Korean Entertainment – Exalted President
Chapter 651
Li Meijing does not let Son Ye-jin go, not only because this woman is a cj sister, she has other purposes.
Halfway through the celebration feast, Li Meijing found the opportunity to pull Seok Jin-soo and Son Ye-jin into a quiet single room.
This move made Seok Jin-soo and Son Ye-jin inexplicable, not knowing what Noonim was doing.
“President Lee, don’t you want to do something?”
Seok Jin-soo can only think so, is Li Meijing seeing the contradiction between himself and Son Ye-jin, so I want to use this opportunity to bridge the contradiction between the two?
When he heard Seok Jin-soo, Son Ye-jin was also shocked and refused to do so.
“Eonni, our things will solve themselves, you don’t have to worry about it.”
Li Meijing was stunned and immediately laughed.
“Yah!! The two of you are really passionate about yourself. What are the problems with both of you, what do you care about me? Am I busy?”
I heard that this is not the case, Seok Jin-soo and Son Ye-jin are curious.
Fortunately, Li Meijing is not a person who has a mood to play, and directly said the purpose.
“You two have to cooperate, are you?”
Seok Jin-soo suddenly felt the thought of Li Meijing.
In order to get through the difficulties, he had no idea how to cooperate with Son Ye-jin, so he released the news.
Apparently Li Meijing also heard the news, but she is not concerned with Seok Jin-soo why she is working with Son Ye-jin, but the film itself.
The cj group is a publisher and producer of films, and has always been sensitive to good movies.
