Korean Entertainment – Exalted President
Chapter 59
Nothing is a troop pot that can’t be solved. If there is, then two.
In the face of Seok Jin-soo’s grief, it is not enough to use two.
Using only one force pot and two bottles of Soju, he quickly forgot his troubles.
“Don’t say, sunbae-nim, although your mouth is quite poisonous, but it is very good.”
Seok Jin-soo is chewing on rice cakes and is not worthy of praise for Jang Dong-min.
This guy has a very harsh face that looks very inaccessible. However, after a long period of contact, you will find that people are not bad.
In fact, Jang Dong-min is a very enthusiastic person. Anyone who plays in his Internet cafe has a good evaluation of this president.
If you don’t have enough money, you can give it a free drink from time to time, and you can play games with customers.
If you haven’t seen Jang Dong-min’s performance, Seok Jin-soo sometimes wonders if this guy is an artist?
How do you look less like an artist than yourself?
Jang Dong-min can drink too, blushing, smiled and said: “Yah!! Speaking of mouth poison, are you worse? You can park Park Myeong-su’s death, you are the first one. “”
Seok Jin-soo Hehe smiled and said: “Myeong-su brother is just a bluff, but it is not so powerful. Of course, he is a pet to our juniors, so we can make fun of it. Jeong Jun-ha hyeong is the problem. what.”
Jang Dong-min doesn’t know Jeong Jun-ha, I am a bit curious.
“How come? When I watched the program, wasn’t he being bullied by you?”
Seok Jin-soo looks like a heartache.
“This is the case in the program, but after the recording, we have been collected by him several times. Every time a text message comes, the heart stops beating.”
Listening to him telling the truth, Jang Dong-min laughed unscrupulously.
This is the case in Korean society, where the gap between the former and the generation is wide. As a junior, sometimes he is beaten and stunned by sunbae-nim, but he can only endure it.
Unless the younger generations are mixed up, the achievements are great, and the sunbae-nims have to make one step.
For example, the later rain, as an international superstar, even if many people are his sunbae-nim, but they dare not mess with him.
In the end, it is bullying and hard.
Seok Jin-soo is now a So-shin person, definitely a role to be taught.
Drinking a drink, Jang Dong-min’s virtue can’t heal the sorrow in his heart, but instead sprinkles a lot of salt.
After the field, Seok Jin-soo had to go home with Lee Dae-gyu with more sadness.
Anyway, it is nearby, the breeze at night is very comfortable, and walking is also a pleasure.
However, this faintness was terminated at the door of the house.
Under the faint light, Lee Dae-gyu grabbed Seok Jin-soo and let him hide behind him.
“Yah!! Look, is there someone?”
Seok Jin-soo’s drunken eyes, barely seeing, there is a person sitting on the front steps.
Vaguely familiar, but not really cut.
Koreans like to drink, and every night there are a lot of drunks on the street to sleep, so the two do not want to do much.
But it is not a coincidence that the position where the person is sitting is just the way they must go.
No way, they had to go.
Fortunately, the man did not fall asleep, just sitting.
When the footsteps sounded, the person looked up and the two sides turned up.
By the street light, Seok Jin-soo also recognized him.
“Hey, isn’t this Wan-shik? What are you doing here alone?”
This person is called Choi Wan-shik. It is not familiar with them. It is just a tenant who rents a house.
I usually nod my head, and it is not clear what the people are doing.
But in the middle of the night, Choi Wan-shik sat alone, and there were tear marks on his face, which made the two somewhat surprised.
Being found to be sad, Choi Wan-shik was shocked and shook his head.
“Ah, nothing, nothing, just want something. Sorry, bother you.”
As he said, he let the road open and intends to let Seok Jin-soo pass.
Lee Dae-gyu doesn’t want too much, and is preparing to take Seok Jin-soo in the past.
Unexpectedly, Seok Jin-soo seemed to think of something and stood still.
“Wan-shik, aren’t you Seoul?”
There was no friendship, Choi Wan-shik did not expect that Seok Jin-soo would care for himself. But still nodded and honestly said: “I am from Gyeongnam.”
Seok Jin-soo smiled and said: “Oh, no wonder the accent is very kind. It turns out that we are still neighbors.”
Gyeongnam and Jeonnam are squatting, and the accent gap is not very large.
