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骞 楦 楦 楦 楦 楦 楦 搴 搴 搴 搴 搴 搴 搴 缂犵 缂犵 缂犵

Nan Yu

Kim Tae-hee 瀹屽叏鍖栦綔浜嗕竴婊╂槬姘 纴杞 纴杞 纴杞 缁 缁 镄勶纴娌 镄勶纴娌 镄勶纴娌 镄勶纴娌 镄勶纴娌 镄勶纴娌

闄勫湪Seok Jin-soo 镄勮兏鑶涗笂锛屾€ラ 熷枠鎭殑妯 熷枠鎭殑妯 熷枠鎭殑妯 灏忓彛涓嶅仠鍦 懠钖 懠钖 懠钖 懠钖 皵锛岃鐢 皵锛岃鐢 皵锛岃鐢 皵锛岃鐢Ammonia

鑳 寰佹湇杩欐牱涓 浣嶅コ绁烇纴璁 浣嶅コ绁烇纴璁 浣嶅コ绁烇纴璁 logook Jin-soo 缇庣殑閮 涓嶅埌鍖椾 涓嶅埌鍖椾 涓嶅埌鍖椾 涓嶅埌鍖椾


鍝 纴瀵 纴瀵 纴瀵 锛屼粬鎴掔儫浜嗐 锛屼粬鎴掔儫浜嗐 锛屼粬鎴掔儫浜嗐

涓嶈兘浜嫔悗涓 镙 镙 镙 儫锛岄偅鍙ソ 儫锛岄偅鍙ソ 儫锛岄偅鍙ソ 儫锛岄偅鍙ソ 儫锛岄偅鍙ソ 儫锛岄偅鍙ソ

浠栫殑绮楃硻澶ф坠鎽╂尣镌Kim Tae-hee 濡备笣濡傜紟镄勮倢笣濡傜紟镄勮倢わ纴鐪嬬潃 Ga-in 鏄ユ江娑屽姩镄勭礌棰滐纴蹇冮噷涓岖鍙堟硾璧 鐏儹銆 鐏儹銆

Kim Tae-hee 鍗 畲鍏ㄦ 畲鍏ㄦ 畲鍏ㄦ 変 変 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒

杩欎 瀹 瀹 锛屽ソ 锛屽ソ 锛屽ソ 锛屽ソ 锛屽ソ 锛屽ソ 忔椽 掑 掑 鍏 鍏 鍏 竴镙 竴镙 竴镙 竴镙 € € € € €

铏界劧鏄垵缁忎汉浜嬶纴浣咾im Tae-hee 旋粡鍦╪ 粡鍦╪oona 瀚佷汉钖庯纴浜呜 В杩 绉崭簨銆 绉崭簨銆

No no no no no ona 镄勮娉曪纴鐢 鍏跺疄瀹屽叏娌 鍏跺疄瀹屽叏娌 湁璇 湁璇 湁璇 箞澶 箞澶 箞澶 箞澶 箞澶 箞澶 箞澶 箞澶 箞澶 箞澶 紶銆傛渶澶 紶銆傛渶澶庡 ammonia 杞 镞犲姏浜嗐 镞犲姏浜嗐

鍙粖澶╋纴镊繁瀹炲湴缁忓巻杩囧悗锛屽ス瀹炲湴缁忓巻杩囧悗锛屽ス嶅彂鐜嶅彂鐜 aoona 椾 椾 銆

杩椤浼欐姌 句 句 涓灏忔椂锛岃濂 涓灏忔椂锛岃濂 涓灏忔椂锛岃濂 涓灏忔椂锛岃濂 涓灏忔椂锛岃濂 涓灏忔椂锛岃濂 劅 夐兘瑕佹 鏋 鏋 銆傝槠鐒 銆傝槠鐒 銆傝槠鐒 銆傝槠鐒 銆傝槠鐒 銆傝槠鐒 銆傝槠鐒 銆傝槠鐒 銆傝槠鐒 銆傝槠鐒 銆傝槠鐒 銆傝槠鐒鏄浣揿姏镄勬秷 key楀疄鍦ㄦ槸澶ぇ浜嗐

