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杩椤浼椤疄鍦ㄥお鑳 皵浜 皵浜 皵浜 銆

Eun Ji-won 涓€鍙f皵娌’笂鏉ワ纴鐩寸炕锏界溂銆

鍏 粬浜 粬浜 篃閮  Seok Jin-soo 鍙h瘘绗斾紣锛屽 涓崭 涓崭 杩欑姘斻 €

鈥沧垜浠槠鐒朵笉璁よ瘑 Kim Tae-hee 锛屼絾涔熻璇咼eon Ji-hyun 镄勩€傗€

鈥沧垜鍜孲ong Hye-kyo 镄勫叧绯讳篃寰堜笉阌欍€傗€

Seok Jin-soo 镞╁ 涔犳傥浜呜 涔犳傥浜呜 涔犳傥浜呜 涔犳傥浜呜 纴渚濇棫浜戞贰椋庤 纴渚濇棫浜戞贰椋庤

鈥滀綘浠殑 chain 嫔弸寰埚帀瀹 悧锛熸湁 sy Psy 镄勬湅鍙嫔帀瀹 悧锛熲 悧锛熲

镞佽 镄 镄 sy 銮悕鍏跺锛屽 銮悕鍏跺锛屽 銮悕鍏跺锛屽 璇 垜濂 垜濂 垜濂 垜濂 緟镌 锛屾 锛屾 锛屾 锛屾 锛屾 庝箞璇 庝箞璇 庝箞璇 庝箞璇 庝箞璇 庝箞璇 庝箞璇

娌$瓑浠栨槑锏 瓑浠栨槑锏eok Jin-soo 镄勬墦鍑诲 鏉ヤ 鏉ヤ 銆

鈥淧sy 镄勬湅鍙嬧€[€〉彲鏄啖阒熷晩锛佲€

婊”満娌歌吘锛屼即吘锛屼 Psy 镄勭妫鍙€

鈥渊ah!! 镊皬瀛愶纴浠婂ぉ闱炲缑鎻崭綘涓嶅彲銆傗€

Se€Seok Jin-soo 墦銆傝劯涓婂嵈娆 墦銆傝劯涓婂嵈娆 墦銆傝劯涓婂嵈娆 摥镞犳 摥镞犳 锛屾棭鐭ラ 锛屾棭鐭ラ 锛屾棭鐭ラ 锛屾棭鐭ラ 锛屾棭鐭ラ拰杩椤浼欎竴璧峰嚭婕攑rogram 浜嗐€

Kang Ho-dong 旋 槸绗戠殑鐪 槸绗戠殑鐪 槸绗戠殑鐪 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮

鈥淗aha Haha 鍝堬纴Jin-soo 鍟婏纴涓嶈鍒板镦介镣镣伀鍟婏纴chain钖庢钖庢病钖庢虹殑銆傗€

杩桦缑鏄疞ee Seung-gi 鎶婅瘽棰樻媺锲炴潵銆

鈥沦eok Jin-soo 鈥荣si 锛岄一璇稫 Taim Tae-hee sunbae-nim 鍑 紨 紨 mv锛屽緢锲 with 毦钖э纻鎹垜 鐭ワ纴 鐭ワ纴 鐭ワ纴 鐭ワ纴 sunbae-nim 浼 箮涓嶆€庝箞绛斿簲杩欑瑕佹眰镄勫晩銆傗€

鍦ㄥぇ瀹跺ソ濂囧綋涓纴Seok Jin-soo 鎯 鎯 鎯 鎯

鈥滃叾瀹炰篃娌°C湁澶氶毦锛屾嵁鎴戣瀵燂纴闾d綅noona 鍏跺疄涔熸兂鍑哄幓鐜┿€傗€

涓€鍙ヨ瘽锛岃Kim Tae-hee 镄勫船璞”啀娆$珛浣撹捣鏉ワ纴涔熻澶у姝笉浣忕瑧澹like €

Seok Jin-soo 缁х画阆掳阆掳鈥滃叾瀹炶鈥滃叾瀹炶Kim Tae-hee noona 寰埚枩娆纴镓€浠ユ垜闾€璇峰ス鍑ス鍑紨mv镄勬椂 chain欙纴濂玫瑰緢鐥涘揩鍦板绛斿簲浜嗐绛斿簲浜嗐€傗€

