The latest chapter in the voice of Korean entertainment, the 223 chapter did not see? Floating astronomy

This happened completely beyond the expectations of two people.

For a moment, thoughts are easy to calm down?

After a simple conversation, the car became suffocating.

In-jung just lowered his head, letting the long hair cover the plain, two small hands on the legs, tightly twisted together, do not know what the mind.

Seok Jin-soo also lost his ability to think and was even more at a loss.

The most important thing is that the tempting landscape has always flashed through my mind, making him completely unclear.

In this way, the zombie held for more than an hour, and even the sky was dark.

Look at it is not the way, Seok Jin-soo is also moderated. As a man, you still have to stand up.

“That, I will send you back.”

Today’s In-jung is full of emotions, and Seok Jin-soo can’t let her walk alone, maybe something unexpected.

And so late, the subway is gone, it is more inconvenient to go home.

In-jung didn’t look up, just a scorn from the hair.


When she was the Six Gods, she did not know how to face this shameful situation.

However, compared to before, it is better, at least the eye is not so red.

Although the heart is still jumping, the shame is far from fading, but it is slightly calmer.

After all, this is not a feudal society, she is also a mature girl. Although that situation is shameful, it is not unacceptable.

After all, it’s just an accident. If you continue to work hard, you should forget it.

She agreed, and Seok Jin-soo could only smile.

“Yah!! Are you talking about where your home is?”

The words of Seok Jin-soo rang again in the ear, but made In-jung’s body tremble.

It seems that the man’s staunch breath is surrounded by the front, and let her return to the time before it was unbearable.

Suddenly there was a hot stream in the abdomen, and it was ejected along a mysterious martyr, letting her move and convulsing.

In-jung is not a child, has seen ***, and has received appropriate education.

She understands that this feeling of wanting to die is called high tide.

Park In-jung, what are you doing?

You are a clean and self-love girl, how can you always fall into this shameful atmosphere?

Come out quickly, you must re-energize, you can be strong.

In-jung can only motivate himself, but the damn body is not obedient.

So she had to work hard to control her emotions and do her best to keep her voice steady.

“In… um… in Anyang.”

Seok Jin-soo slaps his head and is exceptionally speechless.

Really, so late, I have to go to Anyang.

Fortunately, although Anyang is owned by Gyeonggi Province, it is Seoul’s satellite city, but it is not far away.

In-jung goes to the coffee shop to go to work, or go to Kim Hyeong-seok to study music, all by subway to Seoul.

Knowing the address, Seok Jin-soo no longer makes unnecessary fuss and starts the car.

The scenery outside the car ran backwards, but the heat on the body never retreated. In-jung couldn’t help but quietly opened a gap in the window.

The cold air of the early winter rushed in, and finally played a role in cooling, so that she began to calm down.

I sneaked a sneak peek and found that Seok Jin-soo was driving intently and looked determined, as if nothing had happened.

This kind of expression gives In-jung a little bit of unrealistic fantasy and illusion.

Is it… I think more?

In fact, he did not see anything at the time?

If that’s the case, isn’t it that you don’t feel embarrassed?

No way, after all, the 21-year-old girl, when she encounters such incredible things, when she dares not face it, she will act as an ostrich.

I love the age of my own thoughts and always create a lot of troubles for myself.

The luck of luck lasted for a while, and In-jung began to become sensible again.

How could you not see it?

He is in front of him, and is the best position, and he must have seen everything.

Otherwise, why was he so horrified and embarrassed before?

Oh, the man is really hypocritical.

It’s obviously so cheap, but it’s pretending that nothing happened.

Don’t you want to be responsible?

If Seok Jin-soo knows that Missy has such a strange idea, he will definitely cry.

Niu, the relationship between the two, you let me be responsible?

I have to really eat the meat, then I have nothing to say.

The problem is that I just accidentally witnessed something, actually let me put it all my life?

This road was spent in a process of trying to be silent and thinking.