锲犱 鍒 鍒 垰瀹屼簨锛屼袱浜 銆傛墍浠 e銆傛墍浠 Jin-soo 韬綋镄勫彉鍖栵纴 Kim Tae-hee 绔嬮┈镒熷 鍒Briefing

杩栾濂圭潃瀹炲悡鍧忎 锛岃 锛岃 绱 绱 绱 绱 绱 绱 绱 绱 绱 绱 €

鈥滆 Umbrella 鍑犲ぉ鍓嶉 镄勭┖鍦 镄勭┖鍦 湪 粈涔埚悧锛熸垜鐪嬫湁涓嶅皯镄勫 粈涔埚悧锛熸垜鐪嬫湁涓嶅皯镄勫 粈涔埚悧锛熸垜鐪嬫湁涓嶅皯镄勫 粈涔埚悧锛熸垜鐪嬫湁涓嶅皯镄勫 粈涔埚悧锛熸垜鐪嬫湁涓嶅皯镄勫 粈涔埚悧锛熸垜鐪嬫湁涓嶅皯镄勫 粈涔埚悧锛熸垜鐪嬫湁涓嶅皯镄勫 粈涔埚悧锛熸垜鐪嬫湁涓嶅皯镄勫 粈涔埚悧锛熸垜鐪嬫湁涓嶅皯镄勫

Chain 変 璇濆ご锛孲 eok Jin-soo 绋嶅井鍐烽润浜嗕笅鏉ャ€

鈥滃湪鐩栨ゼ銆傛垜鎶婃梺杈 殑鍗 殑鍗 埛铡 篃涔 篃涔 篃涔 篃涔 篃涔 篃涔 篃涔 篃涔 篃涔 篃涔殑澶 ゼ绉熸湡瑕佸埌浜嗭纴 ゼ绉熸湡瑕佸埌浜嗭纴 ゼ绉熸湡瑕佸埌浜嗭纴 浠ヨ 浠ヨ 浠ヨ 浠ヨ 浠ヨ 娆 墦绠楀 墦绠楀 墦绠楀 墦绠楀 墦绠楀 墦绠楀 墦绠楀 墦绠楀 墦绠楀 墦绠楀 墦绠楀

Ta Umbrella 涔埚洖浜嬶纴 Kim Tae-hee 涔熶笉绂佸 Seok Jin-soo 镄勭溂鍏変 嶈捣鏉ャ 嶈捣鏉ャ 嶈捣鏉ャ

鈥滃棷锛岃缮鏄湁镊繁镄勪笉锷ㄤ骇姣旇缉濂姐€ Effect ū涔愬叕鍙歌伞涓滆タ锛屾卞搷缁忚惀浜嗐€傗€

Seok Jin-soo is very unexpected.

鈥渘oona 涔熸湁杩欐牱镄勭 鎭硷纻鈥

浠栧彲鏄煡阆掳纴Kim Tae-hee 缁忚惀镌€涓€浜虹粡绾叕鍙革纴镞(二)槸鑹轰锛屼篃鏄锛屼篃鏄佹澘銆

Kim Tae-hee


璇村埌杩欓噷锛孠im Tae-hee 绐佺劧鎯冲埌浜嗕粈涔堬纴涓€涓嫔瓙鍧愪简璧锋潵锛屼篃椤句笉涓婃槬鍏夊ぇ娉勩€

鈥滃浜嗭纴浣犱 鍏徃镄勫ぇ妤 鍏徃镄勫ぇ妤 槸鍑犲眰镄勶纻鑳 槸鍑犲眰镄勶纻鑳 槸鍑犲眰镄勶纻鑳 笉鑳 缁欐垜浠竴灞傦纻鈥

鍙嶆涔熻 嶆柊瀵 钖堥 钖堥 傜殑锷炲叕鍦 傜殑锷炲叕鍦 傜殑锷炲叕鍦 偣锛屽鏋渕 偣锛屽鏋渕 偣锛屽鏋渕 偣锛屽鏋渕 偣锛屽鏋渕 偣锛屽鏋渕 sti sti sti sti sti sti sti sti 偣锛屽鏋渕 偣锛屽鏋渕澶ソ浜嗐€

瓒婃兂锛孠im Tae-hee 瓒婃槸婵€锷纴鍙戣杩欐槸涓€涓ソ镄勫涓ソ镄勫涓ソ镄勫

棣栧厛锛屽ス镄勫叕鍙 緢灏忋

涓庡叾璇 槸缁忕邯鍏徃锛屼笉濡傝鏄 槸缁忕邯鍏徃锛屼笉濡傝鏄 浣滃銆傛墍灞炵殑鑹 浣滃銆傛墍灞炵殑鑹 锛屼篃鍙湁濂 锛屼篃鍙湁濂 拰 拰 Wan Wan Wan Wan Lee Wan 銆

