Korean Entertainment – Exalted President
Chapter 588
Seok Jin-soo 杩栾 鍙笉浼氱瀹夐 鍙笉浼氱瀹夐 灏斻兓浼嶅吂濂庡吂鏉ヤ笉鏉ワ纴瀵 灏斻兓浼嶅吂濂庡吂鏉ヤ笉鏉ワ纴瀵 灏斻兓浼嶅吂濂庡吂鏉ヤ笉鏉ワ纴瀵 灏斻兓浼嶅吂濂庡吂鏉ヤ笉鏉ワ纴瀵 灏斻兓浼嶅吂濂庡吂鏉ヤ笉鏉ワ纴瀵
浠栧 ammonia鍙寜镦ц嚜宸 殑姝ラ 寮勭潃銆
瑕佹槸杩欓姝岄兘涓嶈兘 揿姩澶 揿姩澶 タ娲嫔敱鐗囩殑璇濓纴闾 タ娲嫔敱鐗囩殑璇濓纴闾 タ娲嫔敱鐗囩殑璇濓纴闾 箞浠栧喅瀹 箞浠栧喅瀹 箞浠栧喅瀹 纴浠婄敓閮 纴浠婄敓閮 纴浠婄敓閮煶涔愬 鍦 鍦 鍦 銆
杩欑绁炴洸閮 璧忎笉鏉ワ纴杩欐牱镄勫ぉ鍦 璧忎笉鏉ワ纴杩欐牱镄勫ぉ鍦 璧忎笉鏉ワ纴杩欐牱镄勫ぉ鍦 悎浠栭┌ 悎浠栭┌ 悎浠栭┌ 悎浠栭┌ 悎浠栭┌ 悎浠栭┌ 悎浠栭┌ 悎浠栭┌ 悎浠栭┌
Rotary tea ammonia 鏄粬镞╁ ammonia 鍐椤ソ镄勪 锛岀幇鍦ㄨ 氱殑锛屽 氱殑锛屽 氱殑锛屽 氱殑锛屽 氱殑锛屽 綔鍑 綔鍑 綔鍑 綔鍑 綔鍑
鈥浙ong-shin hyeong 锛孒yeong-seok 鍝ワ纴鎴戦渶瑕佷箰阒燂纴涓€涓畲鏁 inch 殑涔愰槦锛屽挨鍏 chain 変竴涓帀瀹 Chong 殑榧撴 銆傗
璇 inch chain 欙纴 Seok Jin-soo 鎶婃洸璋 氦缁欎 氦缁欎 鐪 鐪 鐪 墠镄勪袱浜 墠镄勪袱浜 墠镄勪袱浜 €
浠栦 鏄叕鍙 鏄叕鍙 殑璐熻矗浜 殑璐熻矗浜 纴鍙︼鍒 纴鍙︼鍒 綔姝屾洸镄勮瘽锛屽繀椤 綔姝屾洸镄勮瘽锛屽繀椤 綔姝屾洸镄勮瘽锛屽繀椤 綔姝屾洸镄勮瘽锛屽繀椤 綔姝屾洸镄勮瘽锛屽繀椤 镄勮鍙墠琛屻 镄勮鍙墠琛屻 镄勮鍙墠琛屻
Yoon Jong-shin 鍜孠im Hyeong-seok 娌°C湁璇
灏ゅ叾鏄叴镊村緢楂樼殑Yoon Jong-shin 锛屽凡缁忚窡镌缁忚窡镌鍝鍝敱浜呜捣鏉ャ
鍙槸鍞 潃鍞 潃鍞 潃鍞 潃锛屽埌浜嗘瓕 潃锛屽埌浜嗘瓕 潃锛屽埌浜嗘瓕 茬殑楂樻 茬殑楂樻 茬殑楂樻 茬殑楂樻 茬殑楂樻 茬殑楂樻Exchange
浠栧巻鏉ヤ篃涓嶆槸浠ュ敱锷熻宪绉 Dress up 殑姝屾 锛岃槠鐒 槸瀹炲姏娲撅纴浣嗘洿锷犳搮闀 槸瀹炲姏娲撅纴浣嗘洿锷犳搮闀 粏 粏 荤殑鎶掓儏 荤殑鎶掓儏 荤殑鎶掓儏 荤殑鎶掓儏€
鈥渊啊!! 杩欓姝屾瘮uptownfunk铡夊镄勫鍟娿€綘杩欐槸瑕佹垚绁炲晩锛佲綘杩欐槸瑕佹垚绁炲晩锛佲€
鐪嬬潃姣旇嚜宸卞 杞讳 杞讳 璁 镄勫悎浼欎 锛孻 锛孻 Jong-shin 鐪熸槸楂 叴鍧忎 叴鍧忎 叴鍧忎 銆
褰揿垵镐庝箞灏 瓟搴斾 瓟搴斾 鍜屼粬钖堜 鍜屼粬钖堜 鍜屼粬钖堜 鍜屼粬钖堜
鐜 湪鐪嬬湅锛岃 湪鐪嬬湅锛岃 湪鐪嬬湅锛岃 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鏄嚜宸 鏄嚜宸 鏄嚜宸 鏄嚜宸 鏄嚜宸
涔熻Mi-rae key 佸幓镄勯偅涓 澶╋纴锲炴兂璧 澶╋纴锲炴兂璧 浠 浠 簨锛岄兘鍙 簨锛岄兘鍙 簨锛岄兘鍙 簨锛岄兘鍙 簨锛岄兘鍙 簨锛岄兘鍙 簨锛岄兘鍙 楂 楂 楂 楂 楂
Seok Jin-soo 镊 涔熺煡阆撹 涔熺煡阆撹 涔熺煡阆撹 € €
鈥沧 庝箞镙 庝箞镙 庝箞镙 纴浜屼綅锛岃兘 纴浜屼綅锛岃兘 gallium fear
Kim Hyeong-seok 瀵 簬镊 寮熷瓙镄勬垚闀匡纴 寮熷瓙镄勬垚闀匡纴 寮熷瓙镄勬垚闀匡纴 寮熷瓙镄勬垚闀匡纴 寮熷瓙镄勬垚闀匡纴 娆 娆 叞镄勪 叞镄勪 叞镄勪 叞镄勪
闾d 褰揿垵杩炰簲绾胯 褰揿垵杩炰簲绾胯 褰揿垵杩炰簲绾胯 褰揿垵杩炰簲绾胯 褰揿垵杩炰簲绾胯 閮 笉 笉 笉 笉 笉 笉 笉 锛屽浠婇兘鑳 锛屽浠婇兘鑳 锛屽浠婇兘鑳 锛屽浠婇兘鑳 锛屽浠婇兘鑳 锛屽浠婇兘鑳
鈥滀笉鐢ㄦ媴蹇冿纴鎴戜 涓 涓 涓 綘镵 綘镵 綘镵 綘镵 粶锛岃偗瀹氭槸 粶锛岃偗瀹氭槸 濂 濂 濂 濂 濂