Seok Jin-soo has worked with the cj group twice. The first “Unforgivable” has passed the profit and loss point. This time, “The Lonely Agent” was in the first place.
According to the group’s internal forecast, the movie box office will be quite good.
With this enthusiasm, Li Meijing can seize Seok Jin-soo without any scruples.
Such a powerful scriptwriter will give cj Group a return to a steady stream of resources. So I heard that Seok Jin-soo had a new script, and Li Meijing was anxious than anyone else.
濂 彲鏄惉鍒 彲鏄惉鍒 彲鏄惉鍒 彲鏄惉鍒 涓嶅皯镄勯澹 涓嶅皯镄勯澹 涓嶅皯镄勯澹 粬镄勫彂琛屽叕鍙 粬镄勫彂琛屽叕鍙 粬镄勫彂琛屽叕鍙 娉曟媺鎷 娉曟媺鎷 娉曟媺鎷 娉曟媺鎷 娉曟媺鎷 娉曟媺鎷 娉曟媺鎷 娉曟媺鎷 娉曟媺鎷 娉曟媺鎷 娉曟媺鎷 娉曟媺鎷 娉曟媺鎷 娉曟媺鎷 娉曟媺鎷
鏄庣槠浜嗘槸镐庝箞锲炰簨锛孲eok Jin-soo 绗戦死锛气沧槸鍟婏纴鍓沧槸鍟婏纴鍓沧槸鍟婏纴鍓湰宸茬粡鍑湰宸茬粡鍑潵浜嗐侾resident Lee 瑕佸姞鍏ュ悧锛熲€
铏 劧鏄闂纴浣呜 劧鏄闂纴浣呜 鏄庢樉鏄 鏄庢樉鏄 鏄庢樉鏄 璇 璇 璇
Seok Jin-soo 涓嶆槸绮 簬绠楄镄勪 簬绠楄镄勪 锛屼粈涔堟妸鍒╃泭 澶 澶 澶 寲涔嬬 寲涔嬬 寲涔嬬 寲涔嬬 寲涔嬬 冭槛銆 冭槛銆 冭槛銆 冭槛銆 冭槛銆
瑕佷笉鐒剁殑璇濓纴涔熶笉浼 湪銆妑 湪銆妑 olling in the deep 銆嫔ぇ鐏殑镞跺 欙纴姣呯劧鏀 欙纴姣呯劧鏀 pure 娆 镄勬椿锷纴锲炲埌 镄勬椿锷纴锲炲埌╁浗鍙 ╁浗鍙 笌銆奍 nfinite Challenge 銆嬬殑鎷嶆惮銆
绫讳 镄勶纴缂栧墽 镄勶纴缂栧墽 埌浠栬 埌浠栬 埌浠栬 埌浠栬 埌浠栬 搴 搴 搴 搴 纴瀹屽叏鍙 纴瀹屽叏鍙 纴瀹屽叏鍙 纴瀹屽叏鍙 纴瀹屽叏鍙 纴瀹屽叏鍙 浜嗐
闾f牱镄勮瘽锛孲eok Jin-soo 灏卞彲浠ヤ粠瀹规妷鎷╋纴涓鸿嚜宸辨崲鍙栨渶澶х殑鍒╃泭銆
闄ら潪鏄痗.j board 嗗洟瀹炲湪瀵 笉璧 笉璧 粬锛屽惁鍒欑殑璇濅粬娌 ° ° ° 湁鎯 鎹竴瀹跺叕鍙 鎹竴瀹跺叕鍙 鎹竴瀹跺叕鍙 鎹竴瀹跺叕鍙 悎浣 悎浣 悎浣 悎浣
锲犳鍗 鏉庣 鏉庣 鏉庣 鏉庣 闱欎笉涓诲姩鍏 闱欎笉涓诲姩鍏 闱欎笉涓诲姩鍏 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓
鐜板湪鏉庣编闱栾伞涔堟€ュ垏锛孲eok Jin-soo 涔熶笉钘忕潃鎺栫潃浜嗭纴骞茶剢鍙戝嚭浜嗛一璇枫€
浠栧嵈涓岖煡阆掳纴杩栾瘽涓 璇 璇 璇 嚭鏉ワ纴鐪熸槸璁╂潕缇庨 嚭鏉ワ纴鐪熸槸璁╂潕缇庨 鑸掑 鑸掑 鑸掑 鑸掑 涓嶅 涓嶅
Argon argon
鈥淎igoo 锛屾垜浠殑鐭崇紪鍓 晩锛岀湡鏄鎴戣浣犱粈涔埚ソ 晩锛岀湡鏄鎴戣浣犱粈涔埚ソ 晩锛岀湡鏄鎴戣浣犱粈涔埚ソ 纻璋 (four) aunt 锛屼粠浠娄 锛屼粠浠娄 锛屼粠浠娄Ammonia j.j 嗗洟 嗗洟 鐪熻瘹镄勬湅鍙嬨 傝鏀 傝鏀 傝鏀 傝鏀 傝鏀 傝鏀 傝鏀 傝鏀 傝鏀 傝鏀 傝鏀 傝鏀 傝鏀 涓渶濂 涓渶濂 涓渶濂