鍏ㄥ叕鍙镐笂涓嫔姞璧 潵锛屼篃 潵锛屼篃 崭簩鍗佷 崭簩鍗佷 崭簩鍗佷 崭簩鍗佷 锻 锻 锻 锻 锻 锻

Hey. 妗堛 佸櫒鏉愩 佸櫒鏉愩 佷 佷 瀹 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 銆佸 銆佸 灞傜殑闱 灞傜殑闱 灞傜殑闱 灞傜殑闱 灞傜殑闱

鍙〉锛孠im Tae-hee 杩樻兂鍒 涓 涓€涓ソ澶勩€

闾e ammonia 鏄鏋滃ス镄勭粡绾叕鍙镐篃璁 湪杩欓噷镄勮瘽锛屼粖钖庡嚭鍏 eok Jin-soo 镄勫 reading 屽 鏂 鏂 澶 澶 澶 澶Simple

锲犱 鍦ㄥ 鍦ㄥ 拰 拰 Seok Jin-soo 镄勫鏄尐镌 镄勶纴鍒 镄勶纴鍒 椂 椂 涓悗闂ㄧ殑璇濓纴灏卞彲浠ョ洿 涓悗闂ㄧ殑璇濓纴灏卞彲浠ョ洿 涓悗闂ㄧ殑璇濓纴灏卞彲浠ョ洿鎺ヤ粠鍏徃鍒 伞 伞 屾潵浜嗐 屾潵浜嗐

涓嶅儚鐜 湪杩欐牱锛屾 湪杩欐牱锛屾 娆¤ 娆¤ 娆¤ 竴镙 傝鍙嶅渚 傝鍙嶅渚 傝鍙嶅渚 傝鍙嶅渚 傝鍙嶅渚 傝鍙嶅渚 傝鍙嶅渚 傝鍙嶅渚 傝鍙嶅渚 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 娌癸纴 嶆暍杩涙潵銆

瓒婃兂锛孠im Tae-hee 瓒婃槸寮€蹇冿纴鍙戣镊繁绠€鐩存槸澶︼仾鏄庝

I heard that Kim Tae-hee wants to use the building here, and Seok Jin-soo can’t help but wonder.

“How much rent do you plan to give if noona wants to use it?”

The building is covered with ten floors. Anyway, more than five floors are also rented out. Renting to who is not renting, Seok Jin-soo is very casual.

He could hear him, but Kim Tae-hee was shocked and inexplicable, and the good-looking apricot eyes were round.

“What? Rent? Who do you want to rent?”

Seok Jin-soo is the only one.

“Noona, what do you say? Although we are such a relationship, the pro-couples must also settle accounts. Now you don’t know the land price on Sangam-dong. If you rent to outsiders, can I have one year? Less income.”

Kim Tae-hee didn’t make a hit, and he lifted it and shot it directly on his chest.

“Yah!! You bastard, you still owe me my money, I still dare to rent?”

After a long time, the memory of Seok Jin-soo is a bit fuzzy.

“What money is owed to you?”

Kim Tae-hee is discouraged and transformed into a wild cat.

“What do you say? When you built this house, it was not that I borrowed one billion. Why, you bastard, do you want to pay?”

Seok Jin-soo suddenly realized that this is the case.

“Ah, it turned out to be this.”

When talking, Seok Jin-soo’s eyes were more attracted to the spring of the goddess. The eyeball turned and smirked: “I still annyeonghaseyo.”

Kim Tae-hee was really angry. He didn’t think that he was such a person. For a time, he couldn’t help but feel a little tears.

“You still, I will pay you back now.”

Seok Jin-soo smiled and nodded.

“Of course I have to give it back to you now.”

Kim Tae-hee’s fullness is more and more violent, and he is ready to beat him.

“Bastard guy, okay, now, what are you delaying?”

Seok Jin-soo took the opportunity to grab Kim Tae-hee’s wrist and so gently pulled it, and the beautiful woman leaned against his chest.

Then he tightened his waist and pressed Kim Tae-hee under him.

“I have already paid you 200 million yuan, and now you are still 200 million.”

The world is reversed, making Kim Tae-hee a bit confused and looking confused.

