Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 178 Weaknesses

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!With the cry of Beiliuhu, a large cumulonimbus cloud quickly condensed in the sky, and electric arcs flashed continuously in it, and huge thunder power was accumulated in it, as if the thunder god who was about to die was making the final preparations.

"I'll deal with this thundercloud." Ace said as he looked up at the sky, and then began to condense the flames.

He had expended a lot of physical strength in the previous battle, but fortunately, it should be no problem to deal with the thundercloud in the sky.

"Great Yan Jie · Emperor Yan!"

He took a deep breath, the huge flame spiraled away, and at the same time a huge fireball appeared on his palm.The huge fireball echoed the thunder in the sky.

The speed of lightning should have been very fast, but no matter how fast lightning, there must be a process of accumulation.Fire and Thunder accumulate their power at the same time, and at the same time reflect their own light in the world. They are like the two brightest lamps in the world, but at this moment, these two lamps are about to start an unprecedented duel.

"Xianfa·Spiral Pill!"

With Ace's defense, Ji Lai also rushed directly. Before Bei Liu Hu could complete the technique, Ji Lai also rushed past. In his hand, the spinning Chakra imitated the tail beast jade. After the shape change, it turned into a football-sized spiral.

Jilai also vigorously slapped towards Beiliuhu, but he had absorbed the five blood inheritance limits, which could be said to have surpassed the imagination of most ninjas.Even if he had to control the huge thundercloud in the sky, he still had the ability to resolve Jiraiya's offense.

"Ninjutsu is not effective for me." Hiriu sneered. He raised his hand, and the charm in his palm that looked like a new organ lightly patted the front of Helix Maru. It was an offensive that could easily kill a Shinobu. Was swallowed by him into the body.

But after realizing that the attack was ineffective, Jiraiya immediately turned around and hit the whip leg, but Bei Liuhu still did not evade, his body was harder than steel.

Ji Lai frowned, and immediately drew back.

In just a short moment, Beiliuhu resolved Jilaiya’s offensive without even moving...

With his secret escape, he can invalidate most of the ninjutsu.

With steel escape, he can invalidate most of his physical skills.

The combination of the two is the strongest shield of this ninja world!

Originally, he thought so, but after that he felt a little discomfort, as if he had indigestion, and he retched

Perceiving a trace of something wrong, he immediately raised his hand and shouted, "Netherworld·Evil self-defeating fight!"

This is a technique that releases the ninjutsu Chakra absorbed by Hades, and he just absorbed the sea of ​​fire created by the four people of Jiraiya, Ace, Uchiha Fuetsu, and Uchiha Shisui. After a lot of weakening, this sea of ​​flames can be combined with the fairy law spiral pill that has just been absorbed. At this moment, they are all released out of the brain, that power...

Ji Lai also felt bad for the first time. He turned around and avoided almost without thinking. This action saved his life, because a red beam of light penetrated the air where he was before almost at the time of the front and back feet. , The thick chakra rushed over the mud, and I don’t know how far it pierced. Even Jiraiya couldn’t see the light flow anymore, but he could still feel it hadn’t stopped. It's like a bow and arrow that will never stop until the target is found once it is launched.

"It's natural energy." The experienced Shen Zuo immortal immediately reminded him. From the abnormality of Hui Liu Hu just now, he probably guessed what the weakness of the monster that merged the five blood inheritance boundaries was "Your spiral just now." There is Chakra in the pill, and this kind of energy can be petrified. Obviously he can't strip this kind of energy alone, so he can only release it out of his mind."

"That's right, and Xianshu Chakra can also affect the chakra he owns. Xiaojilai, you have picked the opponent you restrain the most." Shima Immortal also said, "but I want to defeat him, Have to find a way to break through his steel escape defense."

From the effect point of view, Steel Dune is a bit similar to the hardening technique of Earth Dun, both of which make one's body hard, but Blood Succession Boundary is after all Blood Succession Boundary, and Steel Dun's protective ability is much stronger than Hardening Technique.

If you want to break through the steel-skin-like shell, Jiraiya has no choice but if you really encounter a crisis, Beiliuhu will definitely not give up using it because of the discomfort caused by sucking two mouthfuls of fairy magic chakra. Escape defense.


When he was about to decide to attack, the duel on the other side began.The huge fireball in Ace's hand rose to the sky, and this fireball seemed to have a lightning rod. The thunder in the sky was crazily attracted by it. After a short period of savings, it released a thunder full of fifteen people around it!

The Thunder descended in less than zero and one second, and then bombarded the fireball!Search and read e-books www.sodutxtxs.com


Although the collision was in mid-air, the energy collision caused by them spread to the earth below and the sky above. Under the bombardment of these two huge energies, cracks occurred in the earth and the dark clouds in the sky were reversed. The shock dissipated in an instant.The sun hanging high in the sky was revealed again.

Jilaiya stood firm, and under the huge impact, he could still calmly lock the target, and approached with extraordinary movements!

Xianfa·Spiral Pill!

Tongue warfare and cut water!

The three immortals launched an offensive at the same time, and under their threat, Bei Liuhu obviously could not be as calm as before.

Strictly speaking, he is not a tactic, he is more like a scientist, but at the moment the scientist has to be on the battlefield and face four vicious enemies. He has never fought decently in his career in the past few decades. He could only pretend to be a strong man when the difference in combat effectiveness between the two sides was too large.

But once the opponent has the power that threatens his life, and there is even no difference in strength between them, then he will immediately get confused, because he is not a fighter.

Those who shout in comics, movies, and TV dramas that no defeat is impossible, and only want to find someone who can kill themselves, most of them will use every means to kill that person after such a person appears.

Because the so-called begging for defeat and begging for death is just a protective color they use to pretend to be a strong look. If someone wants to take off this protective color, they will be as humble and ugly as a rogue.

But fortunately, Bei Liuhu wasn't just waiting to die on the spot, he also had another kind of blood succession bounded by the swift escape.

That is a blood succession limit that can increase the user's speed to the extreme. The speed is so fast that it can even match the Raikage in the Thundering Chakra mode. It is a high-speed movement that even the naked eye cannot capture.

Both Jiraiya's Helix Maru and Shima Senjin's tongue all lost their target moments before they were about to touch Hirue.


Bei Liuhu took a deep breath, and looked at Jilaiya who rushed out again, he said fiercely, "I am not the only one who has merged the five blood inheritance boundaries to this degree, bastard!"

"Don't underestimate me!"

There is a bit of madness in his words. As a partner who has been playing together since childhood, he cannot accept the fact that he is not an opponent of Jiraiya after he changed his fate through the ghost shoots art!

It shouldn't be!


Jilai is just an idiot, a stinky toad!Why would it be difficult for me, a genius who has developed the art of ghost shoots, to reach it?!


I am already above Sannin!

The choice of the three generations of Hokage is wrong!

He must prove it all himself!

"Write round eyes!"

His eyes widened, and two of Gouyu's writing wheels slowly turned, like a pair of eyes of blood and tears from the Nine Nethers of Hell, which contained the hatred of Pu Liuhu towards Konoha and the third generation of Hokage!

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