娑夎 娑夎 鍟嗙晫杩欎箞涔咃纴鏉庣 闱椤缁堢墷鐗 (4) 寰楁潕绉夊摬 佷 佷 佷 殑璇濓纴浠ヨ瘹鎹 殑璇濓纴浠ヨ瘹鎹 四 四 四 四 四 四 四
浜哄璇 寰呬綘锛屽鏋沧兂瑕佸仛濂 寰呬綘锛屽鏋沧兂瑕佸仛濂 寰呬綘锛屽鏋沧兂瑕佸仛濂 昵涔呯殑鐢熸剰锛岄偅涔埚 昵涔呯殑鐢熸剰锛岄偅涔埚 昵涔呯殑鐢熸剰锛岄偅涔埚 昵涔呯殑鐢熸剰锛岄偅涔埚 昵涔呯殑鐢熸剰锛岄偅涔埚 蹇呴 鎺忓嚭镊 鎺忓嚭镊 鎺忓嚭镊 鎺忓嚭镊
Seok Jin-soo 鏄庢槑鍒 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 搴 搴 搴 搴 搴 搴 缮鏄妸 缮鏄妸 缮鏄妸 缮鏄妸 j j j j j j j j j j
綍锛屼 綍锛屼 浜嗘尳鐣欎 浜嗘尳鐣欎 嶏纴 嶏纴 嶏纴 嶏纴 嶏纴 嶏纴 j j j j j j j j j j 簭寰呬 簭寰呬 簭寰呬 簭寰呬 簭寰呬槗寤 槗寤 槗寤 槗寤 潵镄勪 潵镄勪 潵镄勪
鏉庣编闱欑殑璇濊Seok Jin-soo 涔熷緢寮€蹇冿纴瑙夊缑镊繁褰揿垵镄勯€夋嫨鐪熺殑娌°C湁阌欍€
瀵 簬浠栬 簬浠栬 簬浠栬 绉嶆 曢夯鐑 曢夯鐑 曢夯鐑 殑浜 殑浜 殑浜 殑浜 殑浜 纴鑳 纴鑳 纴鑳 纴鑳 纴鑳 纴鑳 纴鑳 纴鑳 夎 夎 夎 闱 闱 闱 闱 三 三 三
鈥滈偅琛岋纴锲炲ご鎴戞妸鍓 湰缁欐偍阃佽 湰缁欐偍阃佽 湰缁欐偍阃佽 铡 铡 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂濂姐傗€傗€
銆婅鐩 嬫槸鍙よ鎴忥纴鍦ㄦ愧鎽勫満鍦 嬫槸鍙よ鎴忥纴鍦ㄦ愧鎽勫満鍦 嬫槸鍙よ鎴忥纴鍦ㄦ愧鎽勫満鍦 嬫槸鍙よ鎴忥纴鍦ㄦ愧鎽勫満鍦 嬫槸鍙よ鎴忥纴鍦ㄦ愧鎽勫満鍦 佹湇瑁呯瓑鏂 佹湇瑁呯瓑鏂 佹湇瑁呯瓑鏂 佹湇瑁呯瓑鏂 佹湇瑁呯瓑鏂 镄勬姇鍏ヤ 镄勬姇鍏ヤ 闱炲 闱炲 闱炲 闱炲靛搴炲ぇ锛岀墖閰篃鏄竴绗斿緢澶х殑鏀嚭銆
娌°C湁cj board 嗗洟镄勬姇鍏ワ纴鍏夐潬mysti89镄勮瘽锛岄偅铡嫔姏瀹炲湪澶ぇ浜嗐€
杩欐槸绋 Ε镄勫仛娉曪纴鏉庣 Ε镄勫仛娉曪纴鏉庣 闱欎篃娌 ° ° 湁镒忚锛屼絾濂 缮鏄湁鍏 缮鏄湁鍏 缮鏄湁鍏 缮鏄湁鍏 € € € €
鈥滆 閮ㄧ 閮ㄧ 褰 褰 殑婕斿憳阒靛锛屼綘鑳 殑婕斿憳阒靛锛屼綘鑳 殑婕斿憳阒靛锛屼綘鑳 殑婕斿憳阒靛锛屼綘鑳 殑婕斿憳阒靛锛屼綘鑳 殑婕斿憳阒靛锛屼綘鑳 忛湶涓 忛湶涓 忛湶涓 忛湶涓 忛湶涓 忛湶涓 涓嬶纴鎴戜篃濂 涓嬶纴鎴戜篃濂
鍜孲eok Jin-soo 钖堜綔浜嗕袱娆★纴鏉庣编闱欎篃镡熸倝浜嗕粬镄勬闱欎篃镡熸倝浜嗕粬镄勬
杩欎綅缂栧墽浠庢潵涓嶉渶瑕侀 璇旷殑锛屼 璇旷殑锛屼 璇旷殑锛屼 璇旷殑锛屼 璇旷殑锛屼 箮镞╁ 箮镞╁ 箮镞╁ 箮镞╁ 箮镞╁ 箮镞╁ 箮镞╁ 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤Simple
涔熸锲犱 濡傛锛屾墍浠ユ潕缇庨 濡傛锛屾墍浠ユ潕缇庨 链 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 浣曪纴 浣曪纴 浣曪纴 浣曪纴 湁璋 湁璋 湁璋
璋佺煡阆揝eok Jin-soo 鎸囧畾镄勬紨锻樻湁娌°C湁鍒殑琛岀锛屼竾涓€阌欎笉寮€镐庝箞锷烇纻
銆婂鑳嗙壒宸ャ 嬬殑镞跺 嬬殑镞跺 欙纴 欙纴 紨瀹楃煶镄勬紨 紨瀹楃煶镄勬紨 嚭浜嗘剰澶栵纴涓嶅缑涓岖敤 嚭浜嗘剰澶栵纴涓嶅缑涓岖敤 嚭浜嗘剰澶栵纴涓嶅缑涓岖敤 Seok Jin-soo 椤 浛镄勪簨鎯咃纴鑳 笉鍙戠敓杩樻槸涓嶈鍙戠敓镄勪 笉鍙戠敓杩樻槸涓嶈鍙戠敓镄勪 濡欍 濡欍
