Korean Entertainment – Exalted President
Chapter 397
鈥滃綋鍒濋亣鍒 涓 涓 浜涘汹闅撅纴鏄疛 浜涘汹闅撅纴鏄疛 浜涘汹闅撅纴鏄疛 in-soo Oppa 缁欎 鎴戝緢濂 鎴戝緢濂 殑寤 殑寤 銆傛墍浠ヤ粠闾 钖庯纴鎴戜 钖庯纴鎴戜 钖庯纴鎴戜 钖庯纴鎴戜 钖庯纴鎴戜 钖庯纴鎴戜灏 粡 粡 粡 仈绯 仈绯 仈绯 傗 傗
Kim Yun-a 瑙 浜嗕竴鍢 浜嗕竴鍢 纴 纴 纴 鏄庣槠锛屼粈涔圫 鏄庣槠锛屼粈涔圫 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok
鈥滃嵆浣 綘鍦ㄥ姞鎷垮ぇ璁粌镄勬椂 綘鍦ㄥ姞鎷垮ぇ璁粌镄勬椂 漎 漎 漎 漎 漎 Jae-seok 缇 °C厱鍦 棶阆撱€
浠婂ぉ鍦ㄨ 岋纴浠栫畻鏄杩欎 岋纴浠栫畻鏄杩欎 岋纴浠栫畻鏄杩欎 岋纴浠栫畻鏄杩欎 岋纴浠栫畻鏄杩欎 岋纴浠栫畻鏄杩欎 岋纴浠栫畻鏄杩欎 嶆皵浜嗐
杩欎 镊皬瀛愰櫎浜嗘皵浜 镊皬瀛愰櫎浜嗘皵浜 镊皬瀛愰櫎浜嗘皵浜 纴涔熸 纴涔熸 纴涔熸 纴涔熸 変粈涔堜 涓嶈捣镄勫湴鏂 涓嶈捣镄勫湴鏂 庝箞灏 庝箞灏 庝箞灏 庝箞灏 庝箞灏 庝箞灏 庝箞灏 庝箞灏粬鎯呮湁镫挓 粬鎯呮湁镫挓 粬鎯呮湁镫挓 纻
Lee Hyo-ri 銆 and im Tae-hee 銆亀ondergirls 銆 irl鈥檚Generation 锲犱 鏄紨鑹篶 鏄紨鑹篶 鏄紨鑹篶 鏄紨鑹篶 鏄紨鑹篶 鏄紨鑹篶 鏄紨鑹篶 鏄紨鑹篶 鏄紨鑹篶 鏄紨鑹篶 鏄紨鑹篶 鏄紨鑹篶
鍙浠婅繛Kim Yun-a 閮界洿鎺ユ圹璁わ纴鍜屼粬鏄ソ chain 嫔弸€€
Kim Yun-a 浼 嚭灏忔 嚭灏忔 姣斿垝浜嗕竴涓嬶纴浣呜缮鏄〃鏄庝 姣斿垝浜嗕竴涓嬶纴浣呜缮鏄〃鏄庝 涓や 涓や 涓や
Noh Hong-chul
鈥滃垰 嶈锛屼綘浠槰澶╂櫄涓婅缮鍦ㄧ煭 嶈锛屼綘浠槰澶╂櫄涓婅缮鍦ㄧ煭 ¤亰澶╋纴閮 ¤亰澶╋纴閮 ¤亰澶╋纴閮
Kim Yun-a 鍢诲樆涓 绗 绗 绗 纴璇 纴璇 嚭鏉ョ殑璇濇洿鏄涓や 佺 佺 佺 佺 佺 佺 佺 佺 佺 佺 佺 佺
鈥滀粖骞村勾鍒濈殑镞跺€欙纴鎴戣楂树附澶у綍鍙栦简銆备笉杩囧綋镞舵垜鍦ㄥ浗澶栨瘮璧涳纴娌°C硶璧跺洖鏉ャ 傛槑澶╂槸鎴戠殑鍏ュ浠 傛槑澶╂槸鎴戠殑鍏ュ浠 傛槑澶╂槸鎴戠殑鍏ュ浠 锛屾墍浠ュ笇 汮 in-soo Oppa 鑳 鍑哄腑锛屼 鍑哄腑锛屼 鎴戝簲鎻 鎴戝簲鎻 傗 傗 傗
鈥滃搰锛屽嚭宁璌im Yun-a 阃夋落镄勫叆瀛 <华寮忓晩锛佲€
Yoo Jae-seok 鍜孨oh Hong-chul 缇°C厱鍧忎 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 纴鍒 Seok Jin-soo 铡 纴鎴戜 纴鎴戜 浠 浛濂 浛濂 浛濂 浛濂 浛濂 浛濂
鍙彲鎯滐纴浠栦 鍜屼 鍜屼 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 病 病 chain
