Korean Entertainment – Exalted President
Chapter 47
閮eok Jin-soo 锛屼竴涓紑鍦哄 寮勭殑 寮勭殑 Lee Hyo-ri 绮 柌锷涘敖銆
Kim Tae-ho 涓 鐪嬫 鐪嬫 鐪嬫 鐪嬫 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦
Haha 璧跺 缁橪 缁橪 ee Hyo-ri 鎼潵浜嗕竴鎶婃瀛愩€
鈥淗yo-ri 鍟婏纴浼戞伅涓€涓嫔惂銆傝緵鑻〈綘浜嗐€傗€
Yoo Jae-seok 鍜孡ee Hyo-ri 旋村姞镡熸倝涓€浜涳纴浜涳纴€浠ョ粰Lee Hyo-ri 鎷挎潵浜嗛ギ鏂欙纴浣嗘槸琛ㄦ儏鍗棫绗戝樆鍢荤殑銆
鈥淗yo-ri 鍟婏纴浣犲垰 崭笉浼氱湡镄勭敓姘斾 崭笉浼氱湡镄勭敓姘斾 钖э纻鎴戜 mak mak mak mak mak mak mak mak mak mak mak mak mak殑浜恒€傗€
涓嶆彁杩桦ソ锛孡ee Hyo-ri 鐏皵鍙堜笂鏉ヤ 銆
鈥 ah ah!! 闾d 瀹 瀹 瀹 浜哄憿锛熶笉琛岋纴涓嶈兘灏辫 浜哄憿锛熶笉琛岋纴涓嶈兘灏辫 浜哄憿锛熶笉琛岋纴涓嶈兘灏辫 娆 娆 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒€€侫igoo 锛岀湡鏄皵姝画垜浜嗐€傗€
鍏朵粬 member 浠缮鏄病锷炴硶闾d箞蹇 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑
鈥滃搰Haha 鍝堬纴鎴戜粖澶╃湡鏄涓€娆¤鍒 锛屾垜浠珐 锛屾垜浠珐aknae 浠婂悗鎴戜 浠婂悗鎴戜 浠婂悗鎴戜 浠婂悗鎴戜璇峰槈瀹撅纴鎭愭槈瀹撅纴鎭愭曟槸锲曟槸锲毦浜嗐€傗€
Park Myeong-su 绗戠湳鐪殑锛屽浜岙eok Jin-soo 镄勮〃鐜板緢婊°C剰銆
浠栧 鏄伓 鏄伓 旀 瓙锛屾湰鏉ュ 瓙锛屾湰鏉ュ 瓙锛屾湰鏉ュ 瓙锛屾湰鏉ュ 瓙锛屾湰鏉ュ 瓙锛屾湰鏉ュ 瓙锛屾湰鏉ュ ok ok ok ok ok eok Jin-soo Chain ammonia
浠栬 涔堜竴璇 涔堜竴璇 纴鍏 纴鍏 纴鍏 粬浜 粬浜 粬浜 粬浜 粬浜 粬浜 篃鏄愧鎺屽ぇ绗 篃鏄愧鎺屽ぇ绗
浜哄鍒殑program 璇锋潵浜嗗槈瀹撅纴閮芥槸鎹 潃鍝勭潃锛屽姫锷涚獊鍑哄槈瀹 潃鍝勭潃锛屽姫锷涚獊鍑哄槈瀹 潃鍝勭潃锛屽姫锷涚獊鍑哄槈瀹 (4) 銆
旋翠笉瑕佽 Lee Hyo-ri 杩欑topstar浜嗭纴寰堥毦璇锋潵镄勫ソ鍢€
鍙埌浜嗐€奍nfinite Challenge 銆嬶纴涓€涓﹄粈涔堜篃涓嶆哕镄刴aknae 鐩存帴缁欎 浜哄鎴愬惃镄勪 浜哄鎴愬惃镄勪 浜哄鎴愬惃镄勪 瀹 瀹
杩濴ee Hyo-ri 閮 槸涓嶈璇嗙殑寰呴亣锛岄偅鍏 槸涓嶈璇嗙殑寰呴亣锛岄偅鍏 粬镄勮 粬镄勮 粬镄勮 浜 浜 浜 纴杩樿兘濂 纴杩樿兘濂
Jeong Hyeong-don 镓浜嗕竴鍦堬纴娌°C湁鍙戠幇Seok Jin-soo 镄勮韩褰憋纴锽风瑧阆掳细鈥鈥湅镙瓙鎴戜瓙鎴戜 slip maknae 鐭ラ死闂ジ浜嗭纴涓嶅埌褰曞埗镄勬椂闂存槸涓崭细锲炴潵浜嗐€傗€
Lee Hyo-ri 鎽嗙潃灏忔 锛屼笉 滃湴寰 鑴镐笂 鑴镐笂 鑴镐笂 鑴镐笂 鑴镐笂 鑴镐笂 锛屽嵈杩樻槸镒熻鐏 锛屽嵈杩樻槸镒熻鐏 锛屽嵈杩樻槸镒熻鐏 锛屽嵈杩樻槸镒熻鐏 杈
鐜 湪鍙槸鍐鍟婏纴鎽勫 湪鍙槸鍐鍟婏纴鎽勫 妫 妫 妫 妫 妫 妫 妫 篃涓嶆槸澶 篃涓嶆槸澶 篃涓嶆槸澶Simple
鈥渌ppa 锛岄偅镙 殑浜 殑浜 篃鑳 篃鑳 篃鑳 篃鑳 篃鑳 篃鑳 垚涓
Lee Hyo-ri 镊 粖杩樻 鐤戣嚜宸 鐤戣嚜宸 鐤戣嚜宸 殑阆亣锛屼笉鐢卞缑闂嚭浜嗗 殑阆亣锛屼笉鐢卞缑闂嚭浜嗗 殑阆亣锛屼笉鐢卞缑闂嚭浜嗗 殑阆亣锛屼笉鐢卞缑闂嚭浜嗗 殑阆亣锛屼笉鐢卞缑闂嚭浜嗗
