The latest chapter in the voice of Korean entertainment, the 434 chapter survival special, floating astronomy

Kim Tae-ho said that in the past six months, everyone has worked hard.

So when we were in the summer vacation, let’s take a vacation with Infinite Challenge, so we arranged this shooting.

Of course, Seok Jin-soo is unbelievable, and it is estimated that other members do not believe it.

If it is really a vacation, why are the guests all men, and they are all grotesque men, not even a female guest.

So with Park Myeong-su attacking and defending, Seok Jin-soo stood on one side, while being bored, he was also watching today’s guests.

Not to mention, after careful reading, there are not many people you know.

Except for Son Ho-young, 2pm, and Cabbage, others are not so familiar.

Don’t talk about him, Ji is not very happy.

“Why are you calling so many people?”

Yoo Jae-seok asked with a funny smile: “What happened?”

Kyrgyzstan is very straightforward.

“Is there a female guest?”

Yoo Jae-seok is even more crisp.

“Not coming.”

Ji Yutang died.

“What is this?”

Yoo Jae-seok This tells everyone why.

“Because the Infinite Challenge lineup is basically a woman…”

Kyrgyz looked at the writers with dissatisfaction.

“They are all they like!”

Seok Jin-soo quickly said: “No, Gil hyeong, how could they all like them? Do they like cabbage?”

Yoo Jae-seok also speaks for writers.

“There are no people who only like them, don’t you have a good guy?”

Among them, the most injured is the cabbage.

“What happened to me? I am also very cute, and many people like me.”

Park Myeong-su has long been impatient, and one sentence is enough.

“To shut up!!”

The cabbage was quickly and honestly, and his face was scared. He dared not speak any more.

This made Park Myeong-su a bit dumbfounded.

鈥 ah ah!! 浣犱 浠 涔堜笉鍙嶉┏鍟婏纻浣犲埌搴曚 涔堜笉鍙嶉┏鍟婏纻浣犲埌搴曚 涔堜笉鍙嶉┏鍟婏纻浣犲埌搴曚 涔堜笉鍙嶉┏鍟婏纻浣犲埌搴曚 褰曞埗 褰曞埗 褰曞埗 褰曞埗 褰曞埗 画 画 painting鍟婏纻what鈥he hell!! 锛岄暅澶撮兘娌’简銆傗€

澶 镫傜瑧澹 镫傜瑧澹 镫傜瑧澹 腑锛屾磱锏 腑锛屾磱锏 彍杩欎 彍杩欎

鈥沧偍鏄痵unbae-nim 鍟婏纴鎴戞€庝箞鏁(一)晩锛熲€

Park Myeong-su 鐬︻潃鎭堕瓟鐪硷纴鐬熺潃Seok Jin-soo 銆

鈥滆嚟灏忓瓙锛屽惉鍒 钖楋纻瀵箂 钖楋纻瀵箂 unbae-nim 瑕佽 镙 镙 墠琛屽晩銆傗 墠琛屽晩銆傗

Seok Jin-soo


Park Myeong-su 涓€阒靛掏鍡】纴涓嶈嚜瑙夊湴绂籗eok Jin-soo 杩滀简涓ゆ銆

鍦堣浜 鍦堣浜 傧鎴 傧鎴 鎯婄殑 Park Myeong-su 灞呯劧琚埗 chain 嶏纴澶 鐪嫔悜 鐪嫔悜 Seok Jin-soo镄勭溂鍏夊畲鍏ㄤ笉涓 镙 镙 镙 銆

鍙Open镒忓埌澶у镄勭伀鑻楋纴Yoo Jae-seok 璧跺 umbrella 鍑哄彛镡勭伃浜嗕粬浠殑鎯 硶銆

鈥渊啊!! 浣犱滑涓嶈瀛 eok Jin-soo 鍟婏纴镞犳硶镞犲ぉ镄勫彧 chain変粬涓€涓﹃€綘浠窡镌綘浠窡镌锅锅纴浼氲 Myeong-su 鍝ユ墦姝荤殑銆傗€

澶 绗戠殑 绗戠殑 姞铡夊浜嗭纴瀵 姞铡夊浜嗭纴瀵 姞铡夊浜嗭纴瀵 姞铡夊浜嗭纴瀵 姞铡夊浜嗭纴瀵 姞铡夊浜嗭纴瀵 姞铡夊浜嗭纴瀵 姞铡夊浜嗭纴瀵 姞铡夊浜嗭纴瀵

璇 瘽闂 瘽闂 纴闄嗛檰缁 纴闄嗛檰缁 鍙堟潵浜嗗ソ澶 鍙堟潵浜嗗ソ澶 鍙堟潵浜嗗ソ澶 鍙堟潵浜嗗ソ澶 鍙堟潵浜嗗ソ澶

锲犱 閮 閮 槸鐢 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 锛屽拰 锛屽拰 锛屽拰 锛屽拰 锛屽拰 锛屽拰 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M銆

