Korean Entertainment – Exalted President
Chapter 13
杩欎 鍐ぉ鐗 鍐ぉ鐗 鍐ぉ鐗 埆鍐 埆鍐 € €€
鏁村ぉ绌挎鍦ㄨ澶达纴浠呬粎鍑犲ぉ镄勬椂闂达纴Seok Jin-soo 灏卞ソ闄╄劚浜嗕竴灞傜毊銆
鏅Hydrogen 笂锲炲埌瀹堕噷锛岀敤鐑 笂锲炲埌瀹堕噷锛岀敤鐑 娲楋纴灏卞ソ 娲楋纴灏卞ソ 娲楋纴灏卞ソ 娲楋纴灏卞ソ 忎 忎 忎 姽浜嗙洂涓 姽浜嗙洂涓 姽浜嗙洂涓 镙 镙 镙 镙 纴瑕佹镄勫 纴瑕佹镄勫 纴瑕佹镄勫
鑹 毦镄勫澧冿纴鍞竴鑳 毦镄勫澧冿纴鍞竴鑳 毦镄勫澧冿纴鍞竴鑳 鏋滆吂镄勶纴鍗 鏋滆吂镄勶纴鍗 鏋滆吂镄勶纴鍗
澶╁ぉ闱(一)杩欎 锛屽啀濂 锛屽啀濂 殑 殑 殑 犺 犺 犺 犺 犺 犺 犺 犺 鍟娿
Seok Jin-soo 鍙悆浜嗕袱鍙o纴灏 寰堥タ锛屽嵈鍐崭篃钖冧笉锷ㄤ 寰堥タ锛屽嵈鍐崭篃钖冧笉锷ㄤ
鈥淎igoo 锛岃 umbrella 镞ュ瓙浠 涔堟椂 chain 欐槸涓ご鍟婏纻鈥
姝ゆ椂镄勪粬锛屼笉绂佹湁镣 € 蹇佃捣鍦ㄥ镄勬棩瀛愪 蹇佃捣鍦ㄥ镄勬棩瀛愪 蹇佃捣鍦ㄥ镄勬棩瀛愪 蹇佃捣鍦ㄥ镄勬棩瀛愪
铏 劧鏁 劧鏁 ぉ琚 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸 佸镞犻檺钖 power
杩欎箞婕备镄凷镄凷 eoul 锛岀珶鐒跺彧鑳 悆鎷夐 悆鎷夐 锛岀湡鏄 € [€
灏卞湪杩欐椂锛孡ee Dae-gyu 鎷栫潃鐤叉俪镄勮韩浣揿洖鏉ヤ简銆
鍒 鍒 竴璧 竴璧 繘鏉ワ纴灏 繘鏉ワ纴灏 繘鏉ワ纴灏 繘鏉ワ纴灏 妸镊 妸镊 妸镊 妸镊
鈥滃掼锛屼綘涔熷悆镣 惂銆傝 惂銆傝 惂銆傝 璇ユ镄勫ぉ姘斿お鍐 璇ユ镄勫ぉ姘斿お鍐 璇ユ镄勫ぉ姘斿お鍐 璇ユ镄勫ぉ姘斿お鍐 锛屼竴镣 锛屼竴镣 锛屼竴镣 锛屼竴镣 锛屼竴镣
Lee Dae-gyu 闅忔 鎶撹 鎶撹 鎶撹 琚瓙锛岀洊鍦ㄨ嚜宸 琚瓙锛岀洊鍦ㄨ嚜宸 琚瓙锛岀洊鍦ㄨ嚜宸 琚瓙锛岀洊鍦ㄨ嚜宸 琚瓙锛岀洊鍦ㄨ嚜宸 涔庢槸 涔庢槸 涔庢槸 Da
闂烽椃镄勫0 粠琚瓙涓嬮 粠琚瓙涓嬮 粠琚瓙涓嬮 ソ ソ ソ ソ ソ Seok Jin-soo 镄勮 湹涓嶉敊锛屽緢濂 湹涓嶉敊锛屽緢濂 湹涓嶉敊锛屽緢濂 湹涓嶉敊锛屽緢濂 湹涓嶉敊锛屽緢濂 湴钖埌浜嗐 湴钖埌浜嗐 湴钖埌浜嗐
鈥滃掼锛屾 庝箞浜嗭纻鎴戜 庝箞浜嗭纻鎴戜 庝箞浜嗭纻鎴戜 涓嶆槸涓 鐩 鐩 鐩 湪 湪 湪 悧锛熻槠鐒 悧锛熻槠鐒 悧锛熻槠鐒 緵鑻 緵鑻 緵鑻 緵鑻 緵鑻 緵鑻彧瑕佸姫锷涘氨浼氭湁宁屾湜镄勫晩銆傗€
灏卞湪Seok Jin-soo 浠ヤLee Dae-gyu 宸茬粡镌$潃浜嗙殑镞跺€欙纴阒存镄勫0镄勫虫墠浼犲嚭鏉ャ
鈥沧 夊笇 chain chain 涗 銆傗 銆傗
Seok Jin-soo 鐑 簛涓嶅 簛涓嶅 锛屽旸鍦 锛屽旸鍦 皢绛 皢绛 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 滃埌搴曟槸浠 滃埌搴曟槸浠 滃埌搴曟槸浠 滃埌搴曟槸浠 滃埌搴曟槸浠 滃埌搴曟槸浠 滃埌搴曟槸浠 滃埌搴曟槸浠锛熸尯澶 鐢 鐢 鐢 鐢 鐢 鐢 傗 傗 傗
鍙堟槸闀 箙镄勬 箙镄勬 榛桡纴鐪嬫牱瀛怢 ee Dae-gyu 鍙楀埌镄勬墦鍑荤湡镄勪笉灏忋€
鈥灭粨鏉熶 锛屻€婃棤娉曢樆鎸$殑highkick銆嬬殑婕斿憳寰侀€夌粨鏉熶简銆傗€
Seok Jin-soo 濡傞伃板峰向锛屽昆鏅屾病链夌紦杩囨潵锛岀溂鍓崭竴鐗囩┖锏姐€
浠栧拰Lee Dae-gyu 寰埚姫锷涗 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 涓湀鏉ワ纴姣忓ぉ鍙﹄紤鎭笁涓皬镞讹纴灏 涓湀鏉ワ纴姣忓ぉ鍙﹄紤鎭笁涓皬镞讹纴灏 涓湀鏉ワ纴姣忓ぉ鍙﹄紤鎭笁涓皬镞讹纴灏 涓湀鏉ワ纴姣忓ぉ鍙﹄紤鎭笁涓皬镞讹纴灏 涓湀鏉ワ纴姣忓ぉ鍙﹄紤鎭笁涓皬镞讹纴灏 槸鎯 槸鎯 槸鎯 槸鎯 槸鎯 揩 揩 揩 揩埌钖堥€傜殑Trainee 锛岃鍏徃寮€涓氥€
鍙槸Yoo In-na 镄勭寮 濂 濂 濂 濂 儚鎴愪 浜嗗彲镐旷殑璇呭拻锛岃 浜嗗彲镐旷殑璇呭拻锛岃 涓湀鏉ワ纴鍐嶆 涓湀鏉ワ纴鍐嶆 涓湀鏉ワ纴鍐嶆 涓湀鏉ワ纴鍐嶆 涓湀鏉ワ纴鍐嶆 涓湀鏉ワ纴鍐嶆 涓湀鏉ワ纴鍐嶆 涓湀鏉ワ纴鍐嶆 涓湀鏉ワ纴鍐嶆 涓湀鏉ワ纴鍐嶆 涓湀鏉ワ纴鍐嶆Reading
Then it means that their company can’t open it in a short time.
In the small room, the two men were silent and lost all their strength.
This night is extraordinarily long, Seok Jin-soo twists and turns, wakes up and sleeps countless times, can not compare to the suffering of my heart.