Yoo Jae-seok 镐濊€冧简涓€鐣纴缁堜簬缁椤嚭浜嗗洖绛斻€
鈥滀粬铏 劧宸茬粡鏄 劧宸茬粡鏄 浜 浜 浜 锛屼絾鏄粠鏉ユ 锛屼絾鏄粠鏉ユ 锛屼絾鏄粠鏉ユ 锛屼絾鏄粠鏉ユ 锛屼絾鏄粠鏉ユ 夋妸镊 夋妸镊 伞 伞 伞 伞 伞 伞绉嶆柊濂囩殑鍙嶅樊锛屾墍浠rogram 镄勬晥鏋沧墠浼氶偅涔埚ソ銆傗€
Lee Hyo-ri 98骞村Ammonia 浜嗭纴杩欎箞澶 浜嗭纴杩欎箞澶 浜嗭纴杩欎箞澶 浠 浠 涔堟 涔堟 涔堟 涔堟 涔堟 涔堟 夎璇呜 夎璇呜 夎璇呜 夎璇呜 涔堟
铏界劧瀵笋 eok Jin-soo 镄勫仛娉曞緢绐濈伀锛屼絾涔熺煡阆 lossrogram 镄勬晥鏋灭’瀹炰笉阌欍€效彧鑳彧鑳彧鑳鈥滆 Umbrella 浜哄皢鏉ヨ偗瀹 浜哄皢鏉ヨ偗瀹 浜哄皢鏉ヨ偗瀹 绉嶅緢鐗 绉嶅緢鐗 绉嶅緢鐗 绉嶅緢鐗 绉嶅緢鐗 绉嶅緢鐗
Emerald 笉鏄憿锛屽鏋沧槸鍒 杩欎箞骞诧纴 杩欎箞骞诧纴 杩欎箞骞诧纴 畾浼氭尐 畾浼氭尐 畾浼氭尐 na na na na na na na na na na na na na 浜哄ソ绗 纴鐪熸槸澶剰澶栦 纴鐪熸槸澶剰澶栦 纴鐪熸槸澶剰澶栦 銆傗
Jeong Hyeong-don 涓 杈 杈 劅鍙 劅鍙 劅鍙 劅鍙 潃锛屼竴杈 潃锛屼竴杈 潃锛屼竴杈 潃锛屼竴杈
銆奍nfinite Challenge 銆嬬浜屽寮 濮嬩 濮嬩 濮嬩 ° ° 湁 嗳鑺 嗳鑺 嗳鑺 嗳鑺 嗳鑺 嗳鑺 嗳鑺 嗳鑺 嗳鑺 嗳鑺 嗳鑺 嗳鑺€
杩欎簺镞ュ瓙鐪嬬潃Seok Jin-soo 镄勬í鍐茬洿鎾烇纴Jeong Hyeong-don 闅愰殣 変簺镒忓镄勫悓镞讹纴涔熶 変簺镒忓镄勫悓镞讹纴涔熶 変簺镒忓镄勫悓镞讹纴涔熶 涔庢姄鍒浠€涔堛€
鍙儨闾g镒熻鐜勪箣鍙堢巹锛孞eong Hyeong-don 涔熶笉鐭ラ 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶
Seok Jin-soo 澶氭満鐏 殑浜哄晩锛屽綋镞剁湅鍒癓 ee Hyo-ri 镄勬牱瀛愶纴灏 煡阆撹嚜宸 煡阆撹嚜宸 煡阆撹嚜宸 煡阆撹嚜宸 煡阆撹嚜宸 煡阆撹嚜宸 銆
Drill directly into the next room and stay quiet for twenty minutes. He didn’t come back until he re-recorded.
Seeing Lee Hyo-ri standing in the middle, he walked to the far side, trying to keep the furthest distance between Yoo Jae-seok, Park Myeong-su and Noh Hong-chul.
Yoo Jae-seok eyes on the six roads, naturally noticed.
“Maknae, why not stand in your own position? What are you running so far?”
Seok Jin-soo is easy to install.
“I checked it out before going out today. This position is comfortable and suitable for recording.”
Noh Hong-chul is jealous of him.
“Don’t dare face Lee Hyo-ri?”
At this time, Lee Hyo-ri looked at the eyes of the dart, and it was as cold as an arrow. The murderous Seok Jin-soo shrank his shoulders.
