Korean Entertainment – Exalted President
Chapter 29
Kim Tae-yeon simply ignored Soo-young’s dissuasion and played a long list of vicious words on the keyboard.
“Hey, how do you respond this time?”
Said, she pressed the send button.
“Hey? What happened? Why can’t you send it?”
Looking at the motionless picture, Kim Tae-yeon is a bit puzzled. I tried it several times in a row, and suddenly a line of words jumped out on the screen.
“Sorry, this id has been banned because you have a malicious message.”
“Ah, how was it sealed?”
Kim Tae-yeon kept jumping and couldn’t believe it. She is still not so happy, what should I do next?
Choi Soo-young is in a hurry.
“哎Yah!! Kim Tae-yeon, I blame you. What can I do now? I also intend to help when Confucius Oppa comes out. What can I do now?”
Kim Tae-yeon realized that he was in trouble.
“Hey, that oh, oh Yah!! I suddenly remembered that there was something wrong with the dormitory. I will go back first.”
Not waiting for Choi Soo-young to react, the little body burst out of unprecedented energy and disappeared instantly.
On the other side, Seok Jin-soo did not mean to stop.
Just kidding, who doesn’t know that in the water, talking about the hard work of the monks, he is unparalleled in the world.
Someone dared to provoke the majesty of God, and did not let her understand what is modest, he is not looking at the water.
However, after a line of words, the same prompt appeared on the screen.
“Ah, Fuck, what happened to mbc? Why are you doing it, and sealed the account?”
“TV Station is not that virtue. I always want to keep things down. You can’t really see this person.”
It’s not Lee Dae-gyu, but from behind.
The two quickly looked back and found that they didn’t know when, standing behind a man who was not tall and dressed in a white suit.
Really, in the smoky Internet cafe, what kind of white suit is worn, not afraid of dirty.
The most eye-catching thing is the appearance of this person.
Small nose and small eyes, only the lips are very thick, always half-sick, seemingly ready to eat meat hungry wolf.
Mimi’s small eyes are always flashing with harsh light, as if looking at what is very picky.
“Who are you?”
Seok Jin-soo is a bit unhappy.
I am playing here well, is this guy sick, running to the back of others.
The man didn’t take it seriously, watching the content on his computer screen, the words were very bitter.
“what…the hell!!, actually went here to see the “Infinite Challenge.” So what’s so good about naive things, kids won’t laugh.”
Although it was only in the episode, Seok Jin-soo is no match. When this person heard someone smashing in person, he immediately became unhappy.
“I said this, you don’t like to go to see other things, mix people’s things at random, is it immoral?”
The man is holding his shoulder and he is not allowed to move.
“Then your kid is not honoured with sunbae-nim, is it moral?”
Seok Jin-soo just didn’t have a good time.
“Why, do you want to hear? You are not qualified to listen, I will not say it.”
The man smiled arrogantly.
“Haha, here, if I am not qualified, then others are even less qualified.”
Seok Jin-soo couldn’t help him with the big tail wolf’s virtue, but also ridiculed, but was stopped by Lee Dae-gyu.
He went to Seok Jin-soo and the man, and the words were very polite.
“Sorry, this, if not necessary, can you not bother us?”
Seok Jin-soo is now an artist, and the Korean society is very strict with the artist. Lee Dae-gyu is afraid that Seok Jin-soo has a conflict with this person, and once it is sent out, it will cause big trouble.
So as a manager, he came out in time.
Looking at the people of Lee Dae-gyu, the man was really shocked.
This guy has a bronzed skin, a cross-faced flesh, and a fierce look that looks like the community at first glance.
“Why, do you want to beat someone?”
This is really a wicked first complaint, Lee Dae-gyu is mad.
“If you don’t bother us, it’s good for everyone.”
That person does not retreat.
“What, I am in my own shop, what do you want to manage?”
Seok Jin-soo and Lee Dae-gyu were shocked. I didn’t expect this jealous guy to be an Internet cafe owner.
Lee Dae-gyu quickly got up.
“Even if you are the president, rushing to disturb customers seems to violate business ethics.”
This is on the idea, so that the person can not help but a meal.
