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浠诲嚟Seok Jin-soo 濂 姝 姝 锛孲 ok eok Wan-ju 灏 槸涓嶆墦绠椾綇杩涙潵銆


鈥渊啊!! 浣犲湪Gangnam 浣忓湪绉熺殑灏忔埧瀛愰噷锛岄毦阆揿 寰堣垝 寰堣垝 chain 嶅悧锛熷珜寮冭 镄勮瘽灏卞幓 key纴鎴戠粰浣犱 杞 杞 “€ 浜嗗惂锛熲 浜嗗惂锛熲 €

闱(一)镌€Seok Jin-soo 镄勬姝ョ揣阃硷纴Seok Wan-ju 涓嶈銆 涓嶈銆

鈥滆皝璇存垜杩樿浣忓湪灏忔埧瀛愰噷锛烡ae-gyu Oppa 镄勬埧瀛愪篃瑁呬 濂 锛屾垜浼 锛屾垜浼 锛屾垜浼 锛屾垜浼 锛屾垜浼 锛屾垜浼 锛屾垜浼 锛屾垜浼€傗€

Seok Jin-soo 娴戣韩涓€囷纴涓嶅彲镐濊鍦囷纴涓嶅彲镐濊鍦囷纴涓嶅彲镐濊鍦

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Lee Dae-gyu 涓嶅缑涓嶅姞鍏ヨ繘鏉ャ€

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寰楋纴浜哄Lee Dae-gyu 閮Umbrella 涔堣浜嗭纴Seok Jin-soo 涔熸槸娌”Pregnant 娉曘

涓嶈 浠婂ぉ鏄粬镄勪箶杩佸锛屼竴缇や 浠婂ぉ鏄粬镄勪箶杩佸锛屼竴缇や 浠婂ぉ鏄粬镄勪箶杩佸锛屼竴缇や 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 屽悆钖冨枬锽濓纴璇 屽悆钖冨枬锽濓纴璇 屽悆钖冨枬锽濓纴璇 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣锛屽ぇ瀹 墠灏 墠灏 叴鏁 e叴鏁

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闄ゆ涔嫔锛岃缮 変竴涓︷ 変竴涓︷ 瑕佺殑铡熷洜銆


Seok Jin-soo 杩炲 璺戣 璺戣 璺戣 璺戣 铡 铡 粠鐩戣鍣ㄩ噷鐪嫔埌镡熸倝镄勮 粠鐩戣鍣ㄩ噷鐪嫔埌镡熸倝镄勮 粠鐩戣鍣ㄩ噷鐪嫔埌镡熸倝镄勮 粠鐩戣鍣ㄩ噷鐪嫔埌镡熸倝镄勮 粠鐩戣鍣ㄩ噷鐪嫔埌镡熸倝镄勮 粠鐩戣鍣ㄩ噷鐪嫔埌镡熸倝镄勮 粠鐩戣鍣ㄩ噷鐪嫔埌镡熸倝镄勮 粠鐩戣鍣ㄩ噷鐪嫔埌镡熸倝镄勮浜嗛棬銆


鈥滃搰锛孙ppa 锛屼綘镄勬柊瀹跺ソ婕备锛佲寒锛佲

鐪嫔埌濂癸纴Seok Jin-soo 涔熷緢寮€蹇冿纴杩炲 Umbrella 灏嗗ス鎷変

鈥 ah!! LiTTL- Time To Love e Deer Yoon-ah 锛屽ぇ鍗婂镄勮窇鍑 潵锛屼綘涔熶笉澶氱┛镣 silicon. Chain hurricane

鎷 潃 潃 Yoon-ah 镄勬 镞讹纴鍙劅鍒 竴阒靛啺鍑夛纴涓岖璁 竴阒靛啺鍑夛纴涓岖璁 竴阒靛啺鍑夛纴涓岖璁 logook Jin-soo 璁 璧 璧 潵銆

Yoon-ah 钖愮潃涓侀灏忚垖锛岀緸娑╀竴绗 纴鐪 纴鐪 纴鐪 潧鍗 潧鍗 缮鍦ㄨ瀵熺潃婕 缮鍦ㄨ瀵熺潃婕 缮鍦ㄨ瀵熺潃婕

Seok Jin-soo 涓哄ス 埌鎷栭瀷锛岄棶阆掳 埌鎷栭瀷锛岄棶阆掳 埌鎷栭瀷锛岄棶阆掳 埌鎷栭瀷锛岄棶阆掳 埌鎷栭瀷锛岄棶阆掳 埌鎷栭瀷锛岄棶阆掳 欐 欐 欐 欐 欐 欐 窡韪纻鈥 窡韪纻鈥 窡韪纻鈥 窡韪纻鈥

