You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"With the brutality of the Asura unicorn, it will inevitably be arranged in the deepest part of the base to be used as a trump card, so our battle plan is to bring out what we want without disturbing the Asura unicorn."

"Banna, if you force the Hulk, will you fall into a runaway again?"

Below a big mountain, with water still, Moser and Banner cling to the wall, carefully looking at the entrance of the cave not far away.

After the harassment not long ago, the guards here have become more cautious. They all hid in the gloomy caves, ensuring that even if the terrain changes suddenly, they have the ability to distort the light immediately to create An artificial darkness.

"It may be difficult, but it's not impossible to try, because the Hulk's violent consciousness has been hit hard not long ago. I can feel that in the current contest between us, I have the upper hand."

"That's fine." Moser pointed to the ninja in the hole and whispered, "Your ability is not suitable for sneaking, so I need you to attract their attention from the front, and Shishui and I took the opportunity to sneak in. "

He possesses the ever-changing abilities and Shishui with hypnotic eyes are both types that are extremely good at sneaking, and the Hulk is obviously a miracle vigorously, and naturally, he cannot be expected to sneak in secretly.

Banner also understands this, so he just nodded silently to express his understanding.

There were blue veins on his face, as if using a lot of strength, he let out a howl.

This huge howl naturally attracted the attention of the ninja, and saw the sky darken again, but this time the scope was a little smaller, but it also wrapped their location in it.

Moser and Zhishui looked at each other, and then left here using their own means at the same time.When the guard ninja came here using the instantaneous technique, he suddenly felt the mountain shake, and then a green monster passed through the mountain with a bang.

The monster slammed a punch, and the air was torn by a strong blow, and it hit a ninja before the moment.

Hearing a bang, the man's body suddenly burst open, and the bright red blood and organs splashed all over, causing the people in the court to feel a chill.

"The Art of Light and Heavy Rock!"

A ninja hurriedly used a very restrained body technique to lighten the Hulk's body, but failed to react to the speed at which it became lighter, and was punched in the cheek.

Although this was not as good as the bombardment that caused the body to explode into fragments, the power was obviously not ordinary. It still flew the soil escape ninja tens of meters away, and flew backwards until it hit a mountain peak.

Putting such a terrifying force on an ordinary ninja would naturally not survive, but he is indeed a vampire with strong vitality.

However, no matter how powerful this fist is, it does not have the power of sunlight. People who can't ripple Qigong will not cause death unless they explode the vampire's body into several parts as before.

At the moment when the Hulk was fighting with a large number of ninjas, Moser and Shisui headed to the entrance of the cave at the fastest speed. Naturally, there were still ninjas left behind, but the number at this moment was not enough to threaten them.

It was just a meeting, and Zhishui controlled them with the illusion of writing round eyes. After hypnotizing them with ease, the two ran into the dark cave.

It can only be said that it is worthy of the gathering place of dark creatures, and there is no light in this invisible environment.

The two of them didn't dare to be reckless, so they had to move forward step by step. In the process, rustling sounds were made in some places, and then a large number of bats flew past, which looked a bit like a spiritual place.

The corner of Mercer's eyes was aimed at the top of the cave, then he leaped for an instant, then plunged a hand into the rock wall, and with a downward force, he pulled a ninja stuck on the wall and exploded.

He was originally a sentry that used soil escape and vampire abilities to integrate into the rock formations, but Mercer, as the prototype of the black light virus, showed strong biological perception, and suddenly discovered his location.v3 Academy

He showed a horrified expression, and was about to whine and cry for help, but Moser stuck his throat hard and couldn't make a sound.

In Zhishui's slightly disgusting gaze, countless red bloodshots gushed out of Moser's body, which then turned into the sharpest needle point, which was fiercely inserted into the ninja's body.

The flesh and blood of the ninja rolled and became smaller and smaller as Mercer swallowed. In the last sound of a pebble falling on the ground, Mercer swallowed the ninja completely and turned it into the other side's appearance.

After digesting the memory of the other party, he slowly said, "There is a bifurcation not far in front. The one on the left is the previous test site. Although it is now abandoned, there are still many materials stored in it. Have the data Banner needs."

"What about the right?" Zhishui asked

"It's the person in charge of this base. He has the information I need in his mind."

The meaning of what he said was already obvious. He wanted the two of them to act separately. After all, if they put all their energies on one side, they might be noticed by the other side, leading them to prepare for battle and even release the Asura unicorn. .

At that time, they are very likely to be trapped in the cave, and then they can simply escape...

"Okay! Then I will go to the left to look for it, but I also ask you to help me pay attention to whether there is Uchiha's ninja in their hands."

"I will pay attention, but if they are really controlled, I may not be able to guarantee their safety."

Zhishui stagnated, then sighed, "I understand..."


"Huh? What a violent vibration..."

The fourth generation of Raikage frowned slightly, then looked to the east

After they sensed that there was an outbreak of Chakra, Raikage followed Yumuren to the location of the incident to investigate, and the students for the Zhongnin exam were guarded by their team, Shangren and another Raiking guard. .

As a human pillar force capable of friendly communication with the tail beast, the strength of the wooden man is naturally not to be underestimated. It is enough for him to protect Raikage's safety.

After all, Raikage is different from the daimyo, they themselves have very high demands on strength.

Yuki is very happy to be able to go to Konoha as a Raikage guard.I feel that my strength has been recognized. This is one of them. The most exciting thing is to be able to see this world different from Yunyin Village.

But another person, Zhu Liqi, Rabbi was not so lucky. He was strictly ordered by the fourth generation of Raiking to stay in the village guard to prevent the sudden attack of the demons.

"Hmph, it looks quite interesting..."

The wooden man carefully looked at the source of the shaking, and only heard a loud noise. The green giant broke a small mountain peak. He carried a ninja whose body had been distorted in his hand and fell to the ground. .


The green monster roared...

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