杩欐椂Yoo Jae-seok 寮€濮嬮嗈璁缒ark Hwi-soon 銆

鈥沧垜浠琍ark Hwi-soon 鏄浜屾鍑In紨 紨o In-sung 涓€璧峰嚭婕斾嚭婕斾镆旈镆旈鐗緫锛屽緫锛屽緫锛屽愪 镄勬椂 镄勬椂 椤嚭鏉ヨ 椤嚭鏉ヨ 涓 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆

Park Myeong-su 鎻掕瘽杩涙潵銆

K€Kim Kyung-jin 锛屽ソ 锛屽ソ 忓彂鐜 忓彂鐜 忓彂鐜 涔堟 涔堟 涔堟 涔堟 涔堟 涔堟

鈥滆 Umbrella 浜 € € [€ “. Chain 嵝€[€[€

閰嶅悎镌€浠栫殑鎸囩偣锛岄偅涓狵im Kyung-jin 杩堢潃楦瓙姝ヤ篃璧 笂鍓嶆潵銆

Seok Jin-soo 涓€鑴哥殑涓嶈€愮储锛屾姄镌€Park Myeong-su 镄勮偐鑶€灏卞皢浠栨婳浜嗗洖鏉ャ€

鈥渊啊!! Key 佸浼欙纴涓嶈鏄庣洰寮犺傧鍦 佸浼欙纴涓嶈鏄庣洰寮犺傧鍦 椤 綘浠叕鍙 綘浠叕鍙 綘浠叕鍙 殑浜 殑浜 殑浜 殑浜 纴杩樻 纴杩樻 纴杩樻

娌¢敊锛岃 umbrella 涓狵im Kyung-jin 鏄竴浣峠agman锛岀绾〉湪浜哖ark Myeong-su 镄勫叕鍙 €

浠婂ぉ鑳 鍑 幇鍦ㄨ yeong 岋纴鏄庢樉鏄疨 岋纴鏄庢樉鏄疨 yeong Myeong-su 鍦ㄦ彁鎷斾粬銆

Yoo Jae-seok 涔熸妸Kim Kyung-jin 鎸’锲炲幓锛屽锲炲幓锛屽 Park Myeong-su 阆掳 鈥淧 鈥淧 yeong Myeong-su 钖涳纴鐜 湪涓 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 鎸夐 搴忔潵 搴忔潵锛屼笉鏄湪闂甈ark Hwi-soon 鍢 傗€€

杩炩€淧ark Myeong-su 钖涒€濊 Umbrella 镙 殑璇濋兘鍑 潵浜嗭纴璇佹槑 潵浜嗭纴璇佹槑 潵浜嗭纴璇佹槑 Yoo Jae-seok 涓嶉珮鍏 銆 銆

Park Myeong-su 鑴歌壊阒存镌镌锛屽彧濂锛屽彧濂€€€

Seok Jin-soo 鎶奝ark Myeong-su 鎷 洖鏉ワ纴鐢ㄥ彧 洖鏉ワ纴鐢ㄥ彧 変袱浜 変袱浜 兘澶熷惉鍒 兘澶熷惉鍒 兘澶熷惉鍒 兘澶熷惉鍒 兘澶熷惉鍒 兘澶熷惉鍒 満銆傗 満銆傗 満銆傗 満銆傗 満銆傗

Park Myeong-su 鐭ラ 浠栨槸鍦ㄥ憡璇夎嚜宸憋纴镞 浠栨槸鍦ㄥ憡璇夎嚜宸憋纴镞 浠栨槸鍦ㄥ憡璇夎嚜宸憋纴镞

鎯 兂镊 兂镊 兂镊 纭疄鏄 镐ヤ 镐ヤ 锛屾墍浠ラ櫎浜嗛粯榛 锛屾墍浠ラ櫎浜嗛粯榛 锛屾墍浠ラ櫎浜嗛粯榛 锛屾墍浠ラ櫎浜嗛粯榛 锛屾墍浠ラ櫎浜嗛粯榛 锛屾墍浠ラ櫎浜嗛粯榛 锛屾墍浠ラ櫎浜嗛粯榛 锛屾墍浠ラ櫎浜嗛粯榛 锛屾墍浠ラ櫎浜嗛粯榛 锛屾墍浠ラ櫎浜嗛粯榛 纴涔熶笉鑳 纴涔熶笉鑳 氢 氢

闅忓悗Seok Jin-soo 缁橨eong Hyeong-don 浣 涓 涓 涓︻溂鑹诧纴灏忚儢灏辫 涓︻溂鑹诧纴灏忚儢灏辫 涓︻溂鑹诧纴灏忚儢灏辫 涓︻溂鑹诧纴灏忚儢灏辫 涓︻溂鑹诧纴灏忚儢灏辫 涓︻溂鑹诧纴灏忚儢灏辫 涓︻溂鑹诧纴灏忚儢灏辫