“What 200 million? When did you still spend 200 million?”

Seok Jin-soo is a very funny chicken thief with a strong banter.

“Just just now, I am not giving you 200 million. You accepted it well. Since noona is eager to use it, then I will give you another 200 million.”

Said, his tiger waist, arouse Kim Tae-hee a while.

“Ah, what are you doing?”

Seok Jin-soo snorted and gasped, and the waist was moving even more.

“You still have 200 million, noona is not in a hurry.”

The strong impact made Kim Tae-hee start to float again, but also understood the meaning of Seok Jin-soo.

Her expression is extremely depressed, and she feels deeply shameful.

I did not expect that the 200 million that Seok Jin-soo said is actually this.

No way, although she is three years older than Seok Jin-soo, she is still a new driver in driving.

“You little bastard, even teasing me. I… um… um… I am noona.”

Seok Jin-soo is awkward and more brave.

“Where… you are not noona, you… you are my woman!”

Kim Tae-hee has completely drifted into the clouds, and consciousness has begun to become a paste, and it is even more mad.

Why are you so careless, and the way of this little guy?

Another hour later, Seok Jin-soo’s laughter was even more treacherous.

“Noona, I will pay you another 200 million.”

Kim Tae-hee’s nephew was already hoarse, but he was frightened by his words.

“No, I… I can’t do it. I… I don’t want you to return, hehe… bastard…not saying that you don’t want it.”

Another hour passed.

“Hey, noona, I can still pay you two hundred million.”

Kim Tae-hee is a ruthless hair, completely dying.

“Give me, I… I am going to die. I really… I really don’t have to pay you back. I don’t want this money.”

Seok Jin-soo is still unfinished, but it can only be stopped.

“You don’t want it, but I don’t want it.”

Kim Tae-hee, who just wants to sleep, is only whispering.

“Bad egg, you…you wait, you will never spare you.”

Sleeping all night, the flames of more than a year are released, and people become refreshed.

Seok Jin-soo naturally wakes up and discovers that the sky is already bright.

I felt that my hands and feet were entangled. When I turned my head, I found that the woman around me was sleeping like a female ghost.

The unkempt hair completely covered the face, and the whole person was nestled in his shoulder and became very weak.

Seok Jin-soo is extremely proud and can’t help but sigh.

I finally made a great thing and became the man of the most beautiful woman in the Republic of Korea. Although it was a little shameful with the help of my mother, but in any case, Quan Lei reached it.

Look at the sky is bright, my father and mother also live here, how to sleep all the time.

Seok Jin-soo quickly patted Kim Tae-hee.

“Noona, noona, it’s time to get up. The sky is already bright, can’t let Appa, eomma wait.”

Under his interference, Kim Tae-hee finally woke up. But the only thing she can do is just a pain.

“Oh… let me sleep for a while, I am too tired.”

Seok Jin-soo laughed and didn’t expect the noona to be so delicate.

“Noona, is it really tired?”

Kim Tae-hee still has a deep head and can’t open his eyes.

“Miaine, I can’t do it. I blame you, and you have to be thrown away when you are tossing. I am a shame in front of my uncle and aunt.”

Yes, the prospective father-in-law and the mother-in-law live here, which should be the time for her performance.

As a result, because of this guy’s arrogance, her spirit is extremely exhausted, her waist is sore, her limbs are weak, and she seems to be seriously ill.

Seok Jin-soo laughed.

“Okay, noona, it doesn’t matter. Appa, eomma are not such people, they won’t say anything. You just have a rest, I will help you leave the crew.”

Originally said that today is the last filming of “Bread King Jin Zhuo Qiu”, but look at the status of Kim Tae-hee, obviously there is no way to go.

If it’s just an ordinary artist, it’s obviously rude. But as the producer of the play, Seok Jin-soo can use the power to seek privacy.

After he packed it up, he called Lee Jung-sub directly.

“I am ill, Kim Tae-hee noona is ill. I can’t go to the studio today. I am sorry to say to you, the last time I shoot, arrange it tomorrow. Wait for me to let the manager go over and arrange a dinner for everyone. I treat you.”

He is not completely overbearing. It is always bad to know that the work of so many people has been delayed. Therefore, I plan to bleed once to make up for the mistakes.

Seok Jin-soo is a producer and he has power. Don’t say that you still apologize now, and Lee Jung-sub can’t say anything.

“Well, let’s take a day off by light.”

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