Korean Entertainment – Exalted President
Chapter 62
Brother is also a person with a coordinator, this can be handsome!
and many more……
Damn Kim Tae-ho, can’t you give Gome a chance?
What are you doing with water?
Even if you play with water, you have to wear such inferior clothes.
“Yah!! Not to say Hawaiian specials, why not go to Hawaii?”
Seok Jin-soo is even more ugly and more angry when I put on the clothes given by the program group.
Although his geography knowledge is not too good, but always on TV, so I have long admired Hawaii.
There is no place to talk about it. Say a good Hawaiian special, the result is a pool in the resort.
Although the weather is equally hot, there are no white sand beaches, no delicious seafood dishes, and no hot bikinis.
In the face of Seok Jin-soo’s dissatisfaction, Kim Tae-ho was easily solved.
“The Arts Council did not approve the funds, so we had to go to Hawaii once in spirit.”
What a strong reason, how unsolvable the answer, really makes Seok Jin-soo speechless.
濡傛灉璇 镙 镙 镙 镙 镙 镙 笉婊 笉婊 笉婊 笉婊 殑璇濓纴闾 殑璇濓纴闾 殑璇濓纴闾 鍦哄 鍦哄 鍦哄 鍦哄 鍦哄 鍦哄 鍦哄 鍦哄 鍦哄 鍦哄 鍦哄 鍦哄
鈥 ah ah!! 鐪熸槸镄勶纴涓 粈涔堣鍞 yeong yeong yeong yeong yeong yeong yeong yeong yeong yeong yeong
钖寮 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 殑 殑 殑 婂ぇ娴 婂ぇ娴 婂ぇ娴 婂ぇ娴 婂ぇ娴 殑鐜嫔瓙銆嬶纴 殑鐜嫔瓙銆嬶纴 殑鐜嫔瓙銆嬶纴 殑鐜嫔瓙銆嬶纴 殑鐜嫔瓙銆嬶纴 殑鐜嫔瓙銆嬶纴 殑鐜嫔瓙銆嬶纴 殑鐜嫔瓙銆嬶纴 殑鐜嫔瓙銆嬶纴 殑鐜嫔瓙銆嬶纴
鈥滆 鍝ヤ笂娆 鍝ヤ笂娆 湪姊 湪姊 宀涘嚭钖崭 宀涘嚭钖崭 宀涘嚭钖崭 鍟婏紒鈥
Haha donate to stretch the kettle chain and smash it