钖鏄疜im Tae-hee 寰埚枩娆(3)殑姝屾洸锛屽ぇ瀹堕兘鏉ヤ简绮剧銆


鈥淜im Tae-hee 閮 枩娆 (3) 殑姝屾洸锛岃偗瀹 緢浜嗕笉璧 緢浜嗕笉璧 晩銆傗 晩銆傗

Seok Jin-soo 浠嬬粛阆掳 鈥滃叾瀹炶 鈥滃叾瀹炶 棣栨瓕 棣栨瓕 棭鍦╔ 棭鍦╔ 棭鍦╔ 棭鍦╔ 棭鍦╔ 棭鍦╔ 棭鍦╔ 棭鍦╔ 棭鍦╔ 棭鍦╔ 锛屼絾镞 锛屼絾镞 锛屼絾镞 锛屼絾镞 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩€浠ユ墠娌°C 湁鍙戣銆 悗鏉ョ粰鍑犱 浜哄敱杩囷纴澶 浜哄敱杩囷纴澶 閮 閮 閮 閮 涓嶉敊锛屼篃鍧 畾浜嗘垜鎯 畾浜嗘垜鎯 畾浜嗘垜鎯勫喅蹇冦€傗€

钖浠栫殑姝屽眳鐒 钖浠栫殑姝屽眳鐒 棭灏 棭灏 涓栦 涓栦 涓栦 锛屽ぇ瀹 锛屽ぇ瀹 锛屽ぇ瀹 锛屽ぇ瀹

鈥沦eok Jin-soo 鈥荣si 锛岀粰鎴戜滑涔熷惉钖惂銆傗

Kang Ho-dong 鍑嗙’鎶扑綇镞舵

鈥 幇鍦ㄦ湁璇 ぇ ぇ ぇ ╂皯锲 ╂皯锲 ╂皯锲 殑 殑 殑 殑 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok okヤ粬镄勪 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 寮犱笓杈

鍦ㄥぇ瀹 楦 楦 殑鎺屽 殑鎺屽 殑鎺屽 涓纴 涓纴 Seok Jin-soo 杩堟璧 叆鑸炲彴涓ぎ锛屼粠宸ヤ綔浜哄憳镄勬 叆鑸炲彴涓ぎ锛屼粠宸ヤ綔浜哄憳镄勬 涓帴杩囦 涓帴杩囦 璇濈瓛銆

鍏跺疄杩戝嚑骞达纴鍏充簬Seok Jin-soo 镄勫敱锷熷疄锷涳纴鍦ㄤ笟鐣屽唴閮ㄥ 夋祦浼犮 夋祦浼犮 笉灏戜 笉灏戜 笉灏戜 笉灏戜 笉灏戜 笉灏戜 笉灏戜 笉灏戜 笉灏戜 笉灏戜 笉灏戜 笉灏戜粬鍞卞姛浜嗗缑锛屼絾寰埚皯 chain 夎 钖殑 chain 轰 銆


So soon, the beautiful melody sounded softly.

Everyone knows that this is actually a very soothing and gentle song.

Like the breeze on the beach, it blew the hair, plucked the mood, and fell into memories.

I have a beautiful story, I’m calling to tell you.

You ask me what I am doing

I am at Yeosu Night Sea by Yeosu Night Sea


I want to walk here with you.

I want to walk with you on this beach.

I want to walk with you on this road.

I want to walk with you on this beach.

Yeosu Night Sea ……

It can be said that more than 90% of the people present, whether they are artists or audiences, have never been to Yeosu.

But in this soft melody and sweet singing, there is a beautiful picture that can’t help but appear in my mind.

Everyone is imagining that the sea, how beautiful it is!

Is it time to find a time to experience it?

“Yeosu Night Sea” is not a test of singing songs, but more to win with sound.

The sound is like the scene, listening to the dream, has some feelings.

The beautiful songs easily evoke the mood of everyone, and they all remember a love in the heart!

So that the song ended, everyone was still immersed in the ambiguous mood, it is difficult to come out.

Fortunately, Lee Seung-gi still remembers that this is doing a program and quickly dominated the atmosphere.

“Wow, what should I do? This song is too beautiful, I already like it.”

His words made everyone wake up, and the rapid, tidal applause spread from the stage to the stage, and everyone sincerely offered praise.

Such a masterpiece deserves such applause.

Seok Jin-soo returned to his position and suddenly noticed that the Tae-yeon eyes next to it were sparkling.

This missy is very emotional, and has a natural understanding of lyric songs. Otherwise, it will not linger “If”.

Apparently, the voice of Seok Jin-soo reminded her of the days when she sang “If”, and she couldn’t help feeling.

Seok Jin-soo smiled warmly at her, signaling her not to go away, still recording the program.

Kang Ho-dong Don’t look at the five big three, but there is a young girl’s emotional heart, even out of the mood of the song later than others.

“Yah!! Seok Jin-soo, great! Wow, this song has to be downloaded!”

It’s rare for a person who doesn’t listen to the song to say such a thing, so Seok Jin-soo is also very happy, and he gave him a thumbs up.

Kang Ho-dong knows more about Seok Jin-soo.

“As far as I know, Seok Jin-soo ‘ssi is a Shuntian. Isn’t that close to Yeosu? Maybe for this reason, did you write this song?”

Seok Jin-soo nodded.

“Although I am a Shuntian, but I grew up in a village, and Yeosu is separated by a mountain. So when I was young, I often went to Yeosu to play, or I grew up in Yeosu.”