In this situation, do you still have hope for their career?
Is this the end?
Is it really necessary to go back to Shuntian’s hometown and follow his father to go fishing for a living?
This depressed life is really unsatisfactory.
Seok Jin-soo Recalling his life for more than 20 years, there seems to be no good thing to boast about, and the net is out of the moth.
The teacher did not die before he died, and now he has been fishing for the rest of his life.
The heart is depressed, it is not so practical to sleep this night.
The next morning, Seok Jin-soo woke up and found that Lee Dae-gyu was sitting in the living room and smoking a cigarette.
The ashtray in front of it was already full of soot, and it seems that this hyeong didn’t seem to sleep all night.
He walked over and found a long remaining in the ashtray. After he had finished, he sat opposite Lee Dae-gyu.
“What now? Is there any other way?”
Lee Dae-gyu is full of scarlet, unshaven, all on the cheeks, it seems to be sleeping all night.
He slowly shook his head and laughed at himself in a decadent manner.
“Where is there any way? Besides, who can think of it, the most grasped place is actually leaking. With the opportunity to debut, the artist actually ran away. Really, he said that he went out and lost his face.”
Originally, it was a cigarette butt, and Seok Jin-soo was taken out.
“That can’t be so consumed. Seoul has a lot of money, and every day has money. Otherwise, let’s go out to work. We are so young, just do something, it’s better than doing it.”
Lee Dae-gyu, a pair of people, is negative about Seok Jin-soo’s opinion.
“Brother, you remember, in places like Seoul, you can’t make a living by working for a lifetime. Even if you have to work hard, you have to blog. Otherwise, we can only eat ramen for a lifetime.”
Seok Jin-soo is very depressed.
“Even if you want to fight, you have to know what to do? Just sit here, what’s the use?”
Lee Dae-gyu looked over carefully and instinctively made Seok Jin-soo feel that he had no purpose.
“What do you want to do? Don’t hit my mind. Is it for me to be a cowherd?”
Lee Dae-gyu was not hanged by smoke, and the cough tears came out.
“Cough and cough…liTTL- Time To Love e pubutt y … cough, what do you say? I have a cough, cowherd, you? Look at your virtue, the calf is worse.”
Since it is not such an idea, Seok Jin-soo does not matter.
“Then you are talking about it, what are we doing?”
Lee Dae-gyu cheered up, propped up and leaned in front of Seok Jin-soo.
“Brother, do you remember what the Secretary said when he was drinking with the Secretary?”
Time has passed for a long time, and Seok Jin-soo is a bit fuzzy.
“What are you talking about?”
Lee Dae-gyu squats, and the whole person looks like a dog with a bone.
“You forgot? The Secretary did not tell you that day, you have the talent to become a comedian. Since we can’t find an artist, it is better to come to the brothers.”
He said that Seok Jin-soo remembered it, and the Secretary did say that.
But as an entertainer, Seok Jin-soo instinctively feels absurd.
“What? Brother, the director is just a polite word, what kind of person I am, you don’t know. I don’t know where the TV Station’s door opens. Can you say that you can do comedian?”
Lee Dae-gyu is clearly awkward.
“Why can’t you? Anyone who is born will be a comedian? I have seen your performance that day, it is very funny, not worse than the guys on TV.”
Seok Jin-soo was still very calm and waved his hand in depression.
“Don’t say it, brother, I want to be realistic. If you are an artist, it really doesn’t suit me. You think, artists are like stars, they will shine. How can people like me be so ugly? What about an artist?”
“Why not?”
Lee Dae-gyu was excited and stood up and danced.
“You forgot, Jeong Jun-ha hyeong are so ugly people are artists.”
Mention Junong Jun-ha, Seok Jin-soo is also very good.
“Yah!! That hyeong is really a big problem. It seems that people who have no vision are everywhere, and the entertainment industry is just that.”
“Yeah, since that hyeong can be an artist, what can you do?”
Lee Dae-gyu continues to inspire.
Although I started as an entertainment company, I was thinking about launching idols and actors.
But now even the money for eating is gone, can become comedian, fixed in the program, is also good.
Seok Jin-soo is very realistic and has not been inspired by Lee Dae-gyu.
“Brother, don’t say it, or think about what you can achieve. I really can’t. People must have self-knowledge, and those who are greedy beyond the scope of their abilities will be retributed.”
This is too heavy, and Lee Dae-gyu has no motivation to persuade.
He knows that if he goes on, the friendship between the two will be problematic.
“Oh, it’s a pity. If you can fix the program, there will be 100,000 yuan in each period.”
He really feels sorry, so Nagging’s words are a little louder.
As a result, Seok Jin-soo sitting opposite was heard.
Children in poor families cannot have one thing in their eyes.
Seok Jin-soo immediately lost his calmness and asked incredibly: “Brother, what did you say?”
“Yeah? What?”
Lee Dae-gyu hasn’t responded yet.
Seok Jin-soo stood up and hurriedly said: “This is the last sentence you just said.”
Lee Dae-gyu didn’t know what he was going crazy, and he was really shocked. After hesitating for a while, I remembered what I had just said.
“That, I said, even if it is a newcomer fixed program, there will be 100,000 rewards for each episode.”
Finally confirmed, Seok Jin-soo is also stable.
This guy clapped his hands and his face flew up.
“Brother, let’s go, that’s it.”
Lee Dae-gyu has a rush to pass, and finally has a clear understanding of this younger brother.
This bastard boy can’t raise money.
When I heard that there was 100,000 income, I immediately lost my position.
What is inexperienced, what is ugly, what is not suitable, as long as there is money, this guy does not even have a face.
Fortunately, the result was good. The younger brother of this 榆木疙瘩头 finally agreed to appear in the program.
Aigoo, clearly said that it is the brothers and two partners to start a business and build an entertainment company.
At the end of the day, the younger brother who had helped him took the road of the artist, and the absurdity of the world was so vividly happening in front of him.
However, the business has finally started, indicating that there will be income.
“Let’s go, let’s go back and rent the house, and then prepare a gift for the secretary. Although it is from the country, can’t lose the number of gifts?”
Seok Jin-soo, where did he hear what he said, there was only one thought in his mind.
“Yah!! 100,000, 100,000. With 100,000 pieces, you can eat fried noodles. Luxury, you can also have a sweet and sour pork. How long has it not eaten meat?”
This younger brother, the magic barrier, it seems that it is really scary.
“Okay, let’s go, there are still a lot of things to do. After you have done the artist Dae-sung, don’t say 100,000, million is not impossible.”
“Really? Yah!! The artist is amazing, there are millions of incomes.”
Lee Dae-gyu shook his head, this unrelenting younger brother, 100,000 pieces can be bought.
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