Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 235: taxi talk show (4)

As long as Junsu doesn't talk about his 'on-going relationship' now, it's okay to talk about the love that has become the past. Of course, he also knows that not only fans who have a heart of gossip must be very concerned about the artist's love, even if the show team is asking the artist how to fall in love, they are extremely curious. How do artists fall in love? In fact, this answer has already been talked about by many people in the TV broadcast. How can an artist fall in love, just in the car or at home.

To Junxiu, this iron law is still impossible to change. The way to fall in love is nothing more than in the car or at home. As long as it is in Korea, there are only two places to choose from. Otherwise, where else can you go? After becoming an artist and gaining popularity, it is almost impossible to go shopping, eat, and watch movies like ordinary people. Maybe overseas.

Since Junxiu has agreed to the people in the show team, he will reveal his view of love, which makes the whole show team full of energy. Perhaps this time Junsu appears in their show will increase the ratings to a new level! Who is Junsu who is the leading male lead in the hottest TV series?

After the group got off the bus, they came to Din Tai Fung, which Jun Xiu had always wanted to go to. Dim Sum is a Chinese snack that you will never get tired of eating. some type of. Huaxia dim sum can be said to be popular all over the world. For dim sum, everyone must have an irresistible taste temptation in their hearts.

An indispensable classic of dim sum, Xiao Long Bao, when the crab yellow Xiao Long Bao, San Xian Bao, etc., a series of Xiao Long Bao were placed in front of Junxiu, which made him move his index finger. Looking at the exquisite Xiao Long Bao in front of him, Jun Xiu couldn't help swallowing.

After the xiao long bao was served, the show continued filming again, and Li Yingzi looked at the camera and said, "We are in a dim sum shop in Tokyo, and Jun Xiu said that he really wanted to come to eat dim sum, so our show team came here with him. This is the first time that Junsu talks about love on the show, please lock the channel and don’t leave.”

Because it is a chat show and not a food show, after Li Yingzi said these words, the picture of them fragrantly eating dim sum was not recorded. The three of them ate a lot of dim sum together. Junxiu looked at the staff who had been watching the camera and didn't order food. He said in surprise, "Why, don't you eat? The dim sum here is really delicious."

"The staff don't have so many allowances, so let's eat." The director of the program group smiled and said to Junxiu about allowances. The staff and artists are different. How much money the artists eat, the director can take it. Invoices go to the company for reimbursement, while staff travel has only a fixed allowance. If you exceed that part, you have to pay for it yourself. You must know that a Xiaolongbao here is close to 1,500-2,000 yen, which is about 20,000 won. This is definitely a consumption that the staff is not willing to spend.

Junxiu said with a smile: "Everyone, let's order it. Our artists will be reimbursed at the stage. I'll pay for what you eat, and you'll come all the way to shoot. I have to entertain you anyway. Everyone order it. Director, arrange for the staff to order."

Li Yingzi also smiled and said: "Everyone said, you can eat Xiaolongbao and you can eat a lot. Junxiu is generous. When filming TV series, he often invites the whole crew to eat the hotel buffet. Don't be polite, don't give He saves~!"


The deliciousness of xiaolongbao is always unsatisfactory. After eating the dim sum, Li Yingzi took out two tissues and wiped Junxiu's mouth, and Junxiu also smiled and wiped senior Li Yingzi's mouth. After Junxiu wiped her mouth, Li Yingzi smiled and said to the camera: "Wow...heart, heartbeat, looking at Junxiu's serious eyes, my heart is empty and pounding. It seems that Junxiu is really A very gentle man, I wonder if you are so gentle in love?"

After dinner, the topic of the show finally started. Junxiu also talked about emotional issues on the show for the first time: "I don't know if I'm very gentle? Anyway, in love, it should be a man who spoils his own woman, right?"

Li Yingzi asked Junxiu with a smile: "What about you, do you spoil your girlfriend when you're in love? Or did you spoil your girlfriend as you said in your previous relationship? ?"

However, another man sitting next to Kong Jiongzhen said: "Even if it is pampering, it has to be appropriate, right? Otherwise, excessive pampering will make your girlfriend arrogant, and this will be troublesome. Junxiu, even if you spoil your girlfriend in the future, you must be more appropriate. People, after getting used to it, they will take a man’s pampering and tolerate it as a matter of course.

Li Yingzi sat next to him and said to Kong Jiongzhen with a wry smile: "I said, how badly are you being bullied by your wife? Now you are preaching this to Junxiu? Junxiu, ignore him and talk about you?"

"Me? Maybe I haven't tried the changing stage of marriage, so I don't know what happens to a woman after pampering is taken for granted? However, in love, I feel like pampering my girlfriend a little bit. There's nothing wrong with it, right? Because the 'love' in love is mutual, isn't it, the other party can feel how much love I give."

When listening to Junxiu's love style, Li Yingzi had to sigh: "Young people's love is really good. Or in a few years, your idea of ​​love will be different again. This time is worth cherishing!"

In Li Yingzi's eyes, Junxiu may not have really matured emotionally, because 'love' is staged, and the love of the twenties may say that 'eyes' is more important, all the beauty and ugliness are imprinted in the eyes Then you can tell whether you like it or not. Love what you like, even if it is wrong.

In the thirties after the failure of love in the twenties, their love patterns are different. In the premise of love, the first thing to consider is marriage, and marriage involves more realistic issues! The first thing to look at is the man's financial resources, and the second is his personal future potential. Of course, family background is also very important, because the consideration is to be married for a lifetime, and naturally some psychological mate selection criteria will be set.

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