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Yoon-ah 宸茬粡鎹(一)ソ浜嗘袅闉嬶纴涓ソ浜嗘袅闉嬶纴涓杈杈杩涙潵锛屼竴杈杈杩涙潵锛屼竴杈瑧阆掳瑧阆掳】纴浣犵殑Yoon-ah 鍙槸寰堣皑鎱庡憿锛岃繛鍑虹杞〉ぇ鍙旈兘娌°C湁璁ゅ嚭鎴戞潵銆傗€

钖埌杩欎 锛孲 锛孲 eok Jin-soo 灏 斁蹇冧 斁蹇冧 斁蹇冧

潃濂 潃濂 潃濂 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 庝箞镙 庝箞镙 庝箞镙 庝箞镙 庝箞镙 纴鎴戠殑鏂 纴鎴戠殑鏂 纴鎴戠殑鏂 纴鎴戠殑鏂 婕 婕


Yoon-ah has been seduce by the gorgeous decoration and watched carefully along the living room.

“Wow, I feel great when I walk in from outside. But when I came in, I found out that it is an art gallery and art museum. Oppa, if I buy a house later, you can help me refer to it.”

After making a renovation, Seok Jin-soo also understood a lot.

“No problem, guarantee that the service is in place.”

Yoon-ah smiled and his face was ruddy. Suddenly he reached out and hugged him, taking a sip in his lips.

“Oppa, you are so good.”

Seok Jin-soo is very helpless and doesn’t know how to refuse.

The last time I told Kim Tae-hee about the truth, the waves caused him to leave him with a lingering fear. So whether or not to tell Yoon-ah the fact, he is still tangled.

But if you don’t make it clear, Yoon-ah always thinks that he is single and always obsessed.

At this time, the lips are warm, soft and pleasant, really fascinating.

Seok Jin-soo quickly grabbed Yoon-ah’s hand and put her ring down.

“Let’s go, I will take annyeonghaseyo and have a good look.”

Yoon-ah did not find any abnormalities, and a pair of eyes sparkled. Suqian’s little hand was held by Seok Jin-soo, and the hot energy quickly made her feel like she was in the spring.

“Come on, hurry, I have to take a good look here.”

Next, Seok Jin-soo took Yoon-ah and visited the three-story building one by one.

Yoon-ah’s eyes are simply dizzying. Every time I see a place, I find that my previous concept of home is a little short.

After all the visits, she was completely dumbfounded and found that her life in the past twenty years was alive.

“Wow, Oppa, do you live so big?”

Seok Jin-soo shrugged his shoulders and was very helpless.

“No way, my parents don’t come, Seok Wan-ju, missy only likes Gangnam, I have to live alone.”

Yoon-ah’s eccentric eyes turned and the small hand held the door next to the bedroom, going to see it.

This is the first bedroom, next to Seok Jin-soo’s master bedroom.

Unexpectedly, he reached out and twisted it. He did not unscrew it, but it was locked.

Yoon-ah brows and can’t help but ask: “Oppa, is there any Secret here? How is it locked?”

Seok Jin-soo spread his hands and reluctantly said: “I can’t do anything about this. The stake in this bedroom is not mine. It’s Kim Tae-hee noona.”

I heard that Kim Tae-hee actually has a dedicated bedroom here, and Yoon-ah looks a little stiff and has a lot of breathing.

Although she has not seen Kim Tae-hee, she knows the national goddess very well.

She used to know that Seok Jin-soo and Kim Tae-hee had a good relationship, but because of the sbs acting awards, she always thought that the two were just friends.

Where can I have a friend in my partner’s home?

Seok Jin-soo is not married, Kim Tae-hee is not married, between the two…

Fortunately, Seok Jin-soo continued, dispelling Yoon-ah’s worries.

“This land, that noona invested a billion. So I only asked for one bedroom, and I had to promise.”

I heard that Seok Jin-soo had borrowed money from Kim Tae-hee, so Kim Tae-hee asked for a bedroom, and Yoon-ah couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She has also seen this house. It is big and luxurious. It can be said that she has never seen a beautiful, even she wants to live here.

The national goddess is no exception?

But Kim Tae-hee can have a bedroom here, can she be willing?

The corner of the eye swept and saw the bedroom diagonally opposite.

Seok Jin-soo’s new home, the size of each bedroom is actually the same, but the decoration has different styles.

