The latest chapter in the voice of the Korean entertainment heart, the 535 chapter leisure time, floating astronomy

Oh la la…

The white jade-like Ga-in swayed the water and swept across the blue water.

The skin of the white sap is the same as the surface of the sapphire, with a suffocating beauty.

But even then, it did not attract the attention of Seok Jin-soo.

He is still lying on the chair by the pool, looking up at the night sky.

The stars are like a fight, and it is as chaotic as his heart.

When the year was over, it was a mess, and it gave Seok Jin-soo different feelings.

I participated in the sbs performing arts award last night, and finally all the awards ceremony was passed.

Unfortunately, in the sbs performing arts awards, the “Family Outing” record is a bit bleak.

With the exception of Yoo Jae-seok and Lee Hyo-ri, the rewards of others are minimal.

Going to Seok Jin-soo here, don’t say the best rewards, even the best rewards.

Obviously, the harassment of “Family Outing” made sbs very dissatisfied.

If the big rewards of Yoo Jae-seok and Lee Hyo-ri are too high, and sbs have to compromise, maybe the honor of “Family Outing” will be even more bleak.

But these don’t matter, things are all gone.

In terms of art, Seok Jin-soo is nothing more than “Infinite Challenge”.

After New Year’s Day, the things he was going to do were filming and t-ara’s comeback.

It is worth mentioning that the previous pure two-part series played a very good foundation, so that t-ara is no longer a nameless generation.

This time the comeback, although still a single, but the sound source of “Cheer Up” from the beginning of a release, is in a state of broken form, very early last year, Girl’s Generation crazy posture.

Because of this, t-ara is busy all the time. Not only the song-playing activities, TV programs need to be starred, but also a lot of commercial performances.

I can see that the six girls are happy and positive, and obviously enjoy it.

For younger people, having activities and being popular means that they have money to earn. How can they be unhappy?

Seeing that t-ara’s comeback has gone to formality, Seok Jin-soo has had a heart and can cultivate it.

During this time, the recording of “Infinite Challenge” has not stopped, and it has been going on. Just broadcast it, it will take a long time.

The special feature that everyone is doing is the wwe professional wrestling.

浠庡幓骞 竷 竷 堜 堜 濮嬶纴鍒 濮嬶纴鍒 濮嬶纴鍒 濮嬶纴鍒 綔缁勮绛栧垝闀挎湡鐗 綔缁勮绛栧垝闀挎湡鐗 綔缁勮绛栧垝闀挎湡鐗 綔缁勮绛栧垝闀挎湡鐗 緫寮 濮嬶纴涓 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩鍜岀粌涔犲綋涓€

镊 簬浠 涔堟椂 涔堟椂 涔堟椂 紬 紬 紬 紬 锛岃繛 锛岃繛 锛岃繛 锛岃繛 锛岃繛 锛岃繛 锛岃繛 锛岃繛 锛岃繛

鍙嶆 chain 杩戣 杩戣 娈 娈 椂闂 纴涓 纴涓 纴涓 缁冧 缁冧 ok ok ok ok eok Jin-soo 娴戣 涓娄笅鏄棤澶勪笉鐥 涓娄笅鏄棤澶勪笉鐥 € 笂娆 笂娆 粌涔 粌涔 粌涔 粌涔犵殑镞跺 欙纴涓 欙纴涓 涓﹄笉灏忓 涓﹄笉灏忓 涓﹄笉灏忓 杩樻憯鍒 杩樻憯鍒 杩樻憯鍒 ° ° ° ° °

鍧》槠璁诧纴杩欎 鐗 鐗 鐗 鐗 ok ok ok eok Jin-soo 镄勪俊蹇冮兘涓嶆槸寰堣 frozen 銆

鍙嶆闅 缑浼戞伅镄勬椂闂 缑浼戞伅镄勬椂闂 纴 Seok Jin-soo 暗 瑕佸ソ濂 瑕佸ソ濂 瑕佸ソ濂 皟鏁 姸镐 姸镐 姸镐 €

鍐嶈 鍑犲ぉ锛屽 鍑犲ぉ锛屽 鍑犲ぉ锛屽 鍑犲ぉ锛屽 娄笉鍙ザ鎭曘 娄笉鍙ザ鎭曘 娄笉鍙ザ鎭曘 粬杩欎 粬杩欎 粬杩欎 粬杩欎 粬杩欎 粬杩欎 粬杩欎 粬杩欎 粬杩欎 粬杩欎 粬杩欎 桡纴鏄 桡纴鏄 Stunned shoulder

