Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 199 Prologue (3)

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"The prestige value from Sarutobi Hizaki +821."

"The reputation of Ohnoki from the two scales is +803."

"The reputation value from Luosha +601."

"The reputation value from Tudai +492."



"Xiao? What is Xiao?"

Shui Ying, who was fighting against the avatar, felt the pressure relieved, and then heard Piccolo's conversation.

Although the kingdom of water is closed, he is also the shadow of a village at any rate. The forces of the Ninja World are still clear, but he has never heard of Akatsuki.

He originally thought that the four congresses on the mainland had any understanding of Akatsuki, but he didn't expect that they were also at a loss.

When did Ninja World have such an organization?

They can still let the demons eat it?

And Akatsuki's leader can actually make the Holy Lord feel a little interested?

When are there so many masters in the Ninja world?

They really felt a trace of fatigue in their hearts.

I always feel that since the Third Ninja World War, there have been more and more weird things in the world.

When did their Five Shadows become so ignorant?

They didn't know that Xiao would become a real mercenary organization later, and even Yu Yanyin had commissioned them.

However, after learning about the demons, and after the battle with the Seven Demon Qi Hanzo, Payne never thought about exposing Akatsuki to the sun.

You should know that Akatsuki, who didn't even think about hiding herself in the original book, had collected so many news for Jiraiya for so many years, not to mention Akatsuki who has been specially noticed by Payne and told the members.

It is normal for them not to know.

"Anyway, it should be our helper."

Sun Zhan once again repelled the attack of Piccolo. He has been injured in many places. Fortunately, he still has a certain amount of medical ninjutsu. Although it is incomparable with his apprentice Tsunade, it is enough to maintain a certain combat power. Up.

Although the dust escape of the two Libra Onoki had no effect on the contrast body, it was enough to deal with these clones, at least the five clones on the opposite side did not dare to rigidly connect.

Then, with the cooperation with Tu Dun, he could barely handle it.

But except for the two of them, the other three were uncomfortable, saying that they were all complimented by being crushed and beaten, and it was simply hanging by a thread.

If there is a new force to join in such a situation, it will undoubtedly relieve the pressure on their side.

"It's better to be a strong one who can contend with that monster."

All the people present can only smile bitterly, how can such a monster be said to exist.


Piccolo murmured in one direction

Then he ordered "Everyone retreat a hundred steps, don't hinder this devil's game."

Hundreds of thousands of demons retreated at orders and gave way in the direction Piccolo pointed to.Bayi Chinese Website www.8lzw.com

They are advancing and retreating in an orderly manner like the world's most elite army. The formation of hundreds of thousands of people has not been rioted, and they have begun to change in an orderly manner.

After a few seconds, six figures drove in from the end of the demon army. Except for a bald head with a cup-faced face, the other five people all had orange hair. Naturally, they were Nagato's Payne Six.

"It's really useless."

Looking at the five shadows trapped in countless demons and the green figure standing alone in the center, Nagato hiding in the dark disdainfully said.

"Sure enough, has that guy been released?" Shimazaki, who came with them, also frowned. "This is bad..."

Because the Six Ways of Payne and Nagato are connected by Chakra, they cannot be too far apart.

It may be to better protect the safety of Nagato, or it may be that they want to make up for the mistakes they made in their previous negotiations with the soil. They even accepted Shimazaki Ryo, allowing him to know the true situation of Payne. .

That's why he is by Nagato's side now

"Nagato, if things cannot be done, then let Yahiko give up." Xiaonan said worriedly, "It's the worst situation now."

"Of course I won't let Yahiko lose here because of the Five Shadows," Nagato observes the legendary Demon Lord through the Six Ways of Payne. "But at least we must test the strength of the Holy Lord. If things can't be done, we will leave immediately. ."

Nagato originally wanted to help Gokage maintain the seal and prevent the Holy Lord from resurrecting, but he could not know that the so-called Holy Lord was not in hell originally, and the so-called breaking of the seal was nothing more than a play by Naoto.

Nagato has personally experienced the power of the Demon Race. Hanzo had already gathered the seven demon qi and was able to fight him, and these seven demon qi were just eight abilities split by the holy lord.

If they return to the Lord's hands, they don't know what chain reaction will happen.

While he was observing Piccolo, the latter frowned suddenly, "Six people? No, it's just a breath."

He closed his eyes suddenly, the two tentacles flashed a burst of light as if they were reacting in some way, and then the demon king turned his eyes away, and then showed a smile. "So that's it, you only dare to hide behind the little people? "

"The reputation from Nagato is +1121."

Nagato was startled, he never thought that one day he would be spotted the position of his body at a glance!

What kind of perception is this?

He panicked in his heart and shed a cold sweat. You must know that there is still Xiao Nan here. If something happens to her...

"Nagato, what's wrong with you?"

Perceiving something wrong with him, Xiao Nan hurriedly asked

"Our location has been discovered."

"The reputation value from Xiaonan is +469."

Nagato took a deep breath, "Shimazaki Ryo, if I speak later, you will immediately take Xiaonan away."

"What are you talking about?! Nagato!" Xiaonan said anxiously. "You must go first if you want to leave. I am not a woman who has no fighting power and will only drag her back. I am also a member of Akatsuki."

"Ah no... wait." Shimazaki touched his head. "Perhaps he may indeed find our location, but that person doesn't seem to want to come over? At least I didn't feel any hostility."

In addition to being able to move instantaneously, Shimazaki also possesses super-sensitivity, which allows him to perceive his offensive intentions before the enemy launches an attack. Together with the instantaneous movement, it is almost impossible to understand.

The two of them also knew this, so when they heard that Bick was not hostile to them, they were also shocked.

"I'm afraid that guy..." Nagato also reacted after a while "I want to fight Penn's Six Ways to test our strength..."


"So..." Nagato raised his head and looked at the demon lord who exuded endless energy and terrifying aura through the Six Paths of Payne.

"I can't let him down..."

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