Korean Entertainment – Exalted President
Chapter 517
湡镄勩 奾 奾 abutt ytogether3 銆嬬殑鍢夊涓 鍏卞洓涓﹄ 锛屽 锛屽 鎷琒 鎷琒 eok Jin-soo 銆
鍙槸 佸埌鍏 佸埌鍏 粬涓変 粬涓変 粬涓変 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜
鈥渊啊!! 鐪熸槸锛屽张侀侀侀浜嗐傜湅澶傜湅澶傜湅澶傜湅澶 鐪熸槸鐑€憿銆傗
瀛 枡鐪 枡鐪 墠镄勮儢瀹 墠镄勮儢瀹 涔熷 涔熷 涔熷 涔熷 涓嶅锛屽浠栧悓镙 涓嶅锛屽浠栧悓镙 涓嶅锛屽浠栧悓镙 涓嶅锛屽浠栧悓镙 涓嶅锛屽浠栧悓镙 涓嶅锛屽浠栧悓镙 涓嶅锛屽浠栧悓镙 涓嶅锛屽浠栧悓镙
鈥滀 鈥滀 垜镒挎剰鐪嫔埌浣犲悧锛熺湡镄勶纴涓婃 垜镒挎剰鐪嫔埌浣犲悧锛熺湡镄勶纴涓婃 垜镒挎剰鐪嫔埌浣犲悧锛熺湡镄勶纴涓婃 垜镒挎剰鐪嫔埌浣犲悧锛熺湡镄勶纴涓婃 垜镒挎剰鐪嫔埌浣犲悧锛熺湡镄勶纴涓婃 垜镒挎剰鐪嫔埌浣犲悧锛熺湡镄勶纴涓婃 垜镒挎剰鐪嫔埌浣犲悧锛熺湡镄勶纴涓婃 垜镒挎剰鐪嫔埌浣犲悧锛熺湡镄勶纴涓婃 垜镒挎剰鐪嫔埌浣犲悧锛熺湡镄勶纴涓婃 垜镒挎剰鐪嫔埌浣犲悧锛熺湡镄勶纴涓婃 垜镒挎剰鐪嫔埌浣犲悧锛熺湡镄勶纴涓婃 Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart
Seok Jin-soo 鎭笉鐭ヨ€汇€
鈥滃掼锛屾垜闾f槸宁綘鍦ㄤ簤鍙栦calling 忋€傗€
Psy 姘旀浜嗗槾宸 €
鐪嬬潃涓や汉浜掓€硷纴濞硷纴濞壋鍙埍镄勫コ瀛╂憜鍑篴 dorably 鍝掔殑濮垮娍銆
鈥渌ppa 锛岃缮鏄湅鍒 垜蹇冩儏濂 垜蹇冩儏濂 惂锛熲
Seok Jin-soo 鎺ㄧ潃濂圭殑鑴戣锛岃濂殑鑴戣锛岃濂镊镊杩杩
鈥滃幓铡诲幓锛屽ぉ澶╄兘澶熺湅鍒 綘浠珿 綘浠珿 irl鈥檚Generation 庝箞鍒 庝箞鍒 閮 閮 閮 槸锛熻瘽璇 ess Jessica 锛屼粖澶╀綘涓 锛屼粖澶╀綘涓粈涔堟潵锛熲€
浠栧拰Psy 鏉ワ纴鏄 浜嗗浼犳柊姝岀殑锛屼絾鐪熺殑涓岖煡阆揓 essica 涓 粈涔堜 粈涔堜 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 屻 屻
Jessica village reaction
鈥沧垜闅鹃死涓嶉渶瑕佸嚭婕攑rogram 钖楋纻鎴戜篃瑕佷汉姘旗殑鍟娿€傗€
Seok Jin-soo 镄 潃鐪夊ご锛屾湁镣 潃鐪夊ご锛屾湁镣 氥 氥 氥
鈥滈棶棰樻槸浣犱笉鎼炵瑧鍟婏纴姣擸oon-ah 杩樻病镒忔€濆憿銆傗€