For example, his master bedroom is dominated by luxurious and tranquil dark gold, suitable for rest.

Kim Tae-hee’s bedroom is elegant, light gray and milky white, clean and dreamy, yet refreshing.

The bedroom that Yoon-ah noticed, dominated by white and cream yellow, looks very warm.

She is very thin. When it is cold, it is easy to cold hands and feet, and it is cold, so I care about whether it is warm or not.

I grew up in a single-parent family and didn’t appreciate my mother’s embrace, so I liked this warm and comfortable environment.

What she likes the most is that the large bed is connected to the backrest sofa, facing the LCD TV. When a person is bored, they can lie on the sofa and watch TV.

Yoon-ah looked in his eyes and liked it in his heart. He quickly said, “That bedroom belongs to me.”

Seok Jin-soo pushed her little head and said with anger: “Yah!! What is it for you? Are you King of the Mountain? This is my home, not a place to divide.”

Yoon-ah picked up a small mouth when he heard that Seok Jin-soo didn’t want to.

“Then why is Kim Tae-hee sunbae-nim going to have a bedroom?”

Seok Jin-soo scares her.

“Don’t listen to me? She invested a billion. You want the bedroom, give me one billion, and that bedroom belongs to you.”

Yoon-ah has a glimpse of his mouth.

“No money.”

She has not debuted for three years, and now she has not earned a penny. One billion for her, the same as the astronomical number.

However, this missy immediately gave birth to the beauty plan, gracefully gathered together, close to the chest of Seok Jin-soo.

“Although I don’t have money, people can already give yourself to you. Isn’t your Yoon-ah worth a billion?”

Seok Jin-soo hairs are all upright.

“Yeah!! Say clearly, give me anything? I have nothing to do.”

Yoon-ah’s apricot eyes are round and sullen.

“Hey, dead man, don’t you admit it? At that time, at Family Outing, people have done it for you. It’s a big deal. It’s a big deal. It’s better to serve you again today.”

At the end of the day, this missy is as sweet as a silky spring, and the spring is surging.

Seok Jin-soo has a dry mouth and found that abstinence is too long. When I hit the charm, it is too difficult.

I quickly warned myself to wake up, but I also had to give in.

“You liTTL- Time To Love e missy Don’t always think about that kind of thing, are you a rogue? Well, since you like it, you will use this bedroom later.”

Although not explicitly stated, this bedroom belongs to Yoon-ah. However, Seok Jin-soo gave the right to use and Yoon-ah has already met.

On a quiet and peaceful night, Seok Jin-soo has prepared a delicious, beautiful and hearty candlelight dinner.

Still in the starry sky and candlelight, Yoon-ah’s face is more beautiful and more beautiful.

The two sat face to face, Seok Jin-soo carefully asked Yoon-ah to cut the steak.

He knows that the little girl likes the romantic and beautiful atmosphere. Since she promised to prepare a candlelight dinner for her, she was very prepared.

Yoon-ah has long been fascinated by this wonderful scene, and it is not so important as to how delicious the food is in the mouth.

Being able to spend time with your loved ones on such a night is the most important thing.

The candlelight swayed, and the eyes of Yoon-ah were full of love and cravings, and the numbness seemed to sweep through Seok Jin-soo.

“Oppa, cheers!”

Yoon-ah picked up the glass and lifted it to Seok Jin-soo.

In the transparent goblet, the red wine is full of fascinating colors, but the beautiful people behind the glass are more beautiful and jade.

Seok Jin-soo is also a bit drunk and is enchanted by this charm.

Two wine glasses met in the air, but each of them was connected.

The wine is not drunk and everyone is drunk, and Yoon-ah’s white cheeks are already full of blush. I don’t know if it is the intrusion of the wine, or the shame of the mood.

Unconsciously, liTTL-Time To Love e missy couldn’t help but catch the hair of the wave hair, making the fine hair become soft and soft.

Seok Jin-soo looked in his eyes, and for a while, it seemed that for the first time, the girl who was always full of enthusiasm and ghosts was already feminine.

Time, always give you a different feeling when you ignore it.

Thank you for reading 55555, refreshing nuclear bombs in place, Jin Donggua, Brain Remnant, 哒hl, Qin Wang Dongming, Suddenly Good Blue, O Heavenly Emperor, leo5 Devil, Jintai X, Fruit, Eclipse, Krezreal, Lonely Wind , 喵喵仙人, ~h OK, deep sea t octopus, tanglongg, Wushuanghuang proud sky, Oppa Zach’s reward!

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