鏄ㄥぉSeok Jin-soo 鐪嫔埌浜呜 閮ㄧ 閮ㄧ 褰 褰 缁埚壀杈戠増 缁埚壀杈戠増 缁埚壀杈戠増 缁埚壀杈戠増 缁埚壀杈戠増 缁埚壀杈戠増 缁埚壀杈戠増 缁埚壀杈戠増 缁埚壀杈戠増 镒忥纴 镒忥纴 镒忥纴 镒忥纴 镒忥纴苟娌°C湁澶Argonium Fan Fan

Key 屼笖Kim OkClick B in 镄勬紨缁庢樉鐒 瘮 瘮 瘮 紬锛屽苟娌 ° ° ° ° Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Painted

寰楃煡浠栦紤鎭 锛孻 锛孻 oon-ah 绔嬮┈璺戜 杩囨潵銆

涓婃璧 殑镞跺 栾瑕佺粰浠栫湅姣斿熀灏硷纴杩欐濂 栾瑕佺粰浠栫湅姣斿熀灏硷纴杩欐濂 灉鐒跺厬鐜 灉鐒跺厬鐜 灉鐒跺厬鐜 灉鐒跺厬鐜 銆傛崲涓娄 銆傛崲涓娄 銆傛崲涓娄 銆傛崲涓娄 銆傛崲涓娄 銆傛崲涓娄 銆傛崲涓娄 銆傛崲涓娄 銆傛崲涓娄 銆傛崲涓娄凹钖庯纴濂 borrowed 儚涓€鏉$编浜洪奔銆

鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 镙 镙 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁锲炰笉鐭ラ 娓镐 娓镐 澶 澶 澶 澶 楀敖浜嗘墠椤 楀敖浜嗘墠椤 楀敖浜嗘墠椤 楀敖浜嗘墠椤 楀敖浜嗘墠椤 楀敖浜嗘墠椤 楀敖浜嗘墠椤 楀敖浜嗘墠椤 楀敖浜嗘墠椤 楀敖浜嗘墠椤

妗旈粍鑹茬殑鐏厜涓嬶纴杩檓issy 灏卞ソplated jade 竴镙 竴镙 纴鍦 磥镄勪笉鍙ず鐩 f磥镄勪笉鍙ず鐩€

Key 屼笖涓 灞旷ず缁橲 灞旷ず缁橲 eok Jin-soo 鐪嬶纴鏁呮剰 姩镌 姩镌 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐


涓嶈 鍏夐潬濂 鍏夐潬濂 鍏夐潬濂 鍏夐潬濂 殑瀹 灏卞 灏卞 灏卞 缁忚 缁忚 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 煄 煄 煄 煄 煄 煄 煄 煄 煄 煄 煄 煄 煄 浗锛岃壋涓A total of 镄勫崄鍒嗗

镐讳箣鐪嬬潃Yoon-ah 镄勬牱瀛愶纴Seok Jin-soo 涓崭簤姘斿湴钖炲捊璧 鍙 鍙 鍙 f 锛岀溂绁炰篃椋 锛岀溂绁炰篃椋 璧 璧 璧 璧

浠ュ墠浠栬缮浼氭Open 镒忥纴鐜 湪鍢涳纴宸茬粡鎭 (1) 浜嗗崟韬纴鑳嗗瓙涔熷ぇ浜嗕笉灏戙€

浠庢 noodle 嚭鏉ワ纴 board Yoon-ah 椤 鎷胯 鎷胯 鎷胯 姣涘 姣涘 锛屼竴杈 悜 悜 悜 悜 悜 悜 悜 Seok Jin-soo 璧 潵銆

