Konoha’s Sealing Fire
Chapter 248
鈥淓arth-Style: Moving Earth Core 锛佲€
闱(一)鐪嬩笉瑙佹懜涓岖潃镄勨€楽usanoo 鈥欙纴Onoki 鐤妫镄勬敼鍙桦湴褰€
鍦ㄤ粬镄勬亹镐栨搷鎺т笅锛宔arth 宕╄锛屽绉湪鐜╁伓锛屾椂Key 屼笂鍗囷纴镞 屼笅娌夛纴 屼笅娌夛纴 ko Fuko main body 閮 浠栨暣寰梚na mess 锛屽繍蹇戜笉瀹夈€
浣呜Onoki 閮侀椃镄勬槸锛岄偅鐪嬩笉瑙佺殑Susanoo 镄勬敾锷匡纴涓€鐩存病链夊仠涓嬨
Earth 琚棤褰 (3) 殑 threshold 滈敜镰 嚭 each and everyone 宸ㄥぇ镄勯櫒鐭 沩锛屽皹鍦熼 沩锛屽皹鍦熼 纴鏋楁湪锲涙簠锛 纴鏋楁湪锲涙簠锛 no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no €锛岃劯鑹插凡缁忛潪宁毦鐪嬨毦鐪嬨€
鈥渉ateful 锛丳article-Style: Atomic Dismantling Jutsu 锛佲€
Onoki 涔熸槸镐ヤ 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 綋镄刲 綋镄刲 綋镄刲 綋镄刲 綋镄刲 綋镄刲 綋镄刲 綋镄刲 綋镄刲 綋镄刲 綋镄刲 綋镄刲 潵锛岄偅 潵锛岄偅 潵锛岄偅 潵锛岄偅 潵锛岄偅 light light light light light light light light鍦堬纴灏嗗嚑鍏噷锣冨洿鍐呴珮浜庢 骞 骞 骞 嚎镄勬滠 ㄣ 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸 纴鍏ㄩ儴閮 纴鍏ㄩ儴閮 纴鍏ㄩ儴閮 纴鍏ㄩ儴閮 纴鍏ㄩ儴閮 纴鍏ㄩ儴閮 纴鍏ㄩ儴閮 鐏缑骞 鐏缑骞 鐏缑骞 鐏缑骞 鐏缑骞 鐏缑骞
Fuko 锛屾嫾 锛屾嫾 絫 絫 eleport 韬 伩銆
姣忎竴娆eleport y y y power power power power power power power conscious conscious conscious conscious conscious conscious eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes €faint trace 椴滆锛屾 镌 鑴 鑴 鑴 鑴 钀 钀
涓€镶$敎罐ュ懗浼犲叆榧荤考锛孎uko 鍙︼寰楀弻鐪 shoulder棝寰椾笉琛岋纴钖屾椂锛冤ithin-the-body Chakra 寰楁秷Key 椾篃璁╀粬trembling in fear 锛屼絾鐜板湪if you ride a tiger, it鈥檚hard to get off 锛岃嫢鏄€€锛屽繀鐒锛屽繀鐒Onoki 鎽╂摝镊存锛
Susanoo 鍐嶆涓€阌ょ牳涓嬨€
“How can it be!”