“A woman like that is a wrong time. If in the Silla period, in addition to Queen Seondeok and the Queen of Virtue, there will be a Queen of Hyo-ri.”
This is both funny and very surprising.
“Wow, we maknae don’t know anything.”
“Yah!! Really, I know Queen Seondeok and Queen Edward.”
“The history of maknae is not taught by sports seonsaeng-nim?”
Especially in the last sentence, let Lee Hyo-ri turn to be happy.
“I saw that period, is this math really so bad?”
The unspoken brothers are all good people. In front of outsiders, talking about their own maknae, that is all… no polite.
“Does he know mathematics?”
“We are only two percent below the Republic of Korea, and he is 200 percent.”
“If the number is more than three zeros, he won’t know.”
Seok Jin-soo was slammed and the blood pressure soared.
“I said, my brothers, even if you want to behave in front of beautiful women, you don’t need to be degraded by me. Can you feel that you have a chance? Myeong-su can’t catch up with the flight attendants, but still want to Want to be close to the national fairy?”
Damn maknae, and leaked his affair, Park Myeong-su panicked and licked his mouth.
“Axi, do you want to die this kid?”
Haha just suffered a lot, and now I see Park Myeong-su is also unlucky, and my mood is finally better.
The scene was hard to calm down. Yoo Jae-seok asked: “Seok Jin-soo ‘ssi, since you said so, what kind of man do you think can be worthy of our Miss Lee Hyo-ri?”
Others are also looking at them.
Ok, stinky boy, you said we are delusional and see what you can say.
Everyone’s eyes are like lasers, but they don’t hurt Seok Jin-soo.