鍦↘im Hyeong-seok 鐪嬫潵锛岃 涔堥 涔堥 绾 殑姝屾洸锛屽繀椤 殑姝屾洸锛屽繀椤 殑姝屾洸锛屽繀椤 鐢ㄦ渶椤剁骇镄勪箰阒熸墠鑳 鐢ㄦ渶椤剁骇镄勪箰阒熸墠鑳 鐢ㄦ渶椤剁骇镄勪箰阒熸墠鑳 鐢ㄦ渶椤剁骇镄勪箰阒熸墠鑳
浠栧巻鏉ュSeok Jin-soo 锛屽挨鍏 锛屽挨鍏 槸杩欐锛屼篃璁窼 槸杩欐锛屼篃璁窼 eok Jin-soo 鑳 涓 椋炲啿澶╋纴 椋炲啿澶╋纴 椋炲啿澶╋纴 椋炲啿澶╋纴捈娆х编涔愬潧锛屼粬姣斾换浣曚汉閮借婵€锷ㄣ€
璋佷篃涓岖煡阆 粬鏄 庝箞濂旀 庝箞濂旀 庝箞濂旀 庝箞濂旀 庝箞濂旀 庝箞濂旀 镄勶纴鍙嶆绗簩澶╋纴瀹屾暣镄勪箰阒熷 镄勶纴鍙嶆绗簩澶╋纴瀹屾暣镄勪箰阒熷 镄勶纴鍙嶆绗簩澶╋纴瀹屾暣镄勪箰阒熷 镄勶纴鍙嶆绗簩澶╋纴瀹屾暣镄勪箰阒熷 鍑 浠栫殑闱 浠栫殑闱 浠栫殑闱 浠栫殑闱 一銆
鈥浙in-soo 鍟婏纴鏉ョ粰浣犱粙缁崭竴涓嬶纴杩欎簺閮芥槸鎴戜槸鎴戜槸鎴戜锲椤剁骇镄勯煶涔愪椤剁骇镄勯煶涔愪戒笉瀹笉瀹槗闾璇璇埌镄勩埌镄勩€傗€
Kim Hyeong-seok 棣栧厛鎷夎 鏉ヤ 鏉ヤ 涓 浣崭笁鍗佸宀佺殑涓 浣崭笁鍗佸宀佺殑涓 浣崭笁鍗佸宀佺殑涓 浣崭笁鍗佸宀佺殑涓 浣崭笁鍗佸宀佺殑涓 浣崭笁鍗佸宀佺殑涓 瓙銆
鈥滆 Umbrella 浣嶆槸阌洏 嫔畨 嫔畨 Joon-young 锛屼粬鎷ユ湁镌 涓 涓 鍙屾劅镐 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 氲 氲 氲 阌洏鍐栾疭銆傗 阌洏鍐栾疭銆傗
Seok Jin-soo 涔熸槸鐪 墠涓 浜纴鐗 浜纴鐗 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三
鈥渟eonsaeng-nim 锛岃緵鑻《偍浜嗐€傗€
閮 槸涓 槸涓 涓湀瀛愰噷镄勶纴铏 劧涔嫔墠娌 锛屼絾浠栧瀹塉 锛屼絾浠栧瀹塉 锛屼絾浠栧瀹塉 锛屼絾浠栧瀹塉 锛屼絾浠栧瀹塉 锛屼絾浠栧瀹塉 锛屼絾浠栧瀹塉 oon-young 鍙槸涔呴椈澶 悕銆 悕銆
Ann Joon-young is very embarrassing.
“Oh, it is my pleasure to be able to work with Seok Jin-soo ‘ssi.”
It has been rumored in the circle that Seok Jin-soo has a god-level singing.
He only heard about it and also watched several pieces of Seok Jin-soo’s music.
Most of Seok Jin-soo’s works are kind of cheerful, suitable for song festivals, but they do not see the good or bad of singing.
After Joon-young, the most valued person of Seok Jin-soo, drummer Jiang Xiuhao.
“sunbae-nim, this time you really have to work hard. Not only do you have to rain, but you have to work harder.”
According to the design of Seok Jin-soo, at the beginning of mv, Jiang Xiuhao was facing the camera and sitting in front of the drum.
However, at this time the sky began to rain heavily, showing the picture of the rain falling on the hanging.
After that, Jiang Xiuhao needs to beat the drums in the pouring rain to show the wild atmosphere.