Onoki unbelievable 锛屾棤寰 涓嶅埄镄 涓嶅埄镄 art art article-Style 锛岀珶浼 Е纰 Е纰 佺殑 佺殑 佺殑 Susanoo 锛
鈥橀毦阆揝usanoo 涓嶅湪杩欎Crowd World 锛熲€
Onoki Yan coal t coal 鐩 锛岄殢钖庝粬鐪嫔埌 锛岄殢钖庝粬鐪嫔埌 Fuko both eyes 婧 (four) 锛屽 澶磗 ududly 涓 锽滐 锽滐 锽滐 锽滐 锽滐 锽滐 阌欙纴璇 阌欙纴璇 阌欙纴璇Then more more then 10 years old 镄刲ittle demon 锛屽嵆渚垮啀genius 锛屽樊涓嶅涔熷埌浠栫殑鏋侀檺浜嗭纴鎴戝彧瑕佸啀鍧氭寔涓€涓嬶纴缁濆鑳芥潃姝讳粬锛佲
Threshold 滈敜鍧犺惤锛屽啀娆$牳鍑 竴涓 竴涓 澶 櫒鐭 櫒鐭 櫒鐭 沩銆
Onoki 韬伆灏桡纴棰濆ご涓婅缮鎸傜潃鍗婄墖镙戝彾锛宐€韬伆灏桡纴棰濆ご涓婅缮鎸傜潃鍗婄墖镙戝彾锛宐attered and exhausted 銆
“Earth-Style: Mud Wall !”
“Earth-Style: Stone Fist Jutsu !”
涓 闱 闱 五 五 五 澧椤浠庝粬 澧椤浠庝粬 澧椤浠庝粬 all around 鎷斿湴 鎷斿湴 澧椤浠庝粬 around around 博 博 博 博 博 博 博 博 博 博 博 博
“Particle-Style: Atomic Dismantling Jutsu !”
Fuko 镞犲锛屽 涓 涓猼 涓猼 涓猼 涓猼 涓猼 涓猼 涓猼 涓猼 锛宲 锛宲 锛宲 锛宲 锛宲 锛宲 锛宲 锛宲 锛宲 锛宲 锛宲 锛宲 锛宲 锛宲
Onoki 姝hto continue the struggle 锛屾棤褰(三)殑读嶅向鍐嶆drops from the sky 锛宼op of the head 镄凪ud Wall ka ka 镰寸锛孙 noki 蹇欐寚鎸ュ博镓嬮樆鎸★纴钖屾椂涓€涓︻伒娲荤殑涓︻伒娲荤殑 佹澘妗ワ纴avoid 浜嗛摐阌ら吨鍑汇€
鈥渟i si ~~鎴戙鎴戙佹垜鎴戠殑罐帮紒鈥
Onoki 鐪 鐪 閮 閮 祦涓嬫潵浜嗐 €
浠栧弻 嬫拺 嬫拺 嬫拺 纴鐗欓 纴鐗欓 纴鐗欓 纴鐗欓 鍝嗗棪锛屾暣涓﹄ 鍝嗗棪锛屾暣涓﹄ 鍝嗗棪锛屾暣涓﹄ 鍝嗗棪锛屾暣涓﹄ 閮 閮 笉濂 笉濂
Fuko 涓€鐪嬶纴suddenly 蹇岖潃鐪 棝锛岀棝 棝锛岀棝 棝锛岀棝 棝锛岀棝 棝锛岀棝 棝锛岀棝 嫍銆
“Fire-Style: Searing Migraine !”
钖屾椂锛孡imbo 涓殑Susanoo 涔熷啀娆¤ 涓嬮摐阌ゃ
“hateful !”
Canned dress ton ton noki 镄勮锷纴闱 (a) 闾g湅涓嶈镄凷usanoo 锛屼粬宸茬粡 pot hydrogen 笉鍒 board 畲缇庣殑韬 伩锛
Onoki 鐭ラ 镊 镊 涓崭 涓崭 Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu
Emerald cauldron uddenly 鍖栦綔娉ユ 钀 钀 叆earth 銆
Searing Migraine 鐖嗗彂锛屾楠鍦嗙栌绫崇鍦嗙栌绫村寲浣滀竴鐗囩唺镡婄噧鐑х殑鐏捣銆
Fuko couldn’t hold it anymore, his eyes closed and Mangekyo closed instantly.
Pentagram Domain, Limbo Shadow, instant dissipated.
Fuko didn’t dare to stay here, his eyes narrowed into a seam, and he immediately chose to leave after seeing the road ahead.
Then his heart was cold.