涓嶈 浠栫殑灏忕溂镌涗竴鐬ョ殑镞跺 浠栫殑灏忕溂镌涗竴鐬ョ殑镞跺 欙纴鎭 ソ鐪嫔埌 ソ鐪嫔埌 Seok Jin-soo 鍑 幇鍦ㄣ 幇鍦ㄣ 奍 finite nfinite Challenge 銆嬮噷锛屼竴涓嫔瓙鏉ヤSimple drama
鈥渊 ah!! 浣犲皬瀛愶纴浣犳槸鑹 钖楋纻镐庝箞浼 汉钖楋纻镐庝箞浼 Ar嚭婕斻 奍€奍nfinite Challenge 銆嬬殑锛熲€
Seok Jin-soo blows his eyes and blinks.
鈥沧 庝箞锛屾垜鍑 庝箞锛屾垜鍑 庝箞锛屾垜鍑 nfinite Challenge 銆嬩笉琛屽悧锛熲€
闾d 汉杩介棶浜嗕竴鍙ャ€
鈥滆 涔堣锛屼綘鏄 涔堣锛屼綘鏄 涔堣锛屼綘鏄
Seok Jin-soo 涓嶆槑锏 粬涓 粬涓 粈涔堜竴鐩 粈涔堜竴鐩 闂 闂 闂 闂 闂 闂 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣
“Yes what’s the matter?”
浠栬 Umbrella 涔堜竴 胯锛岄偅浜 胯锛岄偅浜 胯锛岄偅浜 胯锛岄偅浜 皵锷 皵锷 皵锷 皵锷
鈥沧 庝箞浜嗭纻镞 三 三 三 三 三 三 佸埌 佸埌 佸埌 佸埌 佸埌 佸埌 sunbae-nim 灏 槸杩欑镐佸 槸杩欑镐佸 佸埌 sunbae-nim浣犱 绀鹃昵鏄皝锛熸垜瑕佸拰浠栧ソ濂 绀鹃昵鏄皝锛熸垜瑕佸拰浠栧ソ濂 绀鹃昵鏄皝锛熸垜瑕佸拰浠栧ソ濂 绀鹃昵鏄皝锛熸垜瑕佸拰浠栧ソ濂 纴浠栧埌搴曟槸镐庝箞鏁栾偛鑹 纴浠栧埌搴曟槸镐庝箞鏁栾偛鑹 镄勶纻鈥 镄勶纻鈥 镄勶纻鈥 镄勶纻鈥
“sunbae-nim ?”
Seok Jin-soo 鍜孡ee Dae-gyu 闱(5) Collapse Song
闅鹃 杩欎 杩欎 杩欎 杽銆佸拫鍜嫔懠 杽銆佸拫鍜嫔懠 杽銆佸拫鍜嫔懠 杽銆佸拫鍜嫔懠 杽銆佸拫鍜嫔懠 杽銆佸拫鍜嫔懠 杽銆佸拫鍜嫔懠 杽銆佸拫鍜嫔懠 杽銆佸拫鍜嫔懠 杽銆佸拫鍜嫔懠
Lee Dae-gyu 璧剁揣闂 锛 滆闂纴 滆闂纴 滆闂纴 滆闂纴 ㄦ槸鍝﹄綅 ㄦ槸鍝﹄綅 sunbae-nim 锛熲€
缃戝惂 佹澘鏉ヤ 佹澘鏉ヤ 锷诧纴鐭ラ 锷诧纴鐭ラ 锷诧纴鐭ラ 埌浜嗕笉 埌浜嗕笉 簨镄勫悗杈堬纴鍙 簨镄勫悗杈堬纴鍙 簨镄勫悗杈堬纴鍙 簨镄勫悗杈堬纴鍙 簨镄勫悗杈堬纴鍙 簨镄勫悗杈堬纴鍙 簨镄勫悗杈堬纴鍙 簨镄勫悗杈堬纴鍙 簨镄勫悗杈堬纴鍙
鈥滀綘浠惉濂 锛屼笉瑕佸悡鍒 锛屼笉瑕佸悡鍒 锛屼笉瑕佸悡鍒 ang ang Dong-min 锛屾槸铡诲 浠ラ 浠ラ 浠ラ 斁阃佺 19 chain 熸寮忓綍鐢╣ Agman鍑洪镄勩€傛墍浠ワ纴鎴戞槸浣犵殑sunbae-nim 鍟妔unbae-nim 銆效皬瀛愶纴杩树笉濂借ソ闂ソ锛熲€
绗琗NUMX chain 熸寮忓綍鐢╣agman锛
What it is?
