You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Ji Laiya, Zhishui, Fuyue and the three slumped on the ground. A blood stain measuring forty centimeters long appeared on their backs. It looked like they had been slashed by a sharp blade, but their opponents clearly did not have any weapons in their hands. .

Of course Ace was taken away, and only the dying ones were left here, and the other party had no idea of ​​making up the knife, as if he had never cared about them.

Maybe it's just as the other party said, where would anyone care about two or three ants?

"We must go back and inform everyone..."

Having been forced to disarm the fairy mode, Ji Lai also struggled to stand up. In front of his line of sight, there was Tambari who was also seriously injured but also had two subordinates, Mosquito Girl and Fire Qilin.

Especially the Mosquito Girl, she was the fastest in the previous impact, and she was not seriously injured after going away, so even after a long battle, she still has almost 60% of the combat effectiveness.

"Go, kill them."

Tambali showed a cold face and ordered to the mosquito girl

Although he did not want to admit it, he did not have the ability to kill the three humans on the opposite side.

"Yes." The mosquito girl raised a smile, then landed from the air and stood in front of Tambali. "It's easy for me to kill them now."

"Fuyake, can you still use Suzano?" Jilai also stared at the mosquito girl, whispered

"It may not work, now my pupil power has been applied to the limit." Fu Yue smiled bitterly

As soon as they finished speaking, they were enveloped in the shadow of a skeleton formed by a green chakra suddenly rising.

It is Shisui!

In the previous battle, she had not used the kaleidoscope to write the wheel, and she was also an auxiliary positioning, so she still has a certain amount of extra energy.

"Leave it to me next." The kaleidoscope turned in Shishui's eyes, and he stared at the mosquito girl standing in front of Tambali.

But the next scene shocked everyone!

I saw the mosquito girl suddenly turned around, and her arm that appeared crimson because of the large amount of blood suddenly pierced through Tambali's chest in an instant!

"The reputation value from Ji Lai Ye +689."

"The reputation value from Uchiha Shisui is +633."

"The reputation value from Uchiha Fuyue +652."

"The reputation value from Tambari +999."



Tambari looked at the mosquito girl who was full of mockery in front of him in disbelief, with blue and green blood flowing out of his mouth. He opened his mouth and asked weakly, "How dare you..."

"The doctor is right. The so-called royal demons are really a bunch of mindless guys."

Mosquito girl squinting

"It's the Kinos guy!" Tambali gritted his teeth and held the Mosquito Girl with his last strength. "Sure enough, it's a humble human being, and it's not worth believing at all!"

"Hehe, you demons are too stupid. For your dying sake, I will tell you mercifully." As if to repay all the humiliation I had in front of Tambali, Mosquito The woman was not anxious to kill Tambari, but wanted to make him die in pain step by step.

"From the beginning, the doctor did not intend to help you rule the Ninja World. The reason why the adults have been helping you with various experiments is just to use your power to conduct your own research."

"Own research?" Tambali was puzzled. He didn't understand what could enable Kenos to betray the demons. He should know what torture the demons would use against those who dared to betray them. Correct.

"It's Bengyu." The mosquito girl said the information she had just learned from the communication with the doctor.

It was after he escaped from the battle with Fuyue and Zhishui and entered the square. Tambali was dissatisfied with her performance and reprimanded her when he heard the doctor's words-she had long been implanted with the doctor. The communicator to contact.

The doctor ordered her to kill Tambali if she had a chance, because in his layout, the demons and the ninja world should be evenly matched, but the current situation is that the demons are too strong, especially when the Holy Lord is resurrected. In the future, if they concentrated their fighting power, it would be enough to sweep the entire Ninja World.

For a human who wants to draw on the power of the Demon Race, ending the battle too early and one-sided battles are not conducive to his secret research.

"Bengyu?" Tambali was puzzled, but Mosquito Girl didn't continue to speak.

"Don't worry, no one will divulge this information, because everyone will be killed by me." She took out the hand inserted in Tambali's chest, and blood splashed on her body.

An unprecedented sense of weakness hit, Tambali only felt that his vitality was losing rapidly, but he was not reconciled, he was the most powerful warrior of the demons, how could he die in the hands of such a humble artificial life form on?

And the guy from must tell the Demon King to do things... as expected... human beings are simply not worthy of trust!

But... but now I...

He tried his best to increase the strength of the right hand holding Mosquito’s arm. The huge force made the latter feel a bit painful. Mosquito’s face was a little surprised. She did not expect Tambari to be on the verge of Such a powerful force could burst out before death.

Her face suddenly changed, because in her perception, a powerful energy was rapidly expanding in Tambali's body, and the extremely unstable energy turbulence even slightly twisted the surrounding space.

"You! You let go!"

In shock, she tried hard to pull her arm back and stay away from Tambali, but God knows where this dying man digs out this power, so that he can hold it before death. Mosquito girl!

"Damn it, you damn it's enough to die by yourself!"

In a hurry, she even thought of burning the Tambali with flames, but now the demon is like an unstable explosive barrel, which may explode at any time, she dare not let her flame ignite the explosive in advance.

"Hahaha, the time is up! My task is complete!" Tambali suddenly laughed, as if it was not himself who was about to die, he screamed up to the sky freely, as if he saw death as nothing .

Behind him, the sky above the huge altar kept flashing fiery red light, and a group of visible flames appeared in the sky.

Even without Ace's explanation at this moment, the three of them knew that this was definitely a sign that the formation was about to be completed. If it was allowed to continue to accumulate fire attribute energy, then their purpose of coming here would be completely defeated!

"Attack Tambari with Fire Escape! Let his energy run out of control!"

As soon as his voice fell, he saw a fiery red film firmly protecting the altar.And Tambari, who saw this scene, was even more happy. "Hahaha, this level of enchantment will absorb energy. If you want to destroy the altar, you can only use physical attacks! But now any of you dare to come over? If you come, come with me. Die!"

"You lunatic! Don't drag the old lady if you want to die!" The mosquito girl is still struggling

"How? Do you dare to come over? Don't you humans talk about sacrifice the most? Now if you have the ability, you will rush over and destroy the altar, and then I will blow it to death! Hahahahaha...!"

"Damn... no way..."

Jilai also yelled angrily, and then his eyes revealed resolutely "Shisui, Fuyue, you must return to Konoha and inform the village of the information here!"

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