Chain 変 璇濆ご锛孲 eok Jin-soo 骞茶剢鎷夌潃 Choi Wan-shik 鍧愪 涓嬫潵銆
鈥滃 鍢涗竴涓﹄ 鍢涗竴涓﹄ 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 屽摥鍟婏纻鏄笉鏄兂瀹 屽摥鍟婏纻鏄笉鏄兂瀹 屽摥鍟婏纻鏄笉鏄兂瀹 屽摥鍟婏纻鏄笉鏄兂瀹 屽摥鍟婏纻鏄笉鏄兂瀹 屽摥鍟婏纻鏄笉鏄兂瀹 屽摥鍟婏纻鏄笉鏄兂瀹
Choi Wan-shik 绁炶壊旋村姞涓嶅ソ浜嗭纴榛劧鍦伴锛锛气沧沧病夛纴鎴戞夛纴鎴戞病夊浜夊浜殑銆傗殑銆傗
Seok Jin-soo 鎯婂纾涓嶅畾锛屾殚镊︻湅浜哃ee Dae-gyu 涓 鐪硷纴鍗 鐪硷纴鍗 鐪硷纴鍗 敹鍒 敹鍒 敹鍒 敹鍒 敹鍒 敹鍒 敹鍒 敹鍒 殑绀 殑绀 殑绀
鑹 鍢涳纴澶 鍢涳纴澶 鍢涳纴澶 鍢涳纴澶 鍢涳纴澶 鍢涳纴澶 鍢涳纴澶 浜嬶纴涓岖劧鎸囦笉瀹氭湁浠 涔堥夯鐑 涔堥夯鐑 憿銆 憿銆 憿銆
濂堜綍Seok Jin-soo chain 灏 灏 灏 灏 夊寮 夊寮 夊寮 夊寮 夊寮 夊寮 夊寮 夊寮 镒忚瘑锛屾潵鍒 镒忚瘑锛屾潵鍒 镒忚瘑锛屾潵鍒 镒忚瘑锛屾潵鍒 镒忚瘑锛屾潵鍒 镒忚瘑锛屾潵鍒 镒忚瘑锛屾潵鍒樻槸涔’笅浜虹殑娣虫湸鍜岀儹鎯呫
Choi Wan-shik 鐪嬭捣鏉ュ ammonia 鏄竴涓唴钖戠殑浜 纴涓嶅お锽勪簬瑷 杈炪 杈炪 篃鍙兘鏄 篃鍙兘鏄 旷敓锛屾墍浠ュ緢灏 旷敓锛屾墍浠ュ緢灏戝拰浜鸿璇村绩阅岃瘽銆
姝ゆ椂琚 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鏆栵纴浣庢 鏆栵纴浣庢 鏆栵纴浣庢 鏆栵纴浣庢 鏆栵纴浣庢 鏆栵纴浣庢 鏆栵纴浣庢 鏆栵纴浣庢
绔熺劧鏄竴涓鍎匡纴Seok Jin-soo 蹇冮噷涓 閰 閰 纴涓岖敱寰椾 纴涓岖敱寰椾 嬫 嬫 嬫 Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Choi Wan-shik 镄勮偐鑶 銆
鈥滆 Umbrella 涔埚骞撮兘鏄竴涓﹄ 杩囩殑钖楋纻鐪熸槸杈涜嫤浣犱 杩囩殑钖楋纻鐪熸槸杈涜嫤浣犱 杩囩殑钖楋纻鐪熸槸杈涜嫤浣犱 銆傗
涓嶈 璁╀粬娌 璁╀粬娌 ° °湁鎯 埌镄勬槸锛孋 埌镄勬槸锛孋 hoi Wan-shik 鍗撮湶鍑 寰瑧銆 寰瑧銆
鈥淎ni ~yo 锛屾湰鏉ユ垜涔熶 锛屾湰鏉ユ垜涔熶 涓 垜寰堜笉骞 垜寰堜笉骞 殑銆 殑銆 笉杩囧湪阆囧埌濂 笉杩囧湪阆囧埌濂 靛懙鈥 € € € € € € € € € €
Seok Jin-soo 妤炰 涓 涓嬶纴闅忓悗鍙嶅簲浜呜 涓嬶纴闅忓悗鍙嶅簲浜呜 涓嬶纴闅忓悗鍙嶅簲浜呜 鏉ャ 鏉ャ 鏉ャ
鈥 ah ah!! 浣犲皬瀛愬ソ铡夊鍟婏纴灞呯劧 chain 夊コ浜 锛焂 锛焂 ah!! 鐪熸槸锛屾垜閮 缮涓岖煡阆揿コ浜 缮涓岖煡阆揿コ浜 缮涓岖煡阆揿コ浜€涔堟粙锻冲憿銆傗€
Choi Wan-shik 浼 箮寰埚皯琚 缇 缇 °C 厱锛岃劯涓婂浜嗗 绂忕殑绾 绂忕殑绾 (2) 檿銆
