Oonako Daimon had a tangled and hesitant expression on her face. She slowly raised her head and fixed her beautiful eyes on Lin Hengxia, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.

“Are you sure you can really help me?”

Daimon Oonako said with a trembling voice.

“Of course, but the prerequisite is that you can offer me conditions that will make my heart beat.”

Daimon Oonako slowly raised her head, her big watery eyes looking at Lin Hengxia seriously.

She bit her thin lips with her pearly teeth, and there was a hint of hesitation in her beautiful eyes.


Lin Hengxia looked at Daimon Oonako with a smile.

Slowly grasping the strong capital.

Daimon Oonako bit her lower lip with her teeth and grabbed Lin Hengxia’s hand.

“How can I trust you?”

“Aren’t you a gambler? How about a bet?”

Daimon Oonako bit her lower lip with her teeth.

“”Okay… I… I…”

Before he could finish his words, his mouth was blocked.

Shuo Niu Da Zi entered the school…

In the Japanese-style courtyard.

Gao Liu Fu Zang looked at the man in front of him, with a somewhat indifferent look in his eyes.

“Mr. Yamamoto, I came here to express my sincerity to you.”

Yamamoto Kazuo looked up at Takayanagi Fuzo,”Mr. Takayanagi, the Black Dragon Society has caused you a lot of losses recently.” Takayanagi Fuzo heard this, his expression was a little ugly, but then he chuckled and said in a calm tone:”The Black Dragon Society and I have always been in a cooperative relationship, so of course we should share the good and the bad, and it can’t be said that I am a burden.”


“Of course.”

Yamamoto smiled and shook his head, glanced at Takayanagi Tomozang meaningfully, and then said lightly:”Mr. Takayanagi, you are actually very dissatisfied with this failure. If you are dissatisfied, just say it out loud. There is no need to suppress your emotions.”

Takayanagi Tomozang picked up the tea in front of him and took a sip.

“Captain Yamamoto, just say what you want to say. It’s pointless to keep hiding things and playing dumb, isn’t it?”

Yamamoto Kazuo chuckled, and then said calmly:”The Yamaguchi-gumi will swallow up the Black Dragon Society sooner or later. Mr. Takayanagi, if you cooperate with us, I think the time it takes for the Yamaguchi-gumi to swallow up the Black Dragon Society will be further shortened.”

The real purpose was revealed. Takayanagi

Fuzo looked up at Yamamoto Kazuo, whose face was lost in thought.

Yamamoto Kazuo smiled calmly.

“The noble young master has been active in Tokyo for such a long time, in fact, he is just waiting for an opportunity, and now the opportunity is just right, isn’t it?”

Takayanagi Fuzang chuckled and looked up at Yamamoto Kazuo

“Since Chief Yamamoto has said so, I must give this face to the team leader.”

Yamamoto Kazuo laughed

“Hahaha, Mr. Gao Liu is indeed a man who knows the times.”

“Nalin Hengxia…”

“I’ll get started as soon as possible”


The two smiled at each other.

In the restaurant,

Daimon Oonako looked at the roses blooming not far away, and was distracted.

There was a complicated look in her eyes.

She came back to her senses and looked up at Lin Hengxia.

“You have to help me.”

Lin Hengxia smiled and snapped his fingers.

“Don’t worry, Miss Daimon, I will definitely help you.”

Ring, ring, ring… the phone rang quickly.

Daimon Oonako looked at the caller ID, hesitated for a moment, and answered the call.

A man’s concerned voice came from the other end of the phone.

“Onako, the meal is ready. When will you be back?”

“My friend and I are…”

Before he could finish his words, Lin Hengxia had already approached from behind…

A stab in the back might not be a knife…

PS: Please give me flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes. I hope all the Yanzu masters can vote for the data. If there is data, I will add more chapters! The little author begs…

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