Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 180 Undead

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!To be honest, Bei Liuhu's strength somewhat surprised Ji Lai.

It's not that he is too strong...

But too weak...

Sora has a strength, five special blood succession limits, almost perfect offensive and defensive, but they can't even display half of their true power...

Among the countless battles that Jiraiya has had over the years, this one is definitely the most special one.

At this moment, the huge super-large jade spiral pill swallowed the humble liuhu in an instant, and it did not lose its momentum. It has been bombarding this huge spiral pill on the ground, and the world fell apart in the rumbling sound. The earth and stone are flying.At this moment, surrounded by the flames of Ace's Yanshanggang, under the red fire, the old man who dragged the shadow was somewhat similar to the evil spirit that was about to return from hell.

He stepped on the rotten soil, step by step up the ladder leading to the world in the fire and roar, and walked so lonely on the red carpet of blood and fire.

The flying gravel fell from the sky, as if the world was descending with a bright red rose as a ritual of the demon's reappearance. The demon stepped away from the hand that had released the super-large jade spiral pill not long ago. The pair of eyes looked like demon eyes. His writing wheel opened his eyes, and he just looked at Jilaiya.

"The prestige value from Jiraiya is +638."

It's Beiliuhu!

He is not dead!It is incredible, the power of Xianfa Super Jade Helix Pill is enough to kill anyone, but it has no effect on this scientific researcher.


Looking at Jilaiya’s eyes, Bei Liu said with a faint smile, “It’s not a big deal. The third stage of the Ghost Shoots Art, and the most perfect stage, is to create the ultimate individual, like the blood following the limit. It's just an incidental result."

He casually said that the invention that was enough to shock the entire Ninja world seemed not worth mentioning, so he and the second generation of Hokage said casually in front of his students, "Oh, you said the detonation of the multiplication, I just researched it casually, by the way He also came up with a technique called Reincarnation of Dirty Earth to cooperate with it.'

"What are you going to use it for?"

But now is not the time to sigh, and Jiraiya is not the kind of person who is always shocked by the enemy's reminiscence of his life. After Ace lifted the Yan Shangzun, he stayed away from the base.

He was far away to see the full picture of Bei Liu Hu. At this moment, his whole body was tied with a bandage, like a mummy, which made people look like a rotten stench. The original white coat did not inherit him. The tenacious vitality like Xiaoqiang was annihilated under the attack of Dayu Helix Maru.

"Ultimate individuals are different in everyone's understanding. Some people think that it is necessary to have the ultimate ninjutsu, some people think that it is necessary to be proficient in all the techniques, some people think that it is a strong body, and some people think it is a strong body. People want all the blood to follow the bounds..." he said in a cold voice, like the whisper of an evil ghost

"But they are all stupid...How can ordinary people like them be worthy of studying the ghost budding technique?"

Beiliuhu showed a look of contempt, but it is undeniable that the types he just mentioned do have a strong attraction to anyone, and perhaps it is no problem to say that it is the ultimate.

If you let yourself decide what the ultimate ninja is...

Jilai also pondered for a moment, then gave a wry smile

Perhaps only Son of Destiny fits his concept of the ultimate ninja best.

The so-called ultimate is not necessarily the strongest, but it maintains the safety of the Ninja world. He is the hero who will help the mansion. He is the savior who has turned the tide on the fallen. Only such a person is worthy of him. The ultimate word in my heart!

But Bei Liuhu’s brain circuit is obviously different from that of Zi Lai. He looked at Zi Lai Ya’s tangled face and gently spit out four words.

"The immortal body..." 360 Literature Network www.360wxw.com

This sentence was like a thunderbolt from a blue sky, and like a giant thing pouring out of the sea, a huge rumbling sounded in his mind, and Jilai looked at Bei Liu stunnedly.

"Have you not……"

"That's right..." Bei Liuhu's mood changed from the previous deepness to the excitement. "I have seen Dior who is known as the king of vampires, and I am deeply impressed by that powerful posture, yes... That is the right of the gods, how can I not look forward to it? I look forward to his strength, look forward to his beauty, look forward to his immortality, and look forward to his immortality!"

"Asshole!" Jilaida yelled, "That fellow Dior is already a lunatic, an unreasonable demon!"

He was also a rare excitement. Perhaps he was one of the people who knew Dior the most, and each of their two brief encounters left a deep impression on him.

So he knew exactly what kind of devil was lurking in that handsome young man's body?

That is the evil spirit that can survive by absorbing all the evil of mankind. One day he will laugh and tear open the cage set up for him by mankind, scream under the rain of blood, and step on the human corpse to board the demon king. throne.

"Mr. Jilaiya...maybe you can no longer communicate with him..."

Ace came to Jilaiya and slapped a hand on his shoulder, looking like he wanted to calm Jilaiya.

"Don't forget our mission, we are not here to tell you to reminisce with your old classmates."

"Yes, that's right!"

But the answer to Ace first was Humiliu, and he looked up to the sky and laughed, "You are so right! How do you guys deserve to talk about these things with me? The only person in the ninja world that can talk to me about immortality? , Only Doctor!"

"Doctor?" I didn't want to talk about it anymore, but after hearing the word'Doctor', Jilai moved in his heart and blurted out, "The immortality of your ghost shoots art is taught by the doctor in your mouth?"

"Teach..." Beiliu called for a moment, and waved quickly "No, no, it's cooperation."

No one trusts his Ghost Bud Luo art more than he does. The doctor did make a lot of suggestions for his immortality, but even without a doctor, in his original design, when the five blood inheritance boundaries were merged, They will also produce a kind of interaction power between each other, that strength is enough to let him remove most of the weaknesses and obtain relative immortality.

For example, in the original book, the situation where his descent can't swallow Fengdun·Spiral Shuriken shouldn't happen.

What the doctor did only strengthened his immortality.

But he didn't know that the so-called true immortality was not particularly difficult for Kenos.

In the original "One Strike Man", he did create a monster with an immortal body, that is, the S-class hero zombie man. Even if his body is shattered in the battle with the enemy, he can still recover. .

Although the perfect experimental product is a rare product that can be encountered and cannot be found, just like the genetic medicine taken by Toguro before, he is the most perfect experimental subject Kenos has discovered so far. I don’t know how many people there are. Decided to drink the bottle of medicine voluntarily, even if his chance of survival is one in ten thousand.

But sometimes even if they know that there is a fire pit in front of them, someone still chooses to jump off. What's more, once they survive, that person will gain power that he can't imagine in his life. For those who live by wandering and begging for a living, broken by war People simply cannot resist its appeal!

With so many people coming down, there will always be some lucky ones, but even if they can survive, they will not grow stronger than Toguro, as if that guy was born for this medicine...

But what the Doctor applied to Beiliuhu was only part of the immortality.

Of course, he will not apply this kind of technology that is not easy to control to people who are not easy to control. The standard of a qualified behind-the-scenes is to control everything in his own hands.

That's why he didn't fully restore Madara's youth.

"Don't worry about cooperation or teaching." Ace looked coldly at Bei Liu and exclaimed, "The battle should continue as soon as possible."

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