钖埌瑕佸喅瀹氭紨鍑洪樀瀹樀瀹简锛孲on Ye-jin 涔熷崄鍒嗙殑濂借銆
濂 槠鐒剁湅杩囦 槠鐒剁湅杩囦 鍓 鍓 湰锛屼絾鍏 湰锛屼絾鍏 湰锛屼絾鍏 湰锛屼絾鍏 湰锛屼絾鍏 紨鍝﹄ 紨鍝﹄ 紨鍝﹄ 紨鍝﹄
浣滀 杩欓儴鐢靛 杩欓儴鐢靛 镄勪 Ye 锛孲 锛孲 锛孲 Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye
Seok Jin-soo 娌”幓绠” ス镄勫 镐濓纴 镐濓纴 镐濓纴 屾槸鎷胯 绾 绾 绾 绾 绾 绾 绾 绾
鈥滈鍏堟渶读嶈镄勪富婕旓纴蹇呴』鏄疭ong Kang-ho sunbae-nim 銆傝 umbrella 涓︼鑹 彧 変粬钖堥 傦纴 傦纴 傦纴 傦纴 傦纴 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠镞犺濡备綍锛屽摢镐曟槸鍧戣挋鎷愰獥涔熸棤綍锛屽摢镐曟槸鍧戣挋鎷愰獥涔熸棤€璋掳纴涓€瀹氲鎶奡ong Kang-ho sunbae-nim 鎷夋潵銆傗€
濂 浼欙纴钖埌浠栫殑绗竴涓﹄ 浼欙纴钖埌浠栫殑绗竴涓﹄ 阃夛纴涓や 阃夛纴涓や 濂 濂 镄勭湁姣涘 镄勭湁姣涘 镄勭湁姣涘 镄勭湁姣涘 镄勭湁姣涘 镄勭湁姣涘 镄勭湁姣涘 镄勭湁姣涘 镄勭湁姣涘
鍏堟槸Sol Kyung-gu 锛屽啀鏄疻on Bin 锛岀幇鍦ㄥ眳鐒剁瀯涓奡ong Kang-ho 浜嗐€
姣旇捣鍓崭袱浣嶏纴Song Kang-ho 鍦ㄩ 鍦ㄩ 锲 锲 紨 紨 紨 樼晫镄勫湴浣嶆洿楂桡纴 樼晫镄勫湴浣嶆洿楂桡纴 獕涔熸洿澶氥 獕涔熸洿澶氥 獕涔熸洿澶氥 傝 傝 傝 闅 闅 闅 闅 闅 闅勶纴浠栨槸钻h獕鍜岀エ鎴垮弻鍏ㄧ殑涓獕鍜岀エ鎴垮弻鍏ㄧ殑涓暟涓嶅镄勬紨Forged tree箣涓箣涓
鐪嬫牱瀛匆 eok Jin-soo 瀵 閮ㄦ垙寰堢湅 閮ㄦ垙寰堢湅 閮ㄦ垙寰堢湅 嶅晩锛岀珶鐒跺湀瀹 嶅晩锛岀珶鐒跺湀瀹 嶅晩锛岀珶鐒跺湀瀹 嶅晩锛岀珶鐒跺湀瀹 嶅晩锛岀珶鐒跺湀瀹 嶅晩锛岀珶鐒跺湀瀹 嶅晩锛岀珶鐒跺湀瀹 嶅晩锛岀珶鐒跺湀瀹 嶅晩锛岀珶鐒跺湀瀹 嶅晩锛岀珶鐒跺湀瀹 嶅晩锛岀珶鐒跺湀瀹 嶅晩锛岀珶鐒跺湀瀹 嶅晩锛岀珶鐒跺湀瀹 嶅晩锛岀珶鐒跺湀瀹
涓嶈 鏉庣 鏉庣 鏉庣 闱椤彧鏄籂缁 闱椤彧鏄籂缁 闱椤彧鏄籂缁 涓嬶纴闅忓嵆灏 涓嬶纴闅忓嵆灏 涓嬶纴闅忓嵆灏 涓嬶纴闅忓嵆灏 涓嬶纴闅忓嵆灏 涓嬶纴闅忓嵆灏 涓嬶纴闅忓嵆灏 涓嬶纴闅忓嵆灏 涓嬶纴闅忓嵆灏
Kang伞涓﹄氦缁欐垜浜嗭纴鎴戝拰 Song Kang-ho 鍏堢敓镄勪氦鎯呬笉阌欙纴灏 畻鏄 嶈禆涔熶 嶈禆涔熶 嶈禆涔熶 嶈禆涔熶€
鏉庣 闱欎篃 闱欎篃 屾湜鐢靛 屾湜鐢靛 屾湜鐢靛 濂 濂 晩锛屾墍浠ヨ偗瀹 晩锛屾墍浠ヨ偗瀹 晩锛屾墍浠ヨ偗瀹 晩锛屾墍浠ヨ偗瀹
鍙璇村Song Kang-ho 杩欎 阃夋嫨 阃夋嫨 婊 婊 剰镄勪 剰镄勪 Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye
镊﹄粠鍑 浠ユ潵锛屽ス钖堜綔杩 浠ユ潵锛屽ス钖堜綔杩 浠ユ潵锛屽ス钖堜綔杩 璁 璁 璁 澶氱殑瀹炲姏娲 澶氱殑瀹炲姏娲 € € € € € € € € € € € €箣涓€镄凷ong Kang-ho 锛孲on Ye-jin 镐绘槸缂樻偔涓€闱€
濡傛灉杩欐鍜孲ong Kang-ho 镄勫悎浣滆揪鎴愶纴闾d箞濂箞濂湪钖堜綔浼欎湪钖堜綔浼欎湪钖堜綔浼欎鏂锛屼篃绠楁槸澶锛屼篃绠楁槸澶锛屼篃绠楁槸澶锛屼篃绠楁槸澶璐璐
Seok Jin-soo doesn’t know the idea of Son Ye-jin and continues his own thinking.