Just as In-jung was still immersed in the tangled world, the voice of Seok Jin-soo came again in his ear.

“Hey, missy, it seems to be.”

In-jung was sober, and looked up, and it really went downstairs.

Her hand touched the doorknob and wanted to escape from this and let her lose all the space.

鍙槸杩欎竴璺殑绾犵粨涓嶆槸锏界槠娴︼垂镞堕棿镄勶纴浠ヨ呖浜嶪n-jung 鍒 幇鍦ㄨ缮鍦ㄥ涓 涓︷棶棰Birch 崄鍒嗙殑鍏

杩欐槸 钖庣殑 钖庣殑 钖庣殑 钖庣殑 轰 轰 轰 轰 轰

濡傛灉灏 涓嬭 涓嬭 涓嬭 镄勮瘽锛岄偅涔埚皢姘 镄勮瘽锛岄偅涔埚皢姘 镄勮瘽锛岄偅涔埚皢姘 镄勮瘽锛岄偅涔埚皢姘

浠ュ悗鍙 ammonia 鍐崭篃娌 ° C 湁鍕囨皵铡 帰姹傜湡鐩镐 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 杈埚瓙閮 杈埚瓙閮 杈埚瓙閮 杈埚瓙閮 杈埚瓙閮 杈埚瓙閮 杈埚瓙閮 杈埚瓙閮 杈埚瓙閮 杈埚瓙閮

濡傛槸鎯崇潃锛孖n-jung 镄勬(鎱)鍦鍦鍦涧寮(浜嗭纴锷姏璁╄嚜宸卞媷鏁)捣鏉ワ纴瀵 笂浜哠eok Jin-soo 镄勭洰鍏夈€

鐢峰コ涔嬮棿灏辨槸杩欐牱锛屼竴鏂 锷 锷 锷 锷 锛屽彟涓 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂

n处n-jung 鍕囨暍浜呜捣鏉ワ纴Seok Jin-soo 镄勭溂绁炲 ammonia 椋 浜嗭纴璧剁揣杞悜浜嗗彟涓 浜嗭纴璧剁揣杞悜浜嗗彟涓 杈癸纴 杈癸纴澹 煶涔熼蹇 煶涔熼蹇 煶涔熼蹇 涓 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜

鈥滆缮绛変粈涔埚憿锛熻 涓嶉兘鍒 涓嶉兘鍒 涓嶉兘鍒 鍢 鍢 鍢 € € € € € € € € € € € 揩镣 揩镣

In-jung chain  灏 灏 灏 濈粏 濈粏 濈粏 濈粏 濈粏 濈粏 濈粏 锛岀珛椹姄浣忎 锛岀珛椹姄浣忎 杩欑鍙 杩欑鍙 杩欑鍙 杩欑鍙 杩欑鍙 杩欑鍙 杩欑鍙 杩欑鍙 杩欑鍙 杩欑鍙镄勫姬绾裤€


涓€鐩 inch洴镌€Seok Jin-soo 锛孖n-jung 缁堜簬闂 鍑 鍑 鍑

鈥沧 庝箞锛屽 庝箞锛屽 庝箞锛屽 庝箞锛屽 杩欎箞鎯 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五

杩栾緭浜 笉鑳 笉鑳 緭阒靛晩锛孲 eok Jin-soo 鐪 潧涓嶆暍鐪嬶纴鑴栧瓙鍗 潧涓嶆暍鐪嬶纴鑴栧瓙鍗 銆 銆 銆

鈥 瑧鈥 瑧鈥 [€ 瑧璇濓纴鎴戜 瑧璇濓纴鎴戜 浠 涔堜笉鏁 涔堜笉鏁 涔堜笉鏁 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五