鍓崭笉涔匬ark Myeong-su 鍙 姞浜嗘 妗愬矝镄勫叕婕旓纴鍙槸鍦ㄦ紨鍞 vii 妗愬矝镄勫叕婕旓纴鍙槸鍦ㄦ紨鍞 涓珶鐒 涓珶鐒 涓珶鐒 涓珶鐒 涓珶鐒 涓珶鐒 涓珶鐒 涓珶鐒 涓珶鐒 銆 銆 銆 銆惮 惮 忓婕旇 绱 垏浜呜 垏浜呜 垏浜呜 闀滃ご锛屽嵈杩樻槸娌 闀滃ご锛屽嵈杩樻槸娌 ° ° ° ° ° °
鈥滃惉璇寸幇鍦ㄦ椿锷ㄩ兘涓嶈 Myeong-su 鍝ヤ 銆傗€
Seok Jin-soo 涔熸妸镊 鐭ラ 鐭ラ 鐭ラ 镄勬儏鎶ヨ鍑 镄勬儏鎶ヨ鍑 潵锛屾児寰楀ぇ瀹 潵锛屾児寰楀ぇ瀹 潵锛屾児寰楀ぇ瀹 潵锛屾児寰楀ぇ瀹
鍞嫭Park Myeong-su 寰堜笉鐖斤纴涓€鑴哥殑閮佹皵銆
鍙槸娌”Pregnant 娉曪纴璋佸彨浠栦涪浜 娉曪纴璋佸彨浠栦涪浜 简 锻 €€
濡傛灉鏄湪鍒殑鍦版涓涓涓浜嗭纴鎴栬浼浜嗭纴鎴栬浼浜嗭纴鎴栬浼缑鍒缑鍒垚钖ㄧ殑瀹夋叞銆絾鏄湪銆奍nfinite Challenge 銆嬶纴瀵 笉璧纴鎴愬惃镄勪 纴鎴愬惃镄勪 纴鎴愬惃镄勪 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹
涓€瀹朵竴鍙ョ殑ridicule 锛岃Park Myeong-su 鎭 緸鎴愭 掞纴鍙ソ鎷胯嚜宸 掞纴鍙ソ鎷胯嚜宸 掞纴鍙ソ鎷胯嚜宸 掞纴鍙ソ鎷胯嚜宸 殑鍏緫姝屾 殑鍏緫姝屾 殑鍏緫姝屾 鏉ヨ浜嬨
鈥 ah ah!! 浣犱 涓嶆 涓嶆 镒忕殑璇濓纴鎷垮嚭濂 镒忕殑璇濓纴鎷垮嚭濂 殑姝屾洸鏉ュ晩锛熴 婂ぇ娴 婂ぇ娴 殑鐜嫔瓙銆嫔彲鏄悕 殑鐜嫔瓙銆嫔彲鏄悕 殑鐜嫔瓙銆嫔彲鏄悕 殑鐜嫔瓙銆嫔彲鏄悕 殑鐜嫔瓙銆嫔彲鏄悕 殑鐜嫔瓙銆嫔彲鏄悕 殑鐜嫔瓙銆嫔彲鏄悕嶆洸銆傗€
Seok Jin-soo
杩欎 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 Park Myeong-su 鏉 浜 浜 浜 浜 濋兘 濋兘 濋兘 銆傝槠鐒 銆傝槠鐒 銆傝槠鐒 銆傝槠鐒 銆傝槠鐒 惮 一 一 一 一 一Helium argon
涓 涓︼ 涓︼ 韪癸纴 韪癸纴 Seok Jin-soo 鍦╬rogram 杩樻 夊紑濮嫔綍鍒 chain 夊紑濮嫔綍鍒 箣鍓嶅 箣鍓嶅 箣鍓嶅 妯 妯 妯 妯 銆 銆
浠im Tae-ho 镄勫痉琛岋纴鐪嫔埌浠栦 鎷屽槾锛屾棭宸茬粡鎷涘懠鎽勫儚 鎷屽槾锛屾棭宸茬粡鎷涘懠鎽勫儚 哄紑濮嬩 哄紑濮嬩 哄紑濮嬩 愧銆
锲犱 浠栧彂鐜 浠栧彂鐜 纴 member 浠簰鐩 惖鏋讹纴鍏跺疄姣斿綍鍒 惖鏋讹纴鍏跺疄姣斿綍鍒 惖鏋讹纴鍏跺疄姣斿綍鍒 洿 洿 夋剰镐濄
Widely fill the chain of disease, 夎垶韫堢粏鑳炵殑瀹 浠紑濮嬩 浠紑濮嬩 浠紑濮嬩 浠紑濮嬩 钖勭鑺 钖勭鑺
涓嶈 program program 缁勪篃涓嶆槸闾d 箞镄勫沩锛岀珶鐒 缮璇 缮璇 潵浜嗗嚑浣崭 潵浜嗗嚑浣崭 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦鍦ㄨ翻澶勫瑝鎴忔墦闂广
杩欎笉锛岃 澶勭殑鍙 瓙涓婂 瓙涓婂 瓙涓婂 瓙涓婂 瓙涓婂 瓙涓婂 瓙涓婂 瓙涓婂 瓙涓婂 镞 镞 镞 镞 镞 镞 镞 镞 惮 惮鎷嶈 铡 铡 铡 纴濂 纴濂 纴濂 纴濂 浼氲 浼氲 浼氲 浼氲 锻 锻
Park Myeong-su 涓€鐪煎 ammonia 鐪嫔嚭浜嗘牴搴曪纴姣笉瀹 (2) 皵鍦皉idicule 锛岃program 缁勭殑浼椾汉鍗佸垎镄勪笉濂芥剰镐濄