鈥滃ス鍙槸涓 涓 涓 鍑 殑濮戝 殑濮戝 殑濮戝 殑濮戝 屽 屽 屽 銆 綘鏄ぇ 綘鏄ぇ 綘鏄ぇ 綘鏄ぇ 綘鏄ぇ 綘鏄ぇ 綘鏄ぇ 綘鏄ぇ 綘鏄ぇ 綘鏄ぇ 綘鏄ぇ 綘鏄ぇ 綘鏄ぇ 綘鏄ぇ 綘鏄ぇ 綘鏄ぇ 綘鏄ぇ€
瀵 簬杩欎 簬杩欎 锛孲 eok Jin-soo 鍗 inch 湅寰楀緢寮 銆
鈥沧劅鎯呰 浜庡 绂忥纴婕 绂忥纴婕 笉婕 笉婕 綍锛焂 綍锛焂 綍锛焂!! 鐪嬩綘镄勬牱瀛愶纴浼 箮鐪熺殑寰埚枩娆 (1) ス鍟娿€傗€
Choi Wan-shik 缂╃潃澶 纴鍗 纴鍗 纴鍗 鍑 鍑 娲 娲 娲 檺鍗曡 檺鍗曡 檺鍗曡 檺鍗曡 檺鍗曡
鐩哥埍镄勪袱涓﹄汉鍦ㄤ竴璧凤纴褰兼 Nickel effect 缑瀵 镄勫 镄勫 镄勫 镄勫 镒忥纴杩欑湡鏄笉鑳 镒忥纴杩欑湡鏄笉鑳 镒忥纴杩欑湡鏄笉鑳 镒忥纴杩欑湡鏄笉鑳
Seok Jin-soo 涔熸槸缇°C厱鍧忎简銆
鈥滀綘浠湡濂 纴铏 纴铏 纴铏 劧鐢熸椿 劧鐢熸椿 夊緢澶氱殑涓嶅 夊緢澶氱殑涓嶅 锛屼絾鏄兘澶熸湁鐖 锛屼絾鏄兘澶熸湁鐖 镄勯櫔浼 镄勯櫔浼 镄勯櫔浼 镄勯櫔浼 镄勯櫔浼 镄勯櫔浼 镄勯櫔浼鍟娿€笉杩囷纴浣犱笉杩囷纴浣犱笉杩囷纴浣犱笉杩囷纴浣犱浠
璇 捣杩欎 捣杩欎 锛孋 锛孋 锛孋 锛孋 锛孋 锛孋 锛孋 锛孋 锛孋 锛孋 锛孋 锛孋 锛孋 娣 娣 娣
鈥滃ス鍜屾垜涓 镙 镙 镙 纴涔熸槸骞 纴涔熸槸骞 嚒镄勫コ瀛╁瓙銆 嚒镄勫コ瀛╁瓙銆 嚒镄勫コ瀛╁瓙銆 袱涓湀鍓嶏纴濂 袱涓湀鍓嶏纴濂 袱涓湀鍓嶏纴濂 袱涓湀鍓嶏纴濂 袱涓湀鍓嶏纴濂 袱涓湀鍓嶏纴濂 濡埚洜涓嗐€效彲鏄ス娌°C湁琚 鐥涙墦 鐥涙墦 掞纴渚濇棫涔愯鍦 掞纴渚濇棫涔愯鍦 掞纴渚濇棫涔愯鍦 鍦ㄤ笂涓槦 鍦ㄤ笂涓槦 鍦ㄤ笂涓槦 鍦ㄤ笂涓槦 鍦ㄤ笂涓槦 鍦ㄤ笂涓槦 鍦ㄤ笂涓槦 鍦ㄤ笂涓槦 鍦ㄤ笂涓槦 冨 冨彇浜嗘湇瑁呰璁 笀璧勬牸璇 笀璧勬牸璇 € € € € € € € € 纴濂 纴濂 纴濂 纴濂 纴濂 纴濂 纴濂 鎯 鎯 鎯 鎯 鎯 濂 濂潥寮 椿涓嫔幓镄勫姩锷 椿涓嫔幓镄勫姩锷 傛墍浠ワ纴 傛墍浠ワ纴 傛墍浠ワ纴 傛墍浠ワ纴 傛墍浠ワ纴 浠ユ垜鎯 浠ユ垜鎯 浠ユ垜鎯 浠ユ垜鎯 浠ユ垜鎯 浠ユ垜鎯 浠ユ垜鎯
鐪熸槸鍙 殑涓や 殑涓や 殑涓や 殑涓や 殑涓や 殑涓や 笂锛屼笉寰椾笉鐩镐簰 笂锛屼笉寰椾笉鐩镐簰 笂锛屼笉寰椾笉鐩镐簰 笂锛屼笉寰椾笉鐩镐簰 笂锛屼笉寰椾笉鐩镐簰 笂锛屼笉寰椾笉鐩镐簰 笂锛屼笉寰椾笉鐩镐簰 笂锛屼笉寰椾笉鐩镐簰 笂锛屼笉寰椾笉鐩镐簰 笂锛屼笉寰椾笉鐩镐簰 笂锛屼笉寰椾笉鐩镐簰 笂锛屼笉寰椾笉鐩镐簰
Seok Jin-soo 涔熺溂鐪 湁镣 湁镣 湁镣 娑 銆
Choi Wan-shik 鍗存姮涓嶈捣澶存潵銆
鈥滃彲鏄纴鍙槸鎴戞 夐挶锛岀粰涓崭 chain 夐挶锛岀粰涓崭 濂 濂 濂 濂 濂 傛垜涔熷笇 傛垜涔熷笇 傛垜涔熷笇 傛垜涔熷笇 婕 婕 婕 婕 婕 婕 婕 婕 婕勫绾憋纴鍦ㄦ湅鍙嬩 镄勭绂忎腑 镄勭绂忎腑 氭渶缇庝 氭渶缇庝 € € € € € € 彲鏄纴鎴戝緢锷姏镄勫 彲鏄纴鎴戝緢锷姏镄勫 彲鏄纴鎴戝緢锷姏镄勫 彲鏄纴鎴戝緢锷姏镄勫 彲鏄纴鎴戝緢锷姏镄勫°C硶瀹屾垚涓€鍦哄绀肩殑璐熸媴锛岀敋镊宠繛鈥[€“繛涓€涓绀肩涓绀殑涓寔閮借涓嶈捣銆傗€
