You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Shishui walked cautiously in the dark abandoned laboratory while keeping an eye on the surroundings.

Although there is no light in this laboratory, the darkness is nothing in front of Shishui who possesses the writing wheel.

"Where is the information about the Hulk...?"

He walked to a cabinet that seemed to be storing materials and looked at them one by one

"This is the Beastmaster, this is the armed gorilla, this is the zombie man, this is the mosquito girl..." Zhishui's mouth was chanting one strange name after another, turning over the information book after another, and then Finally found his goal in the last few materials.

He took out a scroll from his arms and sealed the information in it. He was about to return but was dazzled by the sudden light.

The lamp hung on the ceiling gave out a strong light, illuminating the old laboratory, and dispelling the haze in Shishui’s heart, because he suddenly discovered that the figure standing at the light control button is himself Uchiha Iron Fire and Uchiha Rice Fire who are looking for!

It's just that the two of them currently don't have the eyes that once made Zhishui familiar, and instead they are crazy and chaotic!

"Tsk, look at my brother, I knew it was the boy Zhishui." Tie Huo looked at Zhishui with a gloomy look, which contained a strong killing intent!

"Hmph, I didn't expect that you would take the initiative to send it to the door and stop water." Daohuo also coldly hummed, "put down the things in your hands, as a former tribe, we can spare your life!"

In his eyes, Sangouyu's writing wheel slowly emerged, Daohuo felt a strong force pouring out of his body, he raised his face with one hand and let out a crazy laugh, "Look, Shishui ! Now I have the power no less than you! What kaleidoscope? What stop water in an instant, you are just a small junior in front of me!"

Uchiha is a family whose feelings are very prone to extremes. Originally Inahuo and Tiehuo were the best masters in the family. As an elite, they are not inferior to their patriarch Uchiha Tomitake, but for the third time. After the Ninja World War, Fu Yue opened a kaleidoscope, and his strength far surpassed them.

But they can accept it. After all, Fuyue is the head of the patriarch, and he has outstanding talents. It is not impossible to open the kaleidoscope.

But Shisui... For both of them, Uchiha Shisui is just a junior, but at such a young age, he opened the kaleidoscope to write round eyes, this ultimate art, this is the power that the Uchiha clan dreams of!

If the two of them don't envy it, it is false. After all, for the Uchiha clan who values ​​power, a kaleidoscope means status.

But it's just envy. They can grow up to be an elite, and they are not small-minded people. Seeing that Zhishui opens the kaleidoscope will only make them more desperate to practice...

But now, under the power of the stone ghost mask, they unreservedly released the dark side of their hearts, so this envy was distorted into jealousy, and then under the effect of jealousy, endless killing intent grew. !

At this moment, under the same conditions as the energy increase of the stone ghost mask, the blood of the fire unicorn, and the energy of Suzuki, coupled with their basic strength being much stronger than those outside, the strength has been greatly improved.

Especially the blood of the fire unicorn. When Naoto strengthens the rebellious ninjas from the outside world, he uses the method of strengthening the unicorn arm, which means that the ninja’s body is poured with the unicorn blood. If it can bear it, it will naturally become Very strong, it will die if you can't bear it.

Of course, relying on the strong resilience of vampires, not many ninjas died.

Under such circumstances, those ninjas who survived have not only greatly improved their physical fitness, but also possessed a slight increase in the fire attribute, but this kind of enhancement is far worse than the power of the real unicorn blood.

In the original story, the mad blood of the Nie family is the real power of the Qilin blood. Nie Feng’s mad blood is almost incomprehensible. He was beaten by Wushuang City Lord, and immediately killed him with a single slash. The degree of Qilin's blood is not comparable to that of being drenched on the body.Cool Record Literature

Iron fire and rice fire started to strengthen according to the steps of crazy blood. Under this situation, their strength soared, and they even had the confidence to fight Shishui!

"Two seniors!" Zhishui was obviously surprised after seeing the two, but what they said did not surprise Shishui much.After all, as a person who already knew Dior's abilities, and even a person who had personally fought with dead people, he naturally knew that iron fire and rice fire were under Dior's control.

And the words of a person whose mind is distorted and controlled will naturally not take it to heart.

Even because of this, he was determined to strike the rice fire and iron fire first!

Seeing the eyes of the two people in front of them gradually became bloodthirsty, an extremely fierce aura spread out, making Shishui unwilling to be outdone to open the kaleidoscope writing wheel.

"Fire Escape·Dragon Fire Art!"

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

The horns at the beginning of the battle were sounded by two ninjas whose fire attributes were enhanced by the blood of unicorns. The fiery flame swept the fireball, melting the ground along the way, and the violent Chakra burned everything indiscriminately.

Although only two simple ninjutsu, it has to be said that under the use of these two people, they already possess extremely terrifying lethality.

But unfortunately, what they are facing is Shisui, a Uchiha ninja who has opened the kaleidoscope to write the wheel!


Zhishui whispered

A dark green skeleton giant appeared on the upper body, completely wrapping the upper body of Shishui.Suzuo can be localized!

After the battle with the Hulk, Shishui also had some experience in the use of this kaleidoscope ultimate art, at least it was much stronger than before.

Under this absolute defense, the high temperature enough to melt steel can't stop water...


However, the two men who had lost their minds by the blood of the unicorns completely ignored them. They let out a roar like a beast and galloped over.

"Fire escape, extinguish the fire!"

Shisui, who was protected by Suzuo Nohu, quickly formed a seal, and then spit out a huge sea of ​​fire. The terrifying high temperature built an absolute line of defense, so that the iron fire and rice fire that were good at using flames did not dare to take a step further.

Although he fell into madness, it did not mean that he would just ignore it like a madman, but had an extremely sophisticated fighting method under the control of instinct.

I saw that in the face of the incoming sea of ​​fire, the iron fire formed the mark of the water escape·water array wall, and then a water wall was erected to isolate the flame.

Then Daohuo produced the fire escape and dragon flame singing technique. Four fire dragons spit out from his mouth, locking all the four directions of the water stop, and easily passed the flame, rumbling in the space where the water stop was. Blast...

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