鈥滈偅绉嶈瘽璁╀汉寰埚弹浼ゅ晩锛屽师鏉ラ兘鏄竴瀹剁殑銆傛潵浜嗘柊浜哄 ammonia鍙︷【浠栦滑锛屾棤瑙嗘垜浠纴璁╂垜浠潬杈圭珯鈥[€[€

Yoo Jae-seok 涔熻Nagging 镄勪笉濂 剰镐濅 剰镐濅 锛岃 绱 绱 畨鎶氶 畨鎶氶 畨鎶氶 畨鎶氶 畨鎶氶 滀笉鏄棤 滀笉鏄棤 滀笉鏄棤 滀笉鏄棤 滀笉鏄棤 滀笉鏄棤 滀笉鏄棤栾竟杩樻湁淇婃槉鍜屽锣冨槢銆侾ark Myeong-su 钖涳纴浣犲 ammonia绛変竴涓嫔惂銆傗€

杩欎笅 Park Myeong-su 缁堜簬鍙 缁堜簬鍙 鍙 鍙 锛屽崄鍒嗙殑濮斿眻銆 锛屽崄鍒嗙殑濮斿眻銆 锛屽崄鍒嗙殑濮斿眻銆

鈥渊啊!! 浣犲拰鎴戞槸涓€瀵广傛垜鍗傛垜鍗村湪杩椤效锛岃伞绠椾粈涔堬纻鈥

鍙彲鎯滐纴Yoo Jae-seok 镄勫簲鍙樿兘锷涘ぉ涓嬫棤鍙屻€

浠栨寚镌 镊 镊 镊 镊 镄勬 琛纴鍢 琛纴鍢 琛纴鍢 琛纴鍢 琛纴鍢 琛纴鍢 琛纴鍢 琛纴鍢

鈥沧垜 chain 夊ソ澶 簨鎯呰 簨鎯呰 纴閮戜腑澶埌鐜 纴閮戜腑澶埌鐜 湪閮 湪閮 俋 俋 俋 俋 俋 俋 俋 俋 俋 俋 俋 俋 俋 俋 俋 俋 俋 俋 俋 俋 俋璧峰弬涓庯纴鎸夊埗浣滀汉锻樼殑鎶旷エ锛屽緢澶樼殑鎶旷エ锛屽緢澶Hung 澶 ┚鍏変┚鍏変┚鍏変┚鍏変俋俋NUM俋镣筙NUMX鍒嗭纴鐜板湪閮戜腑澶缮娌°C湁鍒帮纴鏉ヤ简灏卞憡璇夋垜鍟婏纴璇村氨琛屻€傗€

鐪嫔埌锲 皯 皯 皯 皯 鎸佸姛锷涳纴澶 鎸佸姛锷涳纴澶 閮 閮 閮 閮 湅鍌讳 湅鍌讳 湅鍌讳

Park Myeong-su 旋村姞涓嶆姞涓嶆镒忎

鈥渊啊!! 鍒汉镄勬満浼镄勬満浼纴涓纴涓粈涔堜綘涓粈涔堜綘涓涓﹄涓﹄鍦ㄨ锛熲

瀵 粯 Park Myeong-su 锛孻oo Jae-seok e 娈靛彲姣 throw eok Jin-soo 铡夊澶 銆傛槬椋庡寲 铡夊澶 纴婕傛 纴婕傛 镞犺 镞犺


Park Myeong-su 钖冧简涓€涓︻澶х殑楠烽珔锛岀粓浜庤娓呯幇瀹炰简銆

濂 笉瀹 笉瀹 槗 槗 槗 槗 槗 锛孻 锛孻 锛孻 锛孻 Jao-seok 鍙堟妸澶 閮 閮 閮 嗈璁 嗈璁 嗈璁 涓︷亶锛岀劧钖庡ぇ瀹跺 涓︷亶锛岀劧钖庡ぇ瀹跺 涓︷亶锛岀劧钖庡ぇ瀹跺 涓︷亶锛岀劧钖庡ぇ瀹跺 涓︷亶锛岀劧钖庡ぇ瀹跺 涓︷亶锛岀劧钖庡ぇ瀹跺 涓︷亶锛岀劧钖庡ぇ瀹跺笂浜嗗害锅囩殑镞呴€斻€

鍙槸寮 蹇 蹇 蹇 蹇 浼椤苟娌 浼椤苟娌 浼椤苟娌 湁娉ㄦ剰鍒 湁娉ㄦ剰鍒 湁娉ㄦ剰鍒 湁娉ㄦ剰鍒 湁娉ㄦ剰鍒 湁娉ㄦ剰鍒 纴鍦ㄥ 绁濆 绁濆 绁濆 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃Silicon 緫镄勫瓧镙Map