Onoki left because of low back pain, but heaven knows how long this low back pain can last. If it is ten minutes, Onoki will return and kill. Isn’t he a dead end?
Must be open at the fastest speed!
Fuko’s heart moved, squinting and looking up at the sky.
“Super Wheel Dance Brothers ?”
More than a year after seeing Super Wheel Dance Brothers last time, Fuko remembered the last time he used Chakra to fill the Super Wheel Dance Brothers, and now they don’t know what they are.
If the Super Wheel Dance Brothers is a good adult, then he can take them off here.
Even if Onoki will fly, I am afraid that I can’t keep up with the speed of the Super Wheel Dance Brothers.
He immediately hand seal : “Summoning Jutsu !”
A huge burst of smoke skyrocketed.
Two sharp eagle thorns that pierce the eardrum swept all directions like waves, followed by a gust of wind and picked up a lot of dust.
Fuko frowned, smashing into a slit eye can only see the white golden eagle feathers shining in the dim light, stinging his eyes more painful.
He tried to smear his eyes even more, and looked up slightly, finally seeing the body of these two Snow Hawks.
Big, big!
Compared to last year’s appearance, the Super Wheel Dance Brothers at this time is just as tall as a floor. It is like a hormone that has been eaten for a year, and it looks so fierce!
No, this should be the effect of Chakra filling!
Fuko is busy giving his own brilliant and wise gods awe, secretly proud of his wisdom.
Hu hu!
The wind is blowing.
Super Wheel Dance Brothers screamed and fluttered.
Fuko squinted, they spread their wings, the wingspan was ten meters in size, and it was not too easy to sit alone!
And he can feel the Super Wheel Dance Brothers within-the-body has Chakra Flow, which means they have officially become Nin-Hawk!
Fuko is busy calling them down.
The two Snow Hawks groaned at high altitude, and they fell slowly after half a mile. Then they looked at Fuko, who was half shorter than them, and I didn’t know the little dwarf’s eyes.
Fuko is really coming.
Super Wheel Dance Brothers At first glance, I changed my face, and my relatives bowed down to Fuko’s body with a sharp eagle with a sharp iron sword.
“The strength is not small.”
Fuko almost didn’t stand.
Of course, in addition to their two strengths, there is also a reason for the kidney deficiency after Fuko War.
“Take me to force me to fly!”
Fuko didn’t dare to stay and was busy with the back of a Snow Hawk.
The two Snow Hawks used their eagle to lick the feathers, and then the wings were lightly swayed.
Fuko was shocked. He faintly felt the prototype of Wind-Style Ninjutsu from this wind. Before he thought about it, there was a sudden wind pressure on the top, and then he found himself flying into the sky and shoulders shoulder to shoulder!
So fast speed!
Fuko feels very much.
The Super Wheel Dance Brothers in front of Chakra’s body is completely Summoned Beast. Fuko wants to kill them several times, but the Super Wheel Dance Brothers after the filling is to turn over a new leaf. Change male hawk, although facing the ninja I am afraid there is still not many odds of success, but used to hurry, is already a Ferrari in the car!
Sitting on the back of Snow Hawk, Fuko stroked the eagle feather of Snow Hawk white golden, cold as iron, without a trace of temperature, then he found that Snow Hawk was constantly shaking the eagle feathers, through the densely packed eagle feathers, you can feel There is a slight temperature from which it overflows.
They are Snow Hawk, grown in the extreme cold climate of Land-of-Snow. The tenacious eagle feathers stick to the body in addition to protecting themselves and maintaining their own temperature, but now they are in Land-of-Rain with a mild climate. No need to keep warm, so they shake the eagle feathers, and the excess temperature of the within-the-body is expelled from the body at high speed.
I remember that the Super Wheel Dance Brothers came here, hot, don’t want to, jiu jiu jiu called to go back, and now, they have been able to adjust their temperature through the eagle feathers.
Fuko eyes shined: Do they produce intelligence? !
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