Silicon germanium
杩樻槸Yoo Jae-seok 鎶婂簳缁嗘彮绌 锛屽埗阃犱 锛屽埗阃犱 绗竴娉 三 (3) 殑ridicule 娆箰銆
璇 捣澶忓▉澶 捣澶忓▉澶 纴澶 纴澶 纴澶 杩樻槸 杩樻槸 夊緢澶氲瘽镄勩 夊緢澶氲瘽镄勩
鈥渊啊!! 鍦ㄨ伞岋纴绔熺劧瀹屽叏镒熻涓嶅埌镞跺岋纴绔熺劧瀹屽叏镒熻涓嶅埌镞跺樊銆傗€
闾f槸鍟婏纴Noh Hong-chul
鈥沧槸鐩 殧姹濈煟宀涗袱涓皬镞剁殑鍦 殧姹濈煟宀涗袱涓皬镞剁殑鍦 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 拰骞 拰骞 拰骞 拰骞 拰骞 傗 傗
寮€鍦虹粨鏉燂纴涔焤idicule 澶熶简锛岃嚜鐒 锛岃嚜鐒 濮嫔仛娓€濮嫔仛娓告垙浜嗐€
涔熶笉鐭ラ 杩欎簺涓戠殑鍧忕殑鍌荤殑鑳栫殑镐︻殑鐭殑 杩欎簺涓戠殑鍧忕殑鍌荤殑鑳栫殑镐︻殑鐭殑 杩欎簺涓戠殑鍧忕殑鍌荤殑鑳栫殑镐︻殑鐭殑 夌殑鐢 夌殑鐢 夌殑鐢 夌殑鐢 夌殑鐢 夌殑鐢
鍙堜笉铡诲弬锷犲ゥ杩愪 銆
Yoo Jae-seok 棣栧厛瀵筃oh Hong-chul 鍙戦棶浜嗐€
鈥沧垜浠殑镊充翰Haha 綍锛熲 綍锛熲
Noh Hong-chul
鈥滈鍏圚aha 涓嶅湪锛屽 岄毦杩囷纴 岄毦杩囷纴 岄毦杩囷纴 絾杩欐鍙堜笉鍦纴镒熻杩樿銆傗 絾杩欐鍙堜笉鍦纴镒熻杩樿銆傗 絾杩欐鍙堜笉鍦纴镒熻杩樿銆傗 絾杩欐鍙堜笉鍦纴镒熻杩樿銆傗 絾杩欐鍙堜笉鍦纴镒熻杩樿銆傗 絾杩欐鍙堜笉鍦纴镒熻杩樿銆傗
鍏 粬浜 粬浜 粬浜 粬浜 悍闄勫拰銆
鎷垜鍦ㄥ唴锛屽 鎷垜鍦ㄥ唴锛屽 绠楀啀灏戜竴浜 绠楀啀灏戜竴浜 纴瀵筽 纴瀵筽 纴瀵筽 纴瀵筽 纴瀵筽 纴瀵筽 ogram ogram ogram ogram ogram ogram ogram ogram ogram €
杩瀁oo Jae-seok 閮 涔堣浜嗭纴鍙兂 涔堣浜嗭纴鍙兂 涔堣浜嗭纴鍙兂 涔堣浜嗭纴鍙兂 岀煡 aha aha € € €
鐪 変 変 犵殑 犵殑 犵殑 犵殑 Seok Jin-soo 镊︻劧浼氱珯鍑 潵銆
鈥滃叾瀹 偅浣嶅掼涔熸 偅浣嶅掼涔熸 夊 夊 夊 夊 夊 夊 涔堬纻杩樻槸镞╃偣铡诲啖阒熷惂銆傗
璇濅笉鍦ㄥ锛岃鍒 偣瀛愪笂灏辫浜嗐 偣瀛愪笂灏辫浜嗐
He succeeded in using only one sentence and let everyone stumble.
As the age increases, Haha’s biggest concern is military service.
Usually everyone chats, he also said this question several times, worried that if he left for two years, he would not be able to adapt to the entertainment industry.
At the same time, he is envious of Noh Hong-chul and Seok Jin-soo, who ended their military service early, because they will not have the same trouble in the future.