“Men 2 must also be a strong force, and Li Zhengzai sunbae-nim is the most suitable.”
Watching the film through the voice, the domineering of the first Yang Dajun played by Li Zhengzai really made Seok Jin-soo admire. Therefore, regarding this role, basically do not think of the second person.
Yes, Son Ye-jin is more satisfied.
First, Song Kang-ho, then Li Zhengzai, are all the most powerful actors.
Next, Seok Jin-soo submitted actor Bai Yunzhi, Cao Zheng, Cai Sang-woo, Jin Taiyou and so on.
The lineup of “Viewing” is not very large, but it is very fine.
Any of these actors is a superb force.
Li Meijing saw a different place and asked in confusion: “Only Ye-jin is an actress?”
Son Ye-jin also understood, and said that his treatment is really good, it turned out to be a little red in the green.
Seok Jin-soo nodded and gave an explanation.
“This is actually a man’s play, even if her weight is not a lot. The rest are dragon characters, there is no need to deliberately choose.”
As a screenwriter, it is enough to master the main actors. The rest of them don’t need Seok Jin-soo to worry about it.
But there was only one role that allowed Seok Jin-soo to knock on the table and think for a long time.
“Well, there is another important role, give it to… Yoon Shi-yoon.”
He said that he played the role of Song Kang-ho’s son in the film, and eventually died.
This role, in the information provided by the voice, was played by Li Zhongshuo.
Li Zhongshuo certainly played very well. He also took off from this play and gradually became the representative actress of the new generation of Korea.
If you are safe, Seok Jin-soo recommends him.
But as the perception of film and television production deepened, Seok Jin-soo slowly got his own ideas.
The main thing is that he does not know Li Zhongshuo.
On the contrary, Yoon Shi-yoon is his own brother, or the most Mi-rae actor in mysti89.
As a director of the company, Seok Jin-soo is obliged to consider more for his growth.
Seok Jin-soo Just so entangled, is thinking about whether Yoon Shi-yoon can control this role.
For a long time, Seok Jin-soo couldn’t think of anything, and Yoon Shi-yoon had something wrong.
This is the case with young actors, because the features have not been completely formed, so the features are not so vivid.
But because of this, so many roles of this young actor are appropriate, that can also play, the boundaries are very vague.
Anyway, as long as there is a certain acting, young and handsome, basically the same.
Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, Seok Jin-soo has no reason not to leave the benefits to himself.
Anyway, “Bread King Jin Zhuo Qiu” is coming to an end. There is still a two- to three-month preparation period for “Viewing”, and the time is very abundant for Yoon Shi-yoon.
In this way, if there is a TV show with a rating of more than 40%, and there is another movie with a box office of nearly 10 million, then Yoon Shi-yoon will definitely become the first actor of the new generation.
What Lee Min-ho, Park Yoo-chun, and Kim Soo-hyun can only eat behind him.
I want to understand this, Seok Jin-soo is also honest and rude, and the benefits are cheaper.
Li Meijing knows his mind, but there is no difference.
A young actor has nothing to do with the overall picture of the film. In order to retain Seok Jin-soo, this face is still to be given.
Li Meijing has already made up her mind. In any case, she is determined not to let Seok Jin-soo go.
“Oh, this actor does not need me to contact?”
In a word, the three people present were laughing.
Seok Jin-soo is also very interesting, coming to a witty.
“Of course, I don’t need President Lee to worry about it. I just hope that other actors can’t have an accident. If there is another car accident, I can’t replace it.”
Since his family knows his own affairs, what is his acting skills?
Just like Li Yifan said, he is more suitable for the role of Zongshi. If there is any accident on the side of “Viewing”, those old bones are not the ones he can match.
The more you think about it, the worse it is. Seok Jin-soo’s face is gloomy.
He is embarrassed, is it only suitable for evolution?
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