In-jung 旋 湁鍕囨皵浜嗭纴鐢氲呖涓婂 湁鍕囨皵浜嗭纴鐢氲呖涓婂 湁鍕囨皵浜嗭纴鐢氲呖涓婂 湁鍕囨皵浜嗭纴鐢氲呖涓婂 杩囨潵锛屼 杩囨潵锛屼 杩囨潵锛屼 渚 渚 湅娓匰 湅娓匰 湅娓匰 湅娓匰 湅娓匰 湅娓匰 湅娓匰 湅娓匰 湅娓匰 湅娓匰 湅娓匰 湅娓匰 湅娓匰 湅娓匰 湅娓匰 湅娓匰 湅娓匰 湅娓匰 湅娓匰厡寮犮€

鈥滀綘涓 粈涔堜笉鏁纻闾 粈涔堜笉鏁纻闾 槸锲犱 槸锲犱 槸锲犱 浣犲緢娓呮镊 浣犲緢娓呮镊 浣犲緢娓呮镊 浣犲緢娓呮镊 浣犲緢娓呮镊 浣犲緢娓呮镊 浣犲緢娓呮镊 涔堬纻鈥 涔堬纻鈥

Seok Jin-soo This is awkward.

鈥沧垜 氲 氲 浠 涔埚晩锛熸垜浠 涔埚晩锛熸垜浠 涔埚晩锛熸垜浠 鍟婏纻杩欐 鍟婏纻杩欐 鍟婏纻杩欐 庝箞鑳 庝箞鑳 庝箞鑳 庝箞鑳 庝箞鑳 庝箞鑳 庝箞鑳 庝箞鑳

In-jung 姘斿娍婊斿ぉ锛屽 璺熸姄浣忎 璺熸姄浣忎 鐢佃 鐢佃 鐢佃 镙 镙 镙 € € € €

鈥滃摷锛岄偅鎴戦棶浣狅纴鍒氭墠铡嬫垜 殑鏄綘钖э纻闾 殑鏄綘钖э纻闾 箞鎷 箞鎷 箞鎷 箞鎷 箞鎷 箞鎷 箞鎷 涓嫔帇锛屼綘 涓嫔帇锛屼綘 涓嫔帇锛屼綘 涓嫔帇锛屼綘殑锛屽 ammonia 涓 浣犵殑榫岄緤蹇冩 浣犵殑榫岄緤蹇冩€濄€傗€

Seok Jin-soo 椤诲彂镄嗗紶锛屾 庝箞鍙兘 庝箞鍙兘 庝箞鍙兘 庝箞鍙兘

鈥渊 ah!! 涓嶆槸浣犱竴鐩村枈缁 銆佺 銆佺 銆佺 缁殑鍢 缁殑鍢 傛垜閮 傛垜閮 傛垜閮 傛垜閮 傛垜閮 傛垜閮 傛垜閮 傛垜閮 傛垜閮滆缮瑕佹圹鍙楄 umbrella 绉崭笉锏 箣鍐ゃ€傗€

In-jung 鍙笉浼氲 鏄撴斁杩囦粬锛岄兘鏄洜涓 鏄撴斁杩囦粬锛岄兘鏄洜涓 粬锛岃嚜宸 竴杈埚瓙閮 竴杈埚瓙閮 竴杈埚瓙閮 竴杈埚瓙閮 竴杈埚瓙閮 竴杈埚瓙閮 夎 涔堜涪浜 涔堜涪浜 涔堜涪浜


Seok Jin-soo 鎻︻潃澶村彂锛屾牴 chain 笉鎯 圹鎷呰 圹鎷呰 圹鎷呰 圹鎷呰 钖嶃 钖嶃 钖嶃

鈥渊啊!! 璋佹槸澶ц壊镫硷纻鎴戝张娌°C湁骞蹭粈涔堬纴鍑粈涔堣 Umbrella 涔堟 钄戞垜锛熲

In-jung 鍙屾 鍙夎叞锛屽皬鍢 拝镄勮兘鎸傞 拝镄勮兘鎸傞 拝镄勮兘鎸傞 拝镄勮兘鎸傞

“you saw it.”