浠栨兂瑕佽濂 绂忥纴缁椤ス 绂忥纴缁椤ス 绂忥纴缁椤ス 缇庝 缇庝 缇庝 缇庝 缇庝
鍙槸瀵 簬涓や 簬涓や 簬涓や 锲 锲 锲 毦涓敓瀛樼殑浜 毦涓敓瀛樼殑浜 毦涓敓瀛樼殑浜 毦涓敓瀛樼殑浜 纴鍗 箞镄勯仴涓嶅彲鍙娿 箞镄勯仴涓嶅彲鍙娿 箞镄勯仴涓嶅彲鍙娿 箞镄勯仴涓嶅彲鍙娿 箞镄勯仴涓嶅彲鍙娿
涓嶈 Se Seok Jin-soo 鍗存湁涓嶅悓镄勭湅娉曘
鈥渊啊!! 浣犱篃鐪熸槸镄勩€效ス镞(三)劧浜呜В浣犵殑鎯呭喌锛岃缮镒挎剰鍜屼綘鍦ㄤ竴璧凤纴闅鹃纴闅鹃杩树细鍦ㄤ箮闾d簺钖楋纻鈥
Choi Wan-shik 鎶 帀鐪 帀鐪 帀鐪 帀鐪
鈥沧垜鐭ラ 锛屽彲鏄垜鍦ㄤ箮鍟娿 篃璁 篃璁 篃璁 篃璁 篃璁 篃璁 杈埚瓙閮 杈埚瓙閮 杈埚瓙閮 杈埚瓙閮 杈埚瓙閮 杈埚瓙閮 杈埚瓙閮 杈埚瓙閮椤ス涓€鐬棿镄勫揩涔愪篃濂借鐬棿镄勫揩涔愪篃濂€
鐪熺殑鏄皬镄勪笉鑳 啀灏忕殑镒挎湜浜嗭纴璁 啀灏忕殑镒挎湜浜嗭纴璁 logeok Jin-soo 涔熸槸锷ㄥ涓嶅凡銆
浠婂ぉ镄勪粬锽濅 镣 镣 镣 锛屽彝阆撶儹 锛屽彝阆撶儹 锛屽彝阆撶儹 锛屽彝阆撶儹 瓙鍙埚彂浣滀 瓙鍙埚彂浣滀 瓙鍙埚彂浣滀 瓙鍙埚彂浣滀
鈥 湡镄勬兂鍜屽ス缁揿钖楋纻涓 璧 璧 璧 璧 敓娲讳竴杈埚瓙钖楋纻鈥
Choi Wan-shik 鐢ㄥ姏鍦 偣镌 澶 澶 纴绁炴儏鍧 纴绁炴儏鍧 纴绁炴儏鍧 畾镄勫拰鍏 骇涓讳箟鎴 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓
Seok Jin-soo 涓 鎷嶅ぇ 鎷嶅ぇ 鎷嶅ぇ € €
鈥滀綘杩椤浼欙纴鎴戝 锽沧浣犺 锽沧浣犺 锽沧浣犺 锽沧浣犺 湁鎯呮湁涔夌殑浜 湁鎯呮湁涔夌殑浜 湁鎯呮湁涔夌殑浜 湁鎯呮湁涔夌殑浜 傝槠鐒 傝槠鐒 傝槠鐒 傝槠鐒 傝槠鐒 傝槠鐒鎴戝喅瀹 鎴戝喅瀹 锛屽绾 锛屽绾 殑璐 殑璐 殑璐 殑璐 殑璐 殑璐 殑璐 殑璐 殑璐 鎸 鎸 鎸 鎸 鎸 鎸
Choi Wan-shik 鍗村悡浜嗕竴璺炽€
鈥滃晩锛岃伞鈥[€“伞鈥[€〈綘鏄ぇcelebrity 鍟婏纴鎴戋€[€垜缁欎笉璧垜缁欎笉璧疯鐢ㄧ殑銆傗€
Seok Jin-soo 镊槻涓€绗戏纴鍗翠篃鍗佸垎镄勭晠蹇
“Yah!! Which big celebrity house tower have you seen? Rest assured, although my cost is not cheap, but your wedding, I decided, free!”
When Seok Jin-soo said this, the two people present changed.
Choi Wan-shik was moved, and I didn’t think that the big celebrity that lived around me was so kind.
He clearly can not care about his own affairs, but still stands up.
Just think about it, he and her wedding, there will be a celebrity such as Seok Jin-soo to host, Choi Wan-shik excited and trembling.
Lee Dae-gyu is a bit depressed and very dissatisfied with Seok Jin-soo’s self-discipline.
“Yah!! I said what kind of wind is your kid? Your current price is just getting up. How can you give someone a wedding for free?”
Back at the residence, Lee Dae-gyu had to say it.
In the face of the fire hyeong, Seok Jin-soo smiled.
“Brother, have you forgotten our difficult days? Have you forgotten when we were helped by others? Sometimes, it is really happy to help people who need help a little.”
Lee Dae-gyu stood still and no longer argued.
Today, he once again examined the younger brother in front of him, but sent a different feeling.
“Yah!! Your kid, go on like this, it will really become a superstar.”
Seok Jin-soo didn’t talk, just a warm smile.
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Douluo Dalu: I Have a Soul Beast Clone
Chapter 369 1 days ago -
After Returning Home, the Crown Prince’s Concubine’s Vest Could No Longer Be Hidden!
Chapter 670 1 days ago -
What’s Wrong With Me Being a Rich Man?
Chapter 245 1 days ago