Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 152 Day Tiger

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"So, you are willing to be transformed into demons by the demons? To help them resurrect the Holy Lord? Then they will kill all humans!"

Angers didn't know when he had already stood behind him. The previous injury was nothing more than a skin injury. With his self-healing power, he would soon recover.

"I can't be thankful enough!" Togyu ​​Lu didn't look back, as if he hadn't put this previous opponent in his eyes. "If you can control your own destiny by transforming into a demon, what's wrong? Look at my current situation. Strength, even the ninja master who used to be aloof is not my opponent!"

"How can you big people who only know how to speak cool words? How can you understand our pain?"

"My father..." Kai's eyes slowly became firm. "My father died to protect me too... At that time, the enemy was the famous Misted Seven People, and no one expected him to do anything. But this is how he stood up!"

"If it weren't for the dead door... he would have a chance to escape!" Kai shouted excitedly, "but he can't go! His companion! His son is there! Everything he guards is there! He! How can I go?!"

"Death! The highest meaning of Bamen Dunjia, I never imagined in my life that my father would have such a handsome day! The crimson steam has been vividly remembered until now, and I will never forget it!"

Kai stood firm, and a powerful chakra burst out, its power far surpassed the sixth gate!

"I never imagined that in the eyes of others, who would seem to be a wasteful person for a lifetime would have such a handsome day, when he stood in front of me and said to me,'I will buy time', as if An indomitable giant."

The seventh door, shocking door!open!

"I... how can you destroy what he desperately wants to protect... everything he loves!"

Day Tiger!

At present, the strongest move Kay can release, after using it, his whole body will reach the limit of the human body. He has blocked all his beliefs and powers on this blow. If he can't severely damage Tou Lu, then wait for him...

Only death!

He did not expect that Kai would have such a powerful life-saving blow. Toguro did not have time to enter 100% form. He could only expand his body, and his muscles would become hideous and terrifying. But the high-density high-pressure gas bombs Before it had time to shrink, it hit his chest.

This is the difference in combat experience. Although Kay is not the one who fought countless battles later, and the same famous as Konoha's copy of the ninja Kakashi, he also has an extremely rich battle experience after the third Ninja war. experience.

Before Toguro was transformed by a doctor, he was just an ordinary person who had extremely difficulty in survival. He had almost never experienced serious battles before, and he was so easily attacked by Kai!


Toguro, who turned into a cannonball and was knocked into the air, rubbed his legs against the ground, sinking deeper and deeper into it. After several hundred meters, he finally stopped.

At this moment, he was hit into the soil. Starting from Kai's punch, a deeper and deeper gully spread out, until it reached a depth of tens of meters, and Toguru's legs were even immersed in the sea water!


Suddenly jumped out of the pit, Toguro burst out all over his body except for the small wounds. The toxins infected by the anger slash before finally waited for the time to erupt at this moment, and they continued to infect along the wounds. , For almost a moment, Toguro felt a sense of weakness.

He spit out two mouthfuls of blood, the blood stains were all black, and a feeling of suffocation came, causing him to kneel on the ground again.

"I...can't die..." 17 novel www.17xs.net

Toguro pressed his fist against the ground

He knew that if he died, then his brother would also be over.

His existence is the reason for the Demon Race to tolerate an ordinary person living in the Demon Race area, because he is the only individual who survives without knowing how many drugs are taken!

His muscles contracted, and in the extreme pain, he once again entered the 100% mode, starting to heal with the skin of the whole body, and the deadly toxin was also forced out under his deliberate control, but it still remained in the body. Part of the most core poison, no matter how he controls it, he can't force it out.

"You..." He looked at Ange, who was holding the pocket knife again, and Metkai, who was lying on the ground and panting, his eyes glowing with bloodthirsty red light because of the extreme anger.

"All are going to die!"


His complexion changed suddenly, because he found that in the ocean current that just gushed from the deep hole, there was a strange creature. It was a scaly fish. It opened its sharp teeth and took a bite. On Toguro's lap!

Fortunately, his muscle hardness now surpassed steel. The strange fish only left a white mark on his calf, but there was still a heartbreaking pain coming up.


Kakashi's voice was heard in the distance again, and there was a turbulent current surging behind him, and thousands of ghost tooth dragon vipers were constantly surging in it.

"Get out of here!"

That amazing number made Toguro feel a little uneasy. If he was in his heyday, he would naturally not be afraid of these creatures with great bite force, but now he has been seriously injured-although on the surface there is no more injuries. , Ke Kai’s punch, Sun Tiger, caused far more damage to him than skin injuries. His body had already been shaken by the terrifying airflow. The internal organs in his body were fast under the dual effects of vibration and poison. Close to exhaustion.

If he can't repair it as soon as possible in the Huidao Institute, then even if he is 100% strong, he will be unable to recover.

In this state, if he is constantly bitten by this weird fish, I am afraid that even if his whole body is as strong as a King Kong, he will sooner or later be swallowed up by these tens of thousands of weird fish!

"It's Ghost Tooth Dragon Viper!" Anger's eyes widened. "From the beginning, the Demon Race didn't want anyone other than the Vampire Beast to live!"

"What the hell is that?" Chief Kai exhaled and asked difficultly

He naturally saw that kind of terrifying creature, which can make Kakashi look panicked, even if it is chasing a shark behind it, it should be impossible!

"Vipers contaminated with dragon blood, they were used as executioners by dragons in ancient times. They were specially used to bite the scales of nobles. They are monsters capable of devouring bronze and steel!"

Anger also had a bad expression, he looked at Toguro who was aside, "It seems that you have also been abandoned."

"Give up?" Toyulu bent down and took a ghost tooth dragon viper that had bitten on his calf in his hand, and then chuckled lightly, "It will only be you who die! The only thing is that the bastard contaminated with dragon blood is so small. Not me!"

If the number of ghost tooth dragon vipers were too large, it would indeed threaten his life, but how could he be so stupid to be surrounded by such monsters?!

"As long as you drag you here, these ghost tooth dragon vipers will swallow you!"

He twisted his body and rushed to the back of Angers in an instant. He and Turbulence wrapped Kai, Angers, and Kakashi in a three-person bag, stretched out his hands, as if to be the strongest wall!

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