You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!There was no choice of sneak attack, because in the fog of indistinguishable direction, the number of people was not an advantage.

Angers took the lead, and his aging body couldn't stop him from advancing. At this time, he was really like a general who led thousands of horses to charge. Time passed like a white horse, sharpening one of the sharpest blades in the world.

The icy mist suddenly expanded, as if it opened the mouth of a bloodbath that devoured people, and enveloped more than thirty ninjas in his domain, almost instantly the surrounding world changed into a vast expanse of whiteness.

"Everyone, be careful! Don't distract!"

Terumi reminded

She wanted to vomit very much in her heart now, but she thought that these two people were very reliable, but she didn't expect to rush in so recklessly.

At the very least, let's discuss countermeasures!

Just attacking straight in, what if you get an ambush?!

"But no matter what the plan is, in the end it will be unavoidable."

As if he had seen through what Terumi was thinking, Anger exclaimed, "If that's the case, go straight, it will save time."

Terumi was stunned for a long time before saying, "Are we going to destroy the altar directly?"

"That is our goal. Before we complete this goal, how can we get rid of the people who got in the way."

"Is the one who got in the way talking about me?"

Before Terumi Ming replied, a rough voice suddenly came from the front, Toguro stood alone in front of more than thirty people with his arms around his chest.

Seeing him again, Terumi Mei seemed to be suffocated, a powerful majesty released from his body, and his terrifying aura filled the air, as if standing in front of him was not a human being, but A monster!

He didn't seem to pay attention to this team at all, but looked at Suzuki Unification Lang and Angers, and suddenly laughed.

"Sure enough, it's a master, great."

"You guy!"

Feeling being ignored, the ninjas couldn't help cursing, but they had to admit that the half-devil in front of them was indeed much stronger than them.

"This guy may be a mixed race." Anger said to Suzuki, "then leave it to me."

"Master, don't be aggressive." Suzuki stared at Toguro. "He is very strong."

This is the first time he has made an evaluation of others. Whether his previous opponents were Bo Feng Shui Men or Black Watch's S-class fighters, he treated them with an attitude of looking down.

But the enemy in front of him deserves his comment as'very strong'!

"Ha ha……"

But Angers only stretched his muscles and bones, and then smiled faintly.

"But I am stronger!"

In a word, it reveals a strong confidence, this is a kind of confidence that can only be possessed by setting foot on countless battlefields and experiencing countless death battles. No matter what kind of opponent the enemy is, he has the confidence to defeat him!ok novel

"I understand."

Suzuki nodded slowly, then stepped out and rushed into the depths of the mist. The ninjas behind followed suit. The thick mist soon swallowed them, leaving only one team of more than 30 people. The name is Ange, and Toguro just wraps his hands around his chest without any movement.

"Do you just watch them pass this way?"

"You will all die, the only difference is whose hand you die." Toguro said seriously, "and my hands will only be stained with the blood of the strong."

"It seems that you are very confident in your own strength." Angers replied faintly. "Excessive self-confidence is stupid."

He moved suddenly, between the squirming fog, between the icy wind, between the rise and fall of the sea, his figure was as fast as lightning, and he approached in less than one point and one second. With Toyulu's figure, such a fast speed made this half-devil with extremely terrifying physical quality surprised.

Although wearing sunglasses, from the subtle facial expressions, he can still feel that his heart is not at peace.

But it's just that!

If the speed of Angers is ten times that of ordinary people, and the zero time delays his time by one-fifth of the original time, then his speed only needs to be 500 times that of ordinary people.

His body suddenly burst into blue veins, and then the whole body swelled almost doubled, the huge monster energy mixed with Long Wei, the eyes under the sunglasses stared at Anger's forward footsteps, and then stretched out at the most appropriate time. He took out his right arm, broke the air with a boom, and punched the punch.

An ordinary punch was enough to make anyone unavoidable, but under the action of zero time, Angers had a chance to react.

The pocket knife in his sleeve did not know when he was held in his hand, and then his body was twisted in an extremely unscientific way, so that the fist aimed at his chest was only rubbed on Anger’s shoulder. His pocket knife also slashed Toguro's right arm in a curve.

The knife seemed to have struck the steel and made a harsh sound. Anger could even see an extra white line on Toguro's right arm. The folding knife that could instinctively pierce the stainless steel easily was in a creature's. It is almost impossible to eat on the skin.

However, Toguro's powerful force was transmitted to his body, and Anger retreated dozens of steps, crazily using the ground to relieve his strength.

Although this punch only wiped an edge, it still contained the terrifying power that was enough to punch steel through a hole.

However, it was not Anger who suffered in this confrontation. Toguro looked at his right arm. Although the previous folding knife was sharp, it was not enough to penetrate his skin. But there was bursts of tingling pain from there. However, Toguro had to pay attention to it.

Sure enough, as if it had been poisoned, the skin around the white line began to appear a faint purple, as if a deadly toxin had spread from the white line.

He turned his head faintly and looked at Anger.

"It was a jackknife that was once tainted with the blood of the dragon king Constantine. It is an extremely dangerous weapon for anyone with dragon blood."

Angers replied

"The reputation value from Toguro is +821."

In fact, this jackknife certainly won't be stained with Constantine's blood, but Toguro Romoto is a reformer carefully researched by Dr. How could there be no restraint method?

The folding knife in Anger's hand is coated with a drug that specifically restrains Toguro's genetic sequence. It's okay like the previous abrasion, but if it is really pierced into the body, then the genes in his body will break step by step. Then died.

Naoto is a person with a strong desire for control, and he will never allow anything to escape his control!

Toguro is not his clone, nor is he resurrected by the ability of Naoto's clone. His every move is not affected by Naoto. Although Kenos has insurance in his body, no one thinks about human beings. Uncontrollable.

However, this also has an advantage. As an independent individual, Toguro also has the ability to contribute reputation to Naoto...

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