Jiang Xiuhao does not matter.
“As long as it is a good song, there is nothing to work hard.”
Then Seok Jin-soo met guitar Li Shengmin, Zheng Zaibi, percussion instrument Zhao Zaifan, Beth Xu Yingdao and others.
These are the bands that accompanied him this time.
Since the band is here, the next thing to do is naturally familiar with the song.
Seok Jin-soo distributed the score to everyone, and everyone started to discuss it.
The band was the first to see the score, but at first glance, they were all shocked.
“This is an English song!”
Seok Jin-soo nodded and told everyone about the situation.
“Yes, this song is to be released in Europe and America. Like uptownfunk, through the channel of Atlantic Records.”
Seeing pop music in Europe and America, the attitude of the big guys is serious. While checking the score, check to see if there are any omissions.
An Asian, making English songs, is not just proficient in English.
If that’s the case, there are so many music producers who know English. Why haven’t people ever done this?
Songs are also a culture, so when you make a song, you must conform to its popular regional cultural characteristics.
Asian music producers, after all, have different living habits and cultural concepts from pure Europeans and Americans, so it is difficult to make popular songs.
This is why Seok Jin-soo has been so excited about the Korean society after Bruno Mars wrote “uptownfunk”.
So I saw the English song again, and everyone in the band was responsible and wanted to help Seok Jin-soo check the vacancies.
They don’t know, Seok Jin-soo has the help of the sound, and they all come out with perfect products. There is no need for perfection.
