You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Four powerful energies bombarded the black ball, instantly killing countless mosquitoes, but in the end they were still unable to eliminate them, because a circular flame gas mask appeared all around the mosquito girl. The cover has spread for fifty to sixty meters, protecting all the mosquitoes in it.

Before they organized the next wave of attacks, she had already absorbed the blood brought by these mosquitoes, and after losing the blood, they were no longer useful in the eyes of the mosquitoes, but for the use of waste, she Still ordered these mosquitoes to launch the final attack.

"Senfa Goemon!"

Jilai also stood in front of them. The combination of oil, wind escape, and fire escape formed a large-area covering killing ninjutsu. It collided with the mosquitoes that rushed over before their lives were almost exhausted. In the distance, there was a intensive sound of sneer and fire.

Ace, Fuyue, and Zhishui were also unwilling to show weakness, and they also added a fire to this feast. The blazing fire light even went straight into the sky, like a blazing sacred fire, illuminating the entire world.


After the flames swallowed the dense mosquitoes, the trend continued, but the flames like the rushing ocean current could not touch the mosquitoes flying high in the sky, but their purpose was not her!

It's the altar!

In front of the rushing sea of ​​fire, it is the tall altar of fire!

That's right, the purpose of their coming here was not to fight the Demon Race to death or death, they came here to destroy the altar..

As long as the altar is destroyed, they can even ignore this mosquito girl and retreat!

Judging from this distance, no matter how fast the Mosquito Girl is, she will never be able to stop in front of the sea of ​​fire, not to mention whether she can block the combined attack of these four people is still a question.

Although it has been weakened by the mosquitoes, if the mosquito girl really chooses to block in front of it, the most likely thing is to be burned to ashes...

However, this is where the Demon Race's focus should be protected!It is a trap used by the demons to ambush the five great nations!How could it simply send a group of mosquitoes to guard?

"First, Lan Dun·Leiyun Cavity Wave!"

Hearing a clear cold drink from the front of the altar, one was wearing a white high-necked jacket, only showing shoulder-length white hair and those magnificent red eyes.

But as his hand was raised, countless thunder and lightning radiated out, blocking the front of the flame ocean current, the collision of thunder and fire occurred in an instant, and these two extremely destructive chakras were entangled at this moment. But the situation is obviously overwhelmed by flames. After all, that is the super ninjutsu used by the four super powers!

But seeing the Thunder network was broken, the man in white did not evade, but said lightly

"Secondly, the secret escape·sucking hole."

"The third is the steel shield. Tempered."


The huge sea of ​​fire was about to swallow him completely. No one doubted whether this hot magma-like current could melt it, but just when everyone thought he was just the mantis with the man’s arm as a car, something incredible happened. !

Even though the momentum of the sea of ​​fire has been weakened many times, it still has the power to destroy an altar, but this power has not been able to work out at all, because before it broke out, the man in white had already absorbed it!


In the eyes of everyone who could not believe it, the violent flames turned like a docile sheep in the palm of the man in white, and then was sucked in without resistance!Literary City

"Prestige from Ji Laiya +621."

"The reputation value from Uchiha Tomitake +611."

"The reputation value from Uchiha Shisui +608."

It's secret escape!

The people present are all experienced generations. Although they are shocked at this moment, they can still judge the various blood inheritance limits of the ninja world today. As a very powerful one, how could they not know?

The ability of Hadden is very simple, that is, the ability to absorb ninjutsu into Chakra. It sounds similar to the ability of Hungry Ghost Dao of Reincarnation Eye, but it cannot absorb Naruto's Wind Dun·Spiral Shuriken, but it is more. The ability to release absorbed ninjutsu.

Although this kind of blood succession boundary is powerful, it is not worth making the four people show shocked expressions. The reason they are surprised is purely because this man had clearly used Lan Dun before...

And he also used steel escape...?

When will a ninja have so many bloods and bounds?How bizarre is the experience of his parents???

"Wait...this voice plus these escape techniques..."

Jilaiya suddenly changed his face when he remembered something, he shouted, "Hey! Are you humble?!"

Bei Liuhu is his old friend. Before the war broke out, he had earned the qualifications of three generations of Naruto apprentices with him.

But in the end he still failed to be selected, because compared to Sannin, his ninjutsu talent is too low...

So after being neglected, he wanted to improve his talents through the ghost shoots art to become an immortal almighty ninja, but was discovered by three generations of Naruto and expelled Konoha.

Originally, without the support of the Kingdom of Fire, his original plan couldn't go on because of the lack of materials and experimental materials, which prevented him from concentrating on the Ghost Shoots Art.

But the Mozu pulled him at a critical moment, especially the Doctor, who not only helped him perfect the Ghost Bud Luo technique, but also produced a lot of materials for him to experiment.

At the end of the Ghost Shoot Luo technique, the doctor even personally ordered to bring him the owner of the Blood Succession Boundary he needed-with the location of Katz, he can create a variety of Blood Succession Boundary clones.

Lan Dun, Ming Dun, Steel Shield, Xun Dun, and the final writing round eyes, he still chose his own configuration in the original work. During the period, the doctor did not force him to change the idea, as if he really wanted to respect him. The idea is average.

"Hehehe..." The white-clothed man swayed his body, as if the energy he had swallowed before was too large for him to sway forward.

He looked in the direction of Ji Lai Ye with an inexplicable smile, "It turns out to be a fool, Ji Lai Ye, it's been a long time since I saw him."

"It's really you!" Jilai also widened his eyes, "How could you...?"

"How can I get such a huge power? Of course, in your eyes, I should have been a useless person with zero ninjutsu talent, right."

"No... I didn't mean that..." Jilaida hurriedly defended, "I wanted to ask how you went to the Demon Race?!!! Could it be that you have fallen to this level?"

"Fallen...hehehe..." Bei Liuhu smiled unclearly. "It is not me who fell, but you! You are the self-righteous people in your entire Ninja world!"

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