You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Hey, don't pretend, you are not injured at all."

With a black face, Shishui stopped his rushing pace and put down the man with the hood on his back.

Although it was a question, Shishui said it in a positive tone

The situation was urgent before, and he took the person away without paying attention, but only when he ran out did he discover that there was nothing wrong with the guy who had hit the thunder.

"You are Uchiha Shisui."

But Mercer did not answer his question directly, but said in an affirmative tone

"You know me?"

Zhishui questioned, he had never seen this person in his mind.Ninja World is different from the information explosion era of the 21st century. Even if you are a famous person here, you have only heard of his name, but you don't necessarily know what he looks like.

Although he had made some famous names in the Third Ninja World War, he was far behind Sannin, the golden glitter.

"Among the demons I devoured, there are memories of you. My name is Alex Mercer, and I have the same goals as you, but I need to see Banner first."

Moser turned his head, and then said, "Leave first, this is not far from the demons' residence, and you will be discovered soon."

Although he was suspicious, Zhishui hesitated to lead the way, but it was not the place where he converged with Banner.

After all, Shishui is not a fool. It is impossible to listen to Moser and take him to find Banner. What if he has any bad intentions?This is something no one can tell.

So he asked as he walked, "Who are you? What does it have to do with the demons? Why do you know Banner?"

While rushing, Mercer replied, "I know you don’t trust me, but I am indeed on the same front with you. Not long ago, I was with you Konoha’s Jiraiya, and Osamaru and Hafong Water Gate. Fought."

"What? Mizumonsami Ninja? And Jiraiya-sama and Oshemaru-sama?!" Zhishui was startled. During the time with Banner, most of them were blind to the things outside the window. Basically, I don’t know much about what happened. Like most ordinary ninjas, I don’t know what happened in this short period of time.

Could it be...

Shisui knew that they Uchiha was in charge of the demonic energy in the kingdom of Reeda, and in order to collect another demonic energy, the village would definitely send someone out. Maybe it was the Jiraiya, Osakemaru and Bo Feng Shuimen three people.

What kind of power can make this ninja who is not weak in front of you fight side by side with the three?

Demon again!

Zhishui made a judgment in an instant

"Yes, if you don't believe me, you can also contact your Konoha people."

"This..." Zhishui hesitated, he didn't know what the people in the village would say after they knew his actions.However, he felt that there was a great possibility that he would be called back to the village, after all, it was impossible for the patriarch to let a kaleidoscope go to the demon residence casually.

This is why he didn't inform the village where he was.

Among the choices of Iron Fire, Rice Fire, and Shishui that were most likely to have been controlled, he could guess the choice of the village almost without thinking.

"If it doesn't work, you can also go and inform Banner first. He must have heard my name."

Seeing that Shishui had any concerns, Moser made another suggestion.Destiny book

"Okay..." Zhishui nodded after hesitating for a moment, and then separated a shadow clone and asked him to go to Banner's place.

The two of them reached the top of a mountain peak and looked around from here to see the green woods, like a pool of clear water undulating with the breeze.Over the head is the blue sky, and a few white clouds are transformed into various shapes, slowly floating in the sky.

"I'm curious, what do you mean by swallowing before?"

The two of them sat on the ground casually, looking at the rare beauty, Zhishui couldn't help asking.

"It's my special ability, in the words of your ninjas, it is the limit of blood succession."

Alex Mercer repeated what he had said to Jilaiya and the others, and then slowly stood up.

He walked to the edge of the cliff, and looked down from the top, the tall trees were not worth mentioning in front of the majestic mountain.This was a height enough to scare people with acrophobia to death, but Mercer felt as if he was standing on the flat ground.

"I have been thinking for so many years, whether I have absorbed so many people's memories or not the original Alex Mercer?"

"I have a memory named Yoko Yoko Yoko Yosei in my mind, and a memory named Hikaru Uruguchi. If necessary, I can play them perfectly, so now am I just playing this name Alex Mercer? What about his identity?"

With a melancholy expression on his face, he sighed

At this moment, he was standing alone on the top of the world, and the cold wind blew past, as if the world was crying for it.

The helplessness and sorrow in these words made Shishui a little at a loss. He has never been able to comfort people, or that Uchiha's brain circuit has never thought of comforting people.

"The true self...?" Zhishui put his hands behind his head, then lay down, looking at the white clouds drifting in the wind, he couldn't help but sigh, "This is a ninja, for certain things, even if it is It’s no hesitate to become another person."

As an honor student, Shisui has seen in his textbook the exaggeration that a ninja completely brainwashed himself to act as another person in order to be an excellent spy.

In the Third Ninja World War, such people were not in the minority. Without the information they passed on, the war would probably last longer.

A war is not only done by ninjas. Those unknown people who are not well-known and hidden behind the scenes may play a bigger role.


Moser did not show too much entanglement in front of Zhishui, he just stood quietly on the edge of the cliff, like an old man watching the vicissitudes of life.

Shishui also didn't know what to say for a while, so she had to lie on the ground and silence.

So the two kept this weird peace until the arrival of Zhishuiying clone and Bruce Banner.

Although Banner doesn't have the terrifying power of the Hulk that drives mountains and gravel under normal conditions, he still has the magic energy of the mountain in his body, and the power of the magic energy is enough to support him to climb to the top of the mountain quickly.

Zhishui stood up, then lifted the shadow clone, breathing a sigh of relief.

The atmosphere just now made him wonder what to do, but now he is waiting for Banner to come.

"You came."

Hearing the sound behind, Moser didn't turn his head back, and said lightly.

"Yes, I am here."

Banner nodded to Zhishui, then turned his gaze at Alex Mercer again

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