濂 惂锛屾灉鐒 笉鑳 笉鑳 ° ° ° °奍nfinite Challenge 銆媝rogram 缁勭殑鑺傛搷銆

涓娄 鑸癸纴 鑸癸纴 Seok Jin-soo 杩 湪蹇冩皵涓嶉 湪蹇冩皵涓嶉 锻 锻

鈥渊啊!! 鎴戞€庝箞鍙兘鍦ㄤ笐浜洪槦Forged umbrellas (1)晩銆傗€

鈥滆鍢匡纴鍨簳镄勫浼欙纴璇濇 庝箞闾 庝箞闾 箞澶 箞澶 箞澶 晩锛熲

Similarly, he was unhappy with the ugly team’s k.will and attacked him quickly.

Seok Jin-soo certainly can’t stand it.

“Yah!! Kang Dae-sung, go back and join your group activities.”

K.will looks like Kang Dae-sung of bigbang, so he has been joked.

At this time, Seok Jin-soo attacked this way. This guy couldn’t say a word, and his head was stunned.

On the boat, Yoo Jae-seok announced the true intention of this recording. It turned out to be a special survival.

When you hear the truth, everyone is ridiculous, but Seok Jin-soo is a light face.

“Aigoo, I already knew it, it’s so beautiful for Kim Tae-ho.”

Yoo Jae-seok also reported a situation.

Since it is a special survival, then after each round of the game, the losing team will have a member to be eliminated.

“That is to say, everyone will play a lot of games today. In two days and one night, in the fierce competition to survive to the last one, you will receive a bonus of three million.”

When I heard that there was a bonus, the big guy was excited.

There were no female guests who were still very dull. Now that they have material stimulation, they all come to the spirit.

Of course, this does not include Seok Jin-soo, who is still sitting on the side of the boat.

Yoo Jae-seok, who saw the six-way road, noticed him at once.

“Seok Jin-soo ‘ssi, are you not interested in three million?”

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Seok Jin-soo waved his hand indifferently.

“Don’t mention three million things with me, I am upset.”

The big guy paused and remembered last year’s money running, and the three million that went with Kang Ho-dong.

Obviously, after that time, Seok Jin-soo had a psychological shadow on the figure of three million.

“Haha Haha, this is good, there is one opponent.”

Seeing that Seok Jin-soo is not active, the big guy is happy.

Jiyanzhu turned and suddenly proposed: “If we lose, it is better to send Seok Jin-soo away, and he does not want bonuses anyway.”

It’s really a tempting proposal. For a time, the ugly team was shrouded in a strange atmosphere.

Unexpectedly, Seok Jin-soo didn’t panic at all, looking at them with a funny look.

“Yah!! Do you really think that you are going on holiday? Kim Tae-ho must have arranged for an uninhabited island. It is a crime. If you want to eliminate it, send me away. With the dawn, I can still go back. Seoul.”

He said indifferently, Kim Tae-ho behind the camera was crazy.

This damn guy, why is it so smart? How do you know everything? Laozi’s hard work.

No, I can’t let this guy take the atmosphere off.

At the thought of this, Kim Tae-ho hurriedly threatened: “This time the recording will be broadcast three times. If you withdraw midway, you will not receive a performance fee.”

Seok Jin-soo was stunned and looked at Kim Tae-ho, who had regained momentum, and had to feel it.

“Yah!! This guy is really poisonous!”

It took only four installments a month, and Nyma took up three issues. If there is no lens, there is no performance fee. Is it not equal to one month without income?

Well, to hear the threat of Kim Tae-ho, Seok Jin-soo didn’t dare to neglect.

“Everyone, let’s win all the way!!”

Seeing his heroic look, everyone laughed even more crazy.

After talking about you, you can see Seok Jin-soo as a talent.

In any case, Seok Jin-soo regained his fighting spirit and the recording of the program was even better.

The production team also took the box with the bonus in time and let everyone see it.

But as soon as I opened it, Nima was so dazzling.

Nonsense, six thousand five hundred yuan coins put together, can you not dazzle?

Now that the prize money is there, the power is coming, and Jeong Hyeong-don is concerned about the heart.

“Where are the people who are going to go? There is no such thing as the first knockout.”

Apparently Yoo Jae-seok has received instructions from the production team.

“I am going to say this, now, the boat has stopped?”

Everyone realized that the ship that had been driving all the time was still at this moment.

In everyone’s surprise, Yoo Jae-seok suddenly announced loudly.

“Here, the first knockout will be born!!!”

Thank you, the devil king generation, it is really you, me, Joo-hyun, the picturesque reward!

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