Seok Jin-soo 杩濻o Ji-sub 銆佽 file 瀵卌d涓嶈璇嗗憿锛屼綍鍐 pad 涓猤€涓猤agman forging 纻
鍒槸浠栦 锛孡 ee Dae-gyu 瀵筭agman 镄勬棌璋 篃涓嶆槸寰堟竻妤氥
涓嶈 涓嶈 変竴镣 変竴镣 璁わ纴鐪 ‘璁わ纴鐪 璁わ纴鐪 墠杩欎 璁ㄥ帉镄勫浼栾缮鐪熸槸 璁ㄥ帉镄勫浼栾缮鐪熸槸 sunbae-nim 銆
Seok Jin-soo 鍒 垰鍙 垰鍙 笌浜嗕竴 奍 奍 finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite圶NUMX镞ャ€
瓒 姣斾 姣斾 姣斾 姣斾 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 纴鏄疄 纴鏄疄 纴鏄疄 纴鏄疄 纴鏄疄
鍙湅镌€闾e浼椤叴濂嬬殑鐪shoulder eok Jin-soo 灏 煡阆掳纴涓 镞 镞 粬 粬 粬 胯浜呜 胯浜呜 胯浜呜 镣癸纴瀵 镣癸纴瀵 镣癸纴瀵 镣癸纴瀵 缁濆 缁濆 缁濆 缁濆涓崭 杞 杞 槗鍦 槗鍦 斁杩囦粬銆
涔嫔墠灏卞洜涓篖ee Yoon-seok 鏄粬镄勫ぇsunbae-nim 锛岀粰浜嗕粬涓€宸存帉锛屼粬鍗瓙銆
Chain 変 杩欎 娣卞埢镄勬暀璁纴 Seok Jin-soo 镞╁凡鏄庣槠浜嗕竴涓︷鏄庣槠浜嗕竴涓︷鏄庣槠浜嗕竴涓︷
闾e ammonia 殢镒忚 殢镒忚 sunbae-nim 锛屼竴瀹氲鐬呭嗳浜嗕汉銆
瑕佹槸 瑕佹槸 廦 Jae-seok 銆丳ark Myeong-su 闾f牱镄勬棤牱镄勬棤€璋掳纴灏界界界偣杩樿兘缁欎綘鎸囧紩鏂瑰悜銆
瑕佷笉鐒禞eong Jun-ha 闾f牱镄勪篃琛岋纴鍙︼璇 濂 濂 瘽锛屽緢濂 瘽锛屽緢濂 拷 拷 犮
镊 簬鐪 簬鐪 簬鐪 墠杩欎綅锛屽鏋滃湪鍙や唬锛岃偗瀹氭槸 墠杩欎綅锛屽鏋滃湪鍙や唬锛岃偗瀹氭槸 墠杩欎綅锛屽鏋滃湪鍙や唬锛岃偗瀹氭槸 ㄦ墥镄竴镙 ㄦ墥镄竴镙 ㄦ墥镄竴镙 殑寰 殑寰
杩欎粖澶╄鏄圹璁や 锛屼缭涓嶉绨镐庝箞 锛屼缭涓嶉绨镐庝箞 chain 掗湁 €€
鎯 € € 氢 氢 杩欎竴镣癸纴 杩欎竴镣癸纴 Seok Jin-soo 绔嫔埢鑴氭寰 澶栨尓锷纴钖屾椂鍢撮噷绲 澶栨尓锷纴钖屾椂鍢撮噷绲 澶栨尓锷纴钖屾椂鍢撮噷绲 澶栨尓锷纴钖屾椂鍢撮噷绲
鈥滃搸Yah!! 鍝ワ纴杩椤缃戝惂涓嶆€庝箞镙峰晩锛熻晩锛熻殑杩欎箞宸姴锛岃缮鐑熼浘寮ユ殑杩欎箞宸姴锛岃缮鐑熼浘寮ユ殑杩欎箞宸姴锛岃缮鐑熼浘寮ユ锛岃浜Forged 曘 备 璁¢槻鐏篃 璁¢槻鐏篃 璁¢槻鐏篃 璁¢槻鐏篃 璁¢槻鐏篃 璁¢槻鐏篃 备 氱殑涓嶅ソ銆傝 氱殑涓嶅ソ銆傝 氱殑涓嶅ソ銆傝 氱殑涓嶅ソ銆傝 氱殑涓嶅ソ銆傝笂闂ㄧ湅鐪嬶纴镶畾暗瑕佹暣椤瑕佹暣椤瑕佹暣椤€
涓嶆劎鏄骞 inch殑鍏勫纻锛孡ee Dae-gyu 蹇冮绁炰细锛岃剼姝ヤ笣姣笉姣斾粬鎱€
鈥滃棷锛屼綘璇 殑瀵癸纴阆囧埌涓嶈 殑瀵癸纴阆囧埌涓嶈 鍟嗗锛屾垜浠竴瀹氲鍙婃椂鍒 鍟嗗锛屾垜浠竴瀹氲鍙婃椂鍒 鍟嗗锛屾垜浠竴瀹氲鍙婃椂鍒 鍟嗗锛屾垜浠竴瀹氲鍙婃椂鍒 鍟嗗锛屾垜浠竴瀹氲鍙婃椂鍒 湪灏 湪灏 湪灏 湪灏潪寰楀ソ濂芥暣椤暣椤暣椤€傗€
閮慏ong-min 鍌荤溂浜嗐€
鐪嬬潃缃戝惂读屽讥婕殑棣欑儫锛孞 ang Dong-min 绐佺劧涔熷彂 夎 夎 夎 屼 屼 屼 ソ銆 ソ銆 ソ銆
濡傛灉宸ュ晢鍜屾秷阒蹭笂闂ㄧ殑璇濓纴鎭愭 旷湡镄勮 旷湡镄勮 chain 掗湁銆
涓嶈锛屼笉鑳 镙 镙 镙 纴蹇呴 纴蹇呴 纴蹇呴 璧剁揣鏀 璧剁揣鏀 嬀涓 涓嬶纴钖 涓嬶纴钖 涓嬶纴钖 垯镄勮瘽缃戝惂闱炲缑 垯镄勮瘽缃戝惂闱炲缑 垯镄勮瘽缃戝惂闱炲缑 垯镄勮瘽缃戝惂闱炲缑
and many more……
闾d袱涓︼嚟灏忓瓙forged 纻
Jang Dong-min 绐佺劧锲炶 锻 锻 锻 潵锛屼竴杞ご锛屾棭宸 潵锛屼竴杞ご锛屾棭宸 潵锛屼竴杞ご锛屾棭宸 潵锛屼竴杞ご锛屾棭宸 潵锛屼竴杞ご锛屾棭宸 椋炴 椋炴 娓 娓 娓 娓 娓 € €