Seok Jin-soo 涔嫔悗锛孞eong Jun-ha 鍜孞eong Hyeong-don 涓€璧峰埌鏉ワ纴涔熻Kim Yun-a 镄勫嚭鐜板悡浜嗕竴璺炽€
Chain chain 夋剰镐濈殑鏄渶钖庢潵镄凯ark Myeong-su 銆
澶 鏁呮剰璇 鏁呮剰璇 捣 捣 Kim Yun-a 锛岀粨鏋滆€佺埞澶ц█涓嶆儹锛岃Kim Yun-a 変粈涔堜 変粈涔堜ㄥ埄銆丩ee Young-ae 镄勬椂 chain欎篃娌’粈涔堢殑銆
缁撴灉浠栬杩栾瘽镄勬椂 欙纴鎭 欙纴鎭 ソ鐪 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J ong ong ong ong ong ong ong Yun Yun Yun Yun
鎯 埌褰撶潃浜哄镄勯 埌褰撶潃浜哄镄勯 璇 璇 杩欐牱镄勮瘽锛岃闅愯棌鎽勫儚 杩欐牱镄勮瘽锛岃闅愯棌鎽勫儚 鸿 鸿 鸿 鸿 鸿 鸿 鸿 鸿 佺埞瀹屽叏缇炴 佺埞瀹屽叏缇炴 佺埞瀹屽叏缇炴殣钘忎笉浣忚嚜宸 殑鎱屽紶銆
镞(三)劧Kim Yun-a 鏉ヤ 锛屽ぇ瀹 锛屽ぇ瀹 篃鐭ラ 篃鐭ラ 篃鐭ラ 篃鐭ラ 篃鐭ラ
鎺ヤ笅鏉ュぇ瀹跺寲濡嗐 佹崲琛 佹崲琛 湇锛屼 湇锛屼 鎺ヤ笅鏉ョ殑褰曞埗 鎺ヤ笅鏉ョ殑褰曞埗 嗳澶囷纴 嗳澶囷纴 嗳澶囷纴 Yun Kim Yun-a 鍗 笉鐭ラ 笉鐭ラ 笉鐭ラ噷铡讳 銆
鈥滆钖冭眴镄鍙 悧锛熲
I heard that it was the food that Kim Yun-a brought, and everyone was happy. After all, it is the heart of world-class celebrity, and everyone is still hungry.
Noh Hong-chul asked eagerly: “Do you do it yourself?”
Kim Yun-a said: “Not me, my mother…”
Do you still need to say more?
The best eaters, Jeong Hyeong-don and Noh Hong-chul, immediately opened the box and opened the box.
Seeing the exquisite and beautiful bean skin sushi placed, everyone is welcome, and they started to eat.
Seok Jin-soo did not move, but carefully observed Kim Yun-a.
The time to get to know this missy is not too short, he knows the nature of this missy better than others.
What is the national sister, what is quiet and sorrowful, that is the reverie of the outside world.