鈥渌ppa 锛屼綘鍦ㄥ 锛屼綘鍦ㄥ 涔埚憿锛熶篃涓嶉櫔浜哄涓 涔埚憿锛熶篃涓嶉櫔浜哄涓 锛屽彂 锛屽彂 锛屽彂 锛屽彂 锛屽彂 锛屽彂 锛屽彂 濆悧锛熲 濆悧锛熲 濆悧锛熲 濆悧锛熲

杩栾瘽璇 inch mushroom

Seok Jin-soo 澹€澹€


杩檓issy 锛屾槑鏄庢梺杈 缮 缮 chain 夎 咃纴濂 咃纴濂 潪瑕佸潗鍦⊿ 潪瑕佸潗鍦⊿ eok Jin-soo 韬 銆 銆

鍒 垰娴 垰娴 鍦ㄦ 鍦ㄦ 鍦ㄦ 氨 氨 氨 氨 氨 氨 氨 氨 氨 氨


Seok Jin-soo 鐪 彔瀛愯 彔瀛愯 浜呜 锛屽樋鍢 锛屽樋鍢 锛屽樋鍢 瑧阆掳 瑧阆掳 瑧阆掳 瑧阆掳 簳瑕佽禋澶 簳瑕佽禋澶 簳瑕佽禋澶 簳瑕佽禋澶 皯阍憋纴 皯阍憋纴勫晩銆 綘杩欐潵浜嗕竴娆 纴鎶婃垜镄勫啺绠 纴鎶婃垜镄勫啺绠 纴鎶婃垜镄勫啺绠 纴鎶婃垜镄勫啺绠 兘 兘 兘 兘 兘 兘 兘 兘

Girl鈥檚Generation 姝e湪comeback 鍑嗗 chain 燂纴鍒殑涓嶈锛屽噺 ユ槸 ユ槸 ユ槸 畾蹇呰镄勩

Yoon-ah 铏 铏 纴鐪嬭捣鏉ュ拰楹 纴鐪嬭捣鏉ュ拰楹 纴鐪嬭捣鏉ュ拰楹 纴鐪嬭捣鏉ュ拰楹 潌浼 潌浼 潌浼 潌浼 褰 褰 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四

缁撴灉灏 槸锛屾潵鍒 槸锛屾潵鍒 槸锛屾潵鍒 槸锛屾潵鍒 槸锛屾潵鍒 槸锛屾潵鍒 啺绠 mis mis mis mis mis mis mis mis mis mis mis mis mis mis mis mis mis愯繘鏉戜竴镙枫€

鍙嵆浣垮ス鍐嶈兘钖冿纴鑳 悆鎺夊灏戝憿锛

钖埌Seok Jin-soo 镄勮皟渚冿纴Yoon-ah 忚劯琛 忚劯琛 绾纴寰堜笉婊 湴鍙眻璧 湴鍙眻璧 湴鍙眻璧 潵銆

鈥渌ppa 锛屼汉瀹舵墠娌°C湁钖冨灏戝憿銆綘鐪嬬湅锛岃倸瀛愰兘鏄綘鐪嬬湅锛岃倸瀛愰兘鏄镄勩€傗€

锲犱 绌 绌 潃姣斿熀灏硷纴 潃姣斿熀灏硷纴 潃姣斿熀灏硷纴 潃姣斿熀灏硷纴 – – – – – – – – – – – –

骞 镄勫皬 镄勫皬 镄勫皬 镄勫皬 规 规 规 镄勫皬 镄勫皬 镄勫皬 殑绾よ叞 殑绾よ叞 殑绾よ叞 殑绾よ叞 殑绾よ叞 殑绾よ叞 殑绾よ叞 殑绾よ叞 殑绾よ叞 殑绾よ叞 殑绾よ叞 殑绾よ叞 殑绾よ叞濂 儚镆 儚镆 浔锛屼 浔锛屼 浔锛屼 涔庣 涔庣 涔庣 涔庣 変竴鍙︼兂鑶婂 変竴鍙︼兂鑶婂 変竴鍙︼兂鑶婂 変竴鍙︼兂鑶婂 変竴鍙︼兂鑶婂 変竴鍙︼兂鑶婂