But because of careful observation, everyone’s look is getting serious.
They are professional musicians and have a deep understanding of the melody. With this score, you can form a melody in your mind with a little look.
As a result, everyone slowly sang a few words, and all eyes were bright.
This is a good song, a top good song that is rarely seen. Even in the European and American music scene, such wonderful music is rare.
I really can’t think of it, one day, these people can accompany such a good song.
Under the excitement of Jiang Xiuhao, he took a drumstick and turned his head and beat it according to the requirements of the score.
In this song, the role of drum sound is very important, not only fast, but also texture, can form a strong impact, and then use the voice of people as a buffer.
Therefore, the drum is used from beginning to end.
Jiang Xiuhao slowly tapped it again. After he became familiar with it, he began to speed up the rhythm and add his own sentiment.
Seok Jin-soo felt with his eyes closed and suddenly said: “The drums are light, and they are not bursting enough. I want the shock of lightning and lightning.”
Jiang Xiuhao heard the words aggravated, and the drums also shivered and began to drive the adrenaline.
The second time… The third time, when Jiang Xiuhao hit the fourth time, his whole body was already soaked. The thick long hair is wet, and a hoe can see the sweat flying in the air.
He didn’t know how long he hadn’t played the drum so smoothly.
Anyway, this time, no matter how much power you put in, you only feel that you are short of regrets, forcing him to become crazy and crazy.
After four drums, Jiang Xiuhao threw a drumstick and sat in a chair panting.
“Call… I know, Director Why should I let me drum in the heavy rain. If there is no cold rain, I am afraid I can burn.”
It was also until the fourth time that Seok Jin-soo was satisfied.
Jiang Xiuhao’s drum is more powerful and more powerful than the original drum.
But this is exactly what he needs, because his singing will be more violent than the original, and such drums must be matched.
Other people were also conquered by music. Without two words, everyone started working immediately.
One morning plus one afternoon, everyone spent the arrangement. Until the twilight, the complete song was made, and everyone in the band was familiar.
Obviously busy for a day, but everyone is very emotional, there is no sense of hunger.
Unanimous decision, taking advantage of the state of the heat, simply recorded.
MyMystic89 has the best recording studio on this side, and it is immediately organized to record Seok Jin-soo.
Including everyone, as well as the band, moved the instrument to the recording room, ready to use the actual instrument to record.
Yoon Jong-shin and Kim Hyeong-seok are also very excited. Outside the recording studio, they are waiting to see the birth of Divine Comedy.
The musicians in the company have the number one number, and as long as they are idle and have nothing to do, they basically come.
Seok Jin-soo even saw a familiar figure in the crowd, that is, Park Joon-young, who had previously negotiated and will sign the company at this time.
He also caught up with this event and wanted to see Seok Jin-soo, who has been sung by the legend, and this time he will contribute what works.
Seok Jin-soo is innocent, adjusts his state, calms his mind, constantly pressurizes himself, and excites his emotions.
Everyone is here, and everyone feels it.
Seok Jin-soo received a signal and gestured to Yoon Jong-shin, who was personally responsible for the recording.
Yoon Jong-shin takes a deep breath, turns the switch on and starts collecting tracks.
The first one was Xu Yingdao. His bass was weak and strong, and gradually brought out the voice of Seok Jin-soo.
Seok Jin-soo grabbed the beat and used the skills of soul music to open his own voice.
When I got here, Jiang Xiuhao’s strong and explosive drums joined in, just like injecting soul into this song.
The voice of Seok Jin-soo has risen to the next level, and it has become more and more on the way to the top.
The voice of Seok Jin-soo is so overwhelming, with ancient anger, as if to devour everything.
Everyone held their breath, and they were reluctant to move, all listening carefully.
As a result, no one noticed that at this time, the tired figure of Andorra Woodsquez appeared behind.
After a four-hour voyage, he finally crossed the Pacific Ocean and once again appeared on the land of South Korea.
As if to welcome him, Seok Jin-soo’s voice reached its climax as he stepped into the studio.
Andorra Woodsquez’s footsteps, the miraculous brilliance in his eyes, the incredible look into the distant studio, as if it were passed by current.
Ps: A few of the bands mentioned here are not written casually. It’s the Korean version. I am the accompaniment band among the singers and the top band in Korea.
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