You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Chakra Creature!"

Jilai was also concentrating. If you want to say what the most famous chakra creature in the ninja world is, it is the tail beast.

They are born from the heavens and the earth, and they are the life forms of the gigantic chakras. Even death can be reborn after a period of time.

They themselves are violent life forms with endless chakras. After being sealed, they are precious strategic weapons of the great powers. It can be said that the reason why the ninja world can maintain the strategic balance of power among the five great powers is due to the existence of tail beasts and human pillars. More than half of the reasons.

But in addition to the nine big-tailed beasts, there are some other chakra life forms in the Ninja World, and even some countries are also conducting research on the zero-tail.

At this moment, the flame monsters Fuyue said are different from all the chakra lifeforms currently known. First of all, they are only half of chakra aggregates, and the upper body still contains biological entities, and they are more individual than tail beasts. A lot weaker, otherwise it would not be solved so easily by Fu Yue...

Uh... Although Fuyue, who has a kaleidoscope writing wheel, has no difficulty dealing with the tail beast...

"It should be the Balrog." Unexpectedly, Ace seemed to know this creature. He walked to a corpse. Perhaps they could not control the power of the flame before death. The extreme high temperature instantly destroyed the carbon in his body. The elements were crystallized, leaving the fiery red armor with a body resembling a white statue.

"Blazing Demon? What is that?" Jilai also asked

"At the beginning, one of the demons. The demons were not a race like humans, but a loose alliance composed of several races. In addition to the royal family from the Holy Lord, there were many other types of demons. One of them." Ace rubbed his eyebrows, and then said, "But the flame demon family should have been completely wiped out by the original wizard."

"Didn't they eliminate the demons at the beginning, but now they still jump out of the invisible empire." Jilai also spread his hands. "I think we need some information about these so-called Balrogs. They are likely to be. Our enemy."

"...Because for thousands of years, we have always believed that the Balrog clan has been completely extinct, so we don't have any information other than knowing that the other party is good at using flames and can mobilize natural energy to a certain extent."

"Oh..." Jilai slapped a hand on his face, and said helplessly, "Forget it, the combat intelligence of the two armies is always the most important. Next, I will dive into the small town to collect intelligence."

"Are you alone?" Ace looked at him suspiciously. "Although I don't know why you are young, this kind of thing not only requires the courage of young people, but also requires the guidance of professionals like me."

Speaking of Jilai also becoming younger, almost everyone showed a curious look. After all, they had heard of the famous Jilaiya, but this guy should have entered a mid-life crisis. Why? It still looks like a young man now?

Fuyue and Zhishui had seen what Zi Lai was like before accepting Ripple, and they almost made them doubt their writing round eyes during their previous meeting.Worry-free Chinese website

Jilai also practiced the ripples. At present, Konoha only knows about three generations of Hokage besides himself. Even his apprentice Bo Feng Mizumen is not clear. Two of the Naruto consultants turned to Koharu and Mito Menyan. And although Danzo at the root has been asking Jiraiya and the third generation of Naruto, they have never revealed them.

Because the power of ripples is too magical, maybe he only has a special effect on vampires when facing the enemy, but even if there is not a trace of attack power, the ability to delay aging is very attractive!

Ninjas are not immortal cultivators. Their life span is the same as that of normal people. They will not live for hundreds of years because of your strength. At the end of their lives, they will also decline in physical function due to aging. Check The carat decreases, the nerve response slows down, the disease invasion and other symptoms.

If you really publish what Jilaiya has experienced, then I don’t know how many people will follow Jilaiya’s ripple practice method, because there are not many people in this world who can accept death peacefully.

This is the reason why those old friends of the three generations still avoided discussing this matter no matter how they pressed them.

There is never a shortage of careerists in this world, let alone one of those three people.

So Jilaida just picked Ace’s words and replied, "What do you know! At the beginning, my Lord Jilaiya experienced the second Ninja war, and in the third Ninja war, I killed the Quartet. The crazy ghost Jira Everyone knows his name!" He laughed and said, "Not to mention sneaking into a small town, even if I sneak into the invisible empire of the demons, there is no problem!"

At first, he wanted to say that he was sneaking into the Daming Mansion, but then he thought about it now that the five major countries are all allies, and saying that kind of words may not affect it well, so he directly changed it to the base camp of the demons.

This makes his words a little bragging. After all, what is the invisible empire?That was the old lair of the Demon Race, which had been in business for thousands of years, and now the entire Ninja World didn't even know how to get in, let alone sneak into it alone.

"Leave this to me." Ace chuckled, and his lower body turned into flames, and the cone-shaped flame surged onto his upper body, as if he had cast a flame armor for him. "Look When it comes, Shuye has a specialization. My disguise is unmatched."

He looks a bit similar to those Balrogs in this way, but it also looks a bit similar from a long distance away. In fact, his flame armor is a bit less than the actual lava armor of Balrogs. Divided into domineering and majestic.

"The flame demon has no eyes. They observe people by heat induction, so even if you use the transformation technique, you can't imitate the extreme high temperature. And I'm different..." Ace looked confident. "I am also a flame man!"

"It seems to make some sense..." Ji Lai was also stunned. "I was quite confident in my dive technique..."

"In that case, I'll follow along." Just when he decided to ask Ace to get the information, Fu Yue suddenly said

Looking at everyone's eyes, Fu Yue only explained with actions. His body suddenly began to change. In the incredible eyes of everyone, he slowly emitted a flame. In the flames, he changed to the body of a fire demon, and soon It became an existence exactly like the flame demon that fell on the ground!

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