In fact, as a child born in 90, like Yoon-ah, she is very good at naughty.
Such people will kindly prepare food for everyone?
After observing for a while, Seok Jin-soo suddenly said, “Yun-a, give me yours.”
Kim Yun-a’s hand is holding a little bit of the left-bean sushi, which is obviously ready to be eaten next.
Seok Jin-soo wants this.
Others don’t understand, attack him immediately.
“What? How can Kim Yun-a eat the rest?”
“Yah!! This is an indirect kiss, you know?”
“You guy, it’s a crazy man.”
Seok Jin-soo is not moving, just staring at Kim Yun-a.
Just then, Noh Hong-chul sitting next to him suddenly had no sound, then got up and walked out.
How fast is Seok Jin-soo’s mind, I understand it all at once, and I still catch Kim Yun-a.
“I think your hand is more delicious, can’t you give it to me?”
Seeing Seok Jin-soo is like a real eye, Kim Yun-a can’t know that he has already seen it.
In order to continue to deceive, Kim Yun-a had no choice but to hand over the remaining sushi in his hand.
“Really, I always like to eat what I have left. Oppa, your habit is very bad.”
“Mo? Seok Jin-soo, Yah!! Have you done this before?”
When I heard Kim Yun-a’s statement, the big guy was blown up and Seok Jin-soo was already a metamorphosis.
But soon, everyone is no longer in the mood to reprimand Seok Jin-soo. Because of what they ate, they began to react.
Park Myeong-su was the first to stop.
“Yah!! What did you put inside?”
“Oh… no, what is this?”
Kim Yun-a put the berberine in the bean skin sushi, which is not the usual bitterness. Everyone was irritated by the smell, and they ran to the bathroom to vomit.
At this time, looking at the Seok Jin-soo where the old god is, what else do you understand?
“Yah!! No wonder you guys can be a relative, it’s the same person.”
Yoo Jae-seok spit back and pointed out that Seok Jin-soo and Kim Yun-a, who were laughing at the same time, began to blame.
“This guy is really poisonous. It is obvious that you don’t say it. When we open it, he thinks for himself.”
Jeong Hyeong-don is also amazed at the behavior of Seok Jin-soo and finds himself too simple.
“I didn’t expect Kim Yun-a to be such a person.”
Noh Hong-chul was also very wrong, widened his eyes and felt that his girl’s dream had broken a lot.
After the last lianlian bean skin sushi pit was Jeong Jun-ha, everyone changed the recording venue and came to the studio.
Thanks to the arrival of Kim Yun-a, after a regular greeting, everyone enthusiastically sang the song of celebration.
“No need for more explanations, let’s introduce them now. The hero of today’s dance, the first time in the history of women’s single skating, won two cents in the World Figure Skating Championships, the world champion, no longer the Korean ice. On the goblin, the world skating queen, the proud national sister of South Korea, the good friend of the Korean representative, one of the advertising endorsements, and the one who wants to learn the celebrity one…”
There are madmen everywhere, and the stops can’t stop.
On the halfway of Yoo Jae-seok’s enthusiasm, Noh Hong-chul came in.
“The best match with Noh Hong-chul is the first!”
Seok Jin-soo didn’t say anything. He took off his coat and fell on Noh Hong-chul’s head. After pressing it, it was a burst.
Other people are also angry. You punched me and let my Noh Hong-chul scream and finally know what was wrong.
Noh Hong-chul, who annihilated the rumors, Yoo Jae-seok was proud to continue the introduction.
“Looking for the world-class celebrity of the Infinite Challenge, introduce you to…Kim Yun-a !”
With everyone’s cheers, Kim Yun-a, a white princess dress, came out.
Just after a nap, Noh Hong-chul was not awake, but also came up and wanted to hug, directly opened by Jeong Hyeong-don.
Yoo Jae-seok carefully put Kim Yun-a in the middle and started the host of Corny.