Psy finally found the opportunity to retaliate and asked: “How much endorsement does Yeosu give you?”

Seok Jin-soo is not afraid of this kind of randomness, and immediately said: “Although I haven’t started to negotiate, but Mayor Yeosu has to ask me to eat.”

It was the applause of the audience, and everyone was admired for his wit.

It is the most popular comedian in recent times, and its ability is truly outstanding.

The interviews have to come one by one. He has been here for a long time, so next, Kang Ho-dong begins to introduce Girl’s Generation.

“Christmas is like a white snowflake Girl’s Generation, everyone welcomes Girl’s Generation!”

Tae-yeon, Seo-hyun and Hyo-yeon stood up together and greeted everyone.

Good guy, Girl’s Generation is coming, the male artists on the scene are crazy, the screams are very harsh, and they can catch up with the army.

The female guests also said: “Yah!! The introduction guests saw the men are standing up for the first time.”

Some people have noticed different places.

“Seok Jin-soo didn’t stand up.”

In this regard, Seok Jin-soo swings his hand, and the clouds are light and windy.

“Oh, too familiar, often seen, boring.”

The more he pretended not to care, the more angry others were.

The brain yelled at him.

“Yah!! Are you very proud? It is Kim Tae-hee and Girl’s Generation. How do you know so many goddesses?”

Seok Jin-soo looked at him and asked more questions.

“I was even more curious. You are also from the sm company. How can you be so unfamiliar with Girl’s Generation?”

The brain was so stunned that in the laughter of everyone, I had to blew myself up.

“Because we are not red, we can’t get close.”

In fact, flytothesky has left the sm company, and Girl’s Generation is not in the same period, and there is naturally no intersection.

Kang Ho-dong’s first interview was Tae-yeon.

“But when it comes to Girl’s Generation, it’s the team leader. The symbol of the team leader is Tae-yeon. But at the beginning I wrote that I was a retired team leader. Are you retiring?”

Seok Jin-soo didn’t know about it, and asked curiously: “The fight has lost? Girl’s Generation is even more powerful than your fight?”

Ok, he can’t talk. As soon as he spoke, he exploded.

In everyone’s laughter, Tae-yeon can’t panic.

“Ani ~yo, Ani ~yo Yah!! It’s not.”

Lee Seung-gi is also interesting.

“Is the team leader of Girl’s Generation determined by the fight? Yah!! Can beat eight opponents, Miss Tae-yeon is very powerful!”

Kang Ho-dong was even worse and began to fall.

“I also faintly heard about it…”

Tae-yeon couldn’t help herself, and her tears were all laughing, but she took Seok Jin-soo.

“Oppa, blame you. From now on, don’t talk!”

Seok Jin-soo was shocked and quickly made a Nana chain action on his mouth.

Tae-yeon adjusted for a long time before he could answer the question.

“This is the first time in the program.”

Seeing this is really the case, everyone is shocked and pays more attention.

Kang Ho-dong is also amazed.

“But Tae-yeon, aren’t you a team leader for Girl’s Generation?”


“Not now?”


The answer is even more elusive.

Kang Ho-dong stopped everyone’s exclamation and said, “When you listen to Tae-yeon, what is going on?”

Seok Jin-soo was forbearing and forbearing, and finally did not hold back, warning Tae-yeon.

“Tae-yeon, you have to think clearly before you talk, if there is any meaning. If you become Yoon-ah second, your Girl’s Generation will enter the blacklist of pd in the future.”

Yes, the scene was messed up.

Everyone remembers the first issue, Yoon-ah that doesn’t make sense.

Looking back at Tae-yeon, I found that this liTTL-Time To Love e missy is always smiling, and it doesn’t look like a big thing.

If this is really boring, the name of Girl’s Generation that is not funny can be louder and louder.

Tae-yeon didn’t think about it, and he couldn’t help but be a little scared. At the same time, my mind is turning rapidly, thinking about whether my story has any meaning.

Kang Ho-dong squinted and threatened Seok Jin-soo.

“Yah!! Shut up, we are all waiting for Miss Tae-yeon.”

Can’t beat this pig, Seok Jin-soo had to be honest.

No one stopped, and Tae-yeon had to say it according to his own ideas.

“First of nine people, nine is a big number. So it is very difficult to bring together the opinions of the nine children. And my character is also a little cautious, so I can’t be so discouraged, feel the team. The role of the leader is very difficult. At the beginning of the debut, there are a lot of cautious thoughts…”

Seok Jin-soo’s mouth is itchy, and in one sentence, Tae-yeon’s dignity is broken.

“Hey, there is no cautious thought before going out. It’s very good when I hit me.”

Tae-yeon was swaying and his eyes were white.

This damn Oppa, why do you have a good time every time?

Thank you, Jin Donggua, Qin Wang Dongming, crazy or wind, it is really you and her reward!

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