Zhou Liangan felt a restless Meizhu!

He looked up at Zhang Peilin!

Zhang Peilin winked at Zhou Liangan playfully.

The depressed Liu Xiaoran had been frowning all the time. She glanced at Zhang Peilin and looked at Zhou Liangan unhappily.

Especially when she saw the two people flirting with each other.

Liu Xiaoran became even angrier.

She usually has a good personality, and she is also beautiful, and she can always get along well with boys, which makes people feel that this girl should be easy to pursue.

But in fact, what looks like is not necessarily true.

In fact, Liu Xiaoran has never held a boy's hand since she was a solo.

For some reason, she has never been interested in boys who actively pursue her.

But today, Zhou Liangan made herself look bad again and again.

Liu Xiaoran is more interested in this guy.

She felt that she seemed to have lost her charm in front of this guy, and she always held her breath in her heart, just to prove herself.

Liu Xiaoran narrowed her eyes slightly.

Thinking secretly in her heart: I don’t believe it, there is still a cat that doesn’t steal fish! I must prove my charm!

Liu Xiaoran secretly cheered herself up in her heart.

Zhou Liangan could clearly notice that Liu Xiaoran’s beautiful eyes were always looking at him from time to time.

And there always seemed to be some ill intentions in those beautiful eyes.

At this moment, Zhou Liangan looked at Liu Xiaoran with a little vigilance.

Liu Xiaoran, on the other hand, had curved eyebrows and looked at Zhou Liangan with a smile, and the two of them just stared at each other.

Zhang Peilin on the side seemed to think that there seemed to be something wrong between the two of them.

A pair of big watery eyes stared at the two of them, and there was a strange expression in her beautiful eyes.


Zhang Peilin bit her lower lip with her teeth, and raised the corners of her mouth with a meaningful arc.

Then she opened her big toe and second toe and clamped them hard.…


Zhou Liang'an took a breath, raised his head, and looked at Zhang Peilin.

Zhang Peilin looked proud and smiled at Zhou Liang'an.

Zhou Liang'an was not to be outdone.

One hand naturally dropped down.


Zhang Peilin laughed without warning.

She looked embarrassed and was doomed.

The people at the tables around her looked at Zhang Peilin with a bit of confusion.

Zhang Peilin looked at Zhou Liangan with resentment, biting her lower lip with her teeth, with a hint of warning in her beautiful eyes.

But Zhou Liangan pretended not to see anything.

Zhang Peilin was so angry that she wanted to bite this bastard to death.

Liu Xiaoran stood aside and saw the scene in front of him, looking thoughtful.


The spoon fell to the ground.

Liu Xiaoran bent down to pick up the spoon that"accidentally" fell to the ground. He couldn't help but widen his eyes!

A storm of waves rose in his heart.

Damn! This guy looks tall and thin, but I didn't expect him to be so good! He stood up without leaving a trace.

Zhang Peilin's cheeks were slightly red, with a faint rosy glow.

Biting her lower lip with her teeth, she deliberately pretended to be indifferent.

A cup of The coffee was thrilling.

After drinking coffee, several people went to eat barbecue together.

But when eating barbecue, Liu Xiaoran always looked absent-minded.

A pair of beautiful eyes always looked at Zhou Liangan from time to time.

The eyes were moving in the beautiful eyes.

After eating barbecue, Zhang Peilin and Zhou Liangan sent Liu Xiaoran home together.

Before leaving, Liu Xiaoran and Zhou Liangan added each other's contact information.

Zhang Peilin always had a bad premonition in her heart.

But after all, on one side was her sister, and on the other side was her crush. Zhang Peilin shook his head and tried not to let himself think about it.

As the two walked, they unknowingly walked to a forest park not far from their apartment.

There are many trees in the forest park, but there are not many lighting facilities.

At night, most places are gloomy.

Usually few people come here.

The two walked one after the other.

"Have you ever felt something strange after coming out of a coffee shop?"

"Weird? What's strange? I didn't pay much attention to her."

Zhang Peilin stared at Zhou Liangan with her beautiful eyes, and was quite satisfied with his answer.

"It's just strange, I always feel like she's always looking at you"

"Her eyes are on her body, and she wants to look at me, what can I do?" Zhou Liangan said helplessly

"I think she must be in love with you."

"You have to tell me clearly, does she like me or is she in love with me?"

""Big hooligan!"

Zhang Peilin said timidly.

Zhou Liang'an raised the corners of his mouth and narrowed his eyes slightly,"Okay, since you call me a hooligan, then I will show you how to be a hooligan"

"Woohoo...I was wrong...I apologize to you, okay?"

"Too late!"

""Woo woo~"

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