No matter how unexpected it is, the body of a strong person of this level will still react. This is a conditioned reflex formed by the body after long-term training and actual combat.

But just now, when Shimizu "killed" the Sandaime Mizukage with Thunder Blade Slash, the opponent's body seemed not to notice, and was as silent as a dead corpse.

His experience had told him the truth of the matter: before the water avatar launched the Thunder Blade Slash attack, the Sandaime Mizukage was already dead.

The time when the other party died was within the few breaths of "confrontation" with Uchiha Fugaku.

"Is Fugaku-senpai hiding something?"

"...I don't quite understand what you are talking about."

"I thought you would be eager to take all the credit for killing the Sandaime Mizukage, but this is beyond my expectation."

"Haha... This credit is indeed very important to Uchiha, but I will not covet things that do not belong to me."

What he said was truly sincere.

In fact, Uchiha Fugaku would give away part of the credit, not only to cover up his secret, but also to sell Shimizu favors and get him "in the water".

After all, great contributions are indeed important, but if you can gain the friendship of "Shunshen Qingshui", the loss is nothing at all.

It's a pity that Shimizu doesn't really care about this so-called credit now, and he can probably guess what Uchiha Fugaku is hiding.

What else could it be that could kill a shadow-level powerhouse in a short period of time and consume a huge amount of illusions?

Only the mysterious Mangekyō Sharingan!

But counting this, plus Madara, this should be the second owner of the Mangekyō Sharingan.

But when Uchiha Fugaku has the Mangekyō Sharingan, is the fourth generation Hokage still out of reach?

Things about Uchiha may become more and more troublesome...

However, at this time, Qingshui is not suitable to intervene and report the matter of the other party's Kaleidoscope... let's put it aside for now.

Suddenly his expression changed drastically, and he only had time to take away the dagger held by the Sandaime Mizukage: "I'll leave this to you."

Let Uchiha Fugaku handle the rest.

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Qing Shui's figure had disappeared.

Instant water!

In an instant, only afterimages were left on the lake, and this figure flew towards the distance at an extremely fast speed that was unmatched.

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