Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 166 Mosquitoes

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Jilai also hesitated, but in the end he still wanted to use Qiwuhai's power.

Because in his thoughts, as an organization spanning at least a thousand years of history, its accumulated knowledge has reached an unimaginable level, not to mention that they have also experienced the era of the mysterious demons and wizards, which adds a touch of mystery. Colors.

"In fact, it's nothing... I just think there may be something wrong in the future." Jilai also shook his head. "Forget it, you are not interested in this. I want to talk to your boss when I get the opportunity."

"It's boring..." Ace pressed the hat on his head and replied with disappointment. "Yes, let's solve the altar in front of you first."

"The exploration time has passed, so let's go back and discuss it with everyone."


The two slowly jumped down from the big tree, then withdrew to the rear, and quickly ran to the location of the Ninja Alliance.

Although three of the four masters are Konoha, in addition to them, the five major nations have also sent out more than a dozen ninjas and a large number of ninjas. The lineup is not much worse than the teams in the water country. go with.

"Master Jilaiya." It was Shishui who greeted him. Because he had used the kaleidoscope to write round eyes too many times in the previous months, Fu Yue has now strictly ordered him not to participate in the battle when it is not necessary.

This time the squad fighters also insisted on joining, otherwise Fu Yue would not let him follow.

But even after following, Fuyue still did not let Shishui participate in this intelligence search operation.

After all, a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is not so easy to cultivate, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Shisui is Uchiha's baby.

Young, strong, and there is a lot of room for improvement in the future, such a genius ninja, they will not let him lose his eyesight because of the use of kaleidoscope too many times.

Especially his kaleidoscope pupil technique other gods, it is an incredible magical skill, the ultimate illusion technique that modifies human thought silently, is the ultimate power that can deter any force.

If Uchiha wants to become Hokage in the future, the power of Shisui is indispensable.

In the original book, the Uchiha clan who were forced intolerably had to choose to stay dormant after losing Shisui, which shows Shisui's status.

"Has Fuyue haven't come back yet?" Zi Lai also glanced at him, and found that Fuyue was not there, so he couldn't help being curious.

Because he stared at the tree for a long time and found that there was no movement in the town, not even traces of biological existence. If it weren’t for an ancient altar in the middle of the town, he wondered if he had come to the wrong place. Place.

"Not yet..." Zhishui asked again, "Has Lord Jilaiya found anything?"

"No..." Jiraiya said in a daze. "It is exactly the same as in the information. It looks like a dead city, but so far none of the ninjas who have sneaked in have returned news. It seems to be with this dead city. Sleeping in general."

In addition to the altar of water, the fire altar closest to Konoha was the second to be discovered, but when the two Anbes discovered that there was an altar empty and no one was defending, one of them chose Entered secretly to destroy the altar, but the Anbe never came out after entering.

This made the second Anbe who felt something was wrong and chose to immediately return to Konoha. He probably guessed that something was a bit wicked here, so he sent the Uchiha clan with the strongest perception and Jiraiya with the fairy mode.Fifth Novel www.d5xs.net

"Even Master Jilaiya can't perceive it..." Zhishui couldn't help sighing, "It would be fine if I was there."

"Don't be so impatient." Ji Lai also patted Shishui on the shoulder. "Fuyue did the right thing. Kaleidoscope writing round eyes brings you not only strength, but also burden."

Let the two Konoha ninjas continue to talk, Ace randomly found a place to sit down and close his eyes to rest, as if preparing for the next battle.

After about twenty minutes, he only felt a huge sound suddenly coming from a few kilometers away, and then there was a fiery fire.

Ace opened his eyes and looked at the same Jiraiya and Shisui who didn't know what happened, and frowned. "With this scale of fire escape, could it be that Uchiha Tomitake fought the enemy?"

"Didn't you tell me not to fight the enemy for now?!"

Jilai also shook his head, "It's urgent to follow the authority, maybe something accident happened over there."

"Just leave it alone, I'll take a look first."

"What good is it for you to go alone? This is obviously a fight. Let's start together."

Needless to say, each of the ninjas here is a good player in their respective villages. At this moment, they are all serious and a little eager to try. At this moment, it can be said that the five great ninja villages have joined forces for the first time in history. Who is the representative of their respective villages? I don't want to embarrass my village.

"..." Jilai didn't want to start a decisive battle directly with the demons, but it seems that it has no choice but to do so now. "So... let's go together!"

After speaking, he took the lead, rushed to the forefront, and headed in the direction of the explosion of fire.

Ai Si Zhishui followed closely, followed by the supreme forbearance and forbearance of various countries. A group of dozens of people went forward mightily and shocked the birds and beasts in the woods. In front of these ninja adults, the so-called jackals, tigers and leopards also It's just Anshun's kittens, not to mention some small animals. At this moment, their passing is more terrifying than the king of beasts, but all the animals are running away in panic, only one creature is fearlessly blocking them. before.

It's a mosquito!

These mosquitoes buzzed like dark clouds and swept over like a black cloud. The groups of mosquitoes seemed to play their own symphony, and bite those fleeing animals unscrupulously. One of the mosquitoes landed on the ground. On the neck of the famous ninja, he pierced his mouth like a straw, sucking blood greedily, just like drawing blood with an empty needle.

At first, the ninja just felt like it had been pricked by a needle, but in an instant he felt something wrong, because with the loss of blood, the Chakra in his body felt like he was about to be taken away!

At this time, he looked again, only to find that countless corpses were scattered in the forest in an instant. The little animals that were fleeing were not afraid of them, ninja adults, but of mosquitoes that were half of the natural disaster!

A single mosquito is naturally useless, but one is not enough, there are a hundred, and one hundred is not enough, then another 10,000, if 10,000 is not enough, then use one hundred thousand, one million to die. you!

With such a large number of mosquitoes, let alone small animals, even ligers and elephants, no, even if a dinosaur is lifted up, it is estimated that they will be sucked to death!

It’s just that it’s useless to flee at this moment. Their speed is far worse than the mosquitoes that can fly in the sky.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Jilai also yelled, seeing this scene, he immediately thought of Shishui's report, that the mosquito girl who had appeared in the kingdom of thunder, the monster also used mosquitoes to control the enemy.

But shouldn't that guy have died early under Erwei Renzhuli's tail beast jade...

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