The sudden tragedy caused Allen to roll his eyes a little.

What's the matter with you guys all of a sudden? Have you had enough to drink? Don't drink, but don't be drunk.

"Hey, ......, your drunkenness just blew away!

Megas, who has fallen and crushed the table, screams out a scream. The others staggered to their feet, and for some reason they gave him a frightened look.

The snake around Glow's neck also froze with its mouth hanging open.

"Well, for what it's worth, ...... what are you going to confess to the goddess?

Of course I'm going to confess my love.

Oh, my God, he's so open. ......

In any case, after we all cleaned up the area, the party around Allen began again.

With Allen's pocket money, he had prepared new drinks for everyone, but no one wanted to taste them.

Everyone was silent, creating an atmosphere like a wake.

Allen furrows his brow and stares at the group.

What the hell. What's the harm in me telling Charlotte I love her?

It's not a problem. It's ......

This is not what I expected. ......

Megus and Grow looked at each other strangely.

The rest of the triumvirate exchanged whispered words.

"Hey, hey, hey, ......, did anyone bet on this happening so fast, ......?

No, I think the earliest was three years.

I was betting all my money on the biggest hole of all, 'I'll be responsible for getting my hands on it on the spur of the moment in ten years or so.

You'll have to come out later.

In the event that you have any questions regarding where and the best way to get in touch with me, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Megas covered his face and looked up at the ceiling.

"But seriously... To be honest, I thought you were going to remain unconscious.

What kind of change of heart did you have ......?

It's a lot of ...... things.

I'm not going to say that we just held hands and looked at each other. He was embarrassed, but also because he had a feeling that the table would be smashed again.

He cleared his throat, stepped back, and continued.

"Anyway, I'm going to confess to Charlotte. You guys don't seem to have much of a love life, but as they say, a dead tree is a dead tree. Use your wisdom and give me some advice.

That's not the way to ask for help. ...... As always.


Megath half-smiled.

But Glow, on the other hand, had a difficult look on his face and kept his mouth shut.

"What is it, Glow? You seem to have something to say.

"...... I don't know much about it.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

I'm not sure I know much about it. You know that and you're hiding her. Am I right?

"...... That's right.

Allen admitted it honestly.

The others averted their gazes awkwardly as well.

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