鈥渌ppa 锛佲€
濂 惂锛岃 惂锛岃 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 鎾╂嫧濂 鎾╂嫧濂 ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess ess
澶 閮 閮 閮 崲濂 崲濂 娴 娴 娴 娴 娴 娴 娴 屻
銆奾abutt ytogether銆嫔緢 chain is as effective as Fan Wei
杩栾窡 ╁浗镄勬枃鍖栨湁鍏 ╁浗镄勬枃鍖栨湁鍏 ╁浗镄勬枃鍖栨湁鍏 ╁浗镄勬枃鍖栨湁鍏 ╁浗镄勬枃鍖栨湁鍏 ╁浗镄勬枃鍖栨湁鍏 ╁浗镄勬枃鍖栨湁鍏 鍫傝 鍫傝 鍫傝 鍫傝 鍫傝 鍫傝 鍫傝 鍫傝 鍫傝鏉 殑濂 殑濂 殑濂 幓澶勩
鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 镙 殑鐜 殑鐜 岋纴澶 閮 閮 閮 彲浠ョ晠 彲浠ョ晠 彲浠ョ晠 娆 娆 锛岀钖坧 锛岀钖坧 锛岀钖坧 锛岀钖坧 锛岀钖坧 锛岀钖坧 锛岀钖坧 锛岀钖坧 锛岀钖坧
涓 涓婃潵锛屽 涓婃潵锛屽 涓婃潵锛屽 鏄痀 Ja Jae-seok 镄勫揩鍢 €
鈥滀竴璧锋洿骞哥镄勬槦 chain 熷洓鏅hydrogen abutt ttogether锛侊紒鈥
澶 镄勬帉澹 镄勬帉澹 腑锛孻 oo Jae-seok 缁 涓 涓 涓 涓
鈥滀 澶 浠嬬粛闂︼ 浠嬬粛闂︼ 浠嬬粛闂︼ 鏄熸湡锲涙櫄涓婄殑瓒呯壒绾 鏄熸湡锲涙櫄涓婄殑瓒呯壒绾 槈瀹撅纴鎴戜 槈瀹撅纴鎴戜 槈瀹撅纴鎴戜 Jessica 銆丼 eok Jin-soo 銆丳 sy 鍜屾湸鏅哄杽锛侊紒鈥
鐪嬬潃锲涗綅鍢夊锛孭ark Mi-sun 鍗佸垎镄勯珮鍏 €
瀛版枡Yoo Jae-seok 鐩存帴鎽囧ご锛屼竴鑴哥殑涓嶆殑涓嶆
鈥滈珮鍏 粈涔堬纻涓 涓槦 涓槦 涓槦 涓槦 熷埌搴曡 熷埌搴曡 佸嚑娆 佸嚑娆 佸嚑娆 晩锛岀湡鏄 晩锛岀湡鏄 晩锛岀湡鏄 锛佲 锛佲 锛佲
涓€杈筃agging 锛屼竴杈 寚镌 Se Seok Jin-soo 锛岄偅镒忔 濆啀鏄庣 濆啀鏄庣 涓嶈 涓嶈 涓嶈 浜嗐 浜嗐
璇翠杩欎箞澶氲缮涓嶅锛孻 杩欎箞澶氲缮涓嶅锛孻 e Jae-seok 镄勫槾宸村 ammonia 濂 儚娌 °C 湁 pot 滆 涓 镙 镙 € €
鈥滀竴涓槦 chain熻兘澶熷湪program reading board洓娆★纴鍏夋槸鐪嬬潃杩椤紶鑴稿澶熶澶熶澶熶€
Seok Jin-soo is depressed.
