Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 189 Lei Dun Ashura Chakra Mode

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The Land of Wind is the largest in the five major countries, but because a large part of the territory is deserted and uninhabitable, there are large tracts of uninhabited land.

In a valley about a hundred miles away from Shayin Village, a sandstorm suddenly struck. The combination of sand and the howling wind turned the world into darkness, and the countless gravel floated in the sky. Under the constant impact, it seemed to be combined into a hideous giant face.

Suddenly, a thick pillar of thunder rose from the ground, as if the sky and the earth had turned upside down. The thunder pierced through the dust and began to fill the sky. After a while, the sky and the earth became desperately black.

The Altar of Wood was built in a sandpit similar to a valley. It was surrounded by rock walls. The only passage was the sky. At this moment, there was a person standing in the sky above this passage.

Behind him are two pure black thunder wings. The muscles all over his body burst out. The skin is generally purple. The green vein-like vein stickers seem to be attached to the skin. There is a curved sole on his forehead and back ridge. angle.

"I call this power the Ashura Chakra mode, what do you think?"

The fourth generation of Raikage tilted his head and said, "This is the new power that the doctor has given me, how about it, Kirabi, Yumu, do you still resist me?"

In front of him, there were a large number of ninjas, most of them lying weakly on the desert, and soon they were buried in the sand dust everywhere.

At the forefront of these ninjas, the three celebrities from the two big ninja villages were panting heavily. The previous battles put them under great pressure on the three perfect celebrities who could perfectly communicate with the tail beasts.

"Of course I can't give up, because there is still energy left. Oh! Yeah!" Even though he was panting, Kirabi still used his usual rap tone. Although there were scars on his body, he did not see a trace of fatigue on his face.

They only applied to come after they learned that there was Raikage here, but they didn't expect that the guard here was only the fourth generation Raikage alone!


There are no other weirdos, and no other demons, there is only Ai standing in front of them from him to the end.

"Master Raikage! What's the matter with you?!" Yu Mu Ren said sadly, "We are all Yunyin's ninjas!"

"Oh, the evil demon is at work..." Yiwei Renzhu sighed and sighed, "He should be controlled by the Demon Race, and he can't be awakened by words."

He was right. After the fourth generation of Raikage was brought to the laboratory by Tambali, Kenos transformed him into a vampire loyal to Katz through a stone ghost mask. The reason why he can now appear under the blazing sun Body, it's all because the purple skin with green markings on his outside is not his own.

After merging with Asura Unicornis, he instinctively chose this way of evolution to fight against the weakness of not being able to survive in the sun. That layer of skin not only has super muscle vitality, but also hides his original skin. Inside it, like this.The sunlight cannot reach him.

"Control? No, not control?" Ai stretched out a finger and shook it gently. "This is because I discovered the truth! After being strong, it is so refreshing, compared to being in Yunyin for decades. He has honed his body and practiced ninjutsu. I have grown to this point in just over a month after joining the Demon Clan. It’s incredible!"

"Damn it, I can't communicate at all." Yu Mu Ren shouted angrily. "If you insist on doing this, then I have to go into tail beastization!"

"Big idiot-today I will take care of this idiot brother."

Chirabi instantly entered the half-tailed beastization, the dark red chakra coat wrapped his strong body, his mouth opened, and the black tail beast jade had begun to condense.

Although he is a brother, Kiraby was the first to deal with the fourth generation of Raikage. No matter how strong the enemy is, he will never be easy to eat this beast jade.

Seeing this scene, the wooden man also made a decision. She instantly entered into a completely beast-like form. The terrifying, terrifying, blue-fired figure of the second tail appeared, and she opened her huge mouth. Then he poured his chakra into Kirab's condensed tail beast jade.Shubada Novel Network www.shubada.com

It seems that the two of them are going to work together to create an unprecedented super-big-tailed beast jade!

"I will restrict him!"

Fenfu is an old man, even he himself doesn't know how old he is this year, because since he can remember, he has lived in a gloomy prison...

In order to guard the crane and prevent it from running away, Fenfu has hardly communicated with other people in his decades of career. Even to this day, no one remembers his name.

The guards who guarded him changed from generation to generation, and gradually they began to call him by the name of Shouhe. He didn't care, because for a person who didn't communicate, the name was meaningless.

as long as……

As long as Shouhe still remembers his name.

In these decades of life, only Shouhe has communicated with himself. Both of them recognize each other, like the best partners.

But he is going to die...

He is not like a tail beast, with almost endless life.He was just a human being slowly aging in a dark prison, and finally dying in a way that even his name was forgotten.

He could clearly perceive the loss of vitality bit by bit, and Death would use that sharp sickle to harvest his own life at any time as if he was always with his shadow.

"But my old bone is enough for me to be crazy in the last days."

He laughed at himself

He gently raised his hand, and the dust in the sky decomposed and combined under his control, and then formed a giant hand that covered the sky and covered the sun, and shot it fiercely towards the fourth generation of Raikage.

"Come on! Let me test my current strength!"

Ai laughed frantically, and lightning flashed all over his body. In a flash, he formed the armor of thunder and lightning, and he used the thunder escape chakra mode with one hand.

The Lei Dun Asura mode was developed after he merged with the Asura unicorn, based on his observations and the memory of his body muscles instinct when he played against him. After using it, it can make his physical fitness several times stronger, plus The Lei Dun Chakra mode he originally developed, it can be said that his current strength has surpassed his father's three generations of Raiking!

"In this state, I named Lei Dun Ashura Chakra Mode! You can experience it!"

"Hei Lei Helix Reading Aura!"

The clasped hands changed their gestures, and then the black thunder around him spread out in an instant, and then spiraled upwards, finally forming a black sky screen, the front of which was against the huge palm that was photographed.

"Hahahahaha, Yawei failed to break through my father's defense, so let me try to see if Yawei and Erwei can break through my defense?!"

Ignoring the collision from above, Ai Weiwei charged up, and then dived down from the sky at a super speed. In front of him was the merging tail beast jade that had just condensed.

The huge Yin-Yang Chakra is mixed in a ratio of 2:8, and then if the ultimate power of destruction generated after the change of form is hit, let alone a recognition, even a towering mountain will be instantly annihilated.But at this moment, the four generations of Raikage are rushing forward with an indomitable attitude, making people unable to tell which is human and which is monster...

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