杩欎箞涓€涓椿鑹茬敓棣欑殑Little Beauty 濂冲湪韬竟鏁e彂镌€缇庢劅锛孲eok Jin-soo 灏 娉曚粠鍒 娉曚粠鍒 娉曚粠鍒 娉曚粠鍒 縺涓 縺涓 縺涓 鍑潵銆


浠栧嵈涓岖煡阆掳纴Yoon-ah 鎯 镄勶纴鍙笉灏 镄勶纴鍙笉灏 镄勶纴鍙笉灏 槸浠栨 槸浠栨 槸浠栨 笉浣忓槢銆 笉浣忓槢銆

灏嗕粬镄勭獦杩湅鍦ㄧ溂阅岋纴Yoon-ah 鍗佸垎镄勬弧瓒瓒傜嫛榛犵殑鐪傜嫛榛犵殑鐪傜嫛榛犵殑鐪潧杞杞纴绐佺劧杞纴绐佺劧旀帀姣涘旀帀姣涘锛岀劧钖庣帀 胯 胯 鎶纴 鎶纴 鎶纴 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐 ok ok ok ok eok Jin-soo 镄勮 涓娿 涓娿 涓娿

Seok Jin-soo 涔熷彧绌 涓 涓 鏉 鏉 鏉 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瑁わ纴 瓒 瓒 瓒浜嗕竴璧枫€

鐢 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 浣撶伀鐑纰 浣撶伀鐑纰 浣撶伀鐑纰 纴濂 纴濂 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 € € € € € € 噾鍦ㄤ竴璧掓湇銆

涓嶅厜鏄疭eok Jin-soo 锛屽 ammonia oon-ah 涔熸 夋剰鏂椤埌鏄 chain 夋剰鏂椤埌鏄 绉嶅弽搴旓纴榧荤 绉嶅弽搴旓纴榧荤 涓岖娓楀嚭涓 涓濊垝 涓濊垝 chain岖殑鍙 伅銆

闅忓悗杩檓issy 灏 敤 敤 嬫寚澶 嬫寚澶 湪 湪 Seok Jin-soo 濂 湅镄勮兏鑶涗笂鐢诲湀銆

鈥滈毦阆揙ppa 鏄湪绠楄镌€锛屾€庝箞鍏庝箞鍏庝箞鍏

Seok Jin-soo 锏 濂 濂 濂 濂 竴鐪笺

鈥沧垜鏄湪绠楄镌 锛屽吇浣犲拰鍏诲皬鐚纴鍒 锛屽吇浣犲拰鍏诲皬鐚纴鍒 簳鍝﹄ 簳鍝﹄ 旋 旋 旋 旋 旋 旋 旋 阍

Yoon-ah 镫犵嫚鍦 version 愧浜嗕竴涓嬩粬镄勮兏鑶 €

鈥滀綘杩欎 瀹 瀹 锛屽摷锛屾兂瑕佸吇鎴戠殑浜哄镌 锛屽摷锛屾兂瑕佸吇鎴戠殑浜哄镌 锻 锻 锻 锻 € € € 綘瑕佹槸鍐崭笉鐝嶆儨镄勮瘽锛屾垜灏辫窡鍒汉璺戜简銆傗€

Seok Jin-soo 镊眮鍦 锛 滃埆浜 滃埆浜 滃埆浜 滃埆浜 滃埆浜 oon oon oon oon oon oon oon oon oon ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah锛岃缮鑳 粰濂 粰濂 姝岋纴杩樿兘璁╁ス婕旀垙锛屽埆浜 姝岋纴杩樿兘璁╁ス婕旀垙锛屽埆浜 姝岋纴杩樿兘璁╁ス婕旀垙锛屽埆浜 姝岋纴杩樿兘璁╁ス婕旀垙锛屽埆浜 姝岋纴杩樿兘璁╁ス婕旀垙锛屽埆浜 姝岋纴杩樿兘璁╁ス婕旀垙锛屽埆浜 姝岋纴杩樿兘璁╁ス婕旀垙锛屽埆浜 姝岋纴杩樿兘璁╁ス婕旀垙锛屽埆浜 姝岋纴杩樿兘璁╁ス婕旀垙锛屽埆浜


濂 篃娌 篃娌 °C湁鎯 埌锛孲 埌锛孲 eok Jin-soo 灞呯劧浼氲鍑 涔堥 Umbrella 涔堥 阆撹 岀敎铚 岀敎铚 岀敎铚 殑鎯呰瘽鏉ャ 殑鎯呰瘽鏉ャ 殑鎯呰瘽鏉ャ

In the past, whenever she wanted to explore, this Oppa was ambiguous, and he was concerned about it.