I saw him taking a step in silence in the eyes of everyone.
“In fact, a woman like Miss Lee Hyo-ri, how can a normal man match? But since she is a little bit interested in me, then I am embarrassed?”
“Do you want to die?”
“This child is more nervous than me.”
“This cheeky, it is time to go to the 38th line to protect the country.”
Looking at Seok Jin-soo, he was stunned by others, and Lee Hyo-ri was not angry.
“Cut, you are so ugly, I can’t see you.”
Seok Jin-soo, with his hen’s head, broke free from punching and kicking, and replied with sorrow: “Do not worry, the man you are looking for in the future will be uglier than me.”
A few years later, Lee Hyo-ri, dressed in a wedding dress, held the scarecrow and kept holding the silver needle.
“Damn Seok Jin-soo, the old lady is absolutely, will never let you go.”
One opening, the most shot is Seok Jin-soo.
Look at the weight, and the next time, he is a lot more honest. Watching Yoo Jae-seok and others interact with Lee Hyo-ri and holding the national fairy.
After some chat, I started to introduce Lee Hyo-ri’s album.
Yoo Jae-seok: “First Lee Hyo-ri’s album, “getya” is it?”
Lee Hyo-ri came to the program, which was originally publicized. So immediately enter the state and introduce it in detail.
“It turned out to be getyou, I want you to mean. In the United States, ordinary people have called you ya, that is what you want.”
This was introduced in great detail, but no one thought of it. Just here, Lee Hyo-ri suddenly grabbed the collar of Yoo Jae-seok, and the voice was tempted with courage.
“I want you.”
This is a must, Yoo Jae-seok immediately laughed crazy, red cheeks, happy to faint.
Others are envious and broken, and they are stunned by Yoo Jae-seok.
Seok Jin-soo is very calm, and it is a word that has provoked a hyeong.
“Miss Lee Hyo-ri, do you like us Jae-seok hyeong? But he likes the female anchor.”
“Yah!! Damn maknae, you give me the truth.”
Yoo Jae-seok is going crazy, in such a wonderful moment, he is actually broken, and the mind of murder is there.
Unfortunately, Seok Jin-soo has already started, and the unseen members will miss the opportunity to fall into the rocks.
“We Jae-seok hyeong, but it is known as the anchor killer.” Jeong Hyeong-don said it.
“He and the female anchor of mbc both sent text messages.” Park Myeong-su also began to fall.
“The height, age, and measurements of all the female anchors of mbc, we all know Jae-seok hyeong.” Of course, the haha is even more powerful when it comes to the skill of the frame.
Yoo Jae-seok is dry and keeps waving in front of the camera.
“You, everyone, you don’t believe it. I really don’t see **** and I don’t like female anchors. These guys are all lying.”
When I came to say hello to the members, the first was Park Myeong-su.
Park Myeong-su: “I haven’t seen you for two years…”
Lee Hyo-ri remembers more clearly.
“It seems that I have not seen it for more than four years.”
Park Myeong-su is dumbfounded and a little worried.
Yoo Jae-seok blends in to explain.
“I didn’t see 10minutes two years ago…”
Noh Hong-chul asked: “Is it seen on TV?”
Lee Hyo-ri completed the lore.
“When I was at 10minutes, Park Myeong-su was not very popular.”
How vicious, Park Myeong-su only has a bitter smile, completely without the momentum of the devil’s son.
At the same time as everyone laughed, she added another sentence.
“I haven’t seen him in the entertainment program.”
Park Myeong-su, who had two arrows, finally showed his true colors.
“I didn’t think that Lee Hyo-ri was coming, I really told Ock Joo-hyun.”
This is the obvious gas, and everyone has been persuading.
But there are also people who are not sensible, and the voice of someone who has been quiet for a long time has passed over.
“Who is Ock Joo-hyun?”
The maknae of the murder, you have a good grasp of the timing.
Even Lee Hyo-ri couldn’t hold the lady’s gesture and laughed down on the floor.
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