Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 193 The Demon King Was Born (2) (First)

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Of course, Naoto doesn’t have hundreds of thousands of demons in his hands. Even if Piccolo is spitting eggs day and night, he can’t create so many demons in such a short period of time, not to mention that the birth of every demonic clan consumes his own power. .

But he is also the clone of Dr. Kenos. As a man who has explored the field of biology to the extreme, he is proficient in various biological experiments, and of course cloning is not a problem.

The cloned demon is not the same as cloning oneself. Although the Kenos he clones have superb IQs, the accumulation of power cannot be copied by simple clones.

Most of these demons are inferior products based on the elite demon genes created by Tambali and Simbaru, which are made by Bick's egg spat. Most of them just have the strong body of the demons, and they don't have them in their bodies. The powerful Qi of the body.

Perhaps when they practiced, they will reach the realm of the ontology one day, but the time of their birth obviously does not support reaching that step.

Indifferently, even if it is a strong clone, the number cannot reach hundreds of thousands.

In that dark cloud, except for the real demons at the beginning, the subsequent parts are nothing more than various weird people researched by Kenos himself. Among them, the mosquito girl can call out many younger brothers.

After all, this appearance was originally a demonstration of force to show the wrist demonstration, of course, the more shocking, the better.

At this moment, when he heard the prompt sound from the system, Naoto was secretly refreshed, and it was not a waste of his effort to create such a corps.


The ninjas recovered from the previous panic. They slowly stood together, looking up at the overwhelming demons, and together they formed the last line of defense for mankind, like an impenetrable wall.

"come on!"

Someone yells

"Everyone!" Ri Zhan shouted, he had psyched out the Ape Demon King, and it turned into a golden cudgel at the moment and was held by Ri Zhan.

"Behind you is the home we want to protect, and we must not retreat at this moment!"

Under his call, the ninjas got rid of their previous emotions. One by one, they straightened their chests, identifying with each other like never before, and truly uniting together like never before.

All the previous disputes are, in the final analysis, only the same parties within their human beings. They can kill the enemy for their own interests, but when the threat from the outside comes, they must first pay attention to their own The future of race...

Before their ninja status in the five great nations, they were even more human!

Hundreds of pairs of eyes stared at tens of thousands of tens of thousands of demon eyes. Although there was strong fear and anxiety in his heart, under the responsibility and justice, he was quickly filled with solemnity and death.

"They seem to be coming down?"

A member of the Hyuga tribe noticed the energy flow in their bodies and found that they were about to slow down and stop.

"Come down? I feel that if they just do a charge, most of us will die."

The ninja next to him smiled bitterly. He is a member of the oil girl family. They are originally a family that is good at fighting insects. I have seen so many tiny insects, but they can’t interact with the demon in front of them anyway. The sea is on par.

"Who knows? Maybe he didn't see us flying in the air?" His companion also made a joke

They are also human elites. Although they had a brief period of fear and panic before, they immediately regained their mentality when a glance was enough to scare people to pee their pants.

"What are these guys thinking?"

Tu Ying frowned, "Do you want to behave first and then fight?"

With Wuying's eyes, it was natural to discover that this large number of demons had no intention of attacking, and their landing place seemed to be some distance away from them...

"I don't know, but it's a good thing to launch a general attack without coming up." Kanshuwo www.kanshuwo.net

Three generations of Shui Ying smiled, "Maybe I want to negotiate terms with us, in short, think about the benefits."

Not to mention their speculation, anxiety, and doubts on this side, their eyes turned to the high altitude on the other side——

The dense swarm of demons covered the sky and covered the sun. Wherever they passed, the geese and various small animals were shocked. When they were closer, they found that most of their skins were green. Only at high altitude can people feel like a cloud.

They formed a phalanx with six hundred demons in a row, and then they began to dive at an altitude of several kilometers, before and after they began to descend sequentially.

They reached the ground in rows, and it took a few minutes for the six hundred rows of demons to stand up.

They are all over the mountains and plains, and they are aggressive, and people will feel numb when they see it. It is hard to imagine what kind of battle this is.

There have never been hundreds of thousands of ninjas fighting on the same battlefield in the previous wars of the Ninja World.

But now the Mozu side has taken out the number of elite ninjas that surpassed the entire ninja world, how can it not let people...

With fear...

After landing, they walked forward five or six cloths, suddenly all of them knelt on one knee, all of them raised their heads, looked up at the sun that was about to sink into the horizon, and shouted

"Welcome the return of the Holy Lord!"

"Welcome the return of the devil!

"Welcome your majesty back!"

"The reputation value from Sarutobi Hisaki +999."

"The reputation of Ohnoki from the two scales is +912."

"The reputation value from Luosha is +696."

"The reputation value from Tudai +535."




No wonder they were so shocked. There has never been such a shouting in history, and there has never been such a shocking unison.

Their words can shake mountains, disperse clouds, and crush waves. Their shouts can change the colors of the world and the mountains and seas!

Suddenly, the sky has changed, and the world has become gloomy. The clouds that release the rainstorm are spreading with countless thunders. They meander across the sky, like the fury of heaven.

"Welcome the return of the Holy Lord!"

"Congratulations on the return of the Devil!"

"Welcome your majesty back!"

The demons are still chanting, every time before repeating, the sky will become darker, and the thick thunder set off by the dim sky is so shining, so...

It's scary.

The sound of rain and thunder became a roar, and the sky above seemed to be separated by a big opening. The rainstorm merged into a waterfall, leaning towards the ground, slapped on the ninja, slapped on the devil... …

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