“Oppa, you have changed.”

The most beautiful daughter, Yoon-ah is keenly aware of the difference.

Seok Jin-soo holds the small face of Yoon-ah and sighs: “I haven’t changed, but I can live a little more.”

Yoon-ah thought that he really let go of the relationship with So-yeon, and he was very happy.

On the surface, however, she played with her heart and decided to hang the man’s appetite.

When Seok Jin-soo repeatedly retreated, she was also very upset and asked for noona.

Noona tells her that to treat feelings and men, not too active, otherwise there will be no dignity.

Only if you leave, master the push and pull, you can take the initiative in the relationship.

And listening to noona’s advice, Yoon-ah is even more distressed.

Because she found out that in the emotional confrontation with Seok Jin-soo, she was defeated.

Proactively confessing, taking the initiative to give, and willingly doing that kind of thing for men.

But this nasty guy, but has been reluctant to open her heart to her, so that her heart is always suspended in the air.

In this matchup, she Im Yoon-ah, has been at a disadvantage since the beginning.

It’s strange that she was too young at the time. She didn’t have the experience of life. Facing the care of Seok Jin-soo, she easily surrendered.

I want to hold it up now, but I can’t do it anyway.

However, women are naturally born for feelings. As long as they grow up, many things will naturally come together.

Even if he lost his initiative, Yoon-ah knew that he had the last line of defense.

That is my body.

This is Seok Jin-soo has not yet gotten, did not eat into the bottom line of the belly.

So after clearing the idea, Yoon-ah kept telling himself that he must make good use of the capital.

She knows how beautiful she is, and every time she goes to TV Station, the guys always look at themselves secretly. Looking greedy and sloppy, it is easy to know what those people are thinking.

Seok Jin-soo is also a man and will definitely be attracted to himself.

What she has to do now is to master this degree.

Constantly swaying him, but let him see and can’t eat, slowly reverse the situation.

It must be said that setbacks make people grow.

A liTTL-Time To Love e missy, just in its early twenties, now has its own emotional strategy.

Seeing Seok Jin-soo seems to have interest, this missy seems to slippery muddy, and suddenly jumped from Seok Jin-soo.

“Oppa, I am hungry.”

Seok Jin-soo is full of black lines.

“Yah!! Just finished eating dinner for more than three hours, are you hungry?”

Yoon-ah only left him with a white porcelain-like back, and it was more tempting to say it.

“So, you have to make more money, or how can you afford me?”

Seok Jin-soo bites his teeth.

“I will raise you well.”

An hour later, looking at the look of Yoon-ah’s lips, Seok Jin-soo Haha laughed, and everyone enjoyed it.

Yoon-ah is going to cry.

“Yah!! Your cooking is so good, don’t cook, actually take me out to eat fried rice cakes?”

The two are now sitting in the shed on the side of the road. The only thing that can be eaten is the spicy fried rice cake.

For this arrangement, Yoon-ah is dissatisfied with 100,000 points.

Looking for Seok Jin-soo, I was thinking about eating a variety of delicious meals.

This abominable guy actually greeted himself with fried rice cakes.

Seeing that Seok Jin-soo was eating fast, Yoon-ah was dissatisfied with dissatisfaction, but still couldn’t help but swallow.

No way, the smell of fried rice cakes was too fragrant, and reminded her of the small stalls outside the school when she was in school.

At that time, these long-body children always squeezed the small stalls when they were out of school.

Grabbing a toothpick, Yoon-ah also joined the battle, eating and flying.

Thank you krezreal, o heaven to emperor, leo5 demon, roney2013, poor road is good, otaku is waiting for books, Chen Xiang, kamaerlIU, demon king generation

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