鈥滃掼锛屾垜涔熶笉鎯崇湅鍒 綘鍟娿€傗€
Yoo Jae-seok 镄勪富鍦鍦纴鍙笉璁╃潃浠栦
鈥滃垰 嶅湪寰呮満瀹ら噷锛孲 嶅湪寰呮満瀹ら噷锛孲 eok Jin-soo 璺烶 sy 銆佹澃 Jessica 灏忓璇 纴 佸浜嗗お鐑 佸浜嗗お鐑 佸浜嗗お鐑 € € € €憿銆傗€
Seok Jin-soo 钖屾牱鑴歌壊阒撮儊銆
鈥滆涓嶆槸涓 鐢熸椿锛屼綘浠ヤ 鐢熸椿锛屼綘浠ヤ 鐢熸椿锛屼綘浠ヤ 鐢熸椿锛屼綘浠ヤ 鎴戜 鏉ュ悧锛熲 鏉ュ悧锛熲 鏉ュ悧锛熲
镡熸倝镄勫厔寮熶 涓婃潵灏 涓婃潵灏 涓婃潵灏 涓﹄簰镐 涓﹄簰镐 涓﹄簰镐 涓﹄簰镐 涓﹄簰镐 涓﹄簰镐 涓﹄簰镐
涓嶈 浠婂ぉ璁╀ 浠婂ぉ璁╀ 锛孭 锛孭 锛孭 锛孭 Myeong-su 鍜孲hin Bong-sun 涓嶅湪銆
鈥滀粠浠婂ぉ寮€濮嬶纴涔嫔墠鍜屾垜浠竴璧风殑Shin Bong-sun 鍜孭ark Myeong-su 鈥[€[€
Park Mi-sun answered with joy: “Is it finally gone?”
It seems that she has not suffered from Park Myeong-su, so I thought about it for a long time.
Seok Jin-soo leaned against the wall and shared the same feeling: “When you leave from the Infinite Challenge, it will be fine.”
A group of people can no longer sit still, patted their thighs, and they have to cramp.
Poor Park Myeong-su, it’s really not popular anywhere.
Park Myeong-su and Shin Bong-sun did not leave, just prepared a special performance.
With the introduction of Yoo Jae-seok, the two men ran out from the small door next to them, performing Seok Jin-soo’s famous song “Candy In My Ear” and Psy’s “Bird”.
It’s not like it’s not important, it’s funny.
After the performance, Park Myeong-su was filled with shame.
“I said don’t do it.”
One finger Psy.
“He is too angry, not a hot radish.”
Then another refers to Seok Jin-soo.
“This is an annoying guy and I don’t want to see you.”
Unfortunately, Yoo Jae-seok revealed the information.
“After the production team tossed it, I said no to the wine table, Park Myeong-su resolutely opposed, but Shin Bong-sun gave him his wings and agreed.”
Seok Jin-soo is more fluent than two female mcs.
“What can I do if I don’t agree? It’s so old, no one wants it after leaving.”
Park Myeong-su is coughing, and there is no way to talk. He has to use eye darts to kill him.
Yoo Jae-seok is crying and laughing. He teaches Seok Jin-soo: “Yah!! Didn’t interview you, don’t always pick up.”
Seok Jin-soo is also aggrieved by everyone’s laughter.
“I don’t want to pick up, but I am used to it.”
After that, he explained it to everyone.
“When Jae-seok hyeong spoke, in fact, my mind was in a mess, I was thinking, what is this program. Infinite Challenge? Family Outing? Come To Play? I didn’t find it until I saw the clothes. It’s not my fixed program. “”
Everyone laughed even more, and they shared the same feeling.
Park Myeong-su is finally coming over.
“Yah!! Kid, warn you. Today you are a guest, stay well, then hurry. Did you hear?”
Seok Jin-soo is inexplicable.
“Old guy, what are you so nervous? Will I grab your seat? I invited me last time, I didn’t agree.”
Park Myeong-su was scared, and then stared at the pd sitting underneath.
“Have you really invited?”
Pd looked blank and quickly squinted and lowered his head, not looking at Park Myeong-su.
Fortunately, Yoo Jae-seok, the host can still control.
“Today, there are four super-special guests who shine on Thursday night. The four of today have something in common with each other.”
Others listened, and Seok Jin-soo was particularly surprised.
“Who? I? Have something in common with this? Is the production team making a mess?”
Good guys, actually open the program group, the bottom of the pd and the writers are all extremely depressed.
Yoo Jae-seok hurry to appease him.
“Seok Jin-soo ‘ssi, about what you and Psy have in common, we will talk about it later.”
Since it was Psy, he naturally opened his mouth.
“kbs is my favorite program, so I can’t take it.”
Seok Jin-soo started to mess up again.
“I thought I was called back again.”