浠栬 Umbrella 嶆槑锏 嶆槑锏 纴绔熺劧琚 纴绔熺劧琚 纴绔熺劧琚 缁栾 崭 崭 崭 崭
鈥凌ascal 屾潵镄刲 屾潵镄刲 iTTL- Time To Love e pubutt y 锛岀珶鐒 璐熷埌鎴戠殑澶 璐熷埌鎴戠殑澶 璐熷埌鎴戠殑澶 璐熷埌鎴戠殑澶 銆傗 銆傗
瓒婃兂瓒婃皵锛孞ang Dong-min 绔嫔埢鎺忓嚭浜嗘 chain monkey 纴鎷ㄦ墦浜嗗嚭铡汇€
“It’s me, help me check, “Infinite Challenge” on the side of the m department, is there a new kid who is coming in. I am mad at me and dare to make fun of me.”
There was a pleasant laugh on the phone.
“Haha, aren’t you, are you so smart, are you still being teased?”
Jang Dong-min is not finding a punching bag.
“Yoo Se-yoon, is it funny? Is it going to make you awake?”
Many years old friends, who is the virtue, everyone has long been used to.
Yoo Se-yoon didn’t have any concerns. Haha smiled and said: “Even if you find out, you can get a kbs gagman, can you manage it?”
As he said, Jang Dong-min is even more angry.
“Don’t worry, check it out for me. I will not let him go after I meet in the future.”
Here Seok Jin-soo and Lee Dae-gyu have long since escaped.
“Huh, brother, Seoul is too small. How can I get to the entertainer when I go there?”
Lee Dae-gyu also gasped.
“Cut, you don’t know. In Gangnam, a brick man goes down, the person who is picked up is not a cosmetic doctor, but an entertainer.”
Think of Jang Dong-min’s evil shape, Seok Jin-soo is not without belly.
“That guy is definitely not mixed, or how do you open the Internet cafe?”
Lee Dae-gyu knows a little more.
“Basically, entertainers have sideline jobs, or they can’t live without the money they earn from activities.”
Listening to him saying that Seok Jin-soo is moving.
“Brother, what kind of sideline is I suitable for?”
Seok Jin-soo nodded.
“You still have to mix “Infinite Challenge” first.”
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