“If this world Yoo-chun makes…”
Didn’t finish it, Kim Yun-a squinted back and hid.
Seok Jin-soo looked in his eyes and immediately smiled: “Brother, sprayed her.”
Really, national mc, how excited you are, actually spit.
Everyone is also a Yoo Jae-seok ridicule. I didn’t expect the nationals who have always been stable to make such mistakes.
It’s hard to keep Yoo Jae-seok coming over, everyone can welcome everyone.
Didn’t say, everyone together imitated the dance in Kim Yun-a’s advertisement and the rise of play.
There are people who are not interested.
Originally everyone stopped, and Jeong Jun-ha suddenly came straight ahead and played a baseball pose with a fool.
In fact, the action is not baseball, but the last action of Kim Yun-a’s dance.
It’s just that Kim Yun-a is beautiful and unparalleled. Jeong Jun-ha does it, just like a drunken minister who plays baseball.
Seok Jin-soo’s face is terrified.
“Why is he doing this?”
Yoo Jae-seok is also helpless.
“In fact, we have seen the world celebrity, Henry, Sharapova or Fido, all of them have come, and they leave without heading back. Kim Yun-a ‘ssi, why participate in Infinite again? What about Challenge?”
When Kim Yun-a thought about the wording, Seok Jin-soo began to make bad.
“This child wants to know a few more pd and writers, and plans to retire after a good job.”
Kim Yun-a instantly collapsed and cried in tears.
“Ani ~ yo, Ani ~ yo, Oppa, I have a last program, you should help me a lot.”
Seok Jin-soo’s face is unrequited.
“I don’t even care for myself.”
Yoo Jae-seok and Park Myeong-su quickly suppressed the maknae’s Dess.
“Yah!! What nonsense, Miss Kim Yun-a wants to be a program, isn’t it a breeze?”
Kim Yun-a finally returned to normal and said something kind.
“I won a lot of world championships two years ago, and now I am taking it to the next level. The Infinite Challenge has also developed and I want to participate once I become a world champion.”
Putting the growth of “Infinite Challenge” and Kim Yun-a in the same grade, everyone is really excited, and they praised her as an angel and an angel.
Next, Yoo Jae-seok reported a message that made everyone really not sad.
“We should have sat down and talked to Kim Yun-a. I am sorry for Kim Yun-a. I am very sorry for the audience. Why is this happening? The Infinite Challenge was on Thursday, but today is Saturday. The same was true for Henry, and Jeong Jun-ha was leaving again.”
When everyone laughs, it is indispensable to stimulate words.
“It’s more busy than the world celebrity.”
Jeong Jun-ha is extremely embarrassing.
“How come you are free today? Really. So I have to be embarrassed again.”
Yoo Jae-seok stood up.
“We should explain that Zheng Central is also very depressed. He has been practicing musicals. Today is the first day of performance. Although I really want to change the schedule, I am sorry that there is really no way.”
Seok Jin-soo The old god is digging in the ground.
“It doesn’t matter, anyway, someone likes the musical more than the Infinite Challenge. This kind of mood, we can understand.”
Jeong Jun-ha is thundering.
“Yah!! When did I say that I like musicals more than Infinite Challenge?”
Seok Jin-soo spreads his hand, a recognized posture.
“In any case, it was like when I bought a down jacket for the gods-making group, just when we gave us the persimmon cake, we already understood it.”
Listening to him, he took out the old things again. Jeong Jun-ha was really dumb and ate Huanglian, and turned his eyes directly.
However, Jeong Jun-ha is a bit responsible, although he has to go, but he has also found someone to replace himself.
It was only when I saw the bald head of Fat Dudu coming in, everyone was puzzled.
Seok Jin-soo’s mouth is the most poisonous.
“This brother, is hip-pop not going to do it? How to insert a foot everywhere? Not funny.”
Thank you tzzy369, krezreal, otaku in the book, Yue Wen era, the demon king generation of reward!
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