Psy grabbed his neck.
“Yah!! Give me a shut up. Really, my temper is so good, I want to beat people.”
He just spoke up, but did not expect that the other side of Jessica actually directly smashed.
This action was seen by Yoo Jae-seok, and I burst into laughter.
“Hey Haha Ha, Jessica ‘ssi, why are we Seok Jin-soo?”
Jie Jessica, this is what I understand, my face is red, but I still complain: “This Oppa is very irritating. I just said that I was not interested.”
Yoo Jae-seok continues to ask Psy.
“I don’t know what kind of relationship these people have with Psy?”
Psy first talked about Jessica.
“Jessica is a person who has given me a lot of strength in the military life.”
Seok Jin-soo started digging again.
“Psy only likes Jessica, but she doesn’t care about the other girls in Girl’s Generation!”
Psy is once again violent.
“Yah!! I haven’t said it at all. Why do you always hurt me?”
Seok Jin-soo teased him.
“It’s what you said, Jessica is a person who gives you a lot of power, so Girl’s Generation has no relationship with other members.”
Psy’s gas headache, licking the back neck, only the strength of turning his eyes.
Since Seok Jin-soo is open, Yoo Jae-seok looks at it meaningfully.
“Seok Jin-soo ‘ssi, would you like to know what you have in common with Psy?”
Seok Jin-soo is always so unexpected.
“I don’t want to know that this brother is not a good person. It doesn’t matter if it is the best.”
Although this made a big laugh, Yoo Jae-seok continued: “Seok Jin-soo ‘ssi and Psy have something in common with the military. The two are simply half a catty, and they are all the catastrophic kings of the army! ”
Seok Jin-soo was in the dark, and I didn’t expect it to be the same as Psy.
Psy is also the first to know, surprised to ask: “Has he also gone twice?”
Yoo Jae-seok smiled and shook his head.
“Ani ~yo, Seok Jin-soo ‘ssi, although not going twice, but put an empty gun.”
Understand what happened, Psy’s momentum came up, pointing to Seok Jin-soo roaring.
“Yah!! You guy, what is the qualification to say me?”
After introducing Psy, the topic came to Seok Jin-soo.
Because everyone is familiar with it, even if there is no Taiwanese, there is no shortage of topics.
I didn’t wait for Yoo Jae-seok to open this time, Park Myeong-su asked first.
“Yah!! You guy, what have you been doing these days? Why can’t you contact you?”
Seok Jin-soo has a deep vision and a fascinating mood.
“I was staying at home and enjoying life. The result was deceiving and suffering a lot.”
“Are you actually being cheated?”
This is a big deal, Yoo Jae-seok and Park Myeong-su are together.
After getting along for so many years, they know too much about this younger brother. To speak savvy, he said second, no one dares to say first.
Such a sly person has been deceived, and the same novelty as Tae-yang rises from the west.
Park Mi-sun also knows about Seok Jin-soo and asks: “Who were you cheating?”
No one thought of an unexpected name from the mouth of Seok Jin-soo.
“Ha Jung-woo.”
“Is that Ha Jung-woo?”
“Is Ha Guung-woo we are familiar with?”
“Really actor Ha Jung-woo?”
Yoo Jae-seok finally recovered and asked: “You have nothing to do with Ha Jung-woo?”
He does not remember, Seok Jin-soo knows Ha Jung-woo.
Seok Jin-soo has to be introduced from the beginning.
“Ha Jung-woo’s father, Kim Young-geun sunbae-nim, has appeared in Temptation Of Wife.”
He said this, everyone reacted.
Seok Jin-soo continued: “Because of this relationship, I met Kim Young-geun sunbae-nim. Ha Jung-woo is not filming, and it is difficult to find a suitable actor with a guest character. Contacted me by Kim Young-geun sunbae-nim.”
Park Myeong-su exclaimed.
“You starred in a movie?”
It is obvious from the eyes of Xiao Ge, his envy and envy.
It’s a good thing to star in a movie, but it’s still a big thing like Ha Jung-woo.
This maknae, how can I always get to know such a great network?
Thank you, Bai Ding, krezreal, otaku, etc., and the rewards of the immortals!
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