“Maknae, Haha is coming, you have to be unlucky.”
Jeong Hyeong-don seems to have foreseen the scene of Dessert’s maknae being smashed by Haha.
Seok Jin-soo This is the time to wake up and find out where he is, and Nima has no one.
In other words, what I said will really be known by Haha.
When he thought of his tragic end in the near future, his mood was very melancholy, and he found that the sky was not so blue.
The first food came up, the icy red watermelon, clearly placed in front of the eyes, all of a sudden let everyone feel cool.
This hot weather, if you have a watermelon like this, you can sleep well.
Seeing that everyone is eager to try, Yoo Jae-seok can’t help himself.
“So what game does agile test start with?”
Jeong Hyeong-don proposed.
“How about singing songs about the sea?”
Since he came to “Hawaii”, he naturally had to be related to the sea, so his proposal was successfully passed.
But this also makes Seok Jin-soo careful.
His poor brain capacity, there are really not many songs about the sea, maybe the first round will be eliminated.
Seok Jin-soo was nervous when he thought he couldn’t eat watermelon, and he didn’t want to be funny.
However, he is in a good position, just between Jeong Hyeong-don and Jeong Jun-ha.
When Jeong Hyeong-don sang the first one, he also used his own songs to get away with it.
But to Yoo Jae-seok, Park Myeong-su seems to have a foresight.
“Do not sing “The Prince of the Sea.”
Unfortunately, his words did not stop the smashed Yoo Jae-seok, and the grasshopper brother shamelessly robbed Myeong-su Weng’s famous song.
It is obviously a song of his own, but the result is sung by others. Park Myeong-su is helpless.
At the end of the lap, when it was the turn of Jeong Hyeong-don, the whistle sounded abruptly.
The six big men sitting on the buoy did not have the humility of each other, and immediately launched the most fierce battle.
At first, Seok Jin-soo regretted it.
Damn, really can’t sit between Jeong Hyeong-don and Jeong Jun-ha. These two goods are fat, but the strength is still very large.
His ass had not left the cushion yet, and Jeong Jun-ha came over with an elbow. Seok Jin-soo completed the backflip directly and fell into the water from behind.
However, Jeong Jun-ha did not start successfully. Yoo Jae-seok took advantage of the situation and stopped him. He also caught Park Myeong-su.
Park Myeong-su grabbed Noh Hong-chul’s hair and did not let him out of control.
And Jeong Hyeong-don…
Wait, what about chubby people?
Oh, it has been dragged into the pool by Seok Jin-soo’s water tactics.
At the start, two of the six men fell into the water. The remaining four are not able to move at all.
Seok Jin-soo finally got a foothold in the pool and couldn’t wait to drink the water in his stomach. When I saw this situation, I immediately got an idea.
He took a no-brainer, a sneak sneak, and slipped from the bottom of the mat.
If the fishermen’s son can’t swim, it’s really a shame.
Jeong Hyeong-don over there is more honest, and I still want to climb up first.
But as soon as he looked up, he suddenly found a water in the water next to the watermelon suddenly bursting out of his head, grabbed the watermelon with lightning speed, and immediately stuffed it into his mouth.
Jeong Hyeong-don immediately gave up climbing and rushed directly from the water.
Seok Jin-soo is struggling with watermelon and has not noticed the enemy.
Just before the eyes were covered with dark shadows, the hands were light and the watermelons were missing.
But what is still in his mouth is not empty.
After chewing twice, Seok Jin-soo rushed and vomited.
The damn program group, do not know how to remove the plastic wrap?
He was the first to catch a watermelon, and he did not eat it at all.
Seeing the pig’s phase of Jeong Hyeong-don, only one bite of watermelon was half, and Seok Jin-soo was really frightened and immediately rushed up.
Grab a small piece of hard work before the other people started.
Which tube has the saliva above, the cold and delicious watermelon is the king.
Seok Jin-soo swallowed it, and it was slightly relieved.
It’s really a bad luck, obviously using treacherous means, but the result is the least, Seok Jin-soo is also speechless about his luck.
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