Seok Jin-soo 鍑 簬 簬 chain 兘锛岀珛椹弽椹 兘锛岀珛椹弽椹 锛 沧垜 沧垜 沧垜 沧垜 沧垜 嶆 嶆 嶆 嶆 嶆 嶆 夌湅鍒 夌湅鍒 夌湅鍒 夌湅鍒 夌湅鍒 夌湅鍒

鈥滀綘鏄庢槑鐪嫔埌浜嗭纴鎴戠湅鍒 綘娴侀蓟琛€浜嗐€浜嗐€

Seok Jin-soo 锛气沧垜鈥[€《垜鐑€傗€

In-jung 鍙畻鏄姄浣忔満浼 鍙畻鏄姄浣忔満浼 鍙畻鏄姄浣忔満浼

鈥滃摷锛屼綘鏄庢槑灏 槸娆茬伀鐒氲 槸娆茬伀鐒氲 锛屽瀭娑庢湰 锛屽瀭娑庢湰 big lady ladyharm 銆傗€

Seok Jin-soo 鐪 椋 椋 椋 锛屽畞姝讳笉 锛屽畞姝讳笉 锛屽畞姝讳笉 锛屽畞姝讳笉

鈥沧垜 嶆 嶆 嶆 夌湅鍒 夌湅鍒 纴鎴戜竴鐩 纴鎴戜竴鐩 纴鎴戜竴鐩 纴鎴戜竴鐩 湪娉ㄦ剰鍒殑 € € € €

In-jung 劧鏄竻 劧鏄竻 劧鏄竻 呯殑濂 锛屼絾姣旷珶涔熸槸濂 锛屼絾姣旷珶涔熸槸濂 锛屼絾姣旷珶涔熸槸濂 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽仛鑳°C悈铔紶銆

鈥滀綘灏 槸鐪嫔埌浜嗭纴浣犺 槸鐪嫔埌浜嗭纴浣犺 槸鐪嫔埌浜嗭纴浣犺 涓ぇ鍙樻 侊纴涓挞棬瀵 侊纴涓挞棬瀵 侊纴涓挞棬瀵 侊纴涓挞棬瀵 侊纴涓挞棬瀵 侊纴涓挞棬瀵 侊纴涓挞棬瀵铡 瀵熷眬 瀵熷眬 瀵熷眬

Seok Jin-soo is frightened.


濂 浼欙纴杩椤コ浜哄彂璧 浼欙纴杩椤コ浜哄彂璧 柉鏉ワ纴鐪熸槸澶亹镐栦 柉鏉ワ纴鐪熸槸澶亹镐栦 柉鏉ワ纴鐪熸槸澶亹镐栦

鍝 曟垜鏄鍐ゆ瀴镄勶纴浣滀 曟垜鏄鍐ゆ瀴镄勶纴浣滀 曟垜鏄鍐ゆ瀴镄勶纴浣滀 鑹 鑹 锛屾児涓婅 锛屾児涓婅 锛屾児涓婅 锛屾児涓婅 锛屾児涓婅 锛屾児涓婅 锛屾児涓婅 锛屾児涓婅 锛屾児涓婅 锛屾児涓婅 锛屾児涓婅 镙 殑楹荤 殑楹荤

鈥泪n-jung鈥檃h 锛屼綘鍙槸鏄庝簨鐞嗙殑濂 瀛愬晩銆 瀛愬晩銆 綘杩 綘杩 笉鐭ラ 笉鐭ラ 笉鐭ラ 牱镄勪 牱镄勪 牱镄勪鍟娿€备粖澶┾€[€〈粖澶╅偅鐪熸槸镒忓鍟婏纴鎴戠’瀹炩€[€》’瀹炰粈涔堜篃娌°C湁鐪嫔埌銆傗€

In-jung 旋村姞鐢熸皵浜嗐€

鈥滃ソ鍟婏纴浣犲埌鐜 湪杩 笉 笉 笉 笉 胯銆傛垜 潵鎯 潵鎯 潵鎯 潵鎯 潵鎯 潵鎯 轰 轰 轰 轰 傛棦 傛棦 傛棦 傛棦 傛棦鐒跺姝わ纴鎴戜竴瀹氢铡诲憡鍙戜綘镄勩铡诲憡鍙戜綘镄勩€傗€

璇 潃锛屽ス浣滃娍灏辫涓嬭 潃锛屽ス浣滃娍灏辫涓嬭 潃锛屽ス浣滃娍灏辫涓嬭

Seok Jin-soo 钖揿睅浜嗭纴椤句笉寰椾粈涔堜简锛岃繛蹇欎竴鎶婃姳浣忎简濂广€

鈥渕issy 锛屽崈涓囧埆鍟婏纴浣犺 umbrella鏄鏉€浜嗘垜鍟娿€傗€

In-jung 鐪 潧涔熺 潧涔熺 潧涔熺 绉嶈挋鍐ゅ 绉嶈挋鍐ゅ 绉嶈挋鍐ゅ 绉嶈挋鍐ゅ 绉嶈挋鍐ゅ 绉嶈挋鍐ゅ 楃殑镐沧儨镒熴

鈥滆皝鍙綘涓嶈瀹炶瘽镄勶纻閮 涓椂 涓椂 涓椂 涓椂 涓椂 涓椂 欎 欎 锛屼綘杩樿 锛屼綘杩樿 锛屼綘杩樿 锛屼綘杩樿 锛屼綘杩樿 锛屼綘杩樿悧锛熸垜涔熸槸婕 镄勫コ瀛╁瓙鍟娿 镄勫コ瀛╁瓙鍟娿 傞伃阆囦 傞伃阆囦 傞伃阆囦 杩欐牱镄勪簨鎯咃纴浣犺 杩欐牱镄勪簨鎯咃纴浣犺 杩欐牱镄勪簨鎯咃纴浣犺 涓浣滀繎 涓浣滀繎 涓浣滀繎 呬笉浣嗕笉濂ソ瀹夋叞锛岃缮娌°C湁鎷呭綋銆傛垜杩樿兘镐庝箞锷烇纻Oppa 锛屾垜宸茬粡瀵 綘褰诲簳澶 綘褰诲簳澶 綘褰诲簳澶 綘褰诲簳澶

Seok Jin-soo 鐪熺殑瑕佸摥浜嗐€



浠栧彲镐滃叜鍏湴鐪嬬潃涓嶆墦绠楀杽缃(3)敇浼戠殑In-jung 銆

“What do you want me to do?”

Seok Jin-soo feels that he is now a wild dog that has been tied up. If you want to lick your skin, you can simmer it.

Seeing that he finally served softly, In-jung resisted the inner sneak peek, and did not dare to show his smug expression. On the contrary, it was more realistic.

“Oh, then you honestly confess, did you see it?”


How to answer it?

Seok Jin-soo is a bit tangled, instinctively aware of the wrong, but not sure.

To put it bluntly, the initiative is not in his own hands.

He looked at the arrogant In-jung slyly and hesitated and asked: “I should… how can I answer?”

In-jung is better to chase after the poor, and go one step further.

“Frankly lenient, resisting strictness.”

There is no way out, and what can Seok Jin-soo do?

When I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth, I was really confessed.

“That… that… that saw it.”

The car was suddenly quiet, and the smell of the other quickly spread.

Seok Jin-soo carefully opened his eyes and just happened to be on the face of In-jung Red.

“Okay, you are a big bad guy, you really saw it.”

While screaming, this missy completely lost his reason and rushed over.

The appearance of the claws seems to be to sew Seok Jin-soo into a honeycomb.

Seok Jin-soo This is why I have been cheated.

Damn, it will be difficult in the future.

Thank